"Wow, you're excited."
Kay really was, even if she couldn't fully understand why. Angie had of course picked up on it since her mood had obviously improved. The reason, however, was a bit odd.
"Does it have something to do with a certain someone being back in town?" Angie persisted, narrowing her eyes at her over her mountain of homework.
It did. It unexpectedly did. "I can't say I'd mind having him back around."
Angie smiled to herself and returned to writing in her notebook. "I bet he missed you, too."
Kay wasn't sure why, but she hoped he had, too. Because she hadn't expected to miss Jimmy so much either. It had only been a week, but just being unable to head over to the service to talk to him had plunged her back into the depression she'd been fighting ever since her parents had whisked her away. And now it was somehow worse because she had two people to miss.
"You girls want a refill on coffee?" Tom asked, coming by their table with a full pot.
"Yes, please." Kay pushed her cup forward.
"Yes, you want a latte," Tom said with a smile. "I'll get you one right away." And he headed back towards the bar.
Angie nearly swooned out loud before returning to her homework.
"He really looks out for you," Kay observed.
"Yeah, I guess he does."
"Are you ready to admit it then?"
"Admit what?" But from the way she blushed, Kay was sure she knew exactly what she meant.
"Are you at least dating properly?"
Her question seemed to have been answered once Tom appeared with Angie's latte and a tiny rose. He left the drink for her, kissed her on the cheek, and headed back for the bar to finish his shift.
"I don't know," Angie whispered, taking the flower and turning it over in her hand. "We never really put a label on it."
Kay knew all about that. "Do you want to kiss him?"
Angie's blush only darkened. "I..."
"Don't you dare say no. If it wasn't for Kyle, I'd want to kiss him."
"Kyle and Jimmy," Angie said.
Kay was a little shocked that she was right. If she'd never met Kyle, she would've probably been head over heels for Jimmy right now. But Kyle had set the bar unbelievably high and the simple thought of ever kissing anyone else made her sick. And it scared her, because even with Jimmy's help, there was no guarantee that she'd find him. What if she never saw him again?
Fortunately, her bleak thoughts were interrupted by Jimmy's appearance and she found herself smiling. There seemed to be something different about him, like he was lighter, more relaxed. Happier.
"Hey guys," he said, dropping in the seat next to Kay's. "Nice to see you all here."
Tom immediately materialized by their table. "Coffee, sir?"
Jimmy laughed. "No, I'm good."
"You do look good. Well rested." Tom tilted his head. "What happened?"
Jimmy grinned and he seemed to suddenly shine. "I guess I needed a break."
"Job went well I take it," Angie said.
"You guys seemed to be going well, too."
"Don't make this about us." Tom slid in the seat next to Angie's. His apron was off so it was obvious that he'd finished his shift just in time for his brother's appearance. "What happened?"
Jimmy ignored him and turned to Kay. His smile turned into the kind one she'd gotten used to. "How have you been?"
"She missed you. Now can we get back to the exciting part?" Tom asked, the impatience obvious in his voice.
"I'm glad to have you back," Kay said. She bit her lip. "Are they right? Did something happen?"
"Well, I was appointed as the tech guy for the tour so I didn't have to move stuff which is already a considerable upgrade."
"Oh, that sounds great." And something he was good at and loved to do.
"Did you meet the stars?" Angie asked.
"Well, not exactly, because I was under the stage the whole time and there were apparently two of them even if the posters and publicity were just for one."
"Who was it?" Tom asked, leaning back and stretching out his arm over the back of Angie's seat.
"Jessie Stefani?"
Kay had never heard of her, but it wasn't like she'd been keeping up with the music scene over the past year. She'd gotten obsessed with Kyle's band, Uncaged, but since being torn apart from him, she hadn't felt like listening to music much. It reminded her too much of him.
Tom, however, raised his eyebrows over the line of his sunglasses, probably recognizing the name since he was a DJ and everything.
"You mean Jessica Stefani?"
"Yeah, her."
Tom pondered a bit, a thoughtful air overtaking him. "She's on her way to being a big thing. I've seen her stuff and she's good. Why do you call her Jessie, though?"
Kay hadn't caught that and it made her turn to Jimmy, her eyes wide.
He just shrugged, though there was a tiny smile on his lips. "That's how she introduced herself."
"So you did meet her," Angie concluded. "How was she?"
Jimmy's smile softened even more and Kay got a very uncomfortable knot in her chest. She knew that look. She'd seen it before. And she had no idea why it sent mixed feelings now. She and Jimmy were just friends and she should be happy for him. It was just so hard to believe that he could become so infatuated with someone in just a week.
"I'm not even sure how to answer that. But look, if you guys want, I can arrange for you to meet her. Maybe even get you tickets?"
"That would be awesome!" Angie said, clasping her hands together. "I can't remember the last time I went to a concert. Or if I actually ever went." She looked up at Tom and faltered.
He was fixing Jimmy with his gaze, his mouth turned into something that looked like half a smile and half a snarl.
"What did you do?" he finally asked.
"Me?" Jimmy asked, feigning innocence. The effect was slightly ruined by the grin on his face.
"Did you hook up with her?" Tom insisted.
Jimmy threw Kay a glance before answering, as if trying to make sure the news didn't upset her. But it wasn't like she hadn't guessed already. It was so damn obvious that he was crushing hard. Though it seemed a little dangerous to get involved with a pop star.
"I wouldn't say that," he finally said, his tone careful.
"I wouldn't blame you. That girl is hot." Angie slapped Tom's shoulder and he looked down at her. "What? I didn't say she's hotter than you."
"Anyway," Jimmy said, drawing their attention back to him. "Tickets if you want them. Not sure if I can secure them for tonight since I usually talk to Jessie after the concert, but the next gig?"
"That sounds about right," Tom said with a grin. "Angie's right. I don't think I've ever been to a proper concert either. And this would be fun. We can make a fun night out of it. What do you say, Kay?"
The question hurt, but she was well aware that she had to break free from these absurd fears and live life again. Kyle would have wanted her to, and it wasn't like she was betraying him by going to see someone else performing live. He'd totally come with her if he were there.
"Yeah, sounds like fun."
"Great. Then it's a date," Tom said, clasping his hands. "Wait, it's not, since apparently you two refuse to date and Jimmy is now hooking up with celebrities."
"Please stop saying that," Jimmy said with an eyeroll.
"It can still be a date for you and Angie," Kay pointed out.
"Yeah, nice try to draw the attention from the real issue," Angie mumbled.
"Are you really that against it?" Tom asked, looking down at her.
She immediately turned defensive. "I'm just saying they practically blackmailed us into dating just so they would and now--" Her words died on her lips as Tom's entire demeanor changed.
Kay had to fight her impulse to wince since Angie had put her foot in her mouth big time.
"Blackmail?" Tom asked, his voice low and controlled.
"You know... You were in on it!"
"Yeah, for them. Not for us. I really thought..." His voice cracked and he turned away from her.
Those two really needed to talk and Kay really didn't want to be there for it.
"Hey, want to go for a walk?" Jimmy whispered as if sensing her need to get out of there.
"Wait, you don't have to go," Angie said immediately.
"Yes, we do," Kay said, standing. "And you better take this opportunity to consider what you say. Carefully."
Tom just gave them a nod, as if to thank them, then returned his attention to Angie. With an ache in her heart, Kay noticed how he'd pulled away to put more distance between them. She only hoped her friend would be honest and stop trying to play hard to get. She wasn't even sure why Angie was doing it when she was obviously head over heels for Tom. Not that Kay could blame her, since Tom was great looking, funny, obviously smart, and treated her well.
"What happened while I was gone?" Jimmy asked the moment the two of them stepped out into the street. "They were fine when I left."
"They've been fine since as well." Kay let out a sigh. "I don't know what's up with Angie, why she keeps playing around when she's so obviously into him."
He hummed as the two of them started walking aimlessly. "Is she though?"
"I know her. She really does like him."
"The thing is... Tom feels a lot. I know he seems like a bit of a show-off, like nothing could touch him, but that's not true. And ever since he met Angie, he's been... Better. Full of life, more optimistic. I like to see him like this. I wouldn't want to see him broken-hearted."
"Me neither. And I told Angie she should stop with the pretense. But unfortunately, I don't think there's much else I can do. Or anyone for that matter. They need to figure it out for themselves."
Jimmy just nodded, and for a while they walked in silence. It was the comfortable kind and she felt much better knowing he was there again. Hook up or no hook up with a rising pop star. But that didn't mean she wasn't curious.
"Did you really hook up with the pop star?" He looked down at her with a calculated expression and she suddenly realized why he was holding back. It almost made her laugh. "Jimmy, we're not dating. I'm not in love with you. We're just friends. Don't be afraid that you're hurting me."
Her words brought a naughty grin to his face. "Then yes."
Her eyes widened and she felt like letting out a giddy laugh. "Really? So quickly? How?"
"Honestly, she was a bit of an asshole at first. Don't know why I actually found that hot."
She just giggled because it reminded her too much of her first interaction with Kyle, of how she thought he was an ex-con for so long. "Did you call her a jerk?"
"I called her a spoiled little princess I think."
"And yet, here you are."
"Here we are," Jimmy agreed.
His smile faltered and she realized there was more to the story than she imagined. "You really like her."
"I don't know her that well, to be honest. But we did talk. And I liked what I heard. It helps a lot that her voice is really beautiful."
"According to Tom, so is her face."
"I'm not denying that. She really is beautiful. She's got the most wonderful--" Jimmy froze and his mouth dropped open.
Kay stopped, too and followed his gaze. He was staring at the building across the street which seemed to be the venue for the concert. Two people were putting up a banner announcing the event. Jimmy's Jessie was on it, but she wasn't alone. Another very familiar face grinned back at her, one she would've given anything to see again, but not like this.
Never like this.
Because the banner announced the death of her in big, bold letters.
Jessica Stefani and Kyle Grant.
The Engagement Tour.
And under the title, there was a picture of the two of them in the rain, huddled together, a ring definitely on Jessie's finger.
Kay turned to Jimmy, her eyes desperate for confirmation that this wasn't true, that it was all a rouse and he knew it. He looked just as gobsmacked as she was, staring at the banner as if he couldn't believe his eyes. When he turned to her, his gaze was filled with both pain and anger. Her very soul seemed to crack as the news sank in.
"That's your..." He couldn't even finish the question. His voice shook with the effort it took him to probably restrain himself from screaming.
Kay felt the same as she just nodded. This couldn't be happening. Kyle had promised her forever and she'd held on to that with everything she had.
It gave her hope, it kept her sane. Knowing that he was out there, probably looking for her, suffering just as much as her. Breaking on the inside, barely breathing because she was no longer in his arms.
Apparently not. Apparently he'd moved on and gotten engaged. This wasn't fair. It was torture. He'd done it. He'd broken her. And what was even worse was that he didn't seem to care, plastering his new relationships on walls.
She turned to Jimmy, her vision blurry with tears. He looked miserable as well, and at that moment something became clear.
So she flung her arms around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth.
Well, that went south quickly. But poor Jimmy, he was so excited. And Kay... She was not expecting this. Worst way to find out about what Kyle has been up to.
But now it's time for delicious complications. So stay tuned as this magical plot unfolds.
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