An Unexpected Alliance
"General, there's an incoming ship," Said Poe.
General Leia looked at the screen.
"Our scanners show that it is a First Order vessel." Said Kaydel.
"Is it Kylo Ren?" Asked Poe.
Rey couldn't feel his presence on the approaching ship. If Ben was on the ship, she was sure she would sense it.
"No," Rey and Leia said at the same time. They exchanged glances.
"Then who can it be, it's a command ship?" Said Poe.
"Whoever it is, we must assume they are a threat." Said General Leia.
"Should we blow 'em up?" Poe asked.
Leia turned and gave him a look that he didn't know what meant, and he wasn't really sure that he wanted to know what it meant either.
"No," she said. "Give them permission to land, but be ready to fight."
"Yes, General." Said Poe.
Kaydel turned off the ship's shields and opened the landing bay.
Poe, Finn, Rose and several other Resistance fighters went to the landing bay to meet whoever was on the first order ship. They all had blasters ready incase this was some kind of trick. But Rey had her lightsaber.
The ship landed in front of them. A tall, thin man with red hair emerged from the ship. It was General Hux.
The Resistance fighters exchanged startled glances. Poe was the first to recover.
"General Hugs!" He exclaimed, pretending to be excited to see him.
Hux gave him a stern look. "I recognize your voice, you were in the X-wing that attacked our ship!"
Poe didn't reply.
"And it's Hux." He added sternly.
Poe shrugged.
Finn stepped forward. Kylo Ren was dark soul filled with hate, anger and pain. But Hux was a cruel, vial, corrupt one. There was no compassion in his heart. "What do you want, Hux?" He demanded.
A cruel expression crossed Hux's face at the sight of the traitor. "FN- 2187!" He said in a cruel voice. But then his expression changed. "You have inspired me,"
Finn stared at him.
"Now that Snoke is gone, I have decided to join the Resistance." Said Hux.
"I don't trust you." Said Finn.
"Neither do I." Poe agreed.
"Just give me a chance?" He asked.
"We'll let our General decide." Said Poe.
"But remember, I'm watching you." Said Finn.
"So am I." Said Rose.
But none of their threats frightened him. He looked to where the girl stood. She was quite, but he feared her most. She had the same quiet power as Ren. If they were to stop him and the First Order, they would need her. She was the only one strong enough to stop Ren.
They searched him to make sure he was unarmed. Then they led him to the command center, each of them casting distrusting gazes.
When Leia saw him, she squinted at him. She knew who this sinister man was.
"I've come to join the Resistance." He told her.
The look she gave him, told him that she didn't believe him nor did she trust him.
"Listen, now that Snoke is gone I finally see the truth. The first order is evil. They must be stopped. Ren must be stopped." He said. "I know the Resistance is few, but I believe that we have a chance. I know that many of your commanders are gone, I'm an experienced leader. I can help you." He Said.
No one answered so he continued. "And I've convinced over a thousand members of the First Order to join the Resistance. Now that Snoke is gone, they are free to make their own choice."
Leia could not refuse his offer, a thousand fighters could help the Resistance greatly. "You can join us, but if you betray us you will be stopped." She said.
"Thank you," he said.
"And if you hurt any of my friends, I will kill you." Poe added.
Hux looked Poe in the eyes. "Understood." He said. Then he turned back to Leia. "I've been on the inside of the First Order. I know how to stop them." He turned to look at Rey. "We have to kill Kylo Ren." He said.
Rey was silent.
"Without a leader, the First Order is powerless. It will crumble." He said. "This girl is the only one who is strong enough to stop Ren."
Everyone looked to Rey.
"I will face Kylo Ren," she said. "But I will not kill him, not until I've given him a chance to come back to the light."
"He would never turn!" Hux snapped.
"You did," Rey pointed out. "We're giving you a second chance, don't you think he deserves no less."
Finn nodded. "If General Hux can, anyone can." He said.
Leia nodded. "Bring my son back to me, if you can." She said.
"But if you can't, you must kill him." Said Hux.
Leia nodded sadly.
Rey gave a single nod, not to Hux but to Leia.
"While the girl is facing Ren, I would like to lead a full attack against the First Order. With the General's permission, of course."
She nodded.
"Here's the co -ordnance to the first order command. I hid a tracking device on it." Said Hux and he typed the location into the Resistance computer system.
"Rey, do you want me to come with you?" Finn asked.
"No, this is something I must do alone."
Leia nodded. "At least take the Falcon," She said.
"Thank you," she answered. Then she turned to leave.
"And Rey, you'll need a copilot." Said Leia.
She turned back to face her.
Leia smiled. "Take Chewy," She Said.
Rey smiled back. Chewbacca came over and joined her. He reached down and scrubbed Rey on the head, gently. Rey looked up at him and giggled softly.
Together Rey and Chewbacca went to the Millennium Falcon.
Rey punched in the co -ordnance. Then she looked at Chewbacca. Once the calculations had been made, Chewy put the Falcon into hyper drive.
Hours later they jolted out of light speed. Before them was a large star destroyer.
On the command ship, an officer reported to the knew Supreme Leader.
"Master, a freighter is approaching." He said.
Kylo Ren could feel it, the Millennium Falcon was approaching. He frowned, that ship had taken his parents from him when he was a child. And more recently, it had taken Rey from him.
Rey. He could feel her. She was close, very close. She was aboard the Millennium Falcon. Perhaps she had decided to join him at last.
"Let them land," he said.
"Yes, Supreme Leader."
"And send the girl to me." He said.
"Yes Supreme Leader," The Officer answered, surprised. Then he turned to leave.
"And don't hurt her," Kylo added sternly.
"Yes, sir." The Officer Said leaving the room.
But Kylo didn't trust him, and even if he didn't hurt Rey, someone else might. Then he thought about having to wait for Rey in the throne room. He knew he would pace the room restlessly. He wasn't like Snoke and he never would be.
"Stop!" He yelled.
The officer halted in the doorway.
"I'll bring her here myself." He said.
Rey and Chewbacca watched as the landing bay door opened. Chewbacca looked at her.
"He knows we're coming." She explained. "I can feel his presence. So, I know he can feel mine."
Chewbacca brought the Falcon down to the landing bay.
Ben stood there waiting for them. Rey stood and turned to leave the cockpit. She heard Chewbacca fallowing her. She turned to look at him. "Stay here," She said.
He groaned in protest.
"I need to be alone with him." She said.
Chewbacca didn't like it, but he sat back down in the copilot seat.
Ben watched as Rey climbed down the ramp of the Millennium Falcon and came towards him.
"Come with me," He said softly. She fallowed him to an elevator.
The doors closed and they both thought about when they road up the elevator in Snoke's ship. Rey remembered the hope she had felt, that Ben would return. She thought he had killed that hope within her, but it still burned in her heart.
Ben was thinking about it too. It was the first time she had called him Ben. She had seen the good in him when no one else could.
The elevator stopped and the door slid open.
He looked down at Rey. He offered her his hand.
Rey looked at his hand and for a moment Ben was sure that she wouldn't take it. But she slowly reached over and placed her hand in his. His heart raced, but he remained calm. He lead her out of the elevator, and into the throne room.
Rey looked around the room. Everything in Snoke's throne room was red. But everything in this room was smooth and black.
"Do you like it?" He asked.
"It's a little too dark," she answered.
He nodded. "But it's brighter now that you're here."
She tried not to smile. She looked up into his eyes.
He looked into her eyes for a long moment. "Join me, Rey, please." He said.
"Please come back," she answered.
He continued to look into her eyes. He wanted to be with her, but didn't think the other members of the Resistance would welcome him back like she would. And he didn't think he could face his mother.
She could sense what he was thinking. "Your mother wants you back, ... and so do I."
He knew she was telling the truth. "But what about the others?" He asked, he knew most of the Resistance would kill him if they saw him.
"They have agreed to give you a second chance." She said.
He knew she wasn't lying to him, but what if the others had lied to her. He looked into her mind, he could see that the others were willing to give him a chance. But then he saw something else.
"Hux," he said. "He sent you here to kill me!" He yelled.
"No," Rey answered. But it was a lye, Rey didn't intend to kill him, but Hux did send her there to do so.
Ben could tell that she was lying. He screamed, feeling betrayed. He drew his lightsaber and began swinging it angrily, hitting the walls and floor. He swung his lightsaber in a wide arc, he didn't realize that Rey was standing next to him, until he heard her gasp in pain.
He turned and saw that his lightsaber had struck her in her left leg. Blood stained her clothes. There was a look of pain in her eyes. He dropped his lightsaber, the fiery blade retracted back into its hilt.
Rey pressed her hand against her open wound.
"Rey, are you okay?" He asked.
"Yes," she answered, but he could tell that she wasn't. She staggered from the pain in her leg.
He stepped towards her, but she took a pace away from him.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. And he went over to her. He wrapped his arm around her, and gently laid her down on the floor. Then he softly touched her forehead with his finger tips.
He could feel her pain through the Force. He could feel the burning pain in her left leg. Tears stung his eyes, he caused her this pain. "I'm so sorry, Rey." He said softly.
"I'm okay," she repeated, but there was pain in her voice.
He could sense something else, she didn't want to kill him. She had come to bring him back. He gently rubbed her forehead with his thumb. "I can't come back with you, I'm too dangerous. I don't want to hurt you." He said. "I can't control this power within me."
"I'll help you," She said. "We can do it, together."
"No, you have to leave." He said. "You're not safe here."
Just then Chewbacca emerged from the elevator. He had his bow blaster in his hand. He let out a loud growl when he saw Rey wounded.
Ben looked up at him.
Chewbacca growled again.
"I can't come home, Chewy, I'm too dangerous." He said. He lifted Rey in his arms and carried her to Chewbacca. The Wookiee took the girl in his arms. "She's not safe here, with me. You have to take her away from here."
Chewbacca nodded and carried Rey back to the Millennium Falcon.
Chewbacca growled as he sat Rey down in one of the chairs aboard the Millennium Falcon.
"I'm okay, Chewy." She answered. "It's just a scratch."
But Chewbacca was still worried. He set a corse for the Resistance ship.
Meanwhile, Hux had gathered the members of the First Order who were willing to join the Resistance, along with a large group of Resistance fighters. Poe, Finn, Rose, and Kaydel were among them.
"Ren will be busy fighting the girl, now is our time to strike." Said Hux. Then he sent the army to the First Order command ship.
They got in the first order ships that Hux had stolen and went into hyper drive to get to the first order command ship.
When they came out of hyper drive, they found them selves before a fleet of first order ships. In command of the fleet was a large star destroyer.
"Let's hope Hux's plan works," Poe told Finn through the com link. Then he sent the frequency Hux gave him to the star destroyer. "Permission to land?"
"Granted." A voice replied.
"Permission to land, granted." Poe told the rest of the fleet.
The group of Resistance fighters, in the first order ships made their way towards the star destroyer landing bay.
Back on the Resistance command ship, the Millennium Falcon landed. General Leia waited patiently for them to arrive.
Standing next to her was an unexpected ally, Hux.
A worried expression appeared on her face when she saw Chewbacca carrying Rey down the ramp.
"What happened?" She asked.
"Ben ..." Rey began.
"I'll notify the Resistance that Rey is here." Said Hux.
Leia nodded and Hux walked away.
"It was an accident." Rey continued.
"Don't worry Rey, we'll take care of you." Said Leia. She led Chewy as he carried her to the medical bay.
Hux contacted the Resistance. "Rey came to the Resistance ship, she was wounded by Kylo Ren." He said.
Finn let out an angry scream.
"Concentrate your attack on Ren, without him, the first order is powerless."
"Got it." Said Poe.
He and the rest of the Resistance fighters landed their ships in the landing bay of the star destroyer. Then they exited their ships. There were several stormtroopers on the landing bay, but none of them tried to stop the Resistance fighters. So, Finn led them to an elevator. BB-8 rolled next to Poe.
"Where do you think Kylo Ren would be?" Poe asked Finn.
"Now that he's Supreme Leader, he'll probably be in the throne room." Finn replied.
"Where's the throne room?" Poe asked.
"I don't know, this is a new ship, I've never been on it."
BB- 8 beeped. "He says that he can find the throne room." Poe explained.
BB-8 extended one of his mechanical arms and plugged it into a hole in the wall. He twisted his mechanical arm, then he beeped.
"It's on level five." Said Poe. "BB-8 has the elevator going to that level."
"Good," said Finn, thinking about how nice it would feel to punch Kylo Ren in the face.
"Lieutenant Connix, com in the rest of the Resistance fighters and tell them to take an elevator up to level five."
Kaydel nodded. She took out her com link and contacted the rest of the Resistance fighters. She requested them to take elevators up to level five.
BB-8 turned the elevator on, and they rode up.
Moments later the elevator doors opened and they stepped out into the throne room.
The throne room was dark and appeared empty.
"It's so dark in here," said Rose.
Just then a red light turned on. It came from the other end of the room, but the red light filled the room.
Finn knew that light, and so did Poe. Both of them had seen it before. It came from Kylo Ren's lightsaber.
"Kylo Ren!" Finn yelled, grabbing his blaster.
"Traitor!" Kylo yelled back. He lifted his lightsaber and the Resistance could see the angry expression on his face.
"I'm not the traitor," said Finn. "You are. Rey came to help you, we didn't believe you could be saved, but she did! She said that you deserved a second chance. And you repay her by hurting her."
Suddenly the anger on Kylo's face disappeared, and was replaced by sadness. "I didn't mean to hurt her." He said.
He spoke softer than Finn ever expected he could. Finn didn't believe him, yet he could hear the honesty in his voice and see the truth in his eyes. He didn't know how to respond.
"You have to leave," Said Kylo, lowering his lightsaber. "I can't control the dark side of the Force that fills me. I'm dangerous. If you don't leave someone might get hurt."
Just then the rest of the Resistance fighters came into the room. There were hundreds of them and as they moved to surround him, Kylo wondered. Then he remembered, Hux had joined the Resistance. He had probably taken some of the First Order with him.
He raised his lightsaber, preparing for a fight that he feared he would not win.
He wondered how so many armed warriors had gotten past all of the stormtroopers and officers aboard the star destroyer.
He looked around, stepping in a small circle. He was surrounded on all sides. Suddenly a group of fighters, who he recognized to be traitors of the first order, charged towards him. He turned quickly to face them.
He swung his lightsaber in a wide arc, wounding many of them with one strike. But more continued to attack, from all sides. The Force warned him of each new threat. He was able to turn quickly enough to stop each attack. But his enemies were quickly closing in, and he soon became overwhelmed.
He could sense danger on all sides but couldn't move quickly enough to face all of his enemies. Suddenly he felt a shocking pain in his back, and then everything went black.
Finn turned to see Rose holding an electric shocker, like the one she had knocked him out with. He smiled at her. "Nice work!" He said.
Rose smiled back, but her smile quickly faded as she saw Finn lift his blaster and point it at Kylo Ren, who lay unmoving on the floor. Rose put her hand on Finn's and gently pushed it back down. "Don't," she said.
He looked at her with a question in his eyes.
"If we kill an unarmed, unconscious man out of hate, then we'll become just like them." She pointed to a First Order flag that hung on the wall.
"You're right," Finn agreed, dropping his blaster.
He and Poe cuffed Ren's hands and feet. Then they worked together to drag him on to their ship.
Later, Ben woke up in a cell. He wasn't sure were he was, but he knew he had to escape. He walked over to the door. He reached out his hand, and felt the mechanics of the door through the Force. This cell was not designed for a Force sensitive being.
He twisted his hand to the right and the door opened.
He stepped out of the door, he was unarmed but the hall was empty. He walked down the hall, planning to steal a ship and fly as far away from here as he could. In fact he thought it would be best if found an uninhabited planet and lived alone in exile for the rest of his life.
He found the landing bay and headed towards one of the ships.
Suddenly Hux stepped out in front of him.
"Hux!" He yelled, Force chocking him. "You sent Rey to kill me!"
Hux grabbed at his throat, as if trying to pull an invisible hand away.
"Where is she?" He asked. He loosened his grip so that he could answer. But Hux kept his mouth closed tight. "Where is she!?!" He yelled.
"Dead." Hux replied, and Ben released him.
"She can't be." He said. "She's alive, I can feel her presence."
"In your anger, you killed her."
"No!" Ben screamed.
"She couldn't have died, it was just a flesh wound." He said after a moment, not willing to believe him.
"She lost too much blood, by the time she got here, they couldn't save her." Said Hux. "To make matters worse, she had given up hope, because you wouldn't come back with her. She had lost her will to live."
Ben fell to his knees. He could still feel Rey, he felt stronger now than before. But he realized that that didn't mean she was still alive. He could still feel his uncle Luke's presence, even though he was gone. Maybe because his connection with Rey was so strong, that it went beyond death. "She can't be dead," he whispered.
"She is, you killed her!" Hux yelled.
Ben could take no more he buried his face in his hands and began to weep. His emotions raged within him, he felt as if he could tear the ship in half. But he could hardly breathe, and he couldn't move.
On the other side of the landing bay, Rey walked towards the Millennium Falcon, intent on sitting down and trying to read the Jedi manuscripts. Her leg was bandaged, but it still hurt and she had to limp. Suddenly she looked to her right and saw Ben on the floor, weeping fiercely. Standing above him was Hux. She watched as he drew his blaster, and pointed it at Ben's head.
Rey couldn't let him kill Ben. She sensed great evil deep within Hux. But deep down, beyond Kylo Ren she felt that Ben had a great potential for good.
Rey reached for her belt, but found that she was unarmed. She had started making a new lightsaber, but it wasn't finished yet. In fact that was why she was going to look in the Jedi manuscripts. She hadn't thought to bring a blaster with her.
But she watched Ben weeping. Despite what he claimed, she knew he had a heart deep down. She could see it now. And she realized that she cared about him, that she had to save him no matter the cost.
She ran, hobbling as quick as she could to stand between Ben and Hux. She stepped between them just as Hux fired his blaster. The blast struck her in the chest and she fell instantly to the floor.
Ben closed his eyes, hearing the blast and expecting it to strike him. But he welcomed it. At least this way he could be with Rey again. But then he heard something crash to the floor. He opened his eyes to see Rey laying on the floor in front of him. Her clothes were soaked in blood and he knew what she had done. She had sacrificed herself for him.
He reached down and cradled her head in his arms. "Rey, why would you do this?" He asked. "Why would you sacrifice yourself for me?"
She reached up and touched his face with her blood stained hand. "Because I love you." She said weakly.
"I love you, too." He whispered. He could feel the life leaving her. "Please don't go." He said, but she was already closing her eyes and drawing her last breath.
Ben held her tighter and began to weep even more fiercely than before.
"Now you will die, Ren. And I will become the new supreme leader." Said Hux, raising his blaster and pointing it at Ben.
But he was unaware of someone else watching him. On the other side of the landing bay, Finn had seen everything. He had seen Rey sacrifice herself for Kylo. He knew that she must still see the good in him if she was willing to give up her life to save him. Then he heard Hux say that he intended to become the new supreme leader. Finn realized that he had been using the Resistance to get rid of Kylo Ren this whole time. And once that task was finished he would most likely destroy the Resistance from the inside. Finn knew that shouldn't have trusted Hux. Now he watched as Hux pointed his blaster to kill the man who his friend had just died to save. He would not let Rey die for nothing. He pulled out his own blaster and fired it at Hux, before he could shoot Ben. Hux gripped his chest where the blast had hit him. Then he fell to the ground, dead.
Ben pulled Rey closer to him. "Please don't leave me Rey, I love you, with all of my heart."
Suddenly he heard Rey take a deep breath. He looked down to see her opening his eyes and looking up at him.
Because they were so strongly bound in the Force, his love for her had saved her. "Rey!" He exclaimed.
She reached up and hugged him.
Finn walked over and watched them hugging each other. "Rey, you're alive?" He asked once they released each other.
"Yes," she answered.
Ben turned to Finn. "Thank you for saving me." He said.
Finn nodded.
Then Ben turned to Rey. "And Thank you for saving me, in more than one way."
She smiled. "Thank you for saving me too." She said.
Ben smiled back at her and hugged her again.
Later the Resistance gathered to celebrate their victory over the First Order. With Hux gone and Ben on the side of the Resistance, it didn't take long for the Resistance and First Order to unite in peace.
Now they celebrated peace in the galaxy for the first time in many years.
Ben saw his mother, she was smiling. She came over and hugged her son. He hugged her in return, glad to be with her again.
After a long moment, Leia released Ben and stood next to him. Rey stood on the other side of him. She reached down and grabbed his hand. He looked down and smiled at her. She smiled back. Then the three of them joined Poe, Finn, Rose and Kaydel in the celebration.
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