The concert was slowly coming to an end and the only segments left were Seungmin and Ryujin's announcement, Felix and Eliza's dance and the encore song. And as time neared both girls were growing more and more nervous.
Staf: it's time.
Ry: shit...
Seungmin had changed into a different outfit one that matched with the one that Ryujin was wearing and slowly with deep breaths walked onto the stage. And Ryujin literally began to shake in nervousness and as much Eliza wanted to just run to the older girl and give her a hug she couldn't since she was getting her hair and make up done for their dance . So instead she opted to send her a reassuring smile which Ryujin was grateful for.
Eliza's outfit 👆
Felix's outfit 👆
Sm: hi STAY ? you guys might be wondering why suddenly I'm alone on stage right ?
Shouts of mixed words were heard from crowd.
Sm: Um so . I sort of have an announcement to make. And I hope you guys will be supportive...
This time he could understand the crowds words better as most of them were saying 'ofcourse' and some wondering what the announcement will be about.
Sm: so um a while back I had actually found my soulmate. Yes but at the time circumstances weren't much favourable for announcing about finding my soulmate. But now both of us along with the company thought this will be a good time to finally let you guys know about my special someone. Should I call her over ?
Shouts of 'yes' , 'congrats' and similar words were erupting from the crowd causing a smile to form on seungmin's face .
Sm: ahh she is actually a familiar face to alot of you. So let's call her on stage right ?
Seungmin quickly walked to the entrance of backstage where Ryujin was waiting and slowly took her hands in his , with a reassuring smile brought her on to the stage and as soon as her face was visible the crowd went wild again as almost everyone recognise the girl group member
The two talked with the crowd some more before they got the signal from the staff that Felix and Eliza were at the stage lift ready for the performance so the two exited the stage as the music began playing and the Felix and Eliza rose to stage as began their performance
The choreography they did 👆
Fel: Hey stay hope you guys enjoyed that small surprise .
El: did you guys like it ?
Shouts of yes again filled the air.
Fel: that's great now there one tiny , well not so tiny surprise left
El: huh ?
Eliza wasn't aware of anymore surprises so she too was confused just like stay.
Fel: um I'm gonna be singing a song. And I want Eliza to stay on stage. Cause this is a song from one of her favourite Disney channel Original movie.
El: what ? Lix!!!
Fel: trust me what ever embarassment you might be starting to feel will be worth it.
With that Felix began singing a tune that she was very much familiar with . 'Did I mention' from Descendants 1. But half way through the song during the second chorus the tune changed to the reprise version of 'Did I mention' from Descendants 3 making her eyes go wild.
Fel: ' I met this girl who rocked my world Like it's never been rocked And now I'm living just for her And I won't ever stop I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me But now look at what you've done
You got me,...... down on my knee'
(The song is on top of the chapter)
Eliza's eyes immediately started to well up with tears as in front her stood Felix down on his knees taking out a ring box from his pocket. He was proposing to her in front of a huge crowd. In front of millions of people if you consider the ones who were watching the live stream online. The audience as gone completely silent as they watched in anticipation.
Fel: Elizabeth I know you hate that name but let me use it this once. I know we have known each other for just a little less than 2 years and I know most soulmate couples these days doesn't opt for marriage but I wanted to take this step to strengthen our bond even more and as a special gesture to show you how much you mean to cause truth is my love you mean the world to me. You are my love, my soulmate, my best friend , the one I can share anything with but today I wanted to ask you will give me the honour of calling you my wife by marrying me.
Eliza was full on crying by this point. And she was struggling to formulate words as she began to speak.
El: oh my god. I ... I don't what to say. This is serious way to sweet of you. But yes. I'll marry you. Oh god I can't believe you pulled this.
Suddenly the crowd began cheering again and the rest of the 7 boys and Ryujin also joined them on stage congratulating them and the older girl along with Felix was trying to get Eliza's tears stop.
The said girl was on cloud 9. As she went from fantasizing about her soulmate and fangirling over her favourite idols to being soulmates with one of them to now being engaged him. She couldn't have asked for anything more.
♪The End ♪
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