"This is so weird."
Angie's words barely registered and Kay had to force herself out of her beautiful daydream to focus on something potentially problematic.
Her friend did look a bit wary, drumming her fingers on the table top, her glass of lemonade untouched. Her eyebrows were the tiniest bit scrunched together as her gaze was focused on the very scene Kay had been contemplating before.
She, Jessie and Angie sat at a table in the backyard of Tanner Ranch, under the shade of a large tree, a pitcher of lemonade between them. The weather was wonderful, the garden was filled with flowers and birds sang.
The boys were on the patio, all three of them talking to Max. After Kyle had mentioned that he and his uncle had made up and that there might be something more to discuss, Jimmy and Tom had agreed to come over and meet him. Of course, as it was customary, they'd taken a short tour of the Ranch in the first part of the morning, with Max serving as their guide.
Since she and Kyle already knew the Ranch, they'd taken a short tour of Kyle's bed instead, because Kay had fantasized about being alone with him in his room for months. Since it was on his bucket list as well, they'd taken the opportunity to make it happen. Her first guess that the bed was the perfect size for getting down and dirty and then cuddling was confirmed. She just wished they had a little more time.
As it was, they had to make themselves presentable and meet the others as they returned. She was still a little pleasantly sore and the experience served as the reason for the dumb smile on her face. Problematic things could wait.
Especially because Tom and Jimmy seemed to have relaxed around Max, the tension in their shoulders lessening as their uncle talked. Kyle sat on the small sofa between Max and Jimmy, his hands folded under his head, a relaxed smile on his face. He winked at her when he caught her eye and it brought a pleasant heat to her cheeks.
Yep, she couldn't see what Angie found worrying or weird.
"What is weird?" Jessie asked, stiring her drink with her straw.
"It took me a while to get used to him being an orphan and now he found his family and I have to get used to that," Angie said, sounding a but unsure.
Kay straightened in his seat, the dreary tone putting her off a little. Even if she'd agreed to come with them, it felt like she was still fighting everything.
"Way to make it all about you," Jessie mumbled.
"Ouch," Kay said. "Let's not get catty."
"I'm sorry," Jessie said, her eyes drifting to the boys. "This is just getting a little... complicated."
"Speaking of complicated," Angie said, a slight edge to her voice, probably due to Jessie's comment. "How long are you planning to pretend to be engaged to Kyle?"
"The plan was until I turned eighteen. But now... " She let out a sigh. "April feels like a million years away."
Kay could understand that very well. After all, she longed to be able to just be herself in public, not pretend that she didn't exist. She wanted to hold Kyle's hand and lean against him and kiss him. And as she watched the way Jessie looked at Jimmy, she probably wanted that, too.
But Kay had promised herself that she would back Jessie and Kyle up for as long as it took. After all, she had him all night long and in every second they were not under public scrutiny. For Jessie, it was a lot more complicated since she and Jimmy were not technically a thing and she shared her room with Angie. All they had were stolen moments. Honestly, Angie had it the easiest. She didn't have to pretend to be someone she was not. And yet, she was the most stressed out.
"What's really going on, Angie?" Kay asked. "If you don't want this, you could always go back to your family. Go back to school. You're not really tied to any of us."
"I know that," Angie said. "But that makes it even weirder that I want to be here, that I want to be by his side, no matter how hard or complicated." She sank her face in her hands. "And I don't know why."
"Oh, Angie, isn't it obvious?" Kay asked with a smile. She was in love and the intensity of her feelings scared her.
"No. I mean yes, but no." Angie sunk her hands in her hair. "It can't be happening so soon."
"That's your issue?" Jessie asked in disbelief. "Age? I'm one year older than you, Angie."
"Yeah, but I've only known Tom for..." She faltered and narrowed her eyes. "You're really in love with Jimmy, aren't you?"
Jessie just groaned as an answer and plopped her head on the table. Kay's stomach did a weird summersault of excitement, and she wasn't really sure why. Maybe because this made things less complicated as far as she was concerned. Or because she actually liked Jessie and Jimmy deserved someone who was not a psychotic sex addict in his life. Or maybe because it was so damn romantic.
"It's totally understandable if you are," she offered. "Jimmy is amazing."
"Yeah, he is..." Keeping her head on the table, Jessie turned her gaze towards the boys.
Tom had just said something that had Max laughing out loud. Jimmy and Kyle both smirked and it was so nice to see them all reasonably happy. Yep, Tom and Jimmy deserved to be happy, as did Jessie and Angie. Things would be just fine.
As if to spite her, Max turned serious, and the apparent change in conversation brought frowns to all their faces. Kyle sat up straight and leaned forward, the tension in his shoulders a little scary. The hairs on her neck stood on end and he swallowed heavily.
"What do you think is going on?" Angie whispered.
It made Kay's attention move from Kyle to Tom and Jimmy. They both looked older somehow as they listened to Max, all amusement gone for them. It was only then that she realized how easy going the two of them usually were. It was a bit disconcerting seeing them like this.
"Maybe they're talking about their parents," Jessie offered. There was a slight edge in her voice and a fire in her eyes that surprised Kay.
Jessie looked ready to take on the world with them, and Kay couldn't help but admire her for it.
"It must be so difficult for them," Angie said. "I mean, I have no idea what I'd do if I were them. I..." She hesitated for a moment, glancing from Kay to Jessie. "You guys can probably relate much better since you had issues with your families. But for me, it feels impossible not to want to see your family."
It was much too possible for Kay. It felt so good to be free, without her mother breathing down her neck, her father's stony silence. Without Donnie. The only member of her family she actually missed was her brother William, but he'd been missing for so long, she didn't have much hope of ever seeing him again.
Jessie's situation couldn't be much better since she was using this elaborate lie to get away from them for as long as possible and make sure they didn't come after them.
Maybe the boys did have it a bit better after all.
"Well, they have Max, and he's amazing. And Sophie. Who's Kyle's grandmother and Max's mom."
"He does seem really cool," Jessie agreed. "But he's their uncle. Their parents on the other hand..."
"Oh, right, you've actually met them." Kay couldn't help but feel fascinated and maybe a little jealous. "What are they like?"
Jessie rolled her eyes. "His father is a creepy asshole. I haven't heard him say one single positive thing about him. And his mom... I mean she seems fine, but who the hell sells their son out for money? She tried to hard to keep my parents happy, make them feel welcomed. Imagine that I never even saw Jerry and Sam. Hell, when I saw Jimmy I..."
"You what?" Angie asked with a grin.
"I would like to say that I was less than impressed, but hot damn, the boy is fine."
They all started laughing, and it felt great to have friends again, unwind. And not only that, but they'd be meeting up with the band soon enough for practice. Tom and Angie decided they'd tag along as well and make themselves useful.
"I can't believe we ended up dating brothers," Angie said.
Yeah, that was true. Maybe it was why Kay felt so close to her and Jessie. That and the fact that she technically shared Kyle with Jessie. And somehow Jimmy who'd become her solace for the past weeks before she found Kyle again. And as she glanced at Tom, Kay realized he cared about him, too. And not because he was Jimmy's brother and Angie's boyfriend, but because he'd told her to hold on to Kyle when she thought there was no hope.
"The two of you at least," Jessie muttered.
"Come on, be serious," Angie said. "You're obviously crazy about Jimmy and it's mutual."
Jessie's cheeks caught a rosy tinge that looked adorable on her. "Maybe, but we can't exactly date while this charade is going on."
"Which brings me back to my question. How long will you keep this up?"
"Give it a rest, Angie," Kay said. "We'll keep it up as long as we have to."
"Thanks," Jessie said with a soft smile. "And just so you know, I'm hating it, too, at the moment. But with everything that's happened, I didn't have the time to figure out the implications of the lie and what ending it will do. I just... I think I need a bit more time."
"Sure, it makes sense." Kay nudged Angie's shoulder. "And you should take advantage of being able to be yourself."
"Trust me, I am. It's just that..." She trailed off as her gaze moved to Tom. "It can get so intense sometimes, I get a little scared."
"Understandable," Jessie said with a nod. "I just love intense, though."
Kay couldn't agree more. Light and fun was great, but when things got serious... That was when it became worth it. Worth everything. And it made her even more curious about Max's conversation with the boys. Was Angie right and they were really talking about their parents or was it something more?
They'd ended the conversation, but somehow, they all looked just as serious, and if she wasn't imagining it, slightly worried. Then, Kyle's gaze fell on her and some of the darkness seemed to fade. He said something to the others and they all stood.
Kay's stomach fluttered as the three of them headed over. Their expressions were a little less stoic than before, and by the time they reached their table, all three of them were actually smiling.
"That was interesting," Tom said. "Max is apparently the cool uncle."
"Doesn't fix the parent problem, but it's a start," Jimmy said. He leaned over Jessie and kissed her forehead.
"Huh, and you're the ones not dating?" Tom asked.
"We're all dating," Kyle said, squeezing Kay's shoulder. "And right now, all of us, in whichever combination you'd like, need to get to rehearsals since we have a show tonight."
"Even me?" Kay asked.
"Especially you." He leaned over and planted a kiss on her lips. "I need my muse."
Her cheeks warmed with pleasure and she was more than happy to head out to practice. But what happened didn't leave her mind, so she fell behind the tiniest bit to be alone for a fee moments.
"What was that all about?" she whispered.
Kyle tensed again, and for a moment she was afraid he wouldn't answer. But then he relaxed and heaved a sigh.
"We'll need to talk about that soon. I'm still processing, but I will tell you. Give me some time, okay?"
His answer got her heart thumping unevenly, but she nodded. "Sure. Just know that, whatever it is, I'm here for you."
He wrapped his arm around her waist and hugged her against him. "I know. And that's why I love you so much. But for now, let's go have fun with Jelly and the band."
That was a nice break. Look at the girls bonding over dating brothers. And now it's time to have some fun with the band.
How much longer will the lie last? And will everyone finally be free and ride into the sunset?
It remains to be seen.
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