Chapter Twenty-Three: Tray To The Head
Liam's Pov
I barely got any sleep last night.
Not only was I helping the others back to the compound so they could get to bed and rest, I was also trying to make sense of what just happened between Tankhun and I.
I didn't sleep because I was too busy thinking. I was simply thinking.
And...I've come to terms that I might have developed feelings for Tankhun.
And by that I mean actual romantic feelings.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I like Tankhun considering he's always been my favorite character.
I admire everything about him no matter what anyone else thinks about him.
I just never thought that would end up leading me to have feelings for him.
Falling for someone, especially Tankhun, wasn't on my list.
And, honestly, I just don't know what to do with these newfound feelings.
All of this is just so sudden and I don't know what to do nor what to think.
I wanted to scream so badly and let out all my frustrations!!
Luckily, when morning came around, and Porsche was sober enough to get out of bed and walk, we changed into our uniform and went outside.
Porsche wanted a smoke break and honestly, so did I.
Porsche took out two cigarettes and handed me one as he took out the lighter.
But, as expected, the lighter seemed to be jammed so no fire came out.
I watched as Porsche furrowed his eyebrows together, clearly annoyed as he kept trying to get the fire to appear.
I heard footsteps and held my breath, already knowing what was coming.
Porsche and I looked up when we saw a hand extended out to us, a lighter in the person's hand.
And that person was none other than Vegas.
Porsche glanced at me and I simply shrugged.
Porsche hesitantly placed his cigarette under the fire and I did the same as we both breathed in the smoke before breathing it out.
Vegas closed the lighter and put it away as Porsche and I removed our cigarettes from our mouths.
"Mr. Vegas" Porsche and I spoke in unison.
"No worries. I'm here to run some errands" Vegas said.
I smiled at that and nodded while Porsche just nodded.
The silence between the three of us was a tad bit awkward so I decided to break it.
"How is Macau doing?" I asked.
Vegas, who had been staring at Porsche the entire time, turned his attention over to me.
"He's alright. He misses you, he always whines about not being able to see you more" Vegas explained.
"Well, duty calls, can't really take time off" I sighed.
"I get it. But, it's not just you that he misses, it's your nong too" Vegas said.
"Chay?" Porsche asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, I forgot to tell you that I introduced Macau and Chay that day and they really hit it off" I smiled.
Which is good because I want Macau to have someone like Chay in his life.
"Indeed they did. Macau is always texting Chay, always talking with him over the phone, it's amusing but sometimes annoying" Vegas fondly rolled his eyes.
I chuckled and nodded while Porsche just frowned.
I rolled my eyes. No doubt that his 'overprotective' instincts are kicking in.
Vegas sighed before deciding to change the subject.
"Are you two here to take care of Kinn? So, have you got the hang of it?" Vegas asked.
"Not really. But, Liam and I are now transferred to take care of Mr. Tankhun" Porsche said.
"Mr. Tankhun?" Vegas asked, curious and amused.
"Yes" I nodded.
"That one is quite something" Vegas chuckled.
"That's true" Porsche chuckled himself.
I rolled my eyes and threw the cigarette away, trying my best not to snap at them.
I hate how they talk about Tankhun that way.
Especially when these newfound feelings of mine have slowly grown for him.
Nobody's Pov
While everyone in the compound was doing their own things, Porsche and Kinn were both in the sauna.
Porsche obviously wasn't expecting Kinn to appear, but he's not complaining.
Although, he's still very much confused about last night.
He doesn't remember much of what happened last night. All he remembers is him and Kinn going somewhere, talking and then they were...kissing.
Porsche can't think clearly. Everything from last night was a blur.
He blames himself for drinking way too much.
Porsche was trying to distract himself, trying not to pay much attention to Kinn, but it was hard when Kinn would just bring up anything random.
It's like he was just talking random just as an excuse to talk to him.
And, he'd never admit this out loud, but it was pretty nice to talk to Kinn this way.
You know, without having to be formal and shit, given he is his boss.
"If you feel like you're about to pass out, you could go rest" Kinn suggested.
Porsche reopened his eyes, trying to contain his annoyance, as he took the towel off his head.
He turned to Kinn and raised an eyebrow at him, looking slightly offended.
"How could you insult me like that? Look at my tattoo before saying anything like that" Porsche glared at him.
He turned around to give Kinn a better look at his tattoo before leaning back against the seat.
Kinn wasn't annoyed by Porsche's remark. If anything, he was amused.
However, he did eye Porsche's back, staring at the tattoo in curiosity.
"What's that?" Kinn asked.
Porsche sighed, sparing him a glance, before putting the towel down.
"The Phoenix. They say it's an immortal bird" Porsche said.
"Why this tattoo?" Kinn asked in curiosity.
Porsche sighed as he leaned back and closed his eyes.
"My mom liked it. She used to talk about it alot when Liam and I were little. Also, she said that neither Liam nor I could die before our brother finished his degree" Porsche explained.
Talking about his mom hurt because it would always bring back bittersweet memories.
He missed his parents deeply. He knew that Chay and Liam missed them too.
"Does Liam have a tattoo of the phoenix?" Kinn asked.
"No. Although he liked the idea of it, he didn't want a tattoo. He said it would be better for him to wait till the time was right" Porsche explained.
He would never force his brothers, either of his brothers, to do something they didn't want to do.
But, he will admit that he is a little hurt that Liam didn't get the tattoo when he did.
But, he's willing to wait for when the 'right time' comes.
"Where is Liam, anyway?" Kinn asked.
"I don't know. He said he would be training or working with whatever he was assigned" Porsche shrugged.
After their talk with Vegas, he hasn't seen his brother.
Liam simply hugged him and told him good luck before leaving him alone.
It was strange that Liam didn't help him, Pol, Pravat and Arm when they were searching for Tankhun.
As far as he's concerned, Tankhun favors his nong out of all his bodyguards.
And his nong doesn't seem to mind the attention he gets from Tankhun.
But, then again, after what happened last night he doesn't blame his brother for still being mad at Tankhun.
"You know, your brother is really something" Kinn spoke up.
Porsche snapped out of his thoughts and turned to the mafia boss.
He was surprised when Kinn had moved down to sit next to him, but he obviously didn't show it.
"What do you mean?" Porsche asked, confused.
"First, he saves me from an assassin, suffers some injuries and bruises but refuses to take a day off after I grant him permission. Next, he eases his way into Macau's good side. And third, he becomes close to my older brother" Kinn explained.
Does he really need to name everything that Liam has done to impress him so far?
Porsche let out a chuckle as he shook his head, reminding himself what his nong has done so far.
"He definitely is something. That's for sure" Porsche nodded.
"I'm surprised that he's the one impressing everyone instead of you. I'm surprised that he's the main gossip, not you. After all, you are the oldest" Kinn hummed.
He finds it odd that Porsche's adopted younger brother is doing all the work.
Porsche is the oldest and usually the oldest sibling. The oldest sibling is usually the one to do all the work.
The oldest sibling is usually the one to look after the younger sibling.
Not the other way around.
But...then's the same situation with him and Tankhun...
So, in a way, he really shouldn't be talking about Porsche and Liam like that...
Porsche spared him a glance and pressed his lips together as he turned his attention away from him.
"I might be the oldest, but Liam is always putting mine and Chay's needs above his own" Porsche said.
It's true.
Liam is always looking after him and Chay and always making sure they're alright and safe.
Porsche is grateful that Liam is always taking care of them but he also feels guilty that he's just sitting back and letting his nong do all the work.
He's the oldest, therefore he's the one that needs to step up and take care.
He needs to be the one to not only take care of Chay, but Liam too.
Chay might be his youngest nong but Liam is still his nong no matter how old he is.
One way or another, he'll find a way to repay Liam for everything that he has done.
At The Restaurant
Liam's Pov
I spent the entire morning just working, with whatever I was assigned with, and training.
I've never really been one to skip training. After all, I always trained back in my world.
When the afternoon came around I decided to rest a bit, especially when Chan gave me some free time.
In the morning I didn't end up going with Arm, Pravat, Pol and Porsche to take care of a hungover Tankhun.
I honestly just wasn't up for it.
It's not that I didn't want to see him nor help him get over his hangover.
I...I just think that after what happened last night, things could be awkward between us.
Especially when he nearly kissed me.
Yes, I stopped him from doing so because I didn't want his first kiss to be that way, but it doesn't help that I still feel guilty.
He was drunk, he probably has no memory of last night and I'm sure he didn't want to do what he did.
Let alone to a stupid guy, bodyguard, like me...
I don't know...
Maybe keeping some distance from him is better for the both of us.
Because even if he were to remember what happened last night, I doubt he'd be happy.
I sighed and shook myself out of those thoughts as I made my way to the restaurant.
I already know Porsche would be here with the others, wearing the robes like they were, not including Pete, while eating that delicious food.
However, I'm not planning to stick around for a long time.
I didn't change into the robes like the others. I don't plan on sitting with them at the table to eat food or start conversation.
I'm only here to find Porsche and ask if he wants to join Chay and I in his room so we can eat snacks and watch movies.
I desperately need some sort of distraction and this is definitely the way to go.
Although, I probably should've asked for directions because the restaurant was big and all the places looked the same.
I'm literally a fan of this series and have watched the episodes so many times.
I should know where I'm going right about now. I feel disappointed in myself.
"Liam" a familiar voice spoke from behind me.
I stopped dead in my tracks as my breath hitched, my eyes widened slightly as I recognized that voice.
Well, to be fair, I recognize everyone's voice.
But, that voice in particular stands out the most.
Swallowing a lump in my throat, I turned around and came face to face with Tankhun.
I felt my cheeks heating up when I eyed him up and down, admiring his beauty even if he was simply wearing robes just like the others were.
Well, not including Vegas and Pete, but still.
I did my best not to stare because I don't want him to be uncomfortable. I wasn't raised to be a pervert.
But, it was hard not to stare at his amazing skin that was being displayed.
"Take a picture and it'll last longer" came Tankhun's sarcastic response.
Oh for the love of...
I shook my head, mentally scolding myself for staring and getting caught, as I looked back at the oldest Theerapanyakun.
He was glaring at me, or well, trying, to glare at me.
But, in reality he was amused by my staring, he also didn't seem to mind by the way his cheeks were red.
We really are similar in some ways, aren't we...?
"Uh, hello Mr. Tankhun. Is everything alright?" I asked.
He cleared his throat and patted his cheeks lightly, trying to get rid of the blush.
"Yes, everything is fine. I was just on my way to the others. And you?" Tankhun asked.
"Oh, I'm not going to stay long. I'm just going to find Porsche and ask him something before leaving" I explained.
"Well, since we're both heading to the same place, we might as well walk together" Tankhun suggested.
"Uh...yeah, sure, that's fine with me" I nodded.
"Great, follow me" Tankhun smiled faintly.
With that we both began walking down the hall. was a little bit awkward, if I do say so myself.
We didn't talk to each other. We were both silent as neither of us made a move to say something, anything.
Everytime I tried to speak I would either stutter or I would simply close my mouth and remain silent.
Tankhun was the same as me as he didn't really know what to say.
It didn't help that he was fiddling with the hem of his robe the entire time.
The tension was real. That's for sure.
I never thought the day would come where I'd want someone to barge in and break the awkward silence between us.
"I remember what happened last night" his response broke the silence.
I raised an eyebrow and slowly turned to look at him.
Although, I already had a hunch as to what he meant by that.
"I remember what happened last night. I remember our conversation. I remember revealing to you that I like you. I remember trying to kiss you and I remember you stopping me from doing so" Tankhun explained.
And I was right.
He does remember the events that took place between us last night.
Even though I was hoping he had been too drunk to remember anything.
I feel like that would've been easier for the both of us.
"And I want to say I'm sorry" he sighed.
I paused.
I stopped walking and stood where I was in stunned silence.
Tankhun paused too, standing where he was as he slowly turned his body to look at me.
His eyebrows were furrowed together in concern while I had an eyebrow raised, staring at him in surprise.
That certainly wasn't something I was expecting him to say.
"W-what? What are you sorry for?" I asked, clearly confused.
A sigh was released from his mouth as he looked down, finding the ground more interesting.
"I'm sorry for trying to kiss you. I had no right to do that. It was wrong to try and force myself onto you when I clearly wasn't in the right state" Tankhun said.
He hesitantly looked up and his eyes made contact with mine.
"I'm grateful that you stopped me from doing that. I'm grateful that you let me down as gently as you could. And, again, I'm sorry for my actions last night" Tankhun sighed.
I frowned softly at that and shook my head.
I raised my hands, ready to place them on his shoulders, when I quickly stopped myself.
"Is it alright if I touch you, Mr. Tankhun?" I softly asked.
I watched the way his eyes widened as he looked at me in surprise.
I'm guessing he's surprised that I'm asking for his consent even when he's sober and not drunk last night. That I'm not just going to touch him like any other bodyguard, or family member, would when trying to gain his attention.
Like I said, I respect everyone and I will always ask for someone's consent no matter what.
My parents raised me to be a gentleman and to respect others.
"Yeah, yeah, of course" Tankhun nodded.
I nodded back at him and slowly, and gently, placed my hands onto his shoulders.
I smiled faintly as he relaxed, almost as if he were leaning into my touch, and looked me in the eye.
"You don't have to say sorry for anything, Mr. Tankhun. Like you said, you were drunk and not in the right mind. I'm not mad at you. I'm just happy that you're alright and I stopped you from doing something you probably would've regretted" I softly told him.
Why does my heart break when saying that?
Maybe because he would've regretted kissing me.
Like I said, I doubt he meant what he said last night, I doubt he even likes me that way.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt hands being placed onto my waist, as gently as possible.
I looked down before looking back up and saw Tankhun staring at me, a frown evident on his face.
"You're aware that I spoke the truth, right?" Tankhun softly asked.
I raised an eyebrow at him, confusion washing over my eyes.
"I spoke the truth. I remember everything and I want you to be aware that I spoke nothing but the truth" Tankhun said.
His eyes wandered down to his hands that were on my waist before meeting my eyes, again.
"I really do like you, Liam. I have grown feelings for you" Tankhun admitted.
A blush appeared on my cheeks as my heart started beating faster.
He...he actually likes me...?
Tankhun really likes me...?
He's telling the truth. He's not drunk like last night. He's sober and he knows what he's saying.
Holy shit...
"Mr. Tankhun, I..." I trailed off.
I bit my lip and looked down at his lips, watching as they formed into a smirk.
Fingers were placed onto my chin and my head was lifted up. My eyes were met again by his beautiful ones.
"You feel the same, don't you?" Tankhun asked.
He spoke with such hopefulness that I didn't know whether to tell him I did feel the same...
Or tell him that this is all new to me and I'm still unsure if I feel the same way...
I opened my mouth to say something when we both heard loud talking from nearby.
We both turned around, separating ourselves from each other, and walked closer to the room where the others are at.
We stopped by the entrance, scanning the place.
Everyone was present in the room.
Porsche, Pete, Pravat, Pol, Arm, Kinn and Vegas.
Pete was still in his bodyguard uniform while Vegas was in his regular clothes, the same ones from the show.
The others were wearing their robes.
I'm honestly having a hard time trying to figure out which part of the scene they're at.
I turned towards Tankhun and saw his lips forming into a scowl, anger visible in his eyes as he glared at Vegas.
He opened his mouth to say something when I slid my hand into his and pulled him away from the entrance.
Tankhun pulled his hand out of mine and tried stalking inside but I quickly stopped him.
"What are you doing? Let me go so I can kick his ass out of here" Tankhun scowled.
"Mr. Tankhun, please calm down. Vegas is probably here for business and he's still your cousin" I reminded him.
"He might be my cousin but he's an asshole" Tankhun rolled his eyes.
Well, right now, he is.
I sighed and shook my head, ready to tell him that it's not worth it, only for my eyes to widen as a plan formed into my head.
You know, Vegas does deserve some punishment as he did cause lots of problems.
Not to mention he hurt Pete.
I might like Vegaspete but I have always wanted to beat his ass for putting Pete through all that pain.
However...that doesn't mean I shouldn't form some sort of revenge...
A small smirk appeared on my face and I turned to Tankhun, who was narrowing his eyes at me in confusion and suspicion.
"Mr. Tankhun, please wait for me here while I head in there and see what's going on" I said.
"What? Why?" Tankhun asked.
"Just trust me. I'll give you a signal and that's when you make an appearance" I said.
I scanned the area, trying to find what I needed, and beamed in delight when I spotted it.
I rushed towards the metal tray and grabbed it. I rushed back over to Tankhun and pushed the item towards him.
"Here. Use this when I give you the signal" I said.
Tankhun held onto the metal tray as he stared at me in confusion.
I turned around and was about to head in, but I stopped and quickly turned around to face him again.
"Oh, and Mr. Tankhun. Please, use all your strength with that tray. It's an absolute must" I smugly smirked.
His eyes brightened in delight as he let a smirk appeared on his own face and he nodded in agreement.
I let out a tiny squeal of delight before turning around.
I patted my cheeks a few times before taking a deep breath as I made my way inside the room.
"Hello my favorite bodyguard friends. Also my brother" I made my presence known to the others.
Everyone, even Kinn and Vegas, jumped in surprise before turning around as they made eye contact with me.
I chuckled at their reactions as I walked further into the room.
"Woah, it smells great in here. What's being served?" I asked.
"Everything" Pravat snorted, stuffing a spoonful of noodles into his mouth.
I chuckled at that and watched as Pete was getting ready to get up so he could grab a chair for me.
I smiled at him and shook my head, causing him to raise an eyebrow at me.
"No need for that. I'm not going to stay long. I just came to ask Porsche something" I said.
Pete frowned at that, looking upset that I wasn't gonna stay, but nodded and sat back down.
Actually, everyone frowned, yes even the two mafia's, at the fact that I wasn't going to stay.
I sighed and shook my head before turning to my brother.
"Chay and I are going to watch movies and eat snacks in his room. Do you fancy joining us?" I asked.
Porsche smiled at that, probably getting a few memories, before shaking his head.
"Thanks for the invite, nong, but I'll have to pass" Porsche said.
However, his eyes said a different story.
I had to stop myself from laughing when I realized that he was begging me to stay so that he wouldn't be left alone.
Even though he wasn't technically alone considering the others are here.
But, he just feels like he's caught in the middle of the two cousins and it's clear that he's uncomfortable.
I let out a fake sigh of disappointment before nodding my head in understanding.
"Alright, well have fun" I smiled.
Just as I was about to turn around and leave, a hand was suddenly wrapped around my wrist.
Almost everyone's breath hitched at the action. I swear I could see Kinn gritting his teeth.
I turned around and saw Vegas holding onto my wrist, stopping me from moving any further.
I looked at the said man and met his eyes as I raised an eyebrow at him, pretending to be confused.
"Yes, Mr. Vegas?" I asked.
Vegas cleared his throat and hesitantly removed his hand from my wrist.
"Please, stay for a bit. There's something I want to talk to you and Porsche about" Vegas said.
At the mention of his name, Porsche perked up and furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion.
I hummed and nodded and stood where I was, waiting for him to say what he needed to say.
"Kinn said that you both can't adjust yourself working here" Vegas said.
Porsche and I shared a glance before turning back to Vegas.
"Well, my personal bodyguard just quit. And I don't mind having two bodyguards at my side. So, what would you both say if-" Vegas started, only to get cut off.
"No" Kinn raised his voice, picking his head up.
This brought everyone's attention onto him as he was now met with confused stares.
Porsche stared at him in confusion but I could also see some annoyance plastered in his eyes.
I internally rolled my eyes at Kinn, already knowing that his jealousy is rising.
However, I glanced at the entrance and saw Tankhun hiding to the best of his ability.
But, I swear I saw him glaring at Vegas with so much anger that I was afraid a blood vessel was going to pop out.
Vegas raised an eyebrow at Kinn and Kinn cleared his throat.
"Porsche and Liam take care of Tankhun. He won't give either of them to you" Kinn explained.
I can't really lie when I say that he does speak the truth.
"Then you got talk to him for me" Vegas said that like it was the most obvious answer.
"I don't like getting into other peoples business" Kinn argued.
I coughed loudly, using that as an excuse to cover up a laugh that threatened to escape.
That's a total lie since he's always in Porsche's business because he likes him but is too afraid to admit that.
Kinn spared me a glance, looking at me weirdly, before turning back to his cousin.
"And I don't like others getting into mine" Kinn finished.
"Same here" I muttered.
"Why's that?" Vegas pretended to be, and look, confused.
He looked down at his food before his mouth formed into an 'o' shape as he looked back up.
"Oh. You're afraid that when you open your heart, you will be hurt again?" Vegas mockingly asked.
Kinn stared at him with an emotionless expression, but I could tell that he wanted nothing more than to punch him in the face.
Alright, I think it's time for my favorite scene to happen.
I backed away from Vegas and turned my head over to the entrance, watching as Tankhun moved his head to look at me.
I smirked slightly and tilted my head to the side, thus giving him the signal.
A satisified smirk appeared on his face as he nodded and quietly entered the room.
I watched as Vegas leaned down and took a bite out of his food, the smug smile never leaving his face.
Then within seconds, the metal tray collided into Vegas's head, causing him to let out a groan and almost choke on his food.
Everyone jumped at the unexpected action, chopsticks were dropped because of how surprised the others were.
Vegas shot up from his seat, his fist clenched as he got ready to punch the person, only to stop when he came face to face with Tankhun.
I bit the inside of my cheek and turned my head away, doing my absolute best to contain my laughter.
This was better in person rather than watching it on screen.
I turned back around and my eyes widened slightly when I saw a hint of blood on the tray.
Jeez, did Tankhun really use that much strength into hitting him?
Vegas was glaring at Tankhun. While the said man just examined the tray before putting both hands in front of him.
"Oh. I'm terribly sorry, dear cousin. I thought I saw a spider, but it was simply just your head" Tankhun innocently smiled.
May I remind you that there was absolutely nothing innocent about his smile.
And I'm definitely living for it.
I let out a hum and walked over to them as I stood next to Tankhun.
"You definitely have amazing strength. So, if there had been a spider, you definitely would've killed it. Well done, Mr. Tankhun" I nodded.
"Thank you. Your compliment is very much appreciated, Liam" he nodded back.
Silence took over as Tankhun and I finished speaking.
Porsche and Kinn were staring at the two of us with wide eyes in shock. They were clearly in a state of shock.
Pete, Pol and Arm were staring at their boss with wide eyes as they spared me a few glances.
Pravat, well, he was simply unbothered by the entire thing and had just been eating the entire time.
Although, I did see the tiniest hint of surprise and amusement in his eyes.
Vegas's eyes were wide in disbelief and he glanced between Tankhun and I, his displeasure was visible.
Tankhun huffed and set the tray down on the table.
He crossed his arms over his chest as he made eye contact with Vegas.
"If there's nothing else you have to say, feel free to leave. You know where the exit is" Tankhun mockingly smiled.
I smiled at that, biting on my lip to prevent a laugh from escaping.
Vegas glared at him as pressed his lips together and clenched his fist at his side. He was clearly angry, that's for sure.
He spared the others and I glance before letting out a grunt of anger as he walked past us.
When we made sure that he was gone the two of us made eye contact with each other.
We couldn't keep it in any longer and before we knew it we burst into a fit of laughter.
I bent down and clutched onto my stomach as I kept on laughing while Tankhun leaned against the wall, keeping himself up as he laughed harder.
I swear to god we were laughing so hard our eyes began to water.
Although, I'm pretty sure we're being stared at by the others.
No doubt they're shocked, confused and concerned that they might send us to a mental hospital.
Finally, when we managed to calm down, even though we were ready to start laughing again, we let out huge breaths of air.
"Oh my god. Mr. Tankhun, that was epic" I grinned happily.
He grinned himself before extending one arm out while crossing the other over his stomach.
"Thank you. Thank you. I aim to please" he dramatically bowed.
I chuckled in amusement before raising my hand in the air.
Tankhun stood back up and his grin grew as he happily high-fived me.
Vegas might be one of my favorite characters, but he did deserve what he got for everything he did.
Especially to Pete. My ball of sunshine. Even though he can be sassy when he wants to be.
And, I know I'm here to change everything for the better...
But there was no way I was going to stop this from happening, this is one of my favorite scenes from the series after all.
"I hope that was enough to annoy him. Maybe even scare him" Tankhun huffed.
"We can only hope" I sighed.
I shook my head and looked over at the others and couldn't resist the snort that escaped from my lips.
Everyone, including Kinn, was staring at Tankhun and I in complete shock as their jaws were touching the ground.
Kinn was staring at his older brother in shock, blinking a few times.
I don't know why though. What Tankhun did is pretty much something he would've done, especially to Vegas of all people.
Porsche was glancing back and forth between the two of us, his widened eyes remained how they were and his jaw was still touching the ground.
The others were basically in the same state as them.
Is it wrong of me to say that I find this completely amusing?
Tankhun snorted when he took notice of their reactions and rolled his eyes.
"Well, this has definitely been the highlight of my day, but alas, I must get going. Chay has been waiting for me for quite a while" I mock pouted.
I watched as Tankhun's eyes softened and a soft frown appeared on his face.
He walked closer to me and gently placed his hand onto my shoulder.
"Don't pout, Liam. I understand. Run along before your nong starts to worry" he spoke as he patted my cheek.
"Yes, Mr. Tankhun" I bowed dramatically, the same way he did.
We made eye contact with each other before we burst into another fit of laughter.
I stood up and patted his shoulder gently before waving at the others as I began walking away.
However, I stopped and turned around and looked over at Arm.
"Arm, buddy" I called out to him.
He snapped out of the shocked state he was in and looked at me, raising an eyebrow at me.
"If there are any cameras here, I'll pay you $100 just to send me the footage of what took place here. I need entertainment in my life and that's certainly something to look forward to everyday" I explained while smiling.
I winked at him before turning around and walking away, not waiting for him to respond.
A smirk appeared on my face as I let out a small laugh as I kept on walking.
That was certainly one way to lift my mood. Definitely something I needed.
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