In the kingdom of Valnerias, lies the village known as Arendell. The Quasar family resides in Arendell. The Quasar family consists of Wilford, his wife June, and their two sons, Rigel and Kaito. They are a nice, peaceful family, apart from the son Rigel, who is quite the troublemaker. He gets into all kinds of mischief, but his good friend Lenna always tries to help keep him out of trouble. Kaito on the other hand, is more dignified and keeps out of trouble. He always spends his time practicing sword combat, because he dreams of joining the King's Royal Guard one day. Rigel spends a lot of his time with Lenna, his best friend. She aspires to become a White Mage, a master of white magic, the kind that heals and supports your allies. In the kingdom of Valnerias, once you reach the age of 16, you can take part in the annual ceremony on the night of the Dragon Harvest. On that day, anyone who turns 16, becomes an adult and must choose what class they want to become. Rigel, Lenna and Kaito, will be 16 this year, and will be taking part in the annual ceremony.
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