The silence was chilling even more so than the weather. Kay took a step back, leaning into Kyle, needing his heat as she watched his twin brothers staring each other down.
A part of her had expected Tom to make a joke by now, but this was something that struck him much harder than anyone could have anticipated. Kay couldn't even imagine how they felt, all of them.
Tom and Jimmy for finally finding their family which seemed a lot more real with twin brothers and a giant house right behind them, and Sam and Jerry having to compute the fact that they didn't know almost half of their family.
"This is impossible," Jerry whispered.
"We actually took a DNA test," Kyle said. "They're my brothers, and if you're also mu brothers, then you're obviously twins."
"We are obviously twins," Jerry said, his voice high and panicky. "What I find impossible is that we didn't know about them!"
Kyle tensed. "Do you really?"
"We knew about you," Sam said, his eyes never leaving Tom. "We didn't see you, but we knew you existed. But this? This is--"
"Fucked beyond belief?" Jimmy offered.
He sounded disgusted, and even if Kay couldn't blame him, the change in his demeanor hurt her on some level. She wanted Jimmy happy, not bitter and resentful. He and Tom deserved good things.
"I was going to ask if there were ever any clues, but I think you just answered my question," Kyle said.
Sam didn't answer, but took a step closer to Tom. Tom didn't move, waiting, watching.
"Clues..." Sam muttered. "Just this feeling that sometimes, I was someone else."
"Weird dreams," Tom said.
Sam nodded. "Yes, weird dreams."
Tom took his sunglasses off and Kay was a little shocked since she didn't think she'd ever seen him without them. But apparently Sam was allowed to.
"I..." Jerry shifted his weight, obvious pain and confusion battling it out inside him.
"You want to make excuses?" Jimmy asked, raising his eyebrows. "Why?"
"I didn't know--"
"Of course you didn't know," Jimmy snapped. "You were a baby. We were all babies. This isn't your fault. Not mine, or Tom's or Kyle's."
"Tom..." Sam said.
"Oh, right, we didn't introduce ourselves." Tom reached out his hand. "I'm Tom, your long lost twin brother because holy hell out lives are soap operas."
Sam took it and shook. "Sam."
"Oh, we actually know your names," Jimmy said. "And for a long time knew more than you did. I'm Jimmy, by the way. You already know Jessie, she mentioned we're together, and that's--"
"Angie," Tom cut in. "My girlfriend."
The affirmation had Sam's attention moving from his twin to Angie and he flinched the tiniest bit. "Oh, wow."
Tom's eyes narrowed and he looked more threatening than Kay had ever seen him. "What?"
"I can't believe you have a girlfriend. And she's... Hi, Angie."
Angie gave him a hesitant smile and waved.
"I take it you still don't have a girlfriend," Kyle said, now sounding amused.
"What do you mean still?" Sam asked, a bit of outrage sneaking into his voice.
"You have to come in," Jerry said. "We can't just stand here and do this without--" He cut himself off as if realizing the silliness of what he was suggesting.
"True, it would be nice to be able to sit down, but we're not done, not by a long shot." Jimmy glanced back at the huge house. "I think we should move further back in case someone comes down to the kitchen.
Sam and Jerry didn't protest as they all pulled into the shade of the oak tree. Kyle squeezed Kay's shoulders and she felt a bit better. Even if it appeared to have gone fairly well, Jimmy made a good point. This wasn't over by a long shot and the hardest part was just beginning.
"Look," Kyle said, the moment they settled down. "I know you think we should get Mom and Dad, but it's Jimmy and Tom's call whether they want to see them or not."
"Still iffy about it," Tom said. "For obvious reasons."
"But don't you want to know what happened?" Sam asked.
"And what answer could he satisfactory?" Jimmy asked, feigning interest. "We lost them? We pawned them off for crack? We never knew they existed?"
"No," Sam said, his voice a tiny squeak.
Kay actually felt bad for him, and for Jerry who looked seconds away from hyperventilating. It was so strange to think that her first thought when seeing that photo of him was to date him. Then she'd fallen so hard for Kyle that she'd even forgotten what he looked like and couldn't recognize him in Jimmy. Though, to be fair, even if they looked identical, the two of them were so different.
Jessie took Jimmy's hand and his shoulders visibly lost their tension. "I'm sorry, but I personally don't want to meet them. Just you guys."
Jerry and Sam both nodded, even if they looked like kicked puppies.
"I still can't believe this," Jerry said.
"Let's get into the next part which you won't be able to believe," Kyle said, and launched into the story which had put all of them on edge and had generated their short-lived breakup.
The family secrets, the criminal with a wacky name out to get them, the potential visit from said criminal, the cryptic warning about another faction out to get them which could present itself as good but would be anything but. The unveiled threat that if they joined that faction, they'd be hunted down and killed.
By the time Kyle was done explaining, Kay's knees were weak. She hated hearing it, even if she already knew. A part of her expected Sam and Jerry to shake theri heads and deny this madness, claim that their family was clean, that there was no reason for any hidden figures to invade their lives, looking for blood.
They didn't. Both of them stayed silent, taking in the information. Then Sam opened his mouth to shock them all.
"Snitch Gravel," he said.
"Um, what?" Jessie asked.
"The criminal with the wacky name. The wacky name is Snitch Gravel."
Jerry shuddered at the name, but didn't add to the conversation. Kay was caught in a weird place between laughter and panic.
"Well, Max was right," Tom said. "It is a wacky name."
"How do you know that?" Kyle asked.
There was a sudden chill coming off him that she couldn't ignore as much as she tried. She hated when he got like this, but she was starting to see the pattern.
"Remember when we talked after..." Sam hesitated. "When you didn't answer for a very long time. I just thought..."
"You mean when you asked me if something unusual had happened?"
Sam nodded and Kay wished she knew what they were talking about. Fortunately, he elaborated.
"A few months back, Jerry and I were shot at in a mall. Turns out it was this Snitch Gravel person who'd also sent Dad a warning about it. Nothing happened since, but..."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"It slipped my mind," Sam said with a shrug. "It happened almost three years ago, and when you came back you were so miserable." He raised his eyes to Kay. "And know I understand why."
"So it's officially a thing, then," Tom concluded. "We have this guy, Jessie's wacko parents and the secret faction out there."
"You need to come with us," Kyle said.
"Um, excuse me?" Jerry asked.
"You need to pack your shit and we have to get out of here," he elaborated. "Before that faction comes after us or this Snitch Gravel wacko."
"And go where? We can't just uproot our lives!"
Jimmy let out a hallow laugh. "It's easier than you think."
"But what about school?" Sam asked like the innocent bean he was. "What about our futures? We can't just hide for the rest of our lives."
His words brought down the silence again, and Kay had to admit she was impressed by his ability to keep a cool head and make sense.
"I really need to go off the map until I turn eighteen," Jessie said. "My piece of shit relatives could actually have me killed now that I escaped kidnapping."
"What?" Sam and Jerry both asked.
"And I'm coming with you," Jimmy said immediately. "But..." He looked to Tom and Angie and Kay had to admit she had no idea what the but was for and what he was thinking.
"Jimmy, what are you thinking?" Tom asked, sounding a bit unnerved, which was once again strange.
"Sam has a point," Jimmy said. "We can't just run forever. Especially now when, except for Jessie, we're not in direct danger. The faction is not out, and if we're to believe Snitch Gravel, they'll try to seem benevolent. He's also leaving us alone until the other guys show up. So..."
"I think you should stay," Sam said. "Come home."
"Sam, Dad can't protect us," Jerry said to everyone's shock. "Last time, he did nothing. And the way he's handling things, marrying Kyle off to Jessie..."
"I didn't say he could protect us. I just said we need somewhere to be and this place seems as good as any. And it's free."
"He does make a good point," Tom interjected.
"And this way, we can maybe finish school and gain some more skills we could use later," Sam continued, once again making perfect sense.
And yet, the idea of staying with Kyle's parents made Kay's skin crawl. Jimmy had a point. There was no way they could justify the neglect, the abuse. Losing Tom and Jimmy, abandoning Kyle... She wanted nowhere near them.
"I agree that it's a good idea. But as I mentioned, Jessie and I can't stay."
"Neither can we," Kyle said to Kay's relief. "The marriage plot makes it impossible for us to return. And with Kay and Jimmy in the picture, there's no way I'm pretending Jessie and I are a thing."
"Plus, they can call my parents thinking they know better," Jessie pointed out.
"But you," Jimmy said to Tom. "You can stay."
"What the fuck? I don't want to stay anywhere without you!" Tom said, rightfully outraged.
"Sam's right about school. And you'd be safe here." Jimmy looked to Angie. "Both of you. At least until Jessie turns eighteen and we can fix her inheritance issue and come back."
"It's just five months," Jessie said. "Because we won't be hiding forever. We do need to come back and face this together."
Tom glanced from her and Jimmy back to Sam and Jerry. "But I don't know them."
"Ouch," Kay mumbled.
"You'll get to know them," Kyle said. "They're pretty awesome. Yes, even you, Jerry. It's not your fault that Mom and Dad kept you in the dark."
"Gee, thanks," Jerry said.
"This is the best solution I see," Sam said. "Unless there is some way for you guys to stay as well." He raised hopeful eyes to Kyle.
"I don't see it, kid. They fucked up with the arranged marriage thing and I sure as hell am not going to give them the chance to even touch that. But I do agree with you. Tom would be better off here finishing school."
"I won't be finishing school," Tom said, obviously not pleased with being left behind. "Just my junior year."
"Still better than not finishing it," Jimmy said. "Even I did. I dropped out in my senior year."
"How...?" Jerry asked shaking his head.
"It's a long story, and I'm sure Tom will tell you all about it once you settle in."
"I don't want to stay behind!"
"Take it as a challenge," Jimmy said with a smile, even if it was sad. "You're not expected to slack off. You're expected to gain new skills and find information. About this twisted family, what happened to us and what this Snitch Gravel person wants. And if the mysterious faction comes for you, we'll need you to let us know."
"So, basically, we're not leaving you behind. We're running off and letting you face the music," Kyle offered.
It didn't sound any better because Kay didn't like the idea of running off, but it wasn't like there was anything else they could do. Jessie's situation, the fame she and Kyle had accumulated, as well as the failure of the arranged marriage made it impossible for them to stay there at the moment.
"You do make a good point," Tom admitted.
"Plus, you'll have to convert these guys," Kyle said, nodding to Jerry and Sam. "Bring them fully on our side."
"I don't think that would be necessary," Jerry said. "We've heard enough to know you're right. We do need more information and to prepare ourselves for what's coming."
"True," Sam said. "We're already fully on your side. On our side."
Kay's stomach clenched as Kyle walked over to hug Sam. She did wish they could stay, that she could get to know Sam and Jerry better. Leaving Tom there also felt so wrong.
"I'm staying, too," Angie suddenly said.
And there was also that. But Kay completely understood, so she rushed over to hug her childhood friend.
"It's not weird, is it?" she whispered.
Kay fought back a laugh. "Angie, this whole situation is beyond weird. We just do what we have to do."
Which for now was to exchange telephone numbers, hug it out, and wish Tom and Angie the best of luck.
As for her, Kyle, Jimmy and Jessie... Well, they had to skedaddle out of there before someone caught them, be it paparazzi or idiot parents.
"This sucks so much," Jimmy said as they pulled away from the house.
"Tom's going to be fine," Kyle assured him.
"I know. He's a survivor. And I believe what Snitch Gravel said, that no one will come out, gun swinging yet. They're safe."
"Safer than us," Jessie mumbled. "I really do believe my folks capable of hiring a hitman. And all this fucking press and fame that makes it sure I can't go anywhere..."
"I have an idea," Kyle said, his voice hesitant. "How would you guys like to crash in Europe for a few months?"
Kay's stomach jumped into her throat in a deadly mixture of nerves and excitement.
"Europe?" Jimmy asked, quirking one brow.
"Yeah. At Maman's place. I'm sure she'd have us. And hell, it's only Paris. I think we've earned it after everything."
She wanted to shout out that she totally wanted to go to Paris and stay with Sophie, but she guessed it wasn't that easy for the rest of them. As proof, Jimmy and Jessie said nothing, both of them in deep thought.
"I really do think that the others are safe," Kyle added. "At least until the summer."
"What happens in the summer?" Jimmy asked.
"School is out. And I have the feeling the faction might start snooping around. But until then..."
"Okay," Jessie said. "Until then, we can go to Paris."
And Kay could finally let out the whoop of delight she had been keeping in.
That went well. And they're going to Paris! And taking a break. And living their fantasies. Everything turned out well in the end!
One more chapter left and then we can say goodbye to this crazy AU which makes absolutely no sense. But I do hope you had fun!
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