19. Mr.Grey
18th Feb, 2019
"I don't need people who creates gangs inside the office", his chairman shouted and besides a man who is the complete reason for all the chaos, silently laughing and a high smirk plastered on his face by seeing Ahmed.
Ahmed, who is with few words but shows himself with much actions every time, stood infront of his chairman as a total freak and with a dejected heart. He didn't expect his chairman who once appreciated for his efforts and achievements blames him for the thing he is unaware of. All happens because of that stupid one who wants to prove himself as a higher and honest one before his company's chairman. This politics has been for last few weeks and here comes the result with Ahmed's resignation. He has nothing to say outside because he understood that it is utter waste to prove a person who failed to find out the truth, but he intends in heart,
'One day, you'll pay for what I have gone through and you'll feel guilty in judging the bad out of good ones'
The way when he left his office by taking all his necessities from his diaries, pen stand, small pillow to his slippers and prayer mats, weighs more in heart than his backpacks. His team once filled with joy shattered into pieces by that idiotic higher manager. After handing over the resignation letter, he just take out his mobile and texted Ridha with his blurry vision,
"I left my job, On the way to home, please don't call"
He already informed Ridha about the politics happening inside his company against him. Ridha assured him that the chairman won't listen to other's words because Ahmed really made a good impression to his chairman in this last one and half years. But when his message came on her way, she couldn't understand why such nasty things happened all of a sudden. Her eyes suddenly started to pour tears on realising how much pain will her love is going through by now. She tried to call him again and again but there is no response from the other side.
"Okay Zulfi, please adjust if our RM comes here, Ahmed is going through much difficulty now than I imagined, let me go to his place and console him and will return to my home, I can only reach his place if I leave now, okay bye, Assalamu alaikum", Ridha let out rapidly.
"Ridha, one minute, what if our RM comes suddenly", Zulfi concerned for the consequences to leave two hours earlier before her work time.
"Excuse me, folks", a familiar voice reached the two friend's ears as well as the team mates who sat besides them, turned to look towards the source of the sound that comes from. 'OMA!!! How come this girl's word get answered all of a sudden? What if I left the hall before my RM arrives, I ll be punished severely in violating the rules', Ridha made a thankful look at her friend and seated on her place.
"Everything is going fine, I hope it's getting well and I think you all got surprised by my sudden visit after one whole month. I'll finish up the purpose of my visit ASAP and you can carry on with your work then", her RM paused and put a questioning look at Ridha.
"Wait, what happened to my curious girl? Why are you looking so sad?", Her RM noticed at Ridha's worried face and he mentioned many times that Ridha is his favourite and he liked her because of her curiosity.
"Mmm,. Aahhh,. I'm fine, Amit", Ridha let out word by word. Usually it's her company policy to call every colleagues by their names even it's a CEO. Initially Ridha and her friend found little weirdness but later on, they picked up the new culture that doesn't affect their personal values.
After his discussion on publishing the next newsletter with his team, he left them to do their work. This two friends keep on looking on each other and Ridha literally thanked Zulfi for saving her and Zulfi put on a warm smile. But Ridha wanted to console her love who is in much need of her. So before an hour left, she picked her bag and left by bidding salam to Zulfi.
Reaching his place, Ridha called Ahmed to let him come to the nearby stop of his house. Ahmed got shocked to see her come again long way for him and tensed about how she'll go home soon without getting stuck in eve's traffic. Initially Ahmed scolded her for her two hours journey but he deeply felt satisfied on seeing her. He compelled her that he'll drop her in his byke so that Ridha won't get late to her home. As usual he wins the argument and took Ridha who is protesting her on the way to her house,
"Will you stop, or let me jump from this ride?"
"Oye, it's your mistake to come this long without using your sixth sense", Ahmed shouted back.
"Okay let me not come anymore though you suffer a lot, but please this time, let us atleast spend some time in having dinner and I know that you not even had your lunch yet, isn't right?" Ridha looked into his right side mirror to get his face reaction.
"Alhamdhulillah, pass by that hotel", she directed to their left side of a large hotel where a man in tuxedo welcomes them at the hotel's reception. When entering inside the hotel, the dim lights that shines from every corner of the large hall and traditionally designed lanterns that hung above the golden linen cloth covered tables, made a rich traditional look for the customers to cherish their eve's dinner. The entire view urged Ahmed to leave the hotel because he wanted to hide himself from this luxuriousness and enjoyment that is quite unsuitable for his twisted life.
"C M!!! Come and occupy this seat", Ridha offered him a seat before her after finding a suitable four seated table that lie on a middle corner of the large hotel. He just followed her without any dispute after washing his hands and face.
"What do you like to have?", Ridha asked by sliding the menu to his side.
"Please Ridha, I'm not in the mood to have a rich dinner, you order for yourself", Ahmed said without looking into her eyes.
"Look at me first", Ridha called him by shaking his hands that rested on the table. His eyes became reddened after much crying and his face looks so fresh as if it was washed multiple times and Ridha could realise how much he had gone through all alone after he left his office. She wanted to hug him badly and console him but restricted herself and just squeezed his hands by saying 'Everything will be okay' from her eyes.
"Okay, order me one barotta and any side dish", Ahmed said not to make her even more sad by not having anything from noontime.
"Two barotta, one butter chicken, plus schezwan chicken fried rice", she placed the order to the waiter who noted whatever she said and asks further to have. Ahmed just asked for a bislery water to be placed at first before serving the ordered meals.
Ahmed keep on attending the calls from his office mates and they are really missing the kind and cheerful Ahmed when they came to know about his resignation. Ridha keep on starring his polite and silent way of response he is giving over the call. This was her favourite habit of Ahmed because Ridha usually would go to extreme level though it is happiness or sadness. But Ahmed take both the things in peaceful and polite way and won't react much on the things outside. It's quite difficult for the outsiders to understand his heart besides Ridha is a open book, quiet easy to read her mind.
"I love you, Ah'med", Ridha confessed her feelings in a silent tone by looking into his eyes. He stopped reacting over the phone when Ahmed catch her sudden outburst. Within a few seconds, he ended up the call and look into her eyes. Her eyes got stagnant with water and it is ready to shed anytime when her emotions for her loved one rushes her heart furthermore.
"I don't know what to reply you, Ridhu", he said and his eyes started pouring its tears inspite of hers.
"C M please, for Allah's sake, control yourself, This is not a big thing, it's is just next step of your success ladder towards your goal. You will really deserve better than this, Insha a Allah", Ridha consoled him by stating the truth. Really Ahmed's hardwork deserves much better than he had before.
"I am fearing of how I'll manage the coming month house expenses. My mom and dad income won't suffice everything. And I told you that I won't allow mom to go to work from this year. How will I manage everything???", he said out of fear.
"Everything will sort out In sha a Allah, please have this Barotta first", Ridha said by serving the food in his plate that was placed by waiter a minute before.
Later they finished their dinner and went for hand washing near the wash basin where Ahmed looked at Ridha through his front mirror with a sad smile. Ridha looked into his golden checked dark blue shirt that leaves his first button and collor flew open, his half folded sleeves near his elbows looks cool and handsome on him.
"You look handsome in this shirt", Ridha blushed on seeing him through his mirror.
"Is this look good? When you call me, I rushed to this unpressed shirt and put it over my skin without wearing inner Tees", Ahmed said by putting a weird face on seeing himself through the mirror.
"That's what I love, the real You", Ridha said and wiped her wet hands with the wipes.
When the whole ride goes silent as usual, Ridha wanted to cheer him better so that he'll get a peaceful sleep without looking into his worst nightmare. It's hard for everyone to accept that there is no place to go, no work to do, no friends to be with and most of all you have to realise you are jobless person infront of everyone the next morning.
"Ah'med, do you watch VIP-2 film?", Ridha's mind suddenly thought of a recently watched Tamil movie where the hero will be facing more trouble in getting job and the villain will target him on every matter and suddenly the villain will plan and give resignation to Hero who will get dejected all by his heart.
"Yeah", Ahmed's voice peeked out from his helmet.
"Then realise only hero will be getting this much struggles in life, You're hero, Ah'med, my hero ", Ridha said excitedly only to get his smile. Really he is the real hero in her life to show her his true love and care and to his family, especially to his mom and he is trying to overcome every difficulties without expressing much to the outside people. And now he wanted to safely land his love though he is literally weak by his heart and mind.
"Okay Ahmed, you drop here, I ll take auto since it seems less traffic, and it's only 8:15 and I ll get to home after fifteen minutes, else you'll get stuck in the traffic while returning home", Ridha said by leaning onto his backpack inorder to reach his ears through his soldier green helmet.
"Okay Ridhu, you text me once you reach home", Ahmed said and both the hearts bid their salam and 'fee amanullah' for their safe travel.
Ridha's past starts:
"From tomorrow, we can meet in Madharsa also", Sadhia said cheerfully. Ridha and Afeera just came to spend some time with Sadhia because she got some fever and remained at home for taking some rest. After drinking the water to ease their thirst, Ridha bid her farewell by saying,
"Take complete rest, it will be nice to spend more time with you, Alhamdhulillah it will be possible from tomorrow In sha a Allah, we'll see you tomorrow, Assalamu alaikum, bye"
Afeera also bid her salam and left Sadhia's house after exchanging Salam to her mom and grandma. Later the two friends made their way to home. Afeera and her cousin Burhan is already studying Aalim course in Madharsa from last year. Due to Afeera's suggestion, Ridha and Sadia registered their names in that course last Saturday. Ridha's sister Sana and some of her friends also registered in that course during last Saturday's bayyan. Every week, they used to attend Saturday's bayyan in the ladies madharsa. Sometimes Ridha will take her two grandma's to that place. It will be funny to walk with their two grandmas. The paternal one will lead her and the maternal one will follow her due to their respective walking speeds.
When she reached her house with more tiredness due to carrying her heavy bag, she entered by opening the gate. She felt for someone to lift her to the first floor where her home is. When she is about to take her first step, a sweet voice called her from her right side. Ridha turned to her right side to see where the voice came. It's nothing but Afra's mom and Ridha put a smile and said her salam,
"Assalamu alaikum Aunty, how are you, where is Afra?",
"Alhamdhulillah, come inside", Her sweet neighbor called her. After unbuckling her shoes for the second time, she felt a bit lazy to remove her socks again and entered their house as such. The hall looks same as her home, but the kitchen and bedroom places got switched comparing to her house.
"Richchaaaa", Afra squealed and made her baby walk from her room to the sofa where Ridha is sitting. Ridha surprised to hear her nickname and it was really nice the way she put her name aloud.
"Afra, call as sister", her mom scolded the one plus year kid.
"It's okay, Aunty, it's nice to hear from her" , Ridha said with a huge smile, still admiring her. She just wear her 'mamy Poko pants' diaper on her baby dress. After lifting her from the floor and kept her on Ridha's lap, she started to converse to get to know more baby languages from the little kid.
By the time, her mother made a tea and offered hot samosas and bajji to Ridha. Ridha admired Afra's mother's social behaviour with her neighbours. Afra got her feeding bottle that filled with milk. She handled with her little hands and drank as a good cute little child. Ridha admired her much and thanked for her Eve's little dinner and took Afra to her house for playing with the her sister Sana.
The bonds between her neighbours grew little by little as days passed. Last two weeks before, Ridha got another neighbour to the second floor. They are the family of three having a single son, Dhurvesh. He is one year younger to Sana as like her cousins Hassan and Hussain. They also get along well with Ridha's and Afra's family. The three storey house filled with families and entertainment and only one dhadhima residing at the third floor who is the mother of the owner of the three storey building.
The next morning, she went a bit earlier to her school and a person halted her way near the entrance of her class room. She raised her head to look at the boy who is none but her friend, Hamza.
"Assalamu alaikum, Why are you blocking my way?", Ridha frowned at him.
"Wa alaikum salam, because something is different today, you look different, whaatttt it isss???", Hamza put his forefinger on his chin to show that he was thinking deeply.
"Whatever, let me put my bag first on the desk", Ridha said and went inside to put her bag on her desk. She noticed only few people were inside the class and she was glad that she came earlier today than her usual time.
She intend to go to the next class to see her friends Sadhia and Afeera but they made their way to her class by the time. Hamza deeply looked into Sadhia and Ridha and to Sadhia and then to Ridha. By seeing his tauntrums, Ridha asked finally,
"What Hamza? You're looking into me, then my friend and then to me and her, What ??? Do you skip your breakfast???", Ridha asked with teasing grin though she knows he is doing for having some fun.
"Oye!! Makeup, Do you give some of your makeup to Ridha this morning? Why did she looks too fair than normal?", Hamza asked Sadhia by her nickname since Sadhia put her usual makeup daily to her school.
"Shut up, youuuu, lean mosquito, i didn't give any to your friend, if you want , ask her, don't grind me", Sadhia went outside angrily by grabbing Ridha's hand to roam outside till her school assembly begins. Ridha couldn't understand why his friend looks too deeply onto her face and find her little makeup she made early in the morning. But she knows that Hamza mostly like her the way she naturally looks. He commented her many times because Ridha usually don't put even a face powder or kaajal. She left the thought and went outside to roam with her lovely friends.
After a month has gone after their reopening of school, Ridha got her extra classes for X Grade in the morning as well as evening. She was happy to go to her Madharsa once her school got over. She'll take some half an hour gap to fresh up and by the time, Sadhia will come to pick her up for Madharsa. She got back the previous time to spend with her two friends.
She got her English special class in this evening and she felt tired in spending nearly ten hours in her school itself. To add tension in the Atmosphere, Miss.sherli is her English teacher and she won't allow any student to go home without learning anything from her class. She is good in teaching as well as very good in teasing girls.
"Do you think, you are the queen of the class?", she shouted at a girl all of a sudden and class made a pin drop silence. At the time, Burhan made a little noise to reach only to Ridha's ears, "Did she only knows this one sentence in all her life, especially towards girls?"
"Yeah, it's dangerous to survive this whole year with this Miss", Ridha told very silently with much fear.
'Her attitude towards boys will be different from the girls due to her pleasing nature towards boys and horror nature towards girls. It was funny to see my class boy's mouth watering by seeing this unmarried woman on the first day of my X Grade. They become hundred watts bulb when they came to know she was our English teacher, and by the way, she is the class teacher of the one who tortures my mind every day in his absence, good annoying student as like as his teacher, very funny but dangerous', a familiar voice suddenly broke her thoughts, it was none but Hamza signalling her from her left side. She put a 'whatt' look and confused at how she supposed to signal in the presence of Miss sherli.
When Ridha looked at the board, she saw her Miss standing at the door and talking to a boy, but Ridha couldn't look at the boy because her class door hiding his face and talk seems a little higher, probably some senior boy asking doubts in his studies.
'Wait ,... What, only X and XII have this special classes in morning and evening, then that boy must be from XII Grade, what if he is Ah'med, No he won't be, he might be any of his classmates', she again disturbed from her thoughts who is pleasing to get something from Ridha.
"What do you want, Hamza?", Ridha asked.
"I need ink pen, please give me yours or any extra pen, my pen's nib got broken", Hamza pleased as if he needs her whole property.
"Wait", Ridha said and handed her ink pen and it is her favourite, that she is preserving from her V Grade.
"Handle with care, okay???", Ridha said in a warning tone.
"This is too much for this", Hamza put a weird face on it after getting from her. Burhan sitting on her right side pulled Ridha's hand and pointed to someone who sat leaning on a pillar, holding a book with his hands and looking through her class window. The stage is quite visible since her class located near her school stadium. Mostly they'll sit on the stage to read for their exams or any class tests. But it's surprising to see her senior sitting alone on the stage with a book but his gaze peircing her eyes through her class window.
"What is he doing here?", Ridha asked Burhan after her many questions encircled her mind.
"Maybe Miss Sherli is mentoring Bhaiyya since she is his class teacher", Burhan cleared her thoughts. Burhan knows Ahmed very well since her brother and Ahmed are friends and their houses are nearby. Ridha initially got surprised to see Burhan talking so cool about Ahmed as if she know him from her childhood. Yes she is, because of their houses are nearby since years.
"He is hardly looking into his book since he is busy in looking at you", Burhan teased and Ridha scolded her to keep quite and concentrate on the work that her English teacher gave.
"Ridha", a voice came from her left side and she knows very well who he is without turning to the source of the voice that calls her name rightfully.
She got Hamza's friendship from the year she joined this school. Hamza still comments her on her baby walk with her peach coloured long frock on her first day. Ridha initially gets angry for his teasing attitude towards his class girls and put many fights with Hamza before getting his wonderful friendship. Maybe, that was the reason she liked him as a good friend since years.
"Yes, what do you want again, won't you let me write my class work?", Ridha frowned at Hamza but hide her smile on seeing his angry look.
"What's this pen good for? It's not even writing well, but you advertised as if you have a Parker pen", Hamza showed his notebook where the half letters seems visible and half went invisible.
"Ha ha! It only works for me because it's my pen", Ridha said as if she was crowned in her kingdom.
"Okay give me, let me show you how to handle my pen", Ridha laughed and got from him. By the time, she unknowingly turned her head towards the window. She saw his eyes furiating with anger and she confused at his look at first and got to know about his jealousy look towards Hamza. Ridha quickly turned and showed the note that was neatly written by her favourite pen.
"Then, see how it writes for me?? You don't know how to handle my pen, Hamza", Ridha said casually.
"It's complicated as you, get a pen from Burhan and pass me, I have more work to be done", he said in a carefree tone.
Ridha couldn't concentrate on her due to the disturbance it caused from her right side, from the window. But she keep on staring her notebook for few minutes and averted her gaze to look at the person who caused such disturbance to her heart. She got worried to see his seated place gone empty.
'Where is he gone? Why he came? Why he gone? Why his presence makes me happy and his absence makes me sad, What's happening, Ridha control yourself, don't fall for him, else you'll be in trouble', Ridha's thoughts dispersed when Miss Sherli left the class and the whole class dispersed after her for the day.
After returning from Madharsa, Afeera left this two friends since her house is nearer to Madharsa. Sana and her friends are going as a gang infront of this two friends and passing funs. And Ridha and Sadhia are walking hand in hand peacefully without talking anything from the time they left Afeera, like two cute love birds.
"Ridha, shall I ask you one thing?", Sadhia asked.
"Mmm", Ridha nodded her to continue.
"Why don't you like Bhaiyya?", She asked all of a sudden as if wind breeze harshly slapped on her face. Ridha kept silent without knowing what to speak to her.
"A incident happened infront of my house this evening after you left to your home from school.", Sadhia said from nowhere. Ridha confused of her statement from her previous question about him and so she opened her mouth to resist her eagerness,
"What happened, Sadh?"
"Your lover fought with your ex lover today", Sadhia said and Ridha was furiating at her definition,
"What do you mean, who is my lover? Who is my X?", Ridha asked raising her eyebrows.
"Okay cool, Ahmed Bhaiyya fought with that crap, Aarav", Sadhia added some sense to her and now her angry face turned a bit emotional and asked,
"But why?", She asked.
"Don't know Ridhu, I am assuming that Aarav should speak low of you and Bhaiyya got angry and went to fight with him, I hope. But chanceless, he looks like Red chilly that time. He gave hard punches to him and atlast my chacha, who passed by their fights, made them stop and both cats has left to the opposite poles to mind their own work"
Ridha left with no words and she has to appreciate Sadhia for her beautiful assumption but Ridha doesn't go with her assumption. She is already thinking much about Ahmed nowadays and now her thoughts are getting double and triple than earlier. Aarav is the biggest enemy for Ridha. He tortures her much for about one year during her VII Grade. He is one main reason why Ridha hate boys in her life when it comes to love proposal.
'The Day when she attained maturity, her mom cried a lot by seeing her, Ridha don't know why she is crying. But when torture comes on her way after and after, she begun to realise the fear behind her mom's eyes that day.
Ridha is a girl who is liked by most of the teachers due to her scores as well as responsible to the work as a class leader. Every year, she'll get the class leader badge from her school principal in the assembly. Her freedom at first snatched by one of her idiotic senior, Aarav. He is two years older than her, Shabana's class mate. Shabana itself told Ridha that he was a flirt and he just propose girls by their beauty alone. She added that Aarav proposed one girl in her class and when she turn off his proposal, he jumped to Ridha in a month. She also told Ridha to stay careful.
One day, he came like a joker, wearing Color dresses, it indicates he is birthday boy. He pointed Ridha on the first floor and came to her with a box of rich chocolates. Ridha stepped back and throw him a hesitated look. He pleased more and more to wish him and take a chocolate from the box he offered. Ridha couldn't control her anger so she went upstairs. He followed her like a shameless dog to the places she has gone. Ridha fastened her pace and finally reached her class on her third floor. It's the time before assembly and she got no teacher found inside her class. She went to lie down her desk without responding to this idiot. He followed her till her place and pleased her to atleast wish him on his birthday.
Ridha got irritated for his stubborn attitude and how dare he, he came inside her class. Sadhia came to her rescue and shouted at Aarav but he is completely an idiot who doesn't listen to anyone's words. By seeing his begging, Sadhia came to understand his focus, so she suddenly grabbed Ridha's hand. Sadhia finally got her inside the girls restroom on the first floor and undoubtedly he followed them till the entrance.
"How Ridhu? He doesn't have sense at all , where do you got this idiot", Sadhia asked.
"I don't know Sadh, thanks a lot for rescuing me, let us stay here for some ten minutes, he ll go on his way by the time", Ridha said and Sadhia nodded because there is no more way to go and they suddenly laughed by their fate taking them till the restroom.
"Okay come, he might go now", Sadhia said and Ridha followed like a Cheshire cat.
"Oh no, he is still waiting here", Sadhia shouted and he turned by her loud voice.
"Wait, let me handle him", Ridha said and don't know where her bravery came her way.
"What idiot? Why are you following me like a street dog? Don't you have sense. Last day only, I showed my shoes not to follow me? Do you really have anything here", she pointed to her head.
"Please Ridha, wish me and get one chocolate from me", Aarav said without reacting for her annoyed words. Now Ridha has no energy to deal with this idiot so she took his way by saying,
"Okay brother, wish you many more happy returns of the day, and remember your sister is wishing her brother and it's you, brother" she said with a fake smile and laughed at his worried face and took one chocolate from the box he offered.
"It's okay, I m happy that you wished me anyways, no matter what, bye Ridha", He said and Ridha turned to her friend and Sadhia hifi-ed her and teased his words by repeating again in a funny tone,
'I m happy that you wished me anyways no matter what'...' ha ha ha, idiotic fool'
Later on, his torture goes on higher and higher, he started circling her in his cycle when Ridha left for her home from school. He keeps on following and torturing and shouting her name on the way.
Ridha got irritated and wanted to stop everything one day, so she went to her favourite teacher and she was her class teacher, Mrs Nirmala.
"Excuse me Miss, I have one personal problem, I hope you can help me from this", Ridha said after much confession with her mind.
"Tell me cutie", She said with a smile.
"Miss, one boy from IX grade is following me everyday after my school gets over, he is torturing me and he wanted to accept his love proposal , I don't know how to handle him, please help me from this, His name is Aarav", Ridha completed.
"Oh that nasty fellow, I know him, he won't even listen to my physics class, he has much to face today, you don't worry my dear cutie, I ll take care, you go and enjoy your lunch", she said and Ridha put a thankful smile to her fav teacher. Then she called a tall guy in her class, who competes Ridha in studies and Miss Nirmala instructed him to get Aarav near the steps.
After having her favourite dish 'uppuma', Ridha called that tall boy and asked secretly, "What Miss.Nirmala did to Aarav?"
"He got left and right from her, Miss Nirmala beat him with stick as if you are her own daughter, I got to see the other side of Miss today, Superb Ridha, you have done a very good job, he won't even look your way from now on", he said and left Ridha enjoying her day and from that day, she happily swirls her school campus like a free bird with much freedom'
With the thoughts of her VII Grade life, she stepped her house. She kept her confusion aside of her brain for why Ahmed fought with a bloody idiot and went to ask her mother for having dinner. But still her mind asks only one question,
'Why my heart refuses Aarav's stupid nature and accepts Ahmed's polite nature?'
Ridha's Past ends....
Last week, Ridha did her test drive very well and her training centre called her to receive her license. She thought of receiving on any Saturdays and the same day, Ahmed told that he has an interview in her workplace. Initially Ridha was happy but feared of how will they stay in a same workplace like as they studied in same school and college. Really it happened naturally by the will of Allah and if it was the case, it will happen. Her fear is she'll expect more priorities and preferences from him when they are in the same place and it will cause them to fight as like in their previous days. Like everything happens for the reason, she learnt many from those fights and understand Ahmed's way of handling those tough situations. She relied on Allah to give him the best career and decided to help him in going through the interview.
After receiving her license from her training centre, she went to her company to accompany him throughout the interview. He called her and told her to wait in the cafeteria, so that he will finish the first round inside the induction hall.
"Where are you, Ahmed??? Which tower??", Ridha asked after saying her salam over her phone.
"I think I m in the second tower. Can you come inside?? I feel different to stay with these crowd and I don't know whether I m in the right place", Ahmed asked her to comfort him.
"Okay, I try to come because I don't have access to any tower except mine", she confessed him and cut the call.
When she entered the tower that Ahmed was in, she find the hall and saw many number of people sitting on the chair outside the hall. She couldn't find where Ahmed is. So she called him ,passing by the people wearing a outsiders tag. It was a bit uncomfortable for Ridha to walk-in as an employee among the outside people. They might think she'll be the interviewer by noticing her company tag and the way she hung her sandal coloured sling bag across her shoulder that matches her sandal coloured Scarf over her golden brown stripes in her black Abhaya.
"I came inside, Where are you sitting?, I can't find you, Ah'med", Ridha said, passing by the floor.
"But I can find you", a voice came besides her and it echoes through the phone after few nano seconds.
"Assalamu alaikum", Ridha greeted with a smile by turning to Ahmed who stood besides a empty chair.
"Wa alaikum salam, how do you got access?", Ahmed asked.
"Company Secret", Ridha said by leaning into his ears and dragged Ahmed to a pantry that is mere in a eyeing distance from the hall inorder to avoid the gazes of outside people.
"Okay, when do you come here???", Ridha asked curiously to know how long he is waiting here.
"I came at 8 itself and your company is not punctual like you. And When I conduct interview, I'll be the one on-time, But this HR seems lazy???", Ahmed frowned and his face goes a bit tired by waiting for more than two hours.
"I think you are in a wrong interview, Do you cross check with some people about the designation??? Because many seems like freshers and a lady in the entrance told that the interview for software developer is only here, and not for HR Recruiter", Ridha said concerned and Ahmed went near the hall and people started moving away from the hall by the time.
Later on, both came to find that he got a fake mail regarding his designation. Ahmed got depressed by coming long way for this fake call. By seeing Ahmed, Ridha cheered by saying,
"Mr.Grey", she teased by his grey coloured shirt.
"Come, let me take a small tour of my workplace", Ridha said with a smile.
He keep on starring for her choice of words at his depressed time. He doesn't know what else to do than following her. She showed her big cafeteria and had some juices over there. Finally she took him to gym and showed her tower and left the place with him.
"Why did you stop here?", Ridha asked by seeing Ahmed pause by a nursery garden. It's really a big one and the entrance itself is decorated with greenish creepers and little coloured flowers in between the greens look wonderful for the visitor's eyes. It's is the best place for nature's lovers.
"Come inside", he directed her by the rose plants. Many varieties of ornamental plants are dispersed in various sized pots. Ridha looked confused and asked her love,
"Why did you took me here?"
"Because you asked me one rose plant a few months ago", Ahmed said and passed by one white rose plant. He took from his hand and gave Ridha who's face blossoms with a huge smile .
"I love you more, You still remembered my wish, Jazakallahu khair", She wondered by holding the small white rose plant. Ahmed pictured the two white roses, one with wide smile and other blossoms towards her face.
"I'll never leave this", Ridha said by keeping safely between him and her on the ride.
"Oh, it aches", Ahmed said and Ridha quickly noticed that a thorn piercing Ahmed's back.
"Oh sorry, sorry Ah'med, Really sorry, I didn't notice", She said by lifting the branch and moved to her side and rubbed his back over his grey shirt.
Then after a while, he parked before Dominos and suggested Ridha to have lunch over here.
"As you wish, my man, but will this pot sustain in my hand??", Ridha asked innocently wearing her bag over her shoulder and balancing the little pot with her two hands.
"It's upto you, it's your talent", Ahmed criticized her and both entered inside the Dominos and ordered one large size veg extravaganza pizza. The lady at service desk handed over the pizza and directed to the first floor.
"Here you go", Ahmed extended a slice of pizza to her by adding some tomato sauce over it.
"My little pot", Ridha safely landed in the middle of the table as it looks like flower in a vase.
"Keep it aside, what if any germs get into food", Ahmed said with a weird face.
"Ohoo, it's a sweet rose plant, it don't have germs, what if you already have any germs in your sliced pizza", Ridha said with a laugh.
"Keep quiet and have, it's delicious", Ahmed mesmerized in the taste after biting the slice.
Once in a while, Ridha looked into the white rose throughout her lunch. Ahmed finished his slices and eyeing at Ridha's plate left with one slice. She noticed that his stomach still needed one more. So she gave him by saying,
"It's enough for me, my stomach is full, have this", Ridha extended her plate.
"No, equal is equal, it's yours, you have to make it", Ahmed said and Ridha doesn't approve his words and extended it again with a pleased look.
"Okay, let me part it into two", he convinced and extend the large one to her. But Ridha took the small one and quickly put it on her mouth and said with mouthful of food,
"Dhuyu hove Dht"
Ahmed laughed over her sarcasm and both get down after washing their hands. Ridha told Ahmed that she'll pay the bill for now because she also needs to buy "burger" for her little sister, Sana.
"Let me buy for my sweety", Ahmed winked but Ridha quickly handed over her debit card to the service guy at the desk. After carrying the burger in one hand and pot in other hand and her sling bag across her shoulder, she couldn't push the door to step out. She turned to look at Ahmed who is watching so cool over her trial.
"Do you know what gentleman is??", Ridha looked at Ahmed by raising her eyebrows.
"If you want me to open the door, you should let me go first or else asked for my help, but you did nothing and accusing me?", Ahmed said and pushed the door for her to come outside.
"Okay give that burger and bag, you technical guys only good for coding, you won't use your knowledge how to manage things", Ahmed teased her to the core.
"You guys only know how to makeup the thing, but you won't know what is going on in-depth of the things we make", Ridha said with turning her neck all of sudden to make him know that she is angry.
"Lookkk", Ahmed said in her ears by neatly packing the burger into her bag which Ridha failed to insert due to its big size. Now she turned to him but her heart refuses to thank him because of her little ego, but did it inside her heart.
"Okay okay, it's getting late, my house is in walking distance, I'll manage to go", she said after hanging her sandal sling bag over her shoulder and carefully balancing the rose pot.
"Go then, Fee amanullah", Ahmed frowned at her.
"You go safe, Fee amanullah", Ridha make a run after pinching his nose hardly and let out a happy face.
"You'll pay for it next time", Ahmed voiced out loudly to reach her ears and left for his house.
It has been two weeks that he is searching for a good job and nothing suits him well. He is clearing till final round but negotiations bring him risk to his career in the end. He is expecting a little higher in his income as well as his job nature than the previous one and it will make him grow better in his life. He attended an interview near his residence but he ignored due to low income than his previous one. He got a call from a company, saying he has an interview this afternoon near the place where Ridha's house is. He didn't tell about the interview happening near her place till he finishes it.
At the same time, Ridha is searching for a new two wheeler for her own self. She is doing her search for the past one week and today she called the showroom and asked about the two wheeler what Ahmed suggested her to buy due to it's easy pickup and it will do good for girls. When she discussed with her mother Nisa, she told that they can visit the showroom and confirm after the test drive. So she called to let her mother come directly from her school to the showroom.
She just texted Ahmed that she is visiting showroom to book her a two wheeler and added to that it was the one that he suggested to. When she reached the showroom, she took her phone to ask her mother where she is. But Ridha happened to see Ahmed's three missed calls and a text saying that he is nearby the showroom. So she got surprised and called him back and after several rings, he picked the call by saying his salam,
"Where are you now? What are you doing here?", Ridha asked after replying to his salam.
"I came for an interview here and it got over and I thought to tell once it gets over but I don't expect that you'll come out to the same place and at the same time when I come here", Ahmed rejoiced at their coincidence and told her that he'll come to look for the two wheeler she is going to purchase. Ridha was confused and worried how she is going to manage her mother as well as him. She got feared what if Nisa got to see Ahmed with her.
"Assalamu alaikum", a male voice pops out near her ears and turned to see her loved one standing with his helmet in his hands. He parked his byke aside and went inside the showroom with her.
"Wa alaikum salam", Ridha said with a little worried face. A man came from inside the showroom welcomed and made to sit them. He started explaining the details and once in a while, Ridha looked at the entrance with a fear of her mother's entry.
"What happened to you?", Ahmed asked and Ridha said the reason for her worried face. He told that he will leave once she manages the test drive. As he wished, she asked the service guy for the test drive. After she has done with riding the new two wheeler, Ridha came to Ahmed saying,
"It's really good, Ah'med, Easy pickup as you said, and it's a smooth ride, this two wheeler is far better than my old one", Ridha said and Ahmed put on a warm smile.
"Okay, Ridhu, you decide with your mom and finalise this, I like the dark blue one, but go with what you like", he said and left her after biding his salam. Her face and body got relaxed and picked her phone to call her mother,
"Ma, I have done with the test drive, where are you?"
"I stuck with the traffic, you stay there, I ll come soon", with that, she ended the call. Ridha went to stand near the bus stop and looked for every buses that halted at the stop. When she suddenly turned to her right side, Ridha saw a familiar one standing with his byke in a visible distance.
'What in the world, this guy is for?', the thought urged to him and asked,
"For whom, Are you still waiting, Ah'med?"
"For you", Ahmed said as if it was not a big deal.
"My mom is on her way, Go to your house, else you'll stuck in the traffic", Ridha concerned for her own self as well as for her love.
"Okay, who told you to come and speak to me, I ll go once you got your mother, now you go and stand in the bus stop to get her", Ahmed said and Ridha is yet to pick up the call from her mother that comes on her line.
"Ridhu, your mom", he said in a fraction of second and raced his vehicle and disappeared all of a sudden.
Hello my dear readers, I just want to know one thing,
Which part of life you like to know the most in my story,
1. Ridha's past
2. Ridha's present
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