Chapter 10
Chapter 10
It was Friday after school and Michael was walking -more like limping- home after the tiring day. He had PE, and he could admit he wasn't the fittest around despite his biceps.
He was just about to place an earphone in his left ear to listen to some Nirvana before a car honked beside him, making him almost scream out loud.
Almost ignoring the blonde boy with a red streak in his fringe rolling his window down, he decided to have some respect.
"Get in loser, we're going shopping," he obnoxiously smiled, sunglasses prominently resting over his eyes.
That's when Michael decided he was just going to walk away. But, Luke slowly drove beside him.
"Come on man, we can get milkshakes. I can even buy you some nice panties."
Michael continued to walk. "If that's how you're trying to convince me, bless your delusional mind."
The back door suddenly opened and arms were wrapped around his waist. He shrieked and tried to kick them but they pushed him into the backseat and climbed in, shutting the door.
"Ashton, you fucking prick," Michael laughed, wiping his hair out of his forehead once he saw the Australian grinning at him.
"Well if Luke couldn't get you in the car with his undeniable charm then I had to step in," he chuckled, leaning back in the seat, sitting like a real guy; with his knees apart.
"I hate your sarcasm," Luke commented from the front seat. Ashton teasingly lipsynced what Luke said in a funny face, making Michael laugh out loud.
"I'm sure sarcasm hates you too, Hemmings," he pressed on, Michael still laughing at Ashton's childish behaviour.
Soon enough, they were pulling up at a gas station. Luke got out and started filling up his -actually Ashton's- car.
He glanced into the car a few times, seeing Ashton and Michael do things like play thumb war. Children.
He yanked open the back door and pulled Ashton out. "You're driving now," he ordered and was pleased with himself that he's sitting next to Michael.
Michael didn't look pleased at all and huffed, getting out of the car and sitting in shotgun next to Ashton.
Luke's stomach dropped and he almost wanted to tell Ashton he wanted to drive again but his voice would quiver.
His head was leaned against the window as he faded away the sounds of Michael and Ashton loudly singing to What's My Age Again.
It was such a low blow, Ashton was only there to help get Michael in the car but it was too late to uninvite him now.
Luke huffed, just wanting to go home now. It was obvious that Michael liked Ashton more than him. Heck, it was obvious Michael liked anyone more than him.
He fucked everything up when he kissed him.
He didn't hear a voice calling his name as he was distracted with his own depressing thoughts. "Luke!" the voice called again, finally grasping his attention.
It was Michael.
"What?" he snapped, leaning back in his seat.
Michael only looked at him before sighing and looking forward again. The blonde's stomach turned at his eyes scanning him while it lasted.
Today was going to be horrible.
"So, Michael, how's Australia treating you so far?" Ashton asked Michael since he knew Michael was living in Europe for a while.
"It has it's pros and cons. I'm just thankful there are mates like you guys," he smiled, eyes connecting with Luke's. The blonde gulped, quickly looking down and fixing his fringe.
When he looked up, Michael eyes were now on the waiter as he was ordering himself a chocolate milkshake. He looked at Luke once again, silently asking what he wanted.
Luke got lost in his eyes for a second before he stated, "I'll have the same as blue head over here."
He earned a slap from the pouting boy across the booth.
Luke didn't pay attention to what Ashton ordered, he was too busy thinking about Michael's fingers that were lingering a bit longer on his shoulder than what they should've.
Even if it was only a couple of seconds.
"Oh, look," Luke grabbed Michael's shoulder and turned him to a store's window.
They were having a walk around the mall, Ashton lingering a bit more ahead.
"There are those panties I was talking about," he pointed to some black lace lingerie.
He received a huge slap on the shoulder. "How inappropriate!" Michael scolded before laughing out, "If any one of us two would wear panties, it would be you."
Luke huffed. "Whatever, let's catch up to Ashton."
"Wait, I got a text."
Luke tapped his foot and decided to wait for the blue haired boy.
"I'm gonna go to Calum's, drop me off?"
Luke stammered, "Wh-What?"
"Calum invited me over, would you like the honour of dropping me off at that idiot's place?"
There was a moment of silence that Luke used to think. He'd have some alone time with Michael if he drops him off; more alone time than he's been having here at the mall.
"We're here."
Michael nodded, not getting out of the car. Instead, he lolled his head to the side, looking at the blonde who was looking ahead, trying to avoid eye contact.
" So..."
"Shut up, Luke."
Luke obeyed, taken aback. His sunglasses were perched up on his nose and he scratched his day old stubble.
His breath hitched when Michael leaned across the console towards him. "M-Michael?" he cautiously turned his head to the blue haired boy, who was looking into his eyes.
Michael bit his lower lip. "Thanks for the ride."
The blonde nodded, gulping. "It's not a proble-" Their lips meshed together roughly as Michael placed his hand on one of Luke's cheeks.
He kissed back immediately, missing the feeling of Mike's lips against his own. A quiet hum left the blue haired boy as he unbuckled Luke's seatbelt.
He placed his hand on Luke's waist, urging him to climb over as they continued to kiss.
The kiss only broke for about ten seconds as Luke squished his lanky body over and comfortably onto Michael.
His blue eyes pierced into Michael's green ones. "Promise you're not going to run away this time?" he whispered, already leaning closer.
Michael nodded and so their lips connected once again. There was hair pulling, lip biting, and neck sucking.
It all ended because Michael's phone began vibrating. Luke had to awkwardly lift his bum so that Mike could get his phone from his pocket.
"Cal, I'm here. I'm coming out now," he quickly spoke, Luke leaning down and grazing his teeth lightly against his neck.
A look of horror flashed across Michael's face and his eyes darted to the window at the front of Calum's house, seeing Calum stand there, his arms crossed.
He did not look happy at all.
"L-Luke, get off, I've got to go," he stammered, letting the blonde off before getting out and slamming the door shut.
The blonde watched as he made his way to the front door before hitting his steering wheel furiously.
"He fùcking promised."
A/N: emotions are being played with lel
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I'm pretty happy with this story. I appreciate you all for reading it !
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