Ch. 1 The Kid/North
The day had been peculiar from the start. The sky was overcast, a thick blanket of clouds casting a gloomy shadow over the small house at the end of the lane. Inside the air was stifling, heavy with the scent of neglect and the sound of silence. I sat at the edge of my bed, the mattress creaking under my weight, as I contemplated the decision that had been brewing in my mind for months.
My parents were shadows in this house, their presence more like an absence. The never really saw me, never really heard me. I was just 'The Kid,' a placeholder for a child they never wanted. I often wondered why they bothered to keep me around. Maybe out of some misplaced sense of duty, or perhaps they enjoyed the control, the power they held over a life they deemed insignificant.
I had not name, no identity beyond the one they refused to acknowledge. But today, that would change. Today, I would take the first steps toward something different, something better. I had packed a bag with the few belongings that felt like mine - a tattered book of myths, a handful of clothes, and a craftdagger, the only thing that allowed me to create, to feel.
As the clock struck three, the hour when the world outside seemed to pause, I made my move. I slipped out of my room, the floor boards groaning in protest. The house was quiet, too quiet, as if it knew my betrayal and mourned it. I reached the front door, my hand trembling as I placed it on the knob. This was it, the moment of truth.
I turned the knob and stepped out into the unknown, the door closing behind me with a soft click that sounded like a final goodbye. The ghost town lay before me, its deserted streets a stark contrast to the chaos that raged within me. I felt a rush of freedom, of adrenaline.
I was alone, truly alone for the first time. And in that solitude, I felt a presence, an observer hidden in the shadows. I felt a creeping sense of unease and my heart raced, my breath quickened. I was not alone after all.
I glanced around, certain I'd be caught any second. A terrible thought occurred to me. What if the presence I felt was one of my parents?
"Come out, I know you're watching me," my voice echoed off the alley's walls.
Some shuffling happened before I could decipher a figure standing in front of me. He appeared very surprised but quickly changed his expression.
What's that look for?" I asked.
"I'm just surprised you could sense me, that's all. You'll have to come with me now," the guy glanced around, like we were being followed. Now, this guy looked around sixteen, tall, a little shaken, but not the type to be worried. I could tell he was worried though, and that made me nervous.
"Why would I trust a complete stranger like you? Hmm, did that occur to you?"
"Look, I don't have time for your sass, uh...."
"It''s North."
"North. I need you to come with me, please. It's life or death, and I'd rather not find out what death feels like."
"Fine, but not because of you." For once, I was thoroughly scared, standing there.
If he had said I was going to die, I would have believed him. Before we could run out of the alley, a beast appeared, blocking the only exit. "North! Run! I'll fend it off. Just run! I'll find you!"
I wanted to ask questions, I wanted to listen to him and run, but I didn't want to be a coward.
In that moment, I realized I shouldn't run. I would be running away from something that I would regret later. So I dropped my bag, and with it came my craftdagger. I used it for sculpting, but I guess I was going to have to use it to kill something. I jumped, and as silently as I could, crouched behind the creature, praying I wasn't going to die.
At least the stranger had helped me, being a distraction. Now it was time for the scary part. I pounced at the beast, gripping its shaggy fur. It roared and clawed at its back, but I was stuck fast and not letting go. I took my dagger and, with my free hand, stabbed the flesh where the creature's heart would be. The ripping sound was agonizing, but when it was over, the beast dropped to the floor, dead. I heaved a sigh of relief and felt proud as I glanced down at the beast I had killed.
The guy I still had no name for stared at me, mouth agape. I guess I looked pretty frightening, standing over a dead creature, chest heaving, dagger gleaming with blood in my hand. I stepped out of my trance.
"Well, that was unexpectedly fun," I muttered to myself.
The stranger smirked.
"What?" I asked, because I still had way too many questions.
"Oh, nothing," but there was an obvious glint in his eyes.
'Jeez,' I thought.
"Who are you? I don't even know your name," I was so curious, but remained wary.
"Never heard of me? I'm Orion."
"Yeah, never heard of you."
"I'm a student at a school called Rider Academy and I go to Camp Half-Blood. You have been chosen, North, by the gods. And maybe even the Guardians as well."
Just then, there was a commotion. A boy and what I could only guess was his mom were on their porch, wide eyed and watching us in horror.
"Drat! We've been discovered. We have to leave for Half Blood Hill, now!" Orion rushed ahead, while I lagged behind. He was fast and I was athletic and all, but even I couldn't beat him. Like, what was that speed?! I knew I couldn't keep up. I stayed where I was, knowing it was useless trying to catchup.
"Orion, come back!" I yelled, though I didn't know if he heard me or not.
A few seconds later he appeared next to me.
"Where'd you come from?" I asked.
"We don't have time for questions," Orion said, and looked straight at the boy on the porch.
"He's here as well, perfect."
"What do you mean perfect, Orion?! I asked yet another time, but of course he didn't answer.
"Listen, boy. Come with us. We're going to the same place. You'll be safe with us, I promise," Orion's moment of desperation ended, and all I saw in his face was determination.
"Why should I trust you?" the boy asked.
"Because your mom was planning on sending you to the place we're going. Think of it as a carpool, the headmaster would be so pleased."
"Hmph, I don't want to, but I have to. I'll come, but what about my stuff?"
"I know someone who can fetch your things."
With that, we set off, with me in the back, holding my puny weapon, blood still dripping off the tip. The new kid kept looking back nervously, like I was going to attack him. It was actually quite hilarious watching him all paranoid.
It left me questioning, what did Orion mean when he said they were going to the same place? I didn't even know where we were going. Guess I had to find out.
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