He let go of me and got up. All the candles lit up all at once and he said "I guess we can go now if you're ready to."
I nodded and he helped me up. I followed him to the front door and we ended up walking to the side of the house. He had a stable where he kept horses. He hooked one up to a small open-top cart and helped me inside.
"I promise I'll free you. Whatever it takes."
I looked into his eyes and whispered "You really don't have to. I'll be fine."
He shook his head and said "No, you deserve so much more."
He then kissed my hand and sighed "We should be going."
After that we rode into town. I ended up showing him where Uncar Plutt's house was. We ended up walking to the door together. Plutt waddled over to the door and Kylo stood there in front of him, with a straight face.
"I'm here to buy Rey's freedom," he stated. Plutt laughed and said "You won't want a thing to do with Rey. Quit waisting your poor family's money, boy. You're young and have no clue what you're truly thinking. Go buy yourself a drink or something.
Anger lit up Kylo's face. He threw a bag of money to the ground and asked "How poor do you think I am?"
Plutt picked up the bag and counted what was inside.
"Well then. Why don't you tell me who you are, theif? You stole this. Nobody in this area has this much money, not for miles out of town."
At that moment I knew that Kylo was done. He bit Plutt's neck and drank. It was a bloody mess. I just sat and watched, wanting to scream, run and cry, but part of me knew that I shouldn't. Kylo finished up and said "He's dead now. You're free."
He then picked up the money and counted it. I hugged him and whispered "Thank you."
It took him a minute to process that he was being hugged. He slowly wrapped his arms around me in the most awkward way possible. "You're welcome," he whispered in a soft tone, "You won't have to work so hard now."
I nodded and he asked "Do you want to go back now or can I show you some places that you've probably never been to since it's pretty dark out. I'm sure you'll love them."
"Show me then."
He took me back to his house and unhitched the horse. He brushed some hair away from his face. "Follow me," he said, and I did as told. Kylo led me to a forest and asked "Does any of this seem familiar at all? Like in a deja vu kind of way?"
"Am I supposed to?"
"No," he sighed, "I guess you're not. I shouldn't have thought you would."
A large gust of wind blew towards the both of us. Kylo kept a straight face, unmoved by the wind. The pine needles surrounded us in a perfect circle. I looked down at the forest floor, and saw that we were standing on a flat of stones. I asked "Is this supposed to happen?"
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