English: normal
Korean: slanded
Eliza's mom just let out a huff before getting out of the door after aggressively pushing Yeonjun to one side and creating some space.
Eli: how much did you guys hear?
Yj: from the point where your mom saying how you could do better and find a better partner.
Hj: what did she mean by you were a result of a non soulmate bound relationship.
Eli: that. I guess it's time I tell that old story once again. A story I wish I could just erase or edit in my life.
Fel: you don't have to tell us if you don't want to.
Eli: it's fine I'll tell. So basically the lady y'all just saw that's not my mom. She is my stepmother, my father's soulmate. My father was 30 years old when i was born. I was born as a result of a love affair between my mom and dad. They were together till I was 4. They stayed together almost a decade. Almost enough to be considered as a successful non soulmate couple. Until one day she , my mom met her soulmate and fell in love they didn't want a extra burden so I was pushed to my dad. He accepted me and he found his soulmate the same year after that he also began changing.
Suddenly she felt herself trapped in between the strong hugs of the 4 boys. They showered her with reassurance and love until she was stable again.
Sb: Do they mistreat you or something?
Eli: no I know it looks like she doesn't love me but she does. It's just my parents doesn't really practice the concept of soft and tender love . For them it's harsh love. They just want the best for me. They mould be to always know the best for me through punishments and harsh criticism whenever I do something that they feel is wrong and reward me with something I want when I do something that they think deserves a praise.
Fel: that's....
Yj: something.
Eli: don't dwell on it too much .
Hj: ya let's no do that. So congrats on winning.
Eli: thanks . I still can't believe we did that. If I'm being honest this whole day feels like a dream . Can one of you pinch m.... Owww not that hard Hyunjin...
Hj: hehe oops.
Yj: guys um jokes aside , almost everyone must have left the arena by now you guys need to bring Eliza to your dorms right so better call you driver or something because ours will be here soon.
Hj: ya I already did he will be here in 5 minutes .
Eli: in that's case let me go get my stuff and come .
Fel: I'll come with you .
Eli: no need it's fine .
Fel: but I want to come with you.
Eli: ok then come
Felix wore his mask just in case and both walked out towards the lockers first and after she emptied it out they walked again now towards where the accommodations were set up. Once they entered Felix began helping her gather her stuff.
Fel: cool room by the way . I didn't know the rooms were this cool.
Eli: they aren't usually. You see the other members get a smaller but comfortable enough room to themselves. While the captain and vice captain usually shares a room and they have a bigger room while better amenities. More than what 2 people need but captain and vice captain perks. But since our captain stayed back and only vice captain ie me came I got this room all to myself.
Fel: cool.
Eli: um well I'm done getting stuff so let's leave.
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