A week had passed since Felix and Eliza were back from their trip when one night Eliza's phone started ringing. It was 1 : 30 AM and Eliza was fast asleep but the familiar tune of his verse in social path had woke Felix up . And both of them were more than fine with the other looking through their phone so Felix not wanting to wake his soulmate up went to check who was calling in the middle of the night .
It was a unknown number and Felix was about to decline the call but something inside him told otherwise and he picked up the phone and was met with the voice of a young girl .
Fel: hello ?
??: isn't this Elizabeth's number ?
Fel: um yes this is her number who may this be
Vic: I'm Victoria
Fel: oh Vicky ? Eliza's sister right ?
Vic: ya. She has spoken about me ?
Fel: ya. I'm sorry if this comes off as rude but why did you call in the middle of the night ?
Vic: shit. I kind of forgot about the time difference it's just 10 PM here and Eliza is never asleep by that time.
Fel: true but why did you call ?
Vic: it's nothing. Don't tell her I called . I just realised this was a bad idea .
Fel: what do you mean ?
Vic: she finally has a good life. I dont wanna meddle with it again.
Fel: no . It's nothing like that. I know for a fact that she would be happy to know you called.
Vic: but I didn't call with good news.
Fel: hey you know , you can talk with me. Seems like your not ok .
Vic: i don't want to ruin your sleep and I kind of deserve it for how I behaved with Eliza.
Fel: hey I know for a fact that Eliza doesn't have any kind of dislike towards you or your actions. She knows you were just young .
Vic: but she did so much for me . And I just
Fel: hey you regret your actions. That's all that matters. So tell me what happened?
Vic: promise you won't judge ?
Fel: I promise. Just think of me as your older brother cause technically I am your older brother.
Vic: ok. So I never realised how even though I was avoiding her , Eliza was the only one keeping me in check and saving from getting into trouble.
Fel: did you get on trouble or something ?
Vic : ya in huge trouble. Without Eliza here to keep an eye on me I was left to my own company 24/7 since mom never have time for anyone other than herself and dad. And speaking off dad he is almost always away on business trips.
Fel: Oh ? That's sad. You must have been so lonely. But what happened. I have a feeling the problem is much worse than feeling alone
Vic: ya being left alone was like recieving a new kind of freedom but the loneliness sucked and I had moved into a new school last year so I tried making new friends and unfortunately the ones I made were not the best kind. I realised late that befriending a group of stoners wasn't the best idea. But I wanted attention and they were ready to give it to me
Fel: shit please tell me you stopped hanging out with them .
Vic: I did . But it was too late. They had been trying to get me to smoke for a while now but I always refused but some how they convinced me to take just one drag and I gave in but it went on for more than one drag and I sort off got a little high and didn't realise in time that one of the guys in the gang was trying to kiss me. But I swear soon as he did kiss me I pushed him away but one of the staff at school caught us since we were in a abandoned building near school and the staff was heading back home . But the older kids all ran but I got caught and my parents were called . Mom mad a huge scene and started calling me all these names and insults alot of which she and dad used to call Eliza. I never realised they hurt this much . And when I finally had enough of the insults I spoke back saying if she had played atleast a bit of attention to me I wouldn't have turned out like this. At that she slapped me and pushed me into my room saying no dinner. Luckily she was nice enough not to take my phone away or cut the service. I was waiting for her to fall asleep before calling Eliza.
Felix stayed quite the entire time while Victoria was explaining what happened. And he wasn't mad at her . Disappointed yes but not mad. But it was a complete different situation when it came to their mom. He was livid at how she treated her kids
Fel: Oh ? Look I'm not judging you . And I'm not mad ok. But what you did was wrong . You know that right. You were irresponsible. But I don't completely blame you. At this age your parents should have been there to guide you. They should have realised you needed them.
Vic: thanks . I know what I did was terribly wrong. I was stupid and irresponsible and careless.
Fel: it's good that you know that. Is there anything we can do to help you ?
Vic: I don't think there is anything either of you can do. I fucked up . Now I gotta deal with the consequences.
Fel: If I'm being honest. I don't feel good letting you continue living there. But I can't just uproot your whole life and bring you somewhere else. And frankly I don't have the right to.
Vic: Frankly I don't mind moving somewhere else . But I don't want to be a burden on you.
Fel: hey if you genuinely want to be out of there we can-
*Beep beep*
The call had ended and when Felix tried calling back it said the number was switched off so he assumed her battery might have run out and decided to call her the next morning. And went back to lay down with Eliza but couldn't sleep as the thoughts about Victoria was circling in his head
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