Hlo gys
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Let's starts
After that kabir leave from their .....
Riddhima started moving towards her orphanage
Vansh and Chang were discussing about the meeting after 2 hours their meeting get over
Vansh started looking for Riddhima and does not find her
After a while he moves toward his mansion with angre
Next day ......
Riddhima meet kabir and told her him being police officer and ask her to pay price of love by spying on Vansh rai singhania
Kabir : say Riddhima will pay the price of love by spying the mafia Vansh rai singhania haaa bolo Riddhima.
After this word leave from his mouth Riddhima slap him on his face and told
Riddhima : what a police officer
you are who is asking his
girlfriend to spy on mafia what if
something happen to me who
will be responsible for that ha .
It is very easy for you to say spy
on mafia and what will you if he
will caught me or kill me will you
come to save me from his
Kabir : comming out from the shock from being slap( raging form inside but talking politely with her ) .
Riddhima plz listen to me plz help me you are the only one option from me .and
ha if some this happen I will come to save .nothing will happen to you me being with you plz help me plz
Riddhima ( thinking for a while): ok but I am breaking up with you and we don't have any relation with each other from now own
Kabir: what
( pretended of being shocked and talking loveingly to her showing fake loving emotion to do emotional blackmail )
what are you saying Riddhima you cannot do that you know na who much I love you plz dont break the relation showing fake tears and emotions .
Riddhima( mentally roll her eyes mummerd ) : jerk
Kabir: what
Riddhima : nothing . I am helping you in this mission but before I am braking my relation because I don't want any relation with you and tell me about vansh rai singhania and his family how I have to behave and what evidences you want from me .
Kabir : ok , thank you for helping me and I will train you for this mission . I will tell you each and every thing about him and his family members . How to get close to him and his weakness .
Riddhima: ok
After that kabir took Riddhima to his secret office which is in his house
Told Riddhima about rai singhania family members and about vansh .told that you will go as a party planner on his cruise trip . Give her a make up kit transmitter and clip transmitter and after that Riddhima leave from their .
While going Riddhima started feeling dizzy and start stumbling she think that she has not taken her lunch that why it's
happening after a it become well she think to call vansh to her hostel after completing her
dinner because sejal is out and she have talk vansh about Kabir and his planning . She took cab and reach her hostel and toward her room after freshingup she went to took her dinner while eating she started feeling uneasy , nausea
She started rubbing her chest not understanding what happening to her suddenly
she started feeling to throwing up she stood up covering her mouth she went toward the bathroom and started vomiting their after a while she washed her face and cleaning with towel she move out side
Fall on bed getting exhausted and a while she started feeling good . She think to call vansh.
She took out her phone from her purse and call vansh after two three rings he pick up
Vansh was sitting with his family on dining table and having her dinner while his phone started ringing seeing the caller id he simile a bit and cover it up not wanting his family to see him smiling by t to his bad luck siya had seen him smiling
Vansh : he cannot able to speak because he was sitting between his family he say does hmmmm.
Riddhima : what hmmm haa .why are you not speaking ooo why will you speak to me you get a ragini and what will you do with me and you will leave me now and marry ragini with that she started crying .
Vansh become stun with her reply and excuses his family and goes to garden .to speak to Riddhima and
siya also went after him excusing the family and she is behind the pillar from where she can listen his talk clearly
Vansh : shouting what the hell are you speaking and did you understanding what are you talking and why will I marry that bitch . Are you in your sense that you are taking rubbish
Siya with herself with whom bhai is talking angrily
Riddhima: while crying and started feeling dizzy holding her head do I look mad to you that you are calling me mad now you don't love me now now you got ragini and you forget me and why the hell are you shouting on me
Controlling his anger
Vansh : sweetheart I am not calling you mad why i will call my wife a maf and I love you soo much and tell me why you call and what happen to you that you are having mood swings .
Siya gets stunned with his reply and she speak to herself what bhai is talking wife is bhai is married and we even don't know why bhai is hidding this truth from everyone I have to talk to the bhai right now .
Meanwhile vansh and Riddhima
Riddhima: huffing holding her head while feeling dizzy I ....do..n't kno..w .......wha..t..... happi..ng to me .I call you t..o say t
....hat ....I wa.....nt to meet yo....u now ....and it's very urg.....ent and she fell unconscious on the ground .
Vansh : sweetheart what happen Riddhima....Riddhima what happen started shouting while he does not get any response he check his phone see that call is connect he does not get get any response from other side . He hurriedly cut the call.
Moves towards his car and started moving toward Riddhima's hostel
Seeing vansh leaving siya went inside and think about vansh conversation she wanted to go behind him but she can't because of the wheelchair
She think she will talk bhai when he will come back and she will clear her doubt with the she wheeld towards her room
Vansh driving very rashly
After reaching their he went towards a secret room which is connected to the Riddhima s room which is known to vansh and Riddhima
When he reach to the room he sees that Riddhima uncousiously lying on the floor he went toward her and pick her up and lay her on the bed , started sprinkling water on her face and shaking her to get her into conscious not getting response he call doctor and went outside to get the doctor after a while the doctor came and started checking Riddhima
Vansh was standing at the corner of the room and terrified thinking what happen to Riddhima and the thought of her being away from him started scratching his soul in very painful manner .
While checking Riddhima got her conscious and doctor started questioning her and after checking vansh went towards doctor he got confused with doctor happy face
Vansh ask while looking at doctor : doctor what happen to her why she got unconconsious and why are you smiling tell me damit
Doctor :while relaxing him said congratulation Mr and Mrs raisinghina you both are going to become mom and dad soon and Mr raisinghina your wife is 2 months pregnant and both are fine .
After listing to the news both vansh and Riddhima gets happy their happiness has no bound
Vansh : thank you doctor thank you so much . doctor you will not say this news to any one and if this news goes out and if any one gets to know I will kill you
While listing to him doctor get terrified and started shaking with fear and nodded her head and went from their
Vansh happily hugges Riddhima. And share a liplock
Both of them very happy that moment that they are going to be mom and dad
After sharing a happy moment Riddhima told vansh about Kabir plan
Vansh : that's it you will be coming with me After the cruise trip and in this condition I cannot take any chance.
Riddhima : ok but what will you tell to your family
Vansh : I will see to it you just take rest and don't take any stress I will think about it . Good night and will meet tommarrow
Giving forehead kiss he went from their happily reach his mansion and moves toward his room
He went to washroom after freshing up he moves out he see siya their and listing siya question he become stunned
Siya : Bhai are you married
Vansh : while stamming w.ha.t ru..bb..i.. sh..... a ..re y..ou... talk...ing m.ar...rie..d or me siya you known na I am single and why are you asking this question suddenly did something happen
Siya : Bhai don't lie to me I have listen your conversation on phone with some one and you started that you are my wife why will I call you mad and after that you wend hurriedly somewhere
Bhai tell me the truth I will not tell this to any promise plz tell me what are you hidding are you really married why any one of us does not known to this fact
Vansh : thinking a while ok I will tell you every thing firstly let me close the door
After closing door he went towards siya and told about Riddhima how they meet , married her family each and every detail (note : I will disclose this latter ) and I have a good news for you
Siya happily : what bhai and I am so happy for you and plz show me the pic of my bhabi I want to see her plz
Vansh : no I will let you meet her tommarrow on cruise she will be their and good news is that iam going to become a dad
Siya : excitedand happily reply whooooo bhai means I am going to be bua and you dad I am so happy
I am very excited to meet my bhabi tommarrow good night bhai and congratulation
Their talk was listen by someone while listen siya wishing good night he / she went from their .
Contine ....in
Proof reading not done
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Such a long pww
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