Luke Castellan
Location: planet 187 - Reitchan
*10 years later*
I spun. My sword hitting true.
Another man down. Well can anyone be considered a man amongst the bloodshed that is war?
"Commander! We gotta move" I heard the voice of Zoë yell from behind me.
It snapped me out of my trance.
We were slowly being overwhelmed.
"Bianca! Take the left side, I'll be back" I got a nod in response
"Michael, with me! Beckendorf take the right" the orders were spewing out now.
Michael appeared at my side.
"Cover me" he didn't need any other incentive. Bow at the ready.
Back biter was a comforting weight in my hand. As I ran through the mass of Rietchen soldiers, incapacitating people left right and centre.
I just had to make it to the top of the battlements.
Too many soldiers.
I felt a prick over my skin, as it turned invisible. Much better.
Ten yards to go.
I willed my legs to move faster as my feet pounded against the harsh tundra beneath me, that seemingly covered the whole planet.
The top of the battlement was in sight. Just a little bit more....
A sharp sting erupted in my back. As My face met the ground, my invisibility momentarily disrupted. My back throbbing in agony as I retracted my hand from it to find blood.
Damn the bastard must have nicked me.
I could sense him behind me. His tall, bulky figure casted a shadow over me. And his red skin blended in with the rust coloured soil While his long brown, braided hair was speckled with it.
The Reitch are a formidable race, known for their brutality and violence. Doesn't mean they can't be defeated though.
I spun on my knees, slashing upwards. Catching him by surprise and leaving a nasty wound on his bare chest.
Honestly, you'd think they'd fight with armour. Imbeciles.
He howled with pain, and I took his moment of distraction to run him through. Easy
My invisibility had me me flickering in and out of view, leaving me slightly worried Michael would shoot me on accident.
Eh, can't do much about that now.
I pushed my legs harder, I could see the jump.
Just a few more meters.
Pain erupted in my legs, my muscles complaining as I pushed them off the ground to jump to the top of the enemy's battlements.
Gosh I'm gonna be sore after this.
My sword lodged in the wall as I continued to climb.
My shoulders working to haul my weight to the top.
I looked down, damn I was high up.
"FALL BACK!" I yelled in warning
I grabbed the small chaos detonator, given to me as a gift by the big man himself. And chucked it at the enemy forces.
"Get clear" and I saw my comrades scramble to get the innocent and themselves to a safe distance.
Michaels arrow pierced the wall next to me, a string tied to it connecting it to a tree on the other side of the battle field.
I ripped my bandanna from my face, using it as a zip line holder I swung my body from the wall, as i slid down the string.
A deafening bang sounded behind me, as the chaos detonator went off.
For a moment, I felt true fear.
Was I gonna make it?
Smack, my face hit the bark of the tree. Ouch
Oh Thank chaos.
I looked behind me, the whole army, apart from a few stragglers, were incinerated.
What a nice way to end the day.
"Very gracefully done commander" Bianca gave me a constipated smile, Trying her best to hold on her laughter.
"Yes done mighty gracefully" Castor joined.
"Can I have that on recording please?" Silena teased
"Yes the proof would be great when writing the records" Beckendorf contributed
I scowled.
They burst out laughing. Well all except Zoe.
She's been very closed off since she joining the team. Her sense of humour was still there but, she wasn't exactly up to it. She looked lost, empty, like she was missing something. Chaos told us not to bother her about it. So of course we obliged. To an extent of course.
I was brought back to the present by a loud howl of laughter.
"I can see it now! Mighty Commander Luke Castellan sets off bomb and incinerates Reitchan army, finishes by zipping down a zip line, and faceplants into a tree!" Castor got out between laughs.
"We aren't friends anymore" I stated. As I could feel my face start to redden.
"Oh hush tomato, you'll forgive us eventually" Michael laughed.
My blush only deepened.
"Ugh C'mon you lot. Let's just go." Still laughing they scrambled along behind me.
Ugh yes, this was my team. The mighty elite team of the chaos army. Acting like a bunch of hyenas after their commander obliterated an entire army. I should smite them all.
What disrespect.
We all filed onto the ship. Zoë took up position of pilot and sat quietly in the secluded pilot area. Chaos wouldn't trust any of us to fly.
We've been together as a team for 10 years now. And it's been good. We've all changed for the better.
I still remember the first day Chaos came to recruit me into the army. I was in Elysium, actually eating lunch. When I was approached by him. He explained about his army and whatnot. And bam! I'm here.
I got the opportunity to be commander 10 years ago, apparently the guy chaos wanted to be commander couldn't be. Which was odd.
He would never tell us why. No matter how many times we asked. I remembered being really interested to meet him as well. But instead the role fell onto my shoulders.
I can't say I regret it.
The ship shuddered as we touched down.
Feeling exhausted, I stepped out ready to face plant straight onto my bed. But alas I cannot, stupid chaos and his reports.
"Alright, you guys know the drill" a series of groans sounded from the team.
We handed our gear to the handlers and went to take the merciless walk up to chaos' office.
Castor Dionysus
Honestly damn this all powerful man for making us walk up this many steps!
Gods curse him
Okay not actually but still.
Luke was about to open the doors to chaos' office. Before he turned.
"Not one word"
I could help it, I burst out laughing.
He growled, I mean literally growled.
And with that he flung the oversized doors open.
The man himself sat comfortable at his desk looking over paperwork. He looked up, onyx eyes coming into view, the little stars inside them twinkled as they would in the solar system them self. His black robes contrasted against his pale skin, while unusual but neat chocolate hair rested easily on his head framing an almost chiseled face. Muscled arms came to rest in front of him, hand clasping together.
"Commander, elite team" he addressed.
"Oh, almighty lord chaos" I fell to the floor. Michael and Luke followed suit.
"Thankyou for gracing us with your presence oh mighty creator" Michael grovelled.
"How can we be of service to his greatness" I added
He scowled, not impressed. I could almost feel the eye rolls of the girls standing behind us. While Beckendorfs facepalm was audible.
"Enough! or I will smite the lot of you." He said with a joking smile
Luke swallowed loudly and grovelled at his feet."Oh great and powerful creator please, have mercy on us!"
Chaos let out a hearty laugh. "Alright enough. Every time you have stepped in this room, you have orchestrated that disaster, I think you've had your fun"
We stood. And I could help but let out a snort. It is not a disaster, it is acting!
"Right, Luke, I would like a report, you can send me the proper paperwork later." He said it like it was no big deal, Erm excuse me! Paper work is a big deal. The sympathy I have for Luke right now...
"Of course chaos, Their forces have been defeated, the Reitchen are now cleared from the planet, and the commoners are beginning to build their city back again." He took a breathe continuing.
"We had 2 fatalities consisting of two commoners who were caught in the fray at the very start. Their family's financial situation will need to be handled accordingly. We fought fluidly as per usual, and I set off the bomb right at the end successfully destroying their forces" he finished
Chaos had a proud smile.
"And faceplanted into a tree" I added as a quick side note.
Luke's neck spun so fast, I swear he could have gotten whiplash as his eye searched for the culprit AKA mwa!
As soon as he spotted me his glare turned murderous. I'm so not gonna get away with this....
Steeling myself I gave him a small wave.
Chaos chuckled. "Smooth commander, real smooth"
Luke flushed red. "Err thanks Sir"
Tomatoes back.
"Very well done Elite team. The results were expected. You are dismissed back to your quarters." Chaos praised.
We bowed, and embarrassingly enough my back cracked.
"Getting old there Castor?" Luke teased.
I rolled my eyes. And chaos chuckled.
I so am not going to get away with embarrassing him now, I thought as we walked out the doors.
I sighed as they walked out the room. I was lucky for having such admirable heroes.
But gosh they were a pain in my ass. So immature.
"Well that was entertaining"
Again another sigh escaped my throat. The elite team may be immature. But they are nothing compared to this pain in the backside.
"Yes well, they were all influenced by you at some point" I turned, sea green eyes bored into my own, sparkling with humour. And his large 7'2 figure towered over my own 6'4.
"Yes my wonderful grasshoppers, they are learning quickly" he clapped his hands together like a performing seal as his smile twisted into one almost sadistic.
I groaned "Perseus please, if you have nothing to do, please go away and annoy someone else"
He smiled wider. "Now why would I do that! Honestly chaos you know you love me, where would you be without me"
"Probably better off" I muttered.
He ignored me. The devil waltzed over and sat on the corner of my desk, peering over the documents I was reading.
"Watch'a doin oh powerful creator" he mused, peering over further to look at the mission I was reading over.
I scowled "what do you think."
"Alright grumps. gods. I'm sorry for asking." His smile turned into a annoyed frown.
"Perseus, what do you want?"
He smiled. This aggravating little....
"Well you see, I know what your planning and what is bound to happen." I nodded not to shocked that he knew. He knew everything now days.
"I am offering you the Ultimatum, a last result should it come to it. You know what to do should you need it, from when I first gave it to you during the first war. But I am giving you permission to pass it on to your commander." My eyes bugged out like a cartoon character, no way. He's actually going to offer it. This could turn the tide of the war.
He moved to stand in front of my desk as my soldiers were before. He fidgeted. And his neck snapped sideways in a dangerous twitch, causing water molecules in the air to pop creating a loud bang.
I jumped slightly.
ADHD was his major downfall although he was so powerful it came with that one major fault. Standing before me was one of the most ADHD people you'll meet. But he did control it well. Although it caused very dangerous power fluxes from him.
"Sorry, thats been happening more frequently" he provided as if it meant something he couldn't quite figure out. His power fluxes were something to be wary of.
Ignoring that I couldn't shake off the shock. "Perseus are you serious? This could change the tide of the war."
He nodded smiling happily.
"I know what has to happen chaos. We are not losing to what is deemed the inevitable." He said determined.
I smiled. "Thankyou Perseus."
"Yes yes, I know I'm amazing" he said jokingly.
"Would you like to be in the room when I explain it?" I asked, hoping he'd be the one to explain it himself.
"Sure, actually chaos, I also have a request. I would like to take your commander for a week Tatiana and Artemis think it smart for us to train him. In his responsibilities for this war" he left no room for arguments, it wasn't a request.
I nodded "yes, of course."
"Good, We will save explaining it to him tomorrow" he responded I agreed.
"Oh and Percy" I said, quickly remembering something.
"Ye-" he sneezed, accidentally vapor travelling to the other side of the room.
"Sorry, yes chaos?" He apologised.
"Someone has been missing you, and if you don't visit her now, you and I both know you'll be in a word of hurt" I smirked as his face paled at the mention of his fiancée.
"Oh gods I'm so dead" he groaned.
"Go on, she's waiting" I prompted. But he was already gone.
Poor Percy, Zoë's going to kill him.
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