Once they reached the hospital which took some time since the hospital was quite far from the jyp building and also traffic, chan was fidgeting a little too much due to nervousness and excitement so Eliza took the lead and went to enquire at the reception.
Chn: what did they say
El: she was just moved to the room a couple of minutes back . It's room number 407 on 4th floor.
Hj: ok then let's go.
Yu: ah you guys are here...
Yuri was waiting for them just outside the door when they reached the floor .
Chn: how is she, the child. Is it a boy or a girl .
Chan and Alexis had decided against finding out the child's gender .
Yu: calm down oppa. Just go inside all your questions will be answered.
Chn: ah ya.
The other decided to stay out wanting to give Chan some alone time with his soulmate and their child. And in that Yuri began to fill them in.
In: so ?
Yu: ah yeah. From what I've been told and heard while the doctors were talking. The delivery went well. Both Lexi eonnie and the child is fine. And .... It's a girl.
Eli: yaay a little princess .
Yuri answered all other questions that the others had as much as she could until Chan came out telling them to enter inside. So they decided to enter inside groups of 4 each with first group being Eliza , Felix, Hyunjin and Minho.
El: hey Lexi...
Al: oh hi guys
Fel: how are you feeling noona?
Al: drowsy. The effect of the anaesthetic is still not fully gone.
Hj: um other than that you're fine right ?
Al: yeah. Well as fine as you can after giving birth .
After checking up on Alexis they all quickly focused onto the little baby in the crib who was wide away staring at the world around her with wonder and a tiny toothless smile.
El: oh my god she is adorable....
Hj: I know right. So cute ....
Lk: for now atleast she looks like hyung.
Fel: did you guys decide on a name ?
Chn: ah yeah we had already chose and kept two names one for boy and one for girl.
Hj: well tell us....
Al: so if it was a boy we were going to name him Alden
Chn: and if it was a girl the name was gonna be....... Crystal . So guys meet Crystal Bang.
Lk: aww Crystal that's a sweet name.. is going to have a Korean name or ?
Chn: Chin Mae.
El: that's a sweet name what does it mean ?
Chn: Beauty and truth.
Fel: the meaning makes it even more sweeter.
Once the small chat was over the current for went out so that the other 4 + Yuri could enter. And by the time everyone was done talking with the new parents and cooing over baby crystal Alexis had fallen asleep. And they let her be knowing this was most probably the last peaceful sleep she was going to get.
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