Mad Man
(I am so sorry these updates are not coming out as planned, I've been so busy with school and work and it's hard to write sometimes, in the next few months the updates will be slow because of school. Once summer comes around I will update as much as possible, Thank you <3 )
He stared down at you, his tall height towering over you. This made you feel powerless, weak like a cat beneath a dog. "You have never made an attempt to talk to me before, ja?" He said, standing up to his full potential height, being much taller than before. "I-I just need t-to know what happened to me and h-how I got here..." you said shyly, your body shaking. He smirks at your stuttering and shaking, "Zhat is a complicated question mein dear...". Richtofen begins to fiddle with something in his pocket, pulling out a small organ "Ah, I forgot I had zhis in mein pocket...HAHAHA!" His manically evil laugh makes your heart sink to your stomach in fear, wondering what sick and twisted things he is capable of doing. He tosses the kidney to the side and stares down at you again, this time with a more...How you say, sinister look? "Ich could tell you how you got here...but I have ozher zhings In mind~". He begins to walk towards you slowly, smirking evilly as he did. You began to panic as he got closer, and closer, and closer. As soon as he was just a couple feet away, you dashed to the door, only to find it has been locked. "Looking for zhese...?~" You turn around slowly to see him holding the key in his hand. "Zhat vas a very naughty zhing to do...running avay like zhat~ Maybe you need punished~". He quickly ran at you and pinned you to the metal door, arms at your sides and legs pushed against the door by his own. "Tsk tsk tsk...Such terrible behavior for somevone like you~" she gasps as the cold metal of the door hits her back, sending a chill down her spine as his sinister eyes boar into her own. "Get off me this instant!" She yells, pushing him off. He scoffs, brushing his coat off with his leather clad hands. "Jou are aggressive, zhat could be helpful" he says, stepping back away from the girl. She just stares at him with confusion "what do you mean.." she asks. "Vell, as jou can probably see, ve are in zhe middle of a zombie outbreak und aggression is vell needed in zhese situations" he says, leaning against a table. "I see what your saying.." she says lowly, grabbing a hold of the colt pistol strapped to her hip. "How did this all happen?" She asks, looking at his tall figure.
"Vell....It is a long story.."
(This chapter sucked I know, but I will be going more into the zombies story line as this goes along! Thank you all so much for the views and feedback :) )
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