The Resistance had went to the forest moon of Endor. They were using the old Empire base as a Resistance base. It was well hidden and discreet, but the First Order had finally found them.
The First Order had a fleet of star destroyers, and TIE fighters orbiting Endor, ready to destroy the old base and the forest surrounding it. The Resistance didn't have any large ships, they only had a fleet of X-wings, and of course the Millennium Falcon.
"We could escape in light speed," suggested Poe.
"No," said Leia. "They would only track us and follow us. We would only have to keep running, until we're out of fuel. I'm tried of running. I think it's time we stand and fight."
"The X-wings will never take down a star destroyer, we'll never be able to penetrate the shields," said Lieutenant Kaydel.
Poe smiled. "That's why we disable the shields first."
Leia smiled back at him. "Rey, Finn and Rose, I need you to sneak aboard the command ship and disable its shields."
They all nodded.
"Finn, can you disable the whole fleets shields from the main ship?" Leia asked him.
"Yes, General," he answered.
"Poe and Chewbacca, I need you to fly them to the main ship in the Falcon, that ship has never let me down."
Poe nodded.
"And I want you to lead the attack the moment the shields are down," she continued.
"Yes, General," he answered.
"But there's one problem," she continued. "How will you get the Millennium Falcon onto the star destroyer command ship while the shields are up?"
"I have an idea," said Poe. "But ..."
"...but I probably won't like it?" she finished.
He nodded.
"I never do," she answered. But she knew that she had to trust his judgment and hold on to any hope she could see. "Go."
Poe smiled. Then he, Rey, Finn, Rose, Chewbacca and BB-8 boarded the Millennium Falcon.
Poe and Chewbacca piloted the Falcon up from the moon. They flew until the First Order fleet was in view. As they drew closer to it, they were quickly put under enemy fire.
"Shields!" yelled Poe.
Chewbacca worked quickly, flipping switches and pressing buttons. It took him no time to have the shields up.
Finn pointed to the largest star destroyer. "That's the command ship."
Poe nodded and moved the Falcon towards it. He had to dodge oncoming TIE fighters. "We'll never make it!" he shouted.
"Yes, we will!" Rey called. "Finn, I'll take the top gun, you take the bottom one!"
He nodded and they ran to the guns. Rey climbed the ladder and sat down in the chair. "Ready?" she called to Finn.
"Ready!" he called back. Then they began firing on the TIE fighters, clearing a path for the Millennium Falcon to get to the star destroyer.
Once the path to the star destroyer was clear, Rey and Finn joined their friends in the cockpit.
"That was amazing!" Rose exclaimed.
Finn smiled at her.
"Thank you!" said Rey and the three of them exchanged high fives.
Finn looked out the window of the Millennium Falcon. He could see that there was a clear path to the star destroyer. But there was still some distance between the Falcon and the star destroyer. Suddenly a thought occurred to him. "How are we going to get past their shields?" he asked.
Poe smirked as he pressed several buttons. "A little trick I learned from Han Solo!" he answered.
"I have a bad feeling about this!" said Finn.
"Punch it Chewy!" Poe exclaimed, ignoring his friend's concern.
Chewbacca pulled the leaver and punched the Falcon into light speed.
"Not again!" Finn complained. This was what he had been worried about. He screamed as the Falcon suddenly came out of light speed inside the landing bay of the command ship.
The landing bay was a long one, and if it had been any shorter they wouldn't have made it. The Millennium Falcon skidded across the landing bay, crashing into the wall on the other side.
Finn took several deep breaths.
Poe smiled. "That was fun!"
"Easy for you to say!" Finn replied. Then he, Rose and Rey turned to leave the Millennium Falcon.
"Please don't tell General Leia?" Poe asked before they left.
They all nodded, then opened the door. As soon as they had exited the Falcon, Poe and Chewbacca flew away to prepare to lead the attack.
"The shield generators are this way," said Finn, as he lead the two girls through the halls of the star destroyer.
Suddenly alarms began to sound, and red lights flashed in the halls.
"They must know we're here!" said Rose.
"They know someone's here. But they don't know how many. Keep going, I'll hold them off," Rey answered.
Finn looked back at her. "No, it's too dangerous! What if you get caught?"
"If I don't do something, we'll all be caught!" she answered.
"I'll do it," he volunteered.
"No," she answered. "Kylo Ren is on this ship. I'm the only one who can face him. If we are to stop the First Order, I have to stop him. I will let myself get caught, so I can tell him that I'm the only one who came. You two take down the shields."
"That won't work, Kylo Ren will read your mind," said Finn.
"He can't read my mind," Rey answered.
Just then, a group of stormtroopers ran down the hall towards them. "Go!" Rey yelled.
Finn and Rose just stared at her, not wanting to leave her to fight the stormtroopers alone.
"Go!" she repeated. "The Resistance is counting on you!"
Finn and Rose realized that she was right. They turned to run to the shield generator.
Rey drew her new lightsaber. She let out a loud battle cry and ran towards the stormtroopers. She couldn't see their faces, but they froze suddenly and she could imagine the shocked expressions that were probably on their faces. Some of them even turned to run away.
She fought those who remained, but not as well as she could have. She wanted to be caught. But she didn't want them to know that, so she made it seem that she was fighting with all of her strength. The First Order knew that someone was on board. She was sure she could make them believe that she had come alone. Then Finn and Rose would be safe. They would be able to get the shields turned off and the Resistance would have a fighting chance.
She "accidentally" dropped her lightsaber. She pretended to reach for it but the stormtroopers apprehended her before she could grab it. Luckily the stormtroopers didn't know that if she really wanted the lightsaber, she could have pulled it to her hand with the Force.
Kylo Ren and General Hux stood facing each other in the control room. They stood several feet away from each other, discussing their strategy for fighting what remained of the Resistance on Endor.
A commanding officer came to report to them. He nodded towards Kylo Ren. "Supreme Leader," he said, and Hux glared at him.
The officer nodded to Hux. "General," he said.
"Yes?" Kylo asked, a little impatiently.
"There's been a breech," he answered.
Kylo slammed his fist on the control panel next to him. Then he looked at the officer, and gestured for him to continue.
"It was the Millennium Falcon," he continued nervously.
Kylo drew his lightsaber and began to slash the control panel. He stopped. "Did you catch the pilot?" he asked.
"No, the Millennium Falcon crashed into the landing bay. But it quickly flew away," he said. "But we believe someone is on board."
"Have you caught them?" Hux asked.
"No," the officer replied shamefully.
Kylo reached for his lightsaber to slash the control panel again. But before he had the chance, a group of stormtroopers came into the control room with Rey. He replaced his lightsaber on his belt. He walked over to her.
"Rey, what are you doing here?" he asked her.
But before she had the chance to reply, Hux stepped forward. "You!" he yelled. "You're the one who killed Supreme Leader Snoke!"
"I..." she began.
"Be quiet!" Hux yelled, interrupting her. He drew his blaster and pointed it at Rey. He fired it so quickly that she didn't have time to react.
Just as she expected the bolt to hit her, she looked up to see Ben step in front of her. The blaster bolt struck him the chest. She looked into his eyes and saw pain suddenly fill them. He placed his hand over the wound. Blood spilt from his chest on to his hand and the floor. He looked at Rey for a long moment. Then he collapsed to the ground.
Hux gasped in surprise. He hadn't expected Kylo Ren to sacrifice himself to save the girl. But then he smirked, now he could be Supreme Leader and rule the First Order. There would be no one to stand in his way.
Rey looked at Hux. He still had the blaster in his hand. He lifted it and aimed it at her. The stormtroopers had quickly stepped aside when they saw Hux aiming the blaster at Rey. She turned and force pulled her lightsaber from one of the stormtroopers. She ignited it just in time to deflect the bolts that Hux rapidly shot at her.
She ran towards him, dodging the bolts as went. Once she reached him, she stabbed him in the chest with her lightsaber. His eyes widened with the sudden pain and then, they closed never to open again.
The stormtroopers rushed towards her, firing their blasters as they went. Rey blocked their blasts with a quick stroke of her lightsaber. But soon the stormtroopers were upon her. She had to move quickly to fight them all.
Soon, she had taken down all of the stormtroopers. But she didn't see one of the officer behind her. She was pointing a blaster at Rey.
Rey could sense that she was in danger through the Force. She turned to see the officer pointing a blaster at her. Then she heard a blast, and gasped waiting for the bolt to hit her.
When it didn't come, she turned to see Finn and Rose standing in the doorway. Finn was holding a blaster in his hand.
She turned back to face the officer, to find that she lay dead on the floor.
Rey turned back to Finn and Rose.
"We disabled the shields," said Finn.
"So, we decided to come back for you," Rose added.
"And I'm glad we did!" said Finn, looking at the fallen officer.
"Thank you," said Rey.
Then she looked at Ben, he was still breathing. She went over to him. "Ben?" she asked softly.
"Rey?" he answered, in a weak voice.
She knelt down beside him, and gently lifted his head. "Why did you save me?" she asked.
"My whole life, I've wanted to be like my grandfather. I thought that meant ruling the galaxy. But when I saw you in danger, I realized that wasn't what he really wanted. I felt that he wanted me to save you," he replied. "You're the only true friend I've ever had. I couldn't live with myself if I let you die."
Rey looked at his wound, she knew he was dying. She could feel it in the Force. "But now, you will die," she answered with tears in her eyes.
"That's okay, as long as you are safe," he whispered, weakly. Then he drew his last breath and closed his eyes.
Finn and Rose watched as Rey held their enemy in her arms. Tears were spilling down her cheeks. "What happened?" Finn asked, he sounded confused, but spoke gently because he see that his friend was hurt.
"He died saving my life," she whispered in reply. She was astonished by her own words, he was her enemy, yet he had died to save her. He had finally come to the Light Side, she could see it in his eyes, and feel it in the Force. But just as soon as Ben had finally returned, he was gone again.
She had never known that he had thought of her as a friend. That he was willing to die for her. She hugged him, then gently laid him on the floor. She covered her face with her hands and wept.
After a short moment she felt something in the Force. Something strange and powerful. She heard Finn and Rose gasp in surprise. She looked up to see a young man walking towards her. He was blue and transparent. He was tall and had a scar on his face. He wore robes like those that Luke had worn. His dark blonde hair fell to his shoulders.
He walked forward to stand over Ben.
"Who are you?" Rey asked.
"I'm Ben's grandfather," he replied.
"You're Ben's grandfather?" Rey asked surprised. The figure before her was nothing like what she had imagined Darth Vader to look.
"Not Darth Vader, But his true grandfather," he replied, as if reading her thoughts. "Anakin Skywalker."
Then he turned his attention to his grandson laying on the floor. "I'm proud of you Ben. You finally learned the true power of the Force. And so have I. I finally know how to stop those I love from dying. And you're the one who showed me. Sometimes to save someone you love, you have to give up something. That's what you did for Rey, for the Resistance, and for the Light Side. Now I am going to do the same for you." Then he reached down and touched Ben's head.
Rey watched as the Force ghost of Anakin Skywalker slowly faded away. She wondered where he had gone. Then she heard a sudden gasp of breath from Ben. She looked down to see him open his eyes.
"Ben!" she said, reaching down to give him a tight hug.
"Rey," he whispered, hugging her back.
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