2) shocking memories
"What is going on here" Alec asked walking over with Kelsey.
"Another mundane are you for real do you have a thing for stray mundanes or something" Kelsey asked Jace. "Why is there a mundane in the institute" Alec asked.
"A circle member followed him to get to Clary" Jace said. "A circle rune just like the guys that took my mother" Clary said.
"What exactly is a circle member and why are they trying to kill us" the mundane asked.
"All we know is a long time ago the circle led a revolt a lot of Shadowhunters got killed including my father" Jace said.
"And since the revolt we've been forbidden to even hear about the circle" Alec said.
"Which is annoying" Kelsey said. "But how is that even possible" Clary asked. "It's your history" Clary said. "This coming from a girl who had no idea she was a shadowhunter" Kelsey said.
"Yeah, yeah you're right and now the only person who knows the truth is missing so I don't care about your rules or what's forbidden I'm, there's got to be someone out there who can tell us why they've taken my mother" Clary said.
"There is" Jace said. "You, coming" Jace asked. "Yeah" Jace said but realized the mundane was following. "No, no, no not you" Jace told him.
"Hey, we're a package deal" Clary said. "Yeah" the mundane said.
"There are runes all over the training room floor that would kill your mundie boyfriend I don't know how close you and your boyfriend are but pretty sure you don't want your mundane friend dead" Kelsey said.
"He's not my" Clary said. "I'm not like" the mundane said as the same time as Clary.
"We're uh just friends" he said. "Best friends" Clary said. "Yeah, and I'm tough I can handle runes so uh bring on the runes" the mundane said.
Kelsey then looked at Alec with a is he serious look. "What exactly are runes" Simon asked.
"They give Shadowhunters our demon fighting powers" Izzy said making her appearance known. "So hot" the mundane said as Izzy demonstrated.
"The rune" he said after seeing the look on Jace's face. "Nice save mundane" Kelsey said.
"Don't worry Clary I'll watch over the best friend in fact I was about to make breakfast" Izzy said.
"On second thought the runes might be less lethal" Jace said. "I'll pretend i didn't hear that please excuse my brother's lack of manners" Izzy said. "This is Alec" Izzy said motioning to Alec.
"That's Kelsey" Izzy said motioning to Kelsey. "And I'm Isabelle" Izzy said offering her hand.
"Lewis, Simon, Simon Lewis" Simon said introducing himself. "Two first names" Simon said. "Am I still talking" Simon asked.
"See best friend safe and sound here" Jace said. "Jace if anything happens to him" Clary said. "Go on I'll be fine I think" Simon said.
"Where are we going" Clary asked Jace. "Training room" Jace said, and Clary left. "Hey uh" Jace said to Simon. "Don't eat the food dangerous" Jace said.
"Jace coming" Clary asked. "Yeah, I'm coming" Jace said.
Kelsey was drinking a milkshake when Alec came over.
"How many of those have you had today" Alec asked. "Does it matter" Kelsey asked.
"You are so lucky you're my best friend" Alec said walking away. "Yeah, best friend" Kelsey said sighing.
"This is the least revealing thing you have" Clary asked. "What all the naughty bits are covered a little too much in my opinion" Izzy said. "Where's Simon" Clary asked.
"Who" Izzy asked. "Kidding he's in good hands with the boys" Izzy said and sat on the bed.
"So, um you, Alec, and Jace are what like family" Clary asked. "Translation you want to know if Jace and I are a thing" Clary said.
"Why would I care" Clary asked and Kelsey walked in.
"Cause you have the hits for him" Kelsey said. "Don't worry in every way he's like my brother our parents took Jace in when he was ten, we trained together learned to fight side by side" Izzy said.
"And I'd never go for him he's not really my type" Kelsey said. "Yeah, cause her type is Alec my older brother" Izzy said. "Shut up" Kelsey said.
"A few days ago, all I had to worry about was getting into art school and now" Clary said when Izzy interrupted.
"Is this the part where I give you the pep talk about harnessing your inner shadowhunter and accepting your true destiny" Izzy asked. "Good you did that I don't do pep talks" Kelsey said.
"Is that the pep talk" Clary asked Izzy. "Basically" Izzy said and got up.
"Clary remember you were born to do this no matter what has happened this is who you are" Izzy said. "Not exactly feeling that" Clary said.
"Yet" Kelsey said. "Okay but now we just have to find Dot" Clary said. "And track down and kill the most dangerous rogue shadowhunter in history before he kills is all" Izzy said.
"You really know how to ruin a pep talk don't you" Clary asked.
"Better than what I would have said" Kelsey said. "Come on let's go, oh and Simon is kind of nerd hot" Izzy said while Kelsey fake gagged.
"No Izzy" Jace said smacking Izzy's hand away. "50 bucks says he doesn't approve this mission" Izzy said. "I don't approve this mission" Alec said coming over.
"Wow nice timing" Kelsey said to Izzy. "I spoke with the Clave they're sending seelie scouts to search for Valentine, but they made it clear the little girl does not leave the premises" Alec said motioning to Clary.
"Hey, my name is not little girl okay I don't care what that Clave thing or you want I'm going to find dot" Clary said.
"Alec this warlock could have the answers we need with Valentine's people out there searching for Clary she's not safe outside alone" Jace said.
"Jace has a point" Izzy said. "Come on Alec" Kelsey said. "Et tu Izzy, Kels" Alec asked.
"Alright since you have all the answers, where do you suggest we search" Alec asked. "We should start at Dot's apartment in greenpoint and there's this thrift store that she" Clary said then gasped.
"What's wrong what is it" Jace asked. "I um weirdly I think I know where Dot is" Clary said.
"Great I'll drive" Simon said and everyone looked at him. "What" Simon said.
"Unless you have like a shadowhunter mobile or something" Simon said. "You were kidding about the tunes in the floor killing me right" Simon asked.
"Possibly" Jace said leaving with Alec, Izzy, and Clary. "Wait am I gonna die" Simon asked. "Kels" Alec said, and Kelsey caught up to Alec.
"Clary what is it why'd you stop" Kelsey asked once Clary stopped walking seeing her gasp.
"Dot" Clary said. "Dot" she said again and started running. Alec, Kelsey, Jace, Simon, and Izzy followed her.
"Clary" Jace said. "Clary stop where are you going" Jace asked.
"Two men circle members the same ones who came to my house who took my mom they have Dot they're gonna hurt her or kill her we have to stop them" Clary said as everyone followed her.
"No, she was just trying to help me" Clary said not seeing Dot. "Now she's gone" Clary said. "Clary I'm sorry" Simon said.
"You don't understand Dot's like my big sister" Clary said.
"It's not safe here we have to go back to the institute right now" Alec said.
"So, what now Valentine has my mom and Dot and we're just gonna give up what about my memories they can't just be gone" Clary said.
"There is another option" Jace said. "Don't even" Izzy said. "Absolutely not" Alex said. "You better not be thinking what I think you're thinking" Kelsey said.
"I'm not afraid of the silent brothers" Jace said. "Who are the silent brothers" Clary asked.
"They're Shadowhunters with superior powers" Kelsey said. "Who possess the ability to recover memories" Izzy said.
"A process that can also kill you so there's that" Alec said. "Your bedside manner is abysmal" Simon said.
"We've broken at least 18 Clave rules and now you want to go to the city of bones there's no way I won't allow it" Alec said. "This isn't our choice to make this is Clary's decision" Jace said.
"Do you have any idea what you are asking of this girl" Kelsey asked Jace.
"You can't ask her to do this she doesn't know what she's saying she's not prepared" Izzy said.
"If anyone can tell me another way to recover my memories and still get the answers, we need I'm listening" Clary said and everyone stayed silent.
"That settles it" Clary said. "See I told you she's one of us" Jace said following Clary. Kelsey groaned before following Alec.
"This place always gives me the creeps" Kelsey said as Alec helped her out the van. "Yeah, this place isn't creepy" Simon said seeing the scene.
"Not at all" he said. "Don't tell me you're afraid" Izzy said. "Are you kidding me I was born afraid which sounded a lot better in my head" Simon said. "Let's check it out" Alec said.
"And get out of here as soon as possible" Kelsey said. "Wait here a minute I wanna see if it's safe" Jace told Clary.
Kelsey then followed Izzy, Alec, and Jace. "Hey" Alec said to Jace and Jace looked at him.
"If something goes wrong if something happens to her that's on us, you know that don't you" Alec said to Jace.
"Yeah, and you know exactly what'd happen if Valentine gets the cup before we do, she's lost everything Alec I know exactly what that feels like" Jace said.
"And whats your problem with her anyway you afraid she's gonna put Kelsey in danger or something" Jace asked.
"Your family used to always welcome strays" Jace said. "You were never a stray" Alec said.
"The point is nothing's changed we're in this fight together there's just one more of us" Jace said.
"Clary come in it's all clear" Jace said after making sure it was all clear and Cary followed Jace with Simon behind her.
"You have to understand the silent brothers aren't like us" Jace said.
"They lack your charm and superior people skills" Clary asked. "Yeah, most people do brothers communicate without using words using just their thoughts" Jace said.
"That doesn't sound so bad" Clary said. "Don't let their silence fool you they'll hold the soul sword to your head and with its blade carve the truth from your mind if you're not strong enough you will die" Jace said.
"I take it back that sounds level ten bad" Clary said.
"Clary you should know the pain will be excruciating you don't have to" Jace said when Clary interrupted.
"I'll do anything walk through fire battle demons whatever it takes I have to get my mom back I can't, I won't lose her" Clary said. "You won't we won't" Jace said.
"I can do this" Clary said seeing the scene. "Yeah, you can you're Clary freaking Fray you can do anything" Simon said and went to go in when Kelsey stopped him.
"Not so fast mundane" Kelsey said. "Surprise, surprise no mundanes allowed just like in the training room right wrong I've seen every horror movie ever made and the funny best friend who gets left behind dead man" Simon said and Clary laughed.
"You're not that funny but by all means go ahead" Jace said, and Simon was about to go in but stopped hearing what Jace said next.
"Of course, the minute you enter you'll die" Jace said.
"Problem is now I don't trust you" Simon said facing him. "He's not lying" Alec said. "Yeah now" Kelsey said. "He was before" Izzy said.
"The rune energy in the city of bones will kill any mundane who dares to enter so please" Alec said.
"The brothers creep me out I'll mind the mundane" Izzy said. "Your sacrifice is noted Izzy" Jace said. "Not so sure it's a sacrifice if she's voluntarily doing it" Kelsey said.
"Talk about sacrifice I'm missing a financial analysis class" Simon said.
"I can't be here anymore so Jace I'm gonna mind the perimeter" Alec said. "Kels you, coming" Alec asked.
"I am not playing babysitter to a 18-year-old no thank you and you can't say anything that will make me stay here so yeah" Kelsey said and followed Alec.
"So is cracking someone's mind open supposed to take this long" Simon asked. "Maybe we or you should go check" Simon said.
"Jace, has it covered" Alec said. "Take my word for it the silent brothers are quite unpleasant" Izzy said. "That's not helping not at all" Simon said.
"What if Clary can't handle the brothers what does that" Simon asked when Alex interrupted.
"It literally never stops talking" Alec said. "Do all mundanes talk a lot or is it a, you, thing" Kelsey asked.
"Are they always so charming" Simon asked Izzy. "Firstborn heavy is the head that wears the crown and as for Kelsey well she spends alot of time with Alec" Izzy said and Kelsey glared at her.
"I feel his pain only son mother wants me to be a CPA" Simon said. "And you what do you want" Izzy asked. "Me" Simon said, and Izzy nodded.
"Well, I'm in a band" Simon said. "Yeah, what type of music" Izzy asked.
"Let me guess indie rock" Izzy said. "Yeah" Simon said. "Got anything on your phone" Izzy asked. "I do we recorded our last set we killed it's I left my phone in the van" Simon said.
"Let's go get it" Izzy said. "Where is it going" Alec asked seeing Izzy and Simon leaving. "We'll be right back" Izzy said.
"What he passed the time" Izzy said seeing the look on Alec's face.
"I can hear you guys you know" Simon said. "Don't worry Kelsey will keep you company" Izzy told Alec and left with Simon.
Jace and Clary eventually came out as Alec and Kelsey noticed.
"What happened what did you find out" Alec asked. "Valentine is Clary's father" Jace said. "I'm sorry what" Kelsey said.
"Wait a minute you're telling me this girl shows up out of nowhere and she's Valentine's daughter" Alec said.
"Did it occur to you that she might be a spy this might be part of her plan" Alex asked.
"That's enough Alec" Jace said. "Do you think I planned for my mom to get kidnapped or for Dot to be taken or to have a giant sword dangle over my head find out that my father is one of the most dangerous people in the world really" Clary said.
"Where's Simon" Clary asked. "He was with Izzy" Kelsey said. "Where's Simon" Clary asked Izzy once she saw her. "I told him to stay in the van I've searched everywhere" Izzy said.
"He's gone" Clary asked. "I can't find him" Izzy said. "You were supposed to protect him" Clary said. "Simon" Clary yelled.
"Ugh these mundanes are killing me" Jace said. "Yeah, well it was t like the best friend of hers was going to leave he's like obsessed with her or something" Kelsey said.
"Simon no Simon" Clary said once they all saw Simon wasn't in the van.
"Is that the mundane's name" Kelsey heard a familiar voice ask.
"You gotta be kidding me" Kelsey said and looked facing the man along with everyone else. "I'm afraid Simon's is coming with us" he said.
"No, no he's not a part of this" Clary said. "And it'll be my pleasure to kill you unless you return him" Jace said.
"Careful we'd be violating the accords" Alec said. "I'm afraid your sidekick's quite right the night children have broken no laws we're negotiating the mundane unharmed in exchange for the mortal cup and the clock is ticking tick tok people" the vampire said and left.
"Clary" Simon yelled. "Simon no Simon, Simon, Simon" Clary said seeing they were gone.
Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.
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