46. The Two Worlds
"This isn't a date or anything!"
Dea's protests fell on deaf ears as Hima's hands fluffed up her hair. The wings on the insect pin waved with the disturbance.
"There." Hima paddled back to scrutinize her work. "We could've done some shopping if you got some advance notice."
"I sort of did?" Dea smoothed her black lace dress with an air of nonchalance.
"Right, well, I could've come early if you called me and said you have a date with the Sea Witch!"
"It's not a date!"
"What is it then?"
Dea tried to smother the butterflyfish schooling in her stomach at the very idea of Anuk actually visiting her in Calliathron. "I don't know what it's about, but Mora's helped to arrange it. I mean, not like Anuk can simply waltz into the city otherwise."
"So you have Mora's blessing?" Hima laughed. "I wonder if Oomie knew anything about this. She didn't mention it."
"Um, no. He was still hopeful I'd like Anemon." Dea wanted to facepalm. "Mora's talked to Anuk on state business, of course, but not like they're buddies for him to help arrange a...date. The very idea would be preposterous, though Mora might've guessed Anuk and I are kinda close."
"Kinda." Hima snorted. "Anyways, I think your ride's here."
Sure enough, Mobula had dutifully arrived to pick her up right on time.
Tingling with excitement, Dea hurried down. Gramma had fallen asleep on the couch, but she slunk past her out of habit. Now was not the time to tell her about Anuk.
When the driver set the course to the outskirts of the city, Dea peered at the map, eyes widening. The destination was none other than Gullwing Resort—the largest hotel in Calliathron.
When they exited the highway, the coralline structures of the compound loomed into view. The main wing was built into a narrow channel that led out to the seagrass meadows. Dea knew that this resort allowed access to the cays and also offered luxurious suites tucked away in coral outcrops.
For the first time in what felt like forever, the pressure eased. Dea savored the moment and sucked in a breath from the oxy-hose.
The submersible veered towards the penthouse, which almost breached the surface. They ascended a roadway through bright blue water, inching ever closer to a dome that contained a VIP lounge. Sunlight flooded its interior lagoon and nurtured lush terrestrial plants.
It might have been a picture from a dreamscape. A few months back, Dea would've had to save up for a year just to afford the basic holiday package, let alone special treatment.
As soon as they were through the airlocks, a merman in uniform hastened to open the vehicle's door for her.
"Thank you," Dea said, gathering the trailing portion of her skirt.
"Come this way, Your Highness," he said briskly.
The merman escorted her through the lounge, past terraces of foliage that rose above the water. Her excitement ratcheted up the farther she went. One elevator ride later, he led her down a hallway that opened up to a platform, where a hotel carriage awaited her.
Back in the open water, Dea took in her surroundings. Cabana domes nestled amidst coral groves, and halophila grass carpeted the seafloor, touched with gold from the setting sun. All around, fish danced in the current—in pinks, yellows and a rainbow of colors.
Suddenly, she discerned the underside of a ship. Sunrays dispersed around the shadowed bulk. She was struck by the utter incongruity of this human vessel just off the waters of a Callian resort. Her flukes tapped a rapid beat while she guided the carriage to a halt.
A second later, she swam out and propelled herself over the corals. Two humans splashed into the water ahead, fitted in black suits. Nadie and Tamara!
A thrill rippled through her. Both of them waved before swimming back up to the surface. Dea followed suit and gulped in air while tranquil waves rocked her under a pink-and-orange sky. Tamara shouted out what sounded like a greeting, which prompted Dea to burrow in her waist pouch to activate Merlingo.
"We're almost done," the Endera captain called out before turning her attention to the ship.
"Done with what?" Dea asked, though the wind swallowed up the words.
Merlingo echoed the question louder in Sinhalese, but they were too busy to answer. Dea's eyes skimmed over their bobbing heads and halted on the ship. Those on deck were carefully maneuvering something in a sling, held up by the davit. Ropes strained as the load slowly swung off deck on its course to the ocean below.
Before she could ask what it was, a familiar black-clad figure approached the railing. Her breath hitched.
Anuk's face lit up in a smile, and he raked the curls off his forehead. As if seeing him in the flesh after weeks wasn't a shock by itself, the shape of an arm met her stare where the stump used to be. Of course, a bionic limb!
He didn't give her time to recover. He dived into the waves. Dea plunged down as well, a grin straining against her cheeks.
As he floated in the water, he watched her from afar, the smile still playing on his lips. "You look beautiful."
The quiet rumble stole into her ears and rendered her speechless. She tried to clear her woozy head while warmth blossomed in her cheeks.
The heavy load they were lowering appeared in the water, still obscured by the sling. Nadie and Tamara made way, bubbles escaping as their heads dipped back into view.
Dea's curious gaze roamed over the mass. "What is—"
The question died on her lips. The sling rotated and allowed her a glimpse within.
A blue-grey face with button eyes met her stare.
What was akin to a tectonic shift quaked her system. The small sea cow let out a series of chirps and strained against the sling. Nadie, Anuk and Tamara hastened to ease him out, uttering words that simply didn't register.
Tears streamed out of her eyes, dissolving into the water, and loud sobs racked her form. A rift within started to seal, fractured pieces of her heart realigning into a whole.
"Burpy!" Dea's voice rang out in a quavering call.
The sea cow propelled himself towards her.
The chonky mass bumped her again and again, squeaking nonstop. She laughed through her tears and hugged him. The three humans watched on, smiles adorning their faces. Gratitude swelled in her chest, as warm as the scintillating patch of light above.
"Burpy, Burpy, Burpy," she murmured weakly, pecking his head with a smattering of kisses. "Were you scared? Did you miss your momma? Your momma's not coming back, but I promise that you'll only know kindness from now. You're home now. You're home. You can play and eat lots of grapes."
Burpy nuzzled her, button eyes blinking. Dea pinched his cheeks and stroked him with unsteady hands as if he was a precious dream that would vanish any second. Her fingers traced a scar on his skin—a memento of an experience she shuddered to even imagine.
Still sobbing, she turned to the humans. "How is this possible?"
"We tracked him to an aquarium abroad," Nadie said, words garbling in the water. "He was sold to a theme park."
"Thank you," she managed to say, her voice breaking. "Thank you for bringing this sweet baby back to me."
Nadie just nodded.
As all three humans swam up for air, Dea released the squirming sirenian, who proceeded to swirl around and nudge her insistently.
"Burpy!" She broke into a giggle. "I don't have treats, boy."
Dea watched him chase after a fish and roll around—more active than she had ever seen him. It took a long minute for the sobs to subside.
Nadie's smiling face dipped back under the waves. "Well, we're going up then."
"You should come for dinner sometime, Nadie." Dea beamed and tried to compose herself. "It's going to be a bit hard to organize, but I hope to properly welcome you all to Calliathron!"
Tamara grinned. "Ooh, that would be amazing."
"We'd love that," Nadie said warmly. "Thank you."
"Am I invited too?" Anuk asked with mock seriousness, head bobbing down into view.
"You brine pool jerk..." Dea let out a teary laugh. "Yes!"
The captain smacked a hand on Anuk's back. "We'll wait for you on the ship. Ask her out already."
"Thanks, Nadie." He facepalmed while Dea just blinked.
When the two grinning humans climbed back to the ship, Anuk dived down in one smooth motion. Her heart acted up.
He circled around her, lips shaped into a smirk, and a finger poked her ribs. She spun to face him, bubbles of laughter bursting out.
Dea lost herself in his fathomless eyes and drank in the blissful moment. It occurred to her that this reality was but one in a billion, since he could easily have been a mere bubble ring that dissipated to nothingness.
Swaying in the gentle current, they floated weightlessly in a pocket universe of pinks and purples. Fish swam about, some weaving around Burpy as he chomped on seagrass. Sunlight streamed down in aureate beams, mirroring the radiance that now permeated her soul.
Roused from the spell, she eyed the sleek black hand that protruded from his sleeve. Her hesitant fingers reached out and trailed over it.
"I can feel that, you know," he said softly, closing his eyes. "Not as much as I'd like...Not yet."
She mustered up her courage and wrapped her arms around his neck. "It's awesome you're here in my world."
"It's sad I can't stay as long as you can in my world."
He slid his hands over her waist. Dea melted under his touch while a hundred insects took flight within. She leaned her forehead on his as they slowly ascended through the sunny blue waters.
"Anuk?" she breathed.
"Do you wish I'm a human?"
"No, I want my mermaid." He twirled them around.
Peals of laughter burst out of her while the world spun in a blur of color and light. Her skirt swirled like a phantom jelly in contrast to her silky pink hair.
They waltzed up and broke the surface. The wind was chilly on her skin, and she inhaled a lungful of air.
"So, princess..." Anuk began.
"I'm a queen now," Dea whispered.
"I see that." He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, making her heart skitter. "How about we go to Serendiva next weekend? And no running off this time."
She beamed at him as excitement jetted up at the mere prospect of spending time with him. "I won't swim off."
"Okay, we can go anywhere you want. What do you feel like doing on land?"
"Hm." Dea puckered her mouth in contemplation. "Climb the mountains, go flying in the air, pet a poosa, play your video games, see a concert, try your land dishes, go shopping in your malls..."
His lips twitched. "Sounds like enough stuff to last a lifetime."
She brushed the sopping wet curls off his forehead. "About time we started then."
As they bobbed under the dazzling hues of sunset, Dea was suddenly conscious of his proximity. His face was just inches from hers. Her wide-eyed stare traced his chiseled features.
"Don't you think it's also about time I kissed my mermaid?" Anuk murmured, tilting his head. "That sounded...trippy."
She just blinked at him, momentarily lost for words. Then heat erupted in her cheeks, and she tightened her hands around his neck. As his head moved ever closer, she clamped her eyes shut.
He kissed her. Her heart somersaulted.
A wave washed over them, plunging them under. He paused, arms pressing her closer. As they floated just beneath the surface, he resumed his caress of her lips. The gentle pressure sent tingles down her spine and turned her insides to foam.
When he parted, her whole system keened in protest, prompting her to blurt out, "It's over already?"
A bubble of mirth escaped him. "I didn't get to breathe—no air."
Surprise flickered on his face when Dea slowly leaned her head back towards him. She coaxed open his mouth and breathed oxygen into his lungs. As her air reserves dwindled, it was as if her soul merged with his. There was something cosmic about sharing what was so vital and life-giving.
She eased back, blushing anew under his attentive gaze. He cradled her petite form, and a delicious warmth coursed through her.
"Thank you," Anuk rumbled, bass notes sending pleasant vibrations all the way to her tail.
Enfolded in his arms, Dea lost sense of space and time. Her heartbeat synced with his, and in that instant, she experienced buoyancy that wasn't just due to the water.
It was amazing that they came from two worlds—land and ocean, two sides of one place, forever locked in a harmonious embrace.
With every drop of water you drink, every breath you take, you're connected to the sea. No matter where on Earth you live.
~ Sylvia Earle ~
World-renowned marine biologist & oceanographer
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