Ignoring backfired 😅
This os is from the track after vansh return from his fake kidnapping
Vansh came back. He was talking with his family and stealing glances to look at his sweetheart
Riddhima was very happy to see her love fit and fine. She was sad at first that he faked his kidnapping but after seeing him all her complaints went away
She went towards him but he went away ignoring her.
Vansh hugged siya who was betraying him with his enemy inspite of knowing this he was behaving normal with her. Seeing all this riddhima felt as someone stabbed her heart. Her eyes were filled with tears
Vansh was angry with riddhima for destroying tear of laila and taking help from his enemy. He felt that riddhima did not have trust that he could save her and their child. He loved her a lot but his male ego came in between
Siya:Bhai come today whole family will eat food together. Bhabhi what will u eat?
Vansh was ignoring riddhima as she didn't exist. This made riddhima acknowledge the truth that inspite of having a family and husband she was all alone. Everytime she would behave mature and mend things between both of them but this time it was too much plus her pregnancy hormones were also not helping.
Riddhima: No need Siya. After all this my stomach is full. And i dont think anyone will be happy finding me here. So its better i leave
Vansh (in mind) : Y is she so stubborn. For god sake she is pregnant. No vansh u cant forgive her easliy. Let her do whatever she wants
Riddhima went from there to pool side(caressing her stomach):i am sorry baby. Pls forgive ur mom. I know i have been very careless about u but now onwards mumma would not repeat her mistake. I promise baby
Riddhima decided that now she is not gonna do anything. If he wants to ignore then even she is not going to acknowledge his presence. She took her things nd went to another room
Vansh came back to their room: Where is she now? Its late night she should have slept till now but she is not even in room. Sweetheart if this is ur way to make me forgive u then i m not going to let it work.
Vansh went to his side and slept
Next morning
Riddhima went for shopping for baby and informed Angre
Vansh freshed up and was searching for riddhima
Vansh: Angre where is riddhima
Angre: Boss bhabhi went for shopping
Vansh frowned hearing this. Riddhima always used to go for shopping with him and only if he is busy then she would go without him that too informing him
Angre: Sorry boss i know its ur personal matter and i should not interfere but u should not behave like this with bhabhi. She...
Vansh: Just shut up Angre. Be in ur limits. U dont need to tell me how to behave with my wife
Angre: Sorry boss but i have done mistake of being quiet once during the ahana fiasco and i dont want to repeat it. Sorry to say this boss but every time u wont be lucky enough that bhabhi will forgive u . Bhai we both know that when u were hell bent on taking revenge on her u broke her completely. If someone else would have been in her place she would have never forgave u or else would have moved on with someone else. But bhabhi she doesn't even remind u abt wht all u have done with her. Bhai luck would not always be on ur side. Dont commit a mistake due to which u will lose the only person who loves u with everything she has even after u broke her to bits
Vansh got numb after remembering the ahana fiasco.
Vansh( in mind) : No no what if riddhima leaves me after all this. I have always been a jerk to her but then also she never left me bcoz she loves me a lot. She has a lot of self respect but then also she compromised it and forgave me but i m being a jerk just like last time. I was on the verge of losing her due to my ego.. No no.. I can't let this happen. I m gonna pacify her and ask her pardon and this time i wont repeat my mistakes
Vansh: Sorry Angre. U r right. I will go and talk to her. I will pacify her.
Angre:Wait boss. I wanted to show u something.
And then angre shows the cctv footage from when he had faked his kidnapping. Riddhima roaming in the hotel... Crying... Her hallucinations...
After seeing all this vansh started crying. He was shocked how could she love an asshole like him this much... He always felt that how could he be so lucky to have an innocent soul like her.. He was determined that now he will do anything to win her back .
He decorated their room and had written sorry all over the floor. Angre had informed him that his angry wife has shifted her room. So he brought all her stuffs back. He baked cupcakes and chocolate cake for her. And over the chocolate cake it was written in bold letters MOMMY PLS FORGIVE DADA
Vansh knew his ziddhima would not come back here.. So he went to the garden and found her sitting there. Her back was facing towards him.
No response
Vansh: Sweetheart
No response
Vansh: i know sweetheart that i have been a jerk to u. I am sorry but pls dont ignore me. I will die pls.. Sweetheart till today no one has loved me this much and cared for me.. Hell my family only took me as their money making machine.. I m new to all this so i was not able to react to it. I know i dont deserve u...(choking in his voice with tears) But i m too selfish to let u go sweetheart.. Pls pls forgive me...
Riddhima was in tears listening all this. She knew even she was at fault. She should not have lied to him again. She should not have interfered in his business. She knew he faced a lot of losses due to her. But in dream of a happy small family she did what she felt right. But she did not want to forgive him so easily. So she thought to play with
Riddhima(not facing him) : Leave me alone vansh. I dont want to talk to u. I m fed up of all this
Vansh did not knew that she was acting. He felt ashamed of himself. He was crying
Vansh(closed eyes): I m sorry sweetheart. It would have better if someone would have really kidnapped me or killed....
He was not able to say anything else as he was feeling soft lips on his rough lips. He opened his eyes to see his sweetheart kissing him.. He was shocked to respond but then his cute little wife bit on his lower lip and he started responding.. Both sucking and nibbling each other lips.. Their tongue fighting for dominance.... Without breaking the kiss he took her to their room
They parted away to breath... Panting heavily.. Eyes filled with love and lust for each other
Then riddhima observed the room.. She was overwhelmed with all he had done... She knew both were equally responsible for whatever happened..
Riddhima: Vansh all this...
Vansh(Keeping his finger on her lips) : Shh sweetheart i am sorry i know my mere sorry cant change the past.. But i promise i wont repeat this.. Pls sweetheart i m guilty.. I want to live a happy life with u and our babies
Riddhima: Babies?
Vansh(smirking): yes sweetheart keeping my sabar in mind we will surely have a cricket team 😉 and winked at her
Riddhima (smacking his arms) : Vansh ..
Vansh: Now lets cut this cake... Marking our new beginning..
Riddhima( seeing the cake) : Yes.. Momma forgave dada... Sorry vansh i promise next time i will not involve someone else....
Vansh: Shhh... Sweetheart i told u na we r going to have a new beginning then y r u reminiscing old things...
They cut the cake and fed it to each other...
They both hugged each other... Pregnancy hormones were doing there work... Riddhima was feeling horny.
So.....u all know what might have happened 🙈🙈🙈....and then they sleep... With a start for their new beginning..... 😚
So i m writing for the first time...
I know this os is not so great... But do tell me how it was
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