Day six
I was left alone for a while today. Kylo had to go undercover to observe. I just had to wonder about who I was now. I wanted him to come back so I could ask him. It was about midday when I started feeling pain. Pain just all over my body. Red spots appeared on my legs and arms. Soon after Kylo cane in the door and limped over to the couch. He was covered in blood. I ran over to him and asked "What happened?"
He responded "Hux said I was getting weak and compassionate. I wish that dead could have meant dead. He hates the fact that I told you about who you were. So he beat me for those reasons."
I whispered "Nurse Rey will fix you right up."
He smiled a little and said "Thanks Rey. I love having pretty girls working on me."
I grabbed a few cloths, even though it oddly hurt me to walk. I started wiping the blood off him. I looked down at his ankle and said "Kylo your ankle sure is bloody."
I looked a bit closer at hit and said "We should get you to a doctor."
He said "I'll be fine."
I started wiping his ankle and felt the pain he was feeling. I said "I still think you should really see a doctor."
He asked "How are you going to get me there?"
I said "Good point. Call one here."
He said "Not happening. You're not exactly supposed to be here with me. I don't care what rules I break though."
I responded "Thanks Kylo."
I heard him thinking again. He thought "I wish you could stay with me forever like this."
I asked "Kylo you know you'll have to kill me in two months, why are you being so kind if it's just going to come to that? Plus you said you could kill me."
He responded "Well Rey, I don't know how to tell you. You're just so kind and caring."
I said "Go on."
I got up and sat beside him on the couch. He said "Honestly you're kinda..."
I started to blush a little and asked "Kinda what?"
Kylo looked away and said "Replace the kinda with a very."
I gently touched his face and made him look at me. He said "You're so hot, I guess I could call you an angel."
I laughed a little and said "An angel who kicks ass."
Kylo smiled and said "Yeah, exactly. Also an angel with a nice ass."
He then cupped my cheek and kissed me. Hux, that one red head, came in at that moment and asked "Am I disturbing something?"
Kylo responded "Maybe, maybe not. I'm still up to the terms of everything Hux."
I heard Kylo's voice in my mind say "Just play along and don't say anything unless you have to."
Hux rolled his eyes and said "Well we've decided to give the resistance only two more weeks to surrender or their little Rey get's her throat slit and a saber through her. If it comes to that video it and send it to the resistance."
Kylo responded "Yes of course. Then we destroy Skywalker, and then Organa and bomb the resistance."
Hux asked "Do you know the location of Skywalker?"
He looked right at me and I responded "No, after my kidnap, Luke left and I have no clue where he is."
Hux looked back at Kylo and asked "Have you been able to communicate with him yet?"
Kylo responded "Not yet. And could you possibly get some bacta. My ankle is pretty bad."
Hux rolled his eyes and said "Don't be improperly undressed when I come back, Ren."
Kylo said "Sure thing, Hux."
Hux then left and a few minutes later I asked "What's his problem?"
Kylo said "Well, he's gay and nobody knows. He really likes me. One night he came by with some wine and I told him that I'm not interested and he got mad. He's acted like he hates me ever since that night. And he's super jealous of you being here."
I asked "Were you reading his mind?"
He said "I do it all the time. You can do it if you want."
I laughed and said "Okay."
Hux came back and I entered his mind. I found everything embarrassing throughout Hux's life. He sat a thing of bacta on the floor and walked away. Kylo said before he left "Your butt looks nice, Armie. Really round and plump."
Hux kept walking. He was quite happy. Kylo whispered to me "Just a joke, Rey."
I asked "What if he comes back?"
Kylo said "He won't."
He then put his foot in the bucket of bacta. I asked "What are terms?"
Kylo responded "I can do whatever I want to you and it be okay as long as I kill you if the Resistance doesn't surrender. I won't hurt you though."
Kylo grabbed my hand and asked "Are you okay?"
I leaned against him and said "I'm fine. Just a little worried. A bit sad but in some ways a bit happy."
Kylo responded "I understand."
I said "Thanks. Kylo I have a question?"
He said "Ask away."
I asked "Do you hear my thoughts accidentally like I hear yours?"
He said "Yeah. I hear your thoughts all the time. It's been happening since the force bond broke."
I said "So I'm never alone."
He said "You are sometimes. Not often though. I'll always be with you if you need me to be."
I hugged him and said "Thank you."
He put his arm around me and said "You're welcome, sweetheart."
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