24. Final Goodbye
First of all, Sorry for taking too long to update my story. All this time, I have gone busy, but once in a time, I finished editing my chapters from the first. Please take a look on story description and Prologue for recent updates. For my readers, I have updated two chapters at once, Enjoy reading:-)
27th April, 2020
The day before his departure, she left the office by 4:30 in the evening; to buy him a present and give him with surprise. She planned this already to make on their eighth love anniversary that has still six months to go. Probably Ridha thought that she celebrate most of the special days alone in this two years. Atleast she wanted to make her plan workout this evening; Else it can't be made in the next two years.
On her way to purchase the men's ring, she called for booking a candle light dinner at a sea shore restaurant nearby her home. So she can wear the purchased ring in his hand and accept his Ring proposal that he made before two years. After their last meet before a week near the beach, both got busy in their respective works. Atlast Ahmed gave her word to meet this evening after her office hours since he is coming to visit his relative nearby Ridha's house along with his mother.
When she ride her scooter to the place where Ahmed told her to wait, she waited nearby masjid where magrib adhaan was given and men were rushing inside masjid. She felt shy to stand outside the masjid, she planned to reach a nearby park and texted him the location where she is.
Meanwhile, Ahmed reached her to the park and asked her to go inside the park. Ridha got confused because she told him that she kept a surprise and she is coming to pick him up to a unknown place. She also imagined how to get him there by closing his eyes. But his face holds some kind of guilt towards her.
"Sorry Ridhu", he paused before continuing
"I thought to leave my mom in my maami house but it will get late to reach my home, So I made her to sit on the beach and told her to wait there till I complete my magrib prayer"
Ridha's plan flopped as well as her heart dropped at his words. She imagined that he'll be busy the last minute before entering the Airport but he seems too busy that he is leaving her so soon that he doesn't have time to spend with his loved one.
"And I think you planned to go for some dinner , but my stomach is upset too... I can't have anything right now", he added by guessing her plan a bit.
"Sorry, Ridhu. And We have lots of things to do at home for my leaving", He again reasoned.
Ridha disappointed to the core and she didn't realise that her Ahmed is making excuses to leave for his home for the first time. He gave her all the spaces in his life. He used to anticipate for her surprises before but her life is taking to a new phase. She has to understand the busy schedules of Ahmed from now on.
"It's okay, Ahmed. I think we can leave right now, and your mom will also be waiting for you", she stood from the bench that they happened to sit few minutes ago.
"Ridhu, wait", he called.
"What surprise you planned for me?, Just tell me and go, we can make it some other time in sha Allah", He asked with even more guilty face.
"It's nothing big", she made him walk along her to the parking area.
When she opened her backseat, she took a box from it and asked him by opening the box to reveal her token of love for him, a shining men silver ring with a single piece of white stone embedded in it,
"Do you like it?"
"Oye, when did you buy this? Why all of sudden?", He exclaimed in shock or surprise.
"Okay, let me put in your finger", She wanted to word out her acceptance for the proposal he made two years ago,
'Will you be mine forever, Ridhu?'
'I'll be yours forever, Ah'med',
Her heart secretly murmured at his question that he posted before two years and her eyes welled up with tears while inserting the ring in his middle finger. It perfectly fits in his large finger compared with hers.
"What are doing now, Ridhu? I don't expect all these things", he confessed his feelings.
"I'm also", she didn't expect her surprise plan will backfire her and all her expectations fooled her heart.
"Ok, never mind, Let's leave", she try to put on a smile and waved her hand.
"Fee amanullah, Ridhu", he raced his byke to pick up his waiting mother.
Her heart shattered in pieces. She just stood their expecting he'll come again and console her. But she got uncontrollable tears flowing on her cheeks , blurring the vision to the dark road. She doesn't know how long she waited for him to return to her without giving her scooter to life.
At one point, she realised she was left alone in a dark road and it's also going to be this tough or even more in the future. She have to give courage to her heart in future and life to the engine for now. With her future thoughts and flowing tears, she reached till her street ends.
Her courageous heart once, gave up now to step inside her home. She couldn't control her tears. It increased even more. She ended up standing again on the road alone. Thankfully her nosepiece hide the empathetical look from the passersby. She feel like she left alone and her love is not going to come and erase her tears as well as this little heartbreak. She doesn't know how to stop her tears when she took the phone and dialled a number relying on the person so blindly.
"Hello, Assalamu alaikum, Ridhu", the Other one asked concern on the silence from Ridha.
"Zulfi, I don't know whether I can able to face my family now", she gathered all her words to speak after her silent sob.
"Where are you now? What are you doing? Tell me why your voice is shaking?", Zulfi enquired with fear of what has happened to her friend.
"My surprise plan got ruined, Ahmed left me so soon by saying he has some work, I don't know what to do and whom to ask for help except you, This stupid tears are non stopping", she complained about her cheated heart who gave all the expectations an hour before.
"Oye, Ridhu, First wipe your tears , if you have water , wash your face and step inside your home, Don't get caught from your mother", Her friend instructed and Ridha searched for the water bottle and found it empty.
"You do the things that I told you now, and let me call you once you entered home, text me soon", Zulfi acted more like a boyfriend.
Ridha raced her scooter to nearby shop and got a water bottle. After splashing the water for three times, Her face looked fresh in her side mirror. She maked up infront of her family and later she got some refreshing words from her best friend.
Ridha's past starts:
"Let me decorate this black board to welcome teachers for their teacher's Day, you just grab the Color chalk piece from the box", Ridha asked Burhan and her close friend Vani. Vani is a nice girl who talks to everyone without selfishness. Ridha get along well with her from the class separation.
"Vani, you just color the words to make it bold and attractive"
"And Burhan, you do some decorations over the side of the board", Ridha says while designing the letter 'T', adding some Italic fonts.
By the time, many teachers and students are entering the school through the front gate. These three girls were given responsibility to decorate the two black boards on the either side of front gate. She internally had fear that they should complete the decoration before the students rushes via the school gate for the morning assembly. She concerned for one person not to get noticed in his eyes more than her fellow students.
After few minutes, the black board really looked well with colorful floral designs at the side and the greetings stood out apart from the designs, will impress every teacher. They hope that no lectures will happen that day and that will be best treat for the students by the teachers. And the morning assembly starts, all students along with the teachers assembled accordingly to the grades from junior KG to Grade XII. After the morning prayer and the school songs, the assembly lengthens it's time for teacher's Day celebration. By the time, students in the ground made to sit and watch the programs made by various grade students.
"Ridhu", Sadhia whispered in her ears.
"What?", Ridha said by enjoy watching a student who is mimicing his teacher.
"Lookkk down", Sadhia stressed that word.
"What is there in mud?", Her eyes looked at the direction where Sadhia's forefinger pointed.
"Not in the mud, look at your pant", Sadhia said in a uncomfortable tone.
"OMA, help me please", Ridha picked the seriousness of what Sadhia pointed.
"Okay, let me hide you", Sadhia said by laughing a little at seeing how crazy her friend wore her pant inside out. Later they carefully reached the restroom and Ridha felt relieved after wearing it in a correct way. She just laughed at her self how stupid she was. And when she thought of how she walked several times in the ground as a joker, even she spent half an hour outside the School gate in that costume. She suddenly felt embarrassed and her friend started teasing her for how careless she is to look herself in the mirror before she walks out for school.
Later, Shabana came with a red rose and handed over to Ridha. She thought it was the one that kept at reception and got it from her and pinned to her hair even it's beauty will be hidden under the scarf, like hers. Soon after she adjusted the scarf to its original position, her eyes fell on the one who is staring at her way. She suddenly felt uncomfortable and went to her place to enjoy the programs with her friends.
When the program concludes and the cake cutting was done by the teachers, the assembly dispersed. The whole class frowned that the usual classes will start after the break. When Sadhia and Afeera calls for the restroom, She followed them and went to wash her face.
"You are wearing that rose", Sadhia surprised to see on Ridha's hair.
"Why is that, not pretty?", Ridha asked by splashing the water over her face.
"Then did you agreed to Ahmed bhaiyya?", Sadhia asks concerned.
"Whaa-ttt?", Ridha death glared.
"Yes, you accepted his Rose, it means you accepted his proposal, Isn't it", Sadhia voiced her mind thoughts.
"I got this rose from Shabana sister, Oh! Then it's from him, huh!!!", She finally understood why he stared when she pinned the rose to her hair. She unpinned the rose from her hair all of a sudden and rushed outside. Instead of throwing it some where, she admired the beauty of the rose and pocketed it with a little smile.
Ridha didn't attend his texts and calls for a week because of his last utterance,
'Will you guide me like this throughout my lifetime, Ridhu?'
Will I guide him throughout his lifetime? Will I do this? Is this possible? If it's possible, how will your family reacts, What will you answer your mother if she asked, 'have you selected your groom for yourself, huh?' Wow, Masha Allah, you'll make your parents feel for this or you'll make this longing soul feel for this... Now you got stuck between the one who raised you with values and the one whom you are admiring secretly and imagining a future with him... Why have you started this conversation, you should be telling your heart that you should convince him and not to be convinced by him .... This month chatter is to benefit him to change his views and you both need to end a common ground and look yourself for your career ahead separately, not together, Ridhu.... Please don't make him long for you, make him understand as a good friend, even your heart follows his way, just think about your parents in the future how hurt will they be in, Stop following your heart and go with your mind....'
After fighting the battle against his own heart, she made up her mind in convincing him in her way and not to be convinced by him. Later she took his dad mobile and went to her terrace to call him,
After three rings, he picked her call,
"Sorry for being rude, Ah'med", she said after replying for his salam.
"I'm sorry for not knowing my limits with you, I understood where I need to stand in your life, you are just pitying me and having this conversation so that I ll get convinced by you, but if this is your thought, Sorry Ridhu, I can't, let's stay like this without having any conversation, Don't care for me"
"Thanks Ridhu, For teaching every mean things about Islam, I just wished to take your islamic preachings forever, but my wish will remain just like a wish"
"And Thank you very much for calling me, 'Ah'med', it feels so rightful, thank you so much"
"Fee amanullah"
Later Ridha called once she left alone at home where her parents went for work at Saturdays and her sister Sana went to her friend's house nearby.
In the last ring, Ahmed picked her call and said his Salam. After few minutes, their chatter back to normal. When Ridha started talking about fasting of Ramadan since the fasting will commence after a month, they totally forgot why they were not talking for last whole week and completely involved in discussing various topics like a good friends, more than a friend I think, lol.
"By next month, mom said that we need to purchase dresses for Ramadan, So that we will completely worship in this whole Ramadhan without any disturbances", Ridha said.
"Good, by the way, Are you going to wear Saree for this Ramadan?", He asked her.
"No, why are asking suddenly?", She guessed of why he is pulling this saree topic all of a sudden.
"Don't you remember that last Ramadan, you wore Saree inside your black Abhaya and left that night from praying in your old area Masjid?"
"Yes, How do you know?"
"I quickly finished my taraveeh and waited there among that area Masjid boys in order to see you, And you came out from the masjid with your mom that night.", He revealed his secret watching to her.
"Really, then you were the one who came following me that night, I got some feelings that night all of sudden. Then you were the cause for it. Don't you?"
"What feelings?", He enquired curiously.
"Some kind of feelings"
"Okay let me text you once I have my breakfast, Ah'med", she changed the topic
"Thank you for calling like that, I like you to call me by name"
"Sorry.... Okay bye, Assalamu alaikum"
"Wa alaikum salam, Ridhu"
'Ya Rabbu! The one who incurred such unknown feelings in my heart is him,
Why his presence sends me shivers and his absence causing emptiness to my heart,
What if I accept him in future, can I accept the one as my husband that my mom finds for me, I'm getting comfortable with Ah'med, Can I get the same comfortability with someone?
No, no way..... I think I'm falling for this guy... His love feels so Real.... He has some connections with me....
Ya Rabbu, please give me guidance to this confusing heart, please....'
She just switched on the television to distract her questioning heart. She made her breakfast and started switching the channels. Her ears distracted by the message notification sound and she quickly checked the phone,
"Quickly, Switch the channel to Movies now",
Is he for real, how he knows I'm watching television and she instructed as he said and there displays a movie name 'Titanic' on the right top corner of the screen. Ridha heard about this movie. But she doesn't give her interest to watch any movies. Again a message popped,
"Watch the movie, it will be so romantic"
She just replied 'mm' and begin watching and there comes hero, taking her hand and carefully letting her stand on the edge of the ship with her back touching his front; he slowly pull her hands and both stood like a two birds flying above the sea. The whole view feels really romantic and it shows like, the boy wanted to show every of his happiness to that girl that time.
By seeing that, her heart started imagining her with Ah'med in the middle of the sea. She smiled without realising her quivering lips and blushing cheeks. In that time, a calling bell rang and stops her imagining mind to get back into proper sense. Soon she switched off the TV and went to see who waits the other side of the door.
Later their chatter developed slowly into a serious conversation when Ridha confronted that she accepted the rose without knowing it's from him. She also told him that she removed it once she came to know it was from him. It hurted Ahmed deeply and realisation hits him more. So he ended the call just like that after knowing her heart's true intention on his love.
After a minute, his phone popped a message of being 'Sorry'. Ahmed didn't reply because he just wanted to know whether she really like him or not. He doesn't want her to pity him. If she really likes him, he will stay with all his might. But if it's not, he doesn't know how to lead his life further.
Then after seeing her three pop up messages of her apologies, Ahmed wanted to try to know whether she is loving her or not. So he just called her back and she picked it after a ring.
"Ridhu", he said in a low voice
"Mm, Sorry, Ah'med for hurting you badly", she apologized by worrying too much for him.
"Can you give your last statement for my life?", He said in a serious tone.
"What?", She gasped at the thought.
"Ridhu, please, I just want to hear those words from you so that I'll end my life by hearing those sweet words from you"
"Ah'med, what are you saying? Where are you now", She panicked by hearing his low voice.
"I'm in my home alone, Doors are locked and no one is there to help me now to get rid of this, so I called you, I'm just suffocating to breathe", Ahmed said and ended his call.
She called again and again. He didn't pick his call. Her eyes started pouring and her heart wants to know how he is badly right now. She knows somewhat of his house details because Ahmed house is just near by Afeera's and Burhan's house. By the time, she gave three full rings and thankfully he picked at the third ring,
"Ah'med, just unlock the door and ask for someone's help",
"Drink some water first, pleaseee", She spoke with her tears.
"Just let out what is in your heart, Ridhu, it's enough for me"
" Please don't cry for this idiot", Ahmed said in a very low voice.
"If you stay there without having anyone's help, I'll come to your house now", Ridha said of nowhere.
"Don't kid, you don't even know where I'm", he acted normal and felt energetic. When Ridha said the exact address to him, he got surprised at how she came to know all of his details.
"I'm okay, Ridhu, Thank you, you also have feelings for me, you worried for me, you cried for me, and I didn't expect that you'll say you know my house and you are ready to come to my house, It's enough, sorry for making you worry for me, I just want to know, that's why I just acted like I couldn't breathe, I'm happy for now and felt satisfied, In sha Allah, you will let out those three words one day and confess your feelings for me, Ridhu"
"What? Then you acted and made me to worry about you, How can you do this?" Ridha frustrated at his prank and ended the call. She didn't pick any of his calls and ignored his all messages. She then decided that there is no more between him and her. She couldn't withstand that he deceived her all these times. He couldn't understand how she suffered in this few minutes. She went to the thought how will she be if he made any wrong decision for his life. But everything is just acting. I didn't think he is good in acting when I just got fooled only with his Dancing performance before.
'Stupid he, he doesn't know how stubborn this Ridha is!!!
You will regret for this, Ah'med'
Ridha's Past ends...
Ridha asked half day permission in the morning. She instructed him that she has to see him wearing the things she selected for him during their last week purchase. And she tried to match him with white shirt and dark blue jean pant. Anyway her new grey hijab that her sister Sharmi bought from madina during her umrah, hide her white-jean beauty. Its only her inner satisfaction to match Ahmed dress for their final meeting day.
On the way, she bought coolers and nanari syrub for him to make his body stabilise from heat in Qatar. By the time she reached to Airport with help of Google map. It's her first time to Airport and it happened this way to send off her loved one. Yes, the one who gave happy moments as well as painful worries.
Though Ridha got dejected by her failure of her surprise plan the day before yesterday. Ridha got convinced when Ahmed said that he never used to wear a ring continuously. But he really like the way it fitted perfectly for his fingers and he liked the simple but elegant look of the ring that his love gifted. So she keep on falling for his words throughout her life though some situation put her in hardships.
Ridha waited for him near the domestic airport because he'll reach cochin from Chennai and there is evening flight to Qatar from Cochin. She just seated like other passengers since Ahmed is accompanying his family too. He just told Ridha that he'll try to introduce to her parents if possible.
To save the waiting time, she wrote a letter for him after a long time, probably her college days was the last to write him a letter. The letter for taking care of his health when he is alone there and her lovely words to comfort the lonely place. And a assurance that she mentioned atlast,
'I'll be waiting for your arrival after 730 days, You have to be summoned before me after your given days are over... '
She placed farewell card that she made herself at home that morning. She quoted boldly inside the card ,
"I leave you with Allah's Protection,
Fee Amanullah, Ah'med"
She got interest towards making lovable gifts for her lovable ones in her free time. She imagined how will she react when he introduce her to his family.
After folding the letter inside the card, she happened to see Ahmed's dad coming out of the big merun Car from passenger seat. And one by one, nearly ten persons stepped out from the car including a man in the white shirt and blue jean as she wished. She probably that Ahmed couldn't introduce her since her cha-chas and his family also accompanied.
It's only thirty minutes left for him to enter inside the domestic Airport for verification and get his boarding pass. Ahmed left his family to be seated at one side and made excuse to meet Ridha the other side. Ridha guessed correctly that he has left with less courage at this peak time to introduce her with his whole family. She came with wearing her nose piece. So there is no room for doubts in the eyes of his family members.
He lend the items she bought few hours ago. He asked for a final selfie with her. She exchanged the coolers that she recently bought on her way, with Ahmed's light green shade. Added to this, she already got his shirt ,his handkerchief, his past bundled letters for her and his passport sized photo to cherish as his memory in the upcoming waiting period.
His family noticed her standing alone in long distance after Ahmed left bidding his final salam. But either his family or Ridha didn't took a step in knowing each other without having proper introduction from Ahmed. His masjid friends came for his send-off. She saw them in her school days but she did not spoke to them before when there was no reasons to it except Ahmed.
They came near to her and handed one of their phone. And the caller ID was unknown, she took them to her ears and heard his voice.
"Why didn't yoy answer my calls?"
"I thought you removed your SIM card and gave to your Abba, it's no more to use, that's what you told me yesterday right?, So I didn't care of my mobile anymore when I couldn't receive your calls from now on", she justified her actions.
"And I m looking for you through this glass wall", she let out her desperated voice.
"I m also, Ridhu, But you are not looking my way, Look at your right side entrance"
"Yeah, but it's crowded, I can't see you"
"Why did you came out, What happened", she asked curiously wishing that he has left some important documents or any other reason to stop his travel to abroad. She wanted him so badly to stay in her reaching distance.
"Because of your nanari syrup", he reasoned as it was not allowed to take with him.
"Okay Ridhu, let me call you after I reach cochin in some few hours, This is one lady number accompanying me"
"Ahmed", she longed for him desparately.
"Give phone to any of my friends", he asked as there is less time for his standing queue to end for getting his boarding pass and he has to return the phone to its owner.
After she handed over and left the place to let her tears freely without any discomfort, her friends surrounded her again.
"Why are you crying this much sister?", One said
"He will also take you with him in few years, that day you'll happily show us your goodbyes", the other said with a warmth smile.
"Ahmed, stuck with the old lady", The another one added to make her laugh by imagining Ahmed and other lady as a couple.
"Thank God, you smiled", the one who made her laugh, said.
By the time, a call came and one of his friends instructed his hand to look at his pointing direction. Ridha followed and stood before a rail and glass wall to see him clearly. She saw him smiling at her in distance and showed 'bye' to everyone.
Even after he disappeared, her legs glued to the ground to see him come again to the place where he left her. Later she realised that she is not the one who is searching for his figure and there is another woman standing nearby looking for him to return with a sad face and teary eyes to her right side, His mother.
Two woman who conquered his heart are sailing on the same boat watching their loved one in a Wreck, disappearing from their eyes,
But not from their hearts.
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