Extra: Character information
A/N: I'm including middle names. Just remember that middle names are not required in order for the Death Note to function. For Story, Harrowing, and especially Birdie, I will add a few things that apply only to the epilogue, unless it is a big spoiler.
Everything about Wammy's beyond the kids being gifted (vague) and having L's successors (also vague) is my own headcanon for this fic.
The bullets are important specifications on things in the character information. There are paragraphs to save your eyes, but a paragraph coming after a bullet is still part of that bullet. I'll try and keep things as brief as possible and will put in bold the must-read info, but I'd recommend reading it all.
● Gift: "General" refers to the general abilities associated with being a gifted child at Wammy's. A higher IQ than average, the ability to process multiple things at once (think Near and L looking at a bunch of screens at once but being able to keep track of everything), and a higher processing speed than average. The second one was the only one that was confirmed; I just added in other things I thought would be important and/or might apply based on what we've seen.
You can assume everyone has or develops these general skills. I say that some develop skills because some people believe that giftedness is natural, while others believe it can be taught. I believe both, but László Polgár is a good example of why I believe it is limited. His children's genius was in the field he taught, and he himself was an expert in his field.
The reason Wammy's takes people who don't possess all these skills innately is because they are gifted in another area that could be of use or because they're especially gifted at one of the general skills (the latter would still put them as "general" for this category).
"Higher level" means they have the general skills, but they are especially notable. There are a number of reasons this could be the case: overall stats, an especially fast learner, amazing memory, etc. Don't overwork yourself trying to figure it out (like I did, internally classifying each individual, lol).
Some gifts aren't the same as ones people say they have in the story. This is because these characters are assuming what specific gift got them into Wammy's based on the circumstances of them being taken in. My canon in the story is that Wammy's doesn't tell you, but if you ask, they will tell you. These girls assumed too much; Lacey was the only one who actually bothered asking and Joy was able to put two and two together based on the way she was scouted.
● "Archive Excerpt": This section contains portion of one or more recordings by an individual's warden (a brief explanation of what a warden is can be found in the A/N of chapter 2). These recordings are all part of each child's "archive," which contains a ton of different files on various information on the kid. Since it takes place in the UK and it's supposed to be Wammy's archives, I'm using DD/MM/YYYY format. Though since it's supposed to be audio, I'm still using American spelling.
The files Allison and May mention are very small amounts that were printed for data saving reasons, but it wasn't long after Patience arrived that they updated their systems, ditching the printed files and keeping everything in the computer archives.
● "Opinion of L": This is actually confusing if you don't get an explanation. You see, the children spoke to L via computer once, shortly before the Kira case began. After answering some questions, he told them he didn't take on cases because of a sense of justice, but because he found them fun, like puzzles or video games are to children. He explained that this is why he only took on cases that interest him, and he is willing to do anything to win. He's a cheater. By the law's standards, he's probably evil, too. After this, there were some children who lost respect for L. (this is all 100% canon, btw, even kids' opinions changing)
Before the semicolon is their original opinion, after is post-L's revelation. If there's a semi-colon after that, then their opinion of L changed after he went after Kira or after he died. If there's no 2nd or 3rd semicolon, they had little to no change in opinion after their original/2nd opinion.
If the opinion is or includes "admirable," you can assume they respect him as well.
● The stats: Matt is the 3rd top kid at Wammy's despite other's listed here having higher knowledge. Other stats balance things out. Your knowledge doesn't mean anything if you don't have the other stats to back it up.
● "Knowledge": Not as straight forward as you think. So the English translation of the stats said "Intelligence," while the original Japanese said "Knowledge." We're going with the latter, because those are two very different things. Our knowledge is the information we have, our intelligence is our ability to apply our knowledge and other skills. Our knowledge is something we gain, while our intelligence is something innate. Given these are all Wammy's kids, it's obviously gonna be higher for most them than the average person. Note that despite how low it seems, the average person is a 3 or 4; a 5 or even 6 is pretty good. And while it's not specifically said in HTR13, based on the pattern I see, I think it's possible that knowledge may even apply to their fields rather than overall. But we obviously don't know for sure.
● "Creativity": This is more for things like hatching plans, as opposed to artistic creativity. Think about how Near's plan to switch out the notebooks and how Mikami using his bank on an off day made Near come to an entirely new conclusion. In a way, we might even argue that "Creativity" refers to intelligence.
● "Native of": where they grew up or where they first remember living (OCs only)
● "Appearance": I gave up on skin color coz I'm bad at describing them lol
● "Theme": A song that best represents them/their story. A lot of these are temp or settled for until something better is found. Ones I'm 100% sure of are Allison, Patience, Joy, Mello, and Near.
Name - Piper Angela Riddle
Alias - Patience
Origin of Alias - very impatient; her mantra
D.O.B. - October 11, 1991
Gift - unknown
Archive Excerpt -
Though she hasn't come to me, I can tell that Patience is wondering what her particular "gift" is. I propose keeping it this way, as it could provide motivation and bring forth her full potential.
— Bruce Young (13/2/2002)
She wishes to join the Kira investigation. Hmm... it's potentially a good opportunity to hone her skills. I will consider bringing this up with Mr. Ruvie.
— Bruce Young (22/3/2006)
Opinion of L - respectable & intriguing; respectable & even more intriguing than before
Opinion of Kira - neutral
Knowledge - 5/10
Creativity - 7/10
Initiative - 8/10
Emotional Strength - 7/10
Social Skills - 5/10 (pre-timeskip) ; 3/10 (start of post-timeskip)
Other Attribute - Patience: 2/10
Backstory - Safe Haven baby raised by her single adoptive mother, Anabelle. She was named by Anabelle; whether or not she has another name that was given to her by her birth parents is unknown.
Native of - Hudson, New Hampshire
Religion - none (raised Irish Catholic); agnostic
Occupation - SPK member
Appearance - (image available in one of the early chapters)
height: 5'3"
hair: thin; 1a; mid-neck length; neutral black
eyes: dark brown/black eyes
Other - originally adopted; Safe Haven baby; named by adoptive mother but unaware of birth name or if one even exists
Theme - "Taking Over Me," Evanescence
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Name - Abigail Jennifer Grey
Alias - Allison
Origin of Alias - liked the name "Allison"
D.O.B. - January 26, 1990
Gift - higher level
Archive Excerpt -
Beyond body language, I've noticed Allison is able to make various analyses based on a person's voice; in languages other than English, too. I, uh, confirmed that last part by having her secretly observe some of the bilingual individuals on our care staff... *clears throat* She also has the ability to lip read English, as well as other languages. I noticed she is able to absorb information very quickly. I'm not referring to her abnormally high processing speed and broad visual processing ability, a gift which many of the children here possess. What I mean is, she can process the information quickly, yes, but she can also retain it.
I've seen it; she's not limited to languages. She was quick to learn and grasp concepts in another area she showed interest in. However, this was during her free time; just like with how she learns her languages. So we were correct in our initial assumption that Allison is more than a polyglot. I mean, even a polyglot couldn't learn languages that fast, right? "She's a prodigy, but not in a field that would make her useful at Wammy's." *small chuckle* I knew those doubters were wrong...
*sigh* But she hasn't been able to do any of this with lessons we've taught her. It seems like Allison unconsciously limits her capabilities to subjects she's passionate about. Worse yet, she tends to be a tangential learner. If we can just get her to somehow overcome that restriction, this girl could make into into the top ten-maybe even the top five!
— Merrill Stillman (12/8/1996)
Opinion of L - admirable; admirable but highly unnerving
Opinion of Kira - psychopathic killer
Knowledge - 7/10
Creativity - 7/10
Initiative - 4/10
Emotional Strength - 4/10
Social Skills - 10/10
Other Attribute - Persuasive Skills: 10/10
Backstory - given up by her teenage mother at birth and raised in the foster care system; briefly fostered by Chinese couple but taken to Wammy's at age 4 after becoming fluent in Mandarin after a few months in their care; carries rosary given to her by former foster parents, which lead her to learn about Catholicism & become Catholic.
Native of - Winchester, Hampshire
Religion - Roman Catholicism
Occupation - forensic linguist
Appearance -
height: 5'5"
hair: 1c; medium density; shoulder-blade length; ginger
eyes: light brown
Other - does not remember birth name; nearsighted; usually wears contact lenses unless not dressing up (staying at home all day, stepping out for an errand, etc.); has both a regular driver's license and a motorcycle one
Theme - "I Don't Care (ft. Adam Gontier)," Apocaylptica
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Name - Brooklyn Kennedy Thorne
Alias - Birdie
Origin of Alias - loved birds when she was little
D.O.B. - October 31, 1996
Gift - exceptional reasoning skills
Archive Excerpt -
Birdie is eleven, and she is still stuck solving complex mathematical equations. This is a total waste of time that could be better used honing her primary gift in much more useful ways. ...Letting her observe Near's investigation might not be a bad idea. This is a chance to get her thinking beyond equations and focusing on what her primary gift can be used for that gives her the potential to one day become a great investigator: her inductive and statistical reasoning.
Once we've unlocked the full extent of those skills, we might finally be able to hammer all that other information she's been ignoring into her head. For that reason, I highly recommend accepting her request to "join" the investigation. ...Also because, no matter how much I love that girl, if I have to listen to her screams for even one more day, I am handing in my resignation.
— Marius Weinberg (16/3/2009)
Opinion of L - really cool; (this one's gonna just be regular sentences to better explain things) She was eight at the time of the "revelation"; this was before her personality shift, which occurred a few years later. However, when it came to something as big as this, it's not like she would have the opposite opinion of what she'd develop in a few years. She wasn't a perfect angel; she was your basic kid, aside from the gifted thing. She didn't really know how to take this revelation. After she changed and looked back on it, she developed a firm opinion on L. That opinion never changed, even after she grew out of her "demon phase" (Joy's term), becoming far less provocative and her troublemaking tendencies reducing significantly (though less rude, her brashness never went away). Her opinion of L: "Kind of an arse but bloody brilliant."
Opinion of Kira - he sucks, but she's not gonna go out of her way to make a big thing about it
Knowledge - 7/10
Creativity - 6/10
Initiative - 3/10 (can shoot up significantly if passionate enough, which is rare)
Emotional Strength - 5/10
Social Skills - 3/10 (main story)
Other Attribute - Boldness: 9/10
Backstory - Became an orphan at age four after her mother took her to a train station, told her to wait for her to come back, and never returned.
Native of - Winchester, Hampshire
Religion - none
Occupation - N/A
Appearance - (including appearance in her epilogue)
height: 5'3" (main story); 5'9" (epilogue)
hair: 1a; thick; near-waist length; bleach blonde
eyes: sky blue
Other - always wears the same light green (her favorite color) hoodie she's had for several years; bilingual (English and Japanese [decided to learn Japanese when May said she would study abroad in Japan; speaks the language but cannot read it])
Theme - "Safe & Sound (feat. The Civil Wars)," Taylor Swift
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Name - Leslie Elizabeth Reagan
Alias - Lacey
Origin of Alias - a reference to the black lace she wears around her neck
D.O.B. - February 19, 1990
Gift - general
Archive Excerpt -
I'll admit. I'd just about given up on Lacey. I'm not sure what happened that orphaned her, but... it must have been bad. We didn't even bring her into the orphanage with the other kids at first since she was so... out of it. Makes you wonder how anyone even knew she was gifted in the first place. ...Recommendation? ...Anyway, two days ago, Reynolds is like, "Why don't we just take a break with the therapy and put her in with the kids for a while?" He wants us to take this little girl, who's clearly been through sort of some traumatic event, and just stick her in a room with a bunch of hyperactive kids during playtime. Like, are you serious? Then the day arrives; that Mello boy hands her a piece of lace and tells her she should make something, and her face just lights up! And she smiles! Are you kidding me? *laughs dryly* You know what? I don't even care. She's talking and smiling; she's full of life. That's all that matters... I owe Reynolds a drink.
— Catherine Benson (19/6/1998)
Mello had kind of been her savior, so however extreme her reaction may have seemed to the others, I understood. She loved him, yes, but people who don't know Lacey like I do don't know that there was so much more to her feelings for him.
After a while, she just stopped talking about him. We weren't sure about it at first but ultimately decided to go along with it. Today someone slipped up and said his name. The room went silent, like everyone was bracing themselves for what would inevitably happen next, but nothing happened. Lacey just raised an eyebrow and stared at us in confusion. I know how this job works, so this development means I need to make sure she gets another psych eval. Not that I'd need it; I know my girl. I can see it.
His little gesture when they first met was enough for Lacey to be willing to let people in after whatever horror it was she had endured. She clung to him like he was a life raft, but we could approach her now and start the healing process. And she healed. It just took Mello breaking her heart for her to realize that. Mello was an idiot for leaving, if you ask me, but I'll admit, I'm grateful for the brat.
Lacey has made a new family at Wammy's. She has people she can turn to when life gets hard, and I hope to God I'm one of them, because that's what she is to me. She's family.
— Catherine Reynolds (15/8/2005)
Opinion of L - admirable and heroic; admirable skill-wise but otherwise disappointing
Opinion of Kira - good
Knowledge - 6/10
Creativity - 8/10
Initiative - 6/10
Emotional Strength - 4/10
Social Skills - 8/10
Other Attribute - Irritability: 8/10
Backstory - An only child who was orphaned at the age of eight, after her parents died in a fire. After three months of grief counseling, she was sent to The Wammy's House. She was silent for months until Mello gave her a piece of lace during arts and crafts and told her to "do something." She wears the lace that Mello gave her around her neck (which is eventually replaced by a lace choker when it breaks) and has been in his debt ever since.
Native of - London, Greater London
Religion - Anglicism
Occupation - event planner
Appearance -
height: 5'5"
hair: 2a; medium density; mid-neck length; sand blonde
eyes: hazel
other: lightly freckled
Other - very strong and athletically gifted; was in love with Mello but eventually got over him after he left
Theme - "Brighter," Paramore
Name - Melinda Yamada
Alias - May
Origin of Alias - born in the month of May
D.O.B. - May 15, 1985
Gift - general
Archive Excerpt -
May and her roommates seem to have taken a liking to a new arrival named "Birdie" and have taken her under their wing... Wait, no. That wasn't intentional... *clears throat* I realize interference in such matters isn't allowed, but I must express my wariness of the situation. May is much older than Birdie, and given May's nature, I'm worried she may-be it intentionally or unintentionally-adopt a maternal role. That would be detrimental to both subjects... Crap, did I say "subjects" again? Where's the "rewind" on this thing?
— Neil Franklin (7/2/2000)
Opinion of L - admirable; (not present during revelation)
Opinion of Kira - evil; killing is wrong no matter what the circumstances may be
Knowledge - 7/10
Creativity - 5/10
Initiative - 5/10
Emotional Strength - 3/10
Social Skills - 9/10
Other Attribute - Emotional Ties: 8/10
Backstory - Orphaned by the death of her father at age nine after he died of a heart attack
Native of - City of Wakefield, West Yorkshire
Religion - Anglicism
Occupation - production accountant
Appearance -
height: 5'5"
hair: 1a; thin; shoulder blade length; brown black
eyes: jade
Other - bilingual (English and Japanese [Japanese father and English mother)]
Theme - "Set Apart This Dream," Flyleaf
Name - Juliana "Julie" Cassidy Ashman
Alias - Joy
Origin of Alias - in honor of her brother, who told her to always find the joy in life
D.O.B. - September 7, 1986
Gift - exceptional ability to recognize that someone is lying, manipulating facts, withholding information, etc. with minimal effort
Archive Excerpt -
This girl is practically oozing resentment. I swear, her glare is so harsh I could feel myself being stabbed by it at one point. *sigh* We're not going to get anywhere if this keeps up.
— Martin Chang (24/10/1994)
Opinion of L - admirable and a hero; (not present during revelation); lost respect and admiration for L after he began the Kira case and was extremely disappointed that he believed Kira was evil
Opinion of Kira - righteous; bad people, like the man who killed her brother, deserve to die
Knowledge - 6/10
Creativity - 5/10
Initiative - 3/10
Emotional Strength - 4/10
Social Skills - 4/10 (pre-timeskip) ; 6/10 (post-timeskip)
Other Attribute - Emotional Baggage: 8/10
Backstory - Joy's mother died shortly after her birth. She grew up with her physically and emotionally abusive father and her older brother, James. James left to join the military at age 18, at which point his father had been clean, healthy, and stable for over a year, but he later relapsed, unbeknownst to James. Their father died when Joy was 7, and James came back, having served 3 years by then, and became her legal guardian. James stepped in during a mugging and was shot, leaving Joy orphaned at age 8, after having spent a year in his custody. While waiting for James in the ER, Joy had pointed out that a young boy with a broken arm who'd claimed to have fallen down the stairs exhibited signs of abuse, which, after further investigation, was found to be true. A Wammy's employee was there for unrelated reasons and had a hunch when he overheard and decided to scout Joy when he found out her circumstances. She was sat down and made to watch various police interrogations and point out whenever she thought the criminal was lying. Based on later known facts about the cases that were able to have police conclude when the suspects had been lying, Joy got a perfect score.
Native of - Liverpool, Merseyside
Religion - Roman Catholicism
Occupation - fraud investigator
Appearance -
height: 5'7"
hair: 1C; thick; mid-back length; dark brown with dyed sea green tips
eyes: steel grey
other: mole on the corner of the bottom of her right eye
Other - nearsighted (generally wears her glasses); always wears a silver, heart-shaped locket that has a picture inside; has both a regular driver's license and a motorcycle one; talented guitarist and singer
Theme - "My Hero," Foo Fighters
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Name - Sofia Ellice Altes
Alias - Story
Origin of Alias - enjoys writing stories
Gift - general
Archive Excerpt -
The girl is too considerate of others. That is the last thing an investigator needs to be. Let's see if we can get her to be a little more... "inconsiderate."
— Jet Talbot (19/8/2006)
Opinion of L - admirable and heroic; (not present at revelation)
Opinion of Kira - murderer
D.O.B. - March 26, 1996
Knowledge - 6/10
Creativity - 4/10
Initiative - 5/10
Emotional Strength - 6/10
Social Skills - 7/10
Other Attribute - Politeness: 9/10
Backstory - When her mother (Rebekah) was sixteen, her family learned that she was pregnant out of wedlock and disowned her. Shortly after, she was abandoned by her boyfriend. Rebekah died of pancreatic cancer when Story was 10. On her death bed, Rebekah told Story that she would always be with her.
Native of - Pembroke, Pembrokeshire
Religion - Judaism
Occupation - N/A; debut author (epilogue)
Appearance - (including appearance by the epilogue)
height: 5'1" (main story); 5'5" (epilogue)
hair: 2b; thick; just below shoulder blades in length; chestnut brown
eyes: amber
other: heavily freckled
Other - Allison's former roommate at Wammy's; Hebrew name is Tzofia Gavriela
Theme - "I Will Remember You," Sarah McLachlan (Metric cover)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Name - Heather Jenkins
Alias - Harrowing
Origin of Alias - likes the word
Gift - exceptionally high IQ
Archive Excerpt -
I figured they gave me only one ward since I'm new and the youngest here, fresh out of uni. Go easy on the new kid, right? I never thought it was because they planned on giving me someone so... difficult. Oh, that was rude, wasn't it? *sighs* I'm just so nervous. She was introverted when she arrived, but she was still talking. It was long enough for us to meet each other and get her psych evaluation done, but after about a week, nothing! *whimpers* ...No! You can do this, Terry! You graduated both high school and uni early! You were summa cum lade, for crying out loud!
— Theresa Westing (1/12/2005)
Okay, so I may have ignored protocol by contacting her case worker. I'd met him when he dropped Harrowing off, so when I told him who I was and asked to meet up, he immediately agreed. He insisted we meet over dinner, actually. Kind of creepy, to be honest.
Anyhow, when I arrived and explained why I was there, he was disappointed and mildly annoyed. He also refused to answer any questions; apparently business with Wammy's pays a lot in his line of work. Luckily, it turns out that he's the type who gets talkative after a few drinks. Her parents' deaths didn't cause her to change. Apparently, she's always been like this, and she's seen many psychologists. Harrowing never seemed to understand familial attachments, and she has no empathy. She came from a fairly wealthy family, and her parents didn't know how to deal with or communicate with her, even after reaching out to so many psychologists for advice, so Harrowing was ultimately raised by the help.
I suppose there's always the possibility for her to learn more about herself and others as she gets older. Maybe that could even help her develop empathy. All we can really do is make a point to try and teach her more about things like social cues and body language, though there's no guarantee it would work. At the very least, we could maybe help her develop cognitive empathy. That would be useful.
She's brilliant, but so long as she isn't able to grasp emotions or get a more creative outlook as opposed to solely logical, she's going to be unable to understand people's thought patterns and outlooks. This could even impede her in investigative matters, say a criminal doing something dependent on eliciting an emotional reaction from someone, if a person were to commit a crime of passion, or if she needs to get creative with a plan. ...It also might be nice for herself.
...I guess breaking the rules is worth it sometimes. *chuckles* ...Oh shite—the higher-ups don't listen to our recordings, do they?
— Theresa Westing (15/12/2005)
Opinion of L - indifferent
Opinion of Kira - indifferent
D.O.B. - November 8, 1994
Knowledge - 8/10
Creativity - 3/10
Initiative - 2/10
Emotional Strength - 10/10
Social Skills - 1/10
Other Attribute - Awareness: 3/10
Backstory - Born to a Pakistani immigrant mother and a first-generation Pakistani–English father, Harrowing was always an extremely quiet girl who kept her distance and rarely spoke. Her parents died when she was eleven. Despite the hefty trust fund left behind for her, none of Harrowing's relatives wanted to take on the role of her guardian, and so she was left with no one to take care of her.
Native of - Londonderry, Ulster
Religion - none (raised Muslim)
Occupation - N/A; forensic artist (epilogue)
Appearance -
height: 4'10"
hair: 3b; medium density; chest length (mid-back in epilogue); jet black; always kept in high pigtails (low pigtails in epilogue)
eyes: dark brown/back
Other - Allison's former roommate at Wammy's; bilingual (English and Urdu)
Theme - "You Gave Away," Mars Argo
Name - Mihael Keehl
Alias - Mello
Origin of Alias - alternate spelling of the word "mellow," which is something he tries to stay
D.O.B. - December 13, 1989
Gift - higher level
Archive Excerpt -
Even our resident psychologists haven't been able to do anything about it. In fact, the fact that he's been having sessions only seem to reinforce his thinking that he's "inferior" to Near. It might be for the best if we just drop it; I just don't think it's possible to do anything about his deep inferiority complex and one-sided rivalry with Near. Perhaps in time, he might resolve it on his own. Admittedly, his internal strife motivates him; it might lead to great success... or to his downfall.
- Walter Anderson (22/9/1999)
Opinion of L - a worth and respectable rival
Opinion of Kira - murderer
Knowledge - 7/10
Creativity - 7/10
Initiative - 10/10
Emotional Strength - 8/10
Social Skills - 9/10
Other Attribute - Inferiority Complex: 8/10
Appearance -
height: 5'7"
hair: 1c; chin length; golden blond
eyes: hazy blue
Other - second in line to succeed L; always came in second to Near as a child; likes chocolate; hates those who are better than him; known to have been a bit if a bully at times as a child; bilingual (English and Japanese; potentially more)
Theme - "I Bet My Life," Imagine Dragons
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Name - Nate River
Alias - Near
Origin of Alias - always "far" from people
D.O.B. - August 24, 1991
Gift - higher level
Archive Excerpt -
Near's position as first in line makes interactions with Mello inevitable. Oddly enough, despite Mello's disdain for him, I think Near somewhat enjoys their interactions and competition. Maybe Mello's rivalry isn't as one-sided as Mr. Barbrady and I thought. Then again, Near is just about impossible to read, so I could be completely wrong.
— George Corbett (30/10/1999)
Opinion of L - respectable; even more respectable than before; respectable and unsurpassable but also a loser for being defeated by Kira
Opinion of Kira - murderer
Knowledge - 9/10
Creativity - 10/10
Initiative - 6/10
Emotional Strength - 10/10
Social Skills - 1/10
Other Attribute - Life Skills: 1/10
Occupation - detective/leader of the Special Provision for Kira
Appearance - (includes 2019 epilogue appearance, which will be used for the 2015 epilogue as well)
height: 5'1"; unknown height, but he underwent a huge growth spurt (epilogue)
hair: 2a; short (extremely long in epilogue); white
eyes: dark grey
Other - first in line to succeed L; often alone; shows little emotion; multilingual (English and Japanese; potentially more)
Theme - "The Phrase That Pays," The Academy Is...
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Name - Mail Jeevas
Alias - Matt
Origin of Alias - unknown
D.O.B. - February 1, 1990
Gift - higher level
Archive Excerpt -
He's proven to be brilliant during the short intervals of time we can pry him away from that gaming device. How on earth did he even get hold of such a thing? *frustrated sigh* Well, if we can manage to get him to interact with the 3D world more often and willingly, he has the potential to make it into the top ten.
— Eric Hatter (2/3/1998)
Opinion of L - unknown
Opinion of Kira - unknown, but clearly not a huge supporter due to his willingness to help Mello
Knowledge - 6/10
Creativity - 6/10
Initiative - 7/10
Emotional Strength - 7/10
Social Skills - 3/10
Other Attribute - Observational Skills: 9/10
Appearance -
height: 5'6"
hair: 1b/c; dark brown; short
eyes: dark blue
Other - given name is pronounced as "Mile"; third top kid at Wammy's; likes video games; dislikes going outside
Theme - "Live My Life," Aloe Blacc
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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