Chapter Twenty-Six: Flashbacks & Footage
Liam's Pov
I don't know why, but after threatening Kinn if he went anywhere near my brother, I felt alot better.
I should be scared, considering I threatened my boss, and aimed a gun at him, but I'm not.
Kinn just pissed me off when he tried getting me to hand Porsche over to him to take care of him despite the countless times I told him to back off. I told him that I would take care of Porsche given that he's my brother.
There was no way in hell I was going to hand over my brother to him. No way.
I'm not going to let Kinn have sex with him while he's in this state. That's an absolute no.
No matter what anyone says, what happened between them during that scene wasn't right.
It wasn't right for either of them but mainly Porsche. Kinn took advantage of him and it doesn't matter if he tried to resist, he still did it anyway.
Attack me all you want but Kinn was in the wrong and Porsche...he just doesn't deserve what happened to him.
Kinn left me with no choice but to threaten him. That was the only way to get him to back off.
I'm just glad he finally listened and let me take care of my brother.
Sighing, I opened the door to the hotel room and walked inside, kicking the door with my foot to close it.
I walked over to the bed and gently laid my brother down, watching as he squirmed when he was set down.
I sighed and leaned down so that I could talk to him and he'd be able to hear me.
"I'll be back, hia. I'm gonna get the bath ready" I softly spoke.
Kissing his head, I got up and walked over to the bathroom to get everything ready.
I turned on the light and walked over to the tub. I took off my jacket and tossed it aside and rolled up my sleeves.
After turning on the water I felt it and after making sure it was warm I let it fill up the tub.
I walked out of the bathroom and back into the room where my brother was. I grabbed his arm and pulled him up from the bed.
I wrapped his arm around my shoulder and wrapped my arm around his waist. I made sure I was holding him up so that he wouldn't fall.
"Come on, hia. Time for a bath and then bed" I told him.
I carefully guided him into the bathroom, making sure he didn't fall or accidentally hit his head on something.
I sat him down at the edge of the tub and placed my hands onto his shoulders.
"Porsche, I'm going to take off your clothes and place you into the tub. Remember, it's me, Liam, your nong" I softly said.
"O-ok" he managed to say.
I sighed and started removing his clothes, starting with his shoes and socks before taking off his shirt.
I took his pants off and left his boxers on.
"Hia, do you want to take your boxers off or do you want me to do it?" I asked.
"N-no, l-let me do it" he mumbled out.
I nodded and let him do that while I grabbed his clothes and folded them neatly and set them aside.
I turned around and saw Porsche entering the bath tub, his boxers on the ground after he had taken them off.
I walked over to the tub and sat down at the edge of it. I grabbed the soap and began rubbing it around his body, smiling faintly as Porsche let out small giggles.
Well, at least he seems to be enjoying himself rather than...well, you know.
Luckily I don't have to worry about anyone coming in to disturb us.
Pravat told me that him and the others would head back to the compound while Porsche and I were allowed to stay here until the next day.
I simply thanked him and watched as he left to meet up with the others.
No doubt they're heading back to the compound to look over the footage of tonight.
No doubt Kinn wants to see everything that happened.
He still won't admit it out loud, but he is aware of his feelings for Porsche and I guess I can understand he was scared of what could've happened.
Maybe I should've been a little calmer when he tried to get me to hand Porsche to him.
But, remembering what happened during that episode brought the anger out of me.
It wasn't just that. But the fact that Kinn didn't have the guts to say no to his father about punishing Porsche and let him get punished.
It was even worse that he let Big and Ken give him the punishment and they took advantage of that.
They literally mocked and kicked Porsche. I swear I could barely watch that scene of the episode without crying.
And, just remembering those events of both episodes just brought so much anger out of me and I couldn't help myself but take it out on Kinn.
I just hope that I changed that and my brother doesn't get punished.
And, well, if Korn still pressures Kinn into punishing him, they both will face my wrath.
I shook my head out of those thoughts and focused my attention back on Porsche.
I'll worry about all of that later. Right now, I need to worry about my brother.
I set the soap down and washed his body with the water from the tub, gently splashing him with it.
Porsche let out tiny giggles as the water made contact with his body, causing me to smile softly at him.
Even when he's in this state he's still an adorable goofball.
After about fifteen minutes I decided it was time to get him out of the tub, dry him off and get him into bed so he could sleep.
I turned the water off and grabbed the towel I brought with me and wrapped it around my brother.
I grabbed his arm and helped him stand up. After making sure his body was dried off I wrapped the towel around his lower waist.
I gently sat him down at the edge of the tub and made sure he was sitting properly.
The last thing I wanted was for him to fall and hurt himself.
"Sit, hia. I'm gonna get the blow drier and the robe" I told him.
When I made sure that he was balanced, not wanting him to fall and hit his head, I walked out of the bathroom and back into the room.
I grabbed the blow drier that was on the bedside table and the robe that was close by it.
I walked back into the bathroom and set the robe down before going over to my brother.
Luckily, there was a place to plug in the drier so no need to worry there.
Once that was plugged in I turned on the drier and began drying his hair, laughing as he let out more giggles of delight.
I let out a small yelp when Porsche threw himself at me, wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his head into my chest.
"You're so nice, so so nice. Thank you" Porsche smiled tiredly.
I chuckled and shook my head, bringing my hand up to pat his head gently.
"No need to thank me, hia. I promised to always protect you and I meant that" I softly smiled.
I'm known to keep my promises. I go by my word, not against it.
Porsche hummed and simply nuzzled his face further into my chest, letting out a quiet yawn.
I chuckled and shook my head and did one last round of drying his hair before turning the hair drier off.
"Come on, put your boxers on so you can get to bed. You need rest" I told him.
I grabbed his boxers and handed them to him. I unplugged the hair drier and went to put them back where they were.
Once I reentered the bathroom I saw Porsche wearing his boxers as he had tossed the towel aside.
I smiled and grabbed the robe and walked over to him. I helped my brother get into the robe and tied the rope so that way it wouldn't fall.
"Come on, sleepy. Time for bed" I smiled softly at him.
I placed my arms under his body and lifted him up bridal style, again, and chuckled softly when he nuzzled his face into my neck.
He might be the oldest but he's sure damn cute when he wants to be.
Even if he isn't really in the best state at the moment.
I walked into the bedroom and gently laid Porsche down on the bed. I grabbed the covers and moved them up so that way he was covered, wanting him to be warm and cozy as possible.
After that was taken care of, I sat on the edge of the bed and gently ran his fingers through his hair.
"Alright, you get your rest. I'm gonna clean up" I told him.
I went to get up, only for Porsche to wrap his hand around my wrist.
"No, no, don't leave me. Please, stay" Porsche begged.
I frowned softly and wrapped my arm around him, using my hand to rub his shoulder.
"Don't worry, hia. I'm not going to leave you alone. I'm just going to clean up the bathroom and I'll come back, alright" I said.
After what happened today, no way I was going to leave him alone.
Until the next morning arrives, when the drug has worn off and he's recovered, then I'll somewhat leave him alone.
Porsche whined before nodding, moving around on the bed as he stretched his arms.
I shook my head fondly and got up from the bed and made my way into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.
I didn't want the cleaning people to clean up after my mess so, like always, I'm gonna help them out and clean up my mess.
Something mom has always told is to always help others. Kindness is something that should be expressed to everyone.
Well, maybe not everyone, but you can understand what I'm saying.
I only spent a few minutes cleaning the bathroom, it wasn't that messy so no need to worry about cleaning up for hours.
I walked over to the sink and turned the water on. I splashed water on my face and repeated that action a few times before stopping as I turned it off.
Looking back up, I caught myself in the reflection of the bathroom mirror.
Not gonna lie, I look like shit...
My eyes were definitely tired, considering black bags were slowly starting to appear, and my face was red.
Not blush red.
Anger red.
Considering I had to yell and threaten fucking Kinn so that he would back off and let me take care of my brother.
Not to mention I had to deal with Time's cheating ass, trying to get him to leave when he wouldn't get the hint and fuck off.
I really have to find the right moment to talk to Tae, alone, and convince him to leave Time and find someone better.
But, I was mainly focused on the events that took place due to my brother being drugged and almost taken advantage of.
Just the thought of not being able to protect my brother makes me sick to my stomach.
Just the thought of something happening to him makes me want to curl up in a ball.
Those thoughts alone brought back memories...
Memories of something similar that happened to me, back in my world, back when I was 18...
Nobody's Pov
The hotel was surrounded by cop cars and an ambulance truck.
Many people had already left, not wanting to stay after the events that occurred, while a few people had stayed to give their statements.
18 year old Jack Baker was talking to one of the officers, giving his statement.
His hands were bandaged up as they were bloody but he doesn't have any injuries.
And if you look closely, his teeth were gritted and he was trying his best to refrain himself from attacking a certain someone.
Mr and Mrs. Baker were talking to the detectives, telling them everything that happened.
18 year old Liam was currently sitting on top of the hotel check in counter, a blanket wrapped around him.
His hands were clutching onto a coffee mug one of the officers gave him.
His eyes were red, his cheeks were puffy, tear stains were plastered on his face and a small bump was on his forehead.
He flinched when someone put their hands on his shoulder. He only calmed down when he realized it was Jack.
"Sorry, sorry, I should've warned you" Jack was quick to apologize.
Liam sighed and shook his head.
"It's fine, it's fine. I was just startled" he told him.
Liam looked away and took a long sip of his coffee, enjoying the warmth and smell of it.
Jack let out a soft sigh and hopped onto the counter, sitting next to his best friend.
Liam looked down at his best friends hands, frowning as he saw the bandages.
"Are you alright?" Liam asked, looking back up.
Jack raised an eyebrow at him before his eyes widened slightly when he realized what he was talking about.
"I'm fine. They sting, but I'll manage" he reassured him.
Jack's eyes wandered over to the ambulance, that was outside the hotel, and scoffed.
"The one that needs to be in the hospital, preferably getting surgery, is the guy I was beating" he smirked.
He has no regrets of hitting the bastard, who was going to the hospital to be looked at, after he tried hurting the most important person in his life.
He deserved every hit he got and he's relieved that as soon as he's checked out of the hospital, his ass is going straight to jail.
"I'm happy you aren't getting arrested. Considering how you left the bastard" Liam chuckled slightly.
"The officer I was talking to told me that the bastard served time before. He did something like this before, years ago. He told me that he knew releasing him was a bad idea and after what happened today, he's glad that his ass is going back to jail. Where he'll be locked up for a long time" Jack explained.
Liam pressed his lips together, hard, and his hands clutched onto his coffee tighter.
The bastard had done this before, he had done this in the past and was in jail for it.
He was released, for whatever reason, and he went back to his old ways.
If Jack hadn't been alert, if Jack hadn't searched for him, if Jack hadn't listened to his gut feeling...
Liam violently shook his head, trying to get those thoughts out of his head, gritting his teeth as he felt tears welling up in his eyes.
Jack noticed and immediately scooted closer to his side protectively.
He made a move to wrap his arms around him and pull him into a hug, only to stop in his tracks.
"Liam, buddy, is it alright if I hug you?" he softly asked.
He wanted to make sure Liam was comfortable before taking any further actions.
His best friend went through alot today and he wants him to know that he's safe with him.
Liam kept quiet. He simply nodded before looking down at his lap.
Jack wrapped his arms around his best friend and pulled him into a tight and protective hug. He rubbed his back up and down and rested his chin on his head.
Liam hugged him back just as tightly and buried his face into his shoulder, clenching his eyes shut.
He let his tears fall as the previous thoughts returned, fear coursing through him of what could've happened tonight.
Flashback Ends
Liam's Pov
I slammed my fists onto the sink, gritting my teeth as relief coursed through me when I finally snapped out of it.
I hate getting those flashbacks.
I hated remembering that day.
I hated remembering what could've happened if Jack hadn't been there and hadn't realized something was wrong.
Nothing happened. We were safe, I was safe. That's what matters.
"You're not there anymore, Liam. You're not there anymore" I muttered to myself.
Forgetting is the hard part.
No matter how much time has passed, it's hard to forget that something terrible almost happened to me.
It's a traumatic experience for anyone in particular.
My hand went down to my necklace and I clutched onto it. Especially when it was the only thing I had left of Jack.
"Thank you for saving me that day, J" I whispered.
He's my best friend, my brother in all but blood, my soulmate and my savior.
It's what he'll always be. Always.
I sighed and walked out of the bathroom, turning off the light, and walked back into the bedroom as I made my way into the bedroom.
A soft smile appeared on my face when I saw Porsche fast asleep on the bed.
I glanced at the bed and the floor before shaking my head. I grabbed the spare blanket and laid down on the ground.
The last thing I wanted was for Porsche to wake up in bed, wearing nothing but his boxers and a robe, and he sees someone in bed with him.
Yes, I know it's not Kinn, Vegas or some random dude that's in bed with him.
It's me, Liam. His nong. His brother.
But, still, I don't want to freak him out when he wakes up. I want him to be comfortable and safe.
Sleeping on the floor seems like the best option.
I grabbed some pillows, that Porsche wasn't using, and placed them on the floor before turning off the light.
I laid down on top of the pillows and pulled the blanket over my body and snuggled into it, sighing in content.
"Goodnight, hia" I whispered.
I let my eyes flutter close and fell asleep. I really needed it after today.
Back At The Compound
Nobody's Pov
Surprisingly, the compound was quiet when Kinn and the others returned.
Some of the guards were still on duty while the others had returned to their rooms to rest for tomorrow.
Korn was already asleep and so was Tankhun.
Chan was still awake as he had some paperwork to take care of and he needed to know what happened at the auction tonight.
When he was done with the paperwork he was informed by one of the guards that Kinn and the others returned.
He walked out to greet them, but the second they stepped inside the compound, the second he saw the look of anger and irritation on Kinn's face, he knew something happened.
Kinn hadn't told him anything, he simply ordered Arm to get the security footage from the auction ready.
Chan watched as Kinn followed Arm with Pete and Pravat following behind him.
Chan realized that Liam and Porsche were missing and asked, more like demanded, Ken and Big where they were.
He was shocked to learn that Porsche was drugged. However, he wasn't shocked when he learned that Liam had run off alone to find and rescue him.
Chan knows how protective Liam is over Porsche so he's not surprised that he immediately took action when he saw that he was missing.
However, he was surprised when Big told him that Liam had, once again, aimed his gun at Kinn and threatened him if he went anywhere near Porsche.
Apparently, from what Ken and Big told him, Kinn had tried to get Liam to hand Porsche over to him so he could take care of him but Liam wasn't having any of it.
He refused to let Kinn, or anyone for that matter, near Porsche given the state he was in. He stated that he was his brother and as his brother he had to take care of him.
Chan would never admit this out loud, but he was proud that Liam stood his ground instead of obeying to Kinn.
He was proud that he didn't let Kinn anywhere near his brother when he clearly isn't in the right state of mind.
It's rare to find anyone, especially a bodyguard, that would stand up to Kinn.
Chan followed Ken and Big into the CCTV room and found Arm sitting on his chair, pulling up the security footage.
Kinn was standing at his side with the others standing around them as well.
"Did you find the person behind the drugging?" Chan asked.
"No. The drugging had to have happened inside, at the bar, but there are no cameras there so I'm unable to see who had drugged the drink" Arm explained.
"What about the footage in the hallway?" Kinn asked.
"Luckily, there were cameras in that area. So at least I was able to get the footage for those" Arm said.
"What are you waiting for? Play them" Chan demanded.
"Yes, sir" Arm nodded.
Chan walked closer so he could get a better look, as did Ken and Big.
Arm typed in something before pulling up the footage of the hallway, clicking the play button.
Porsche was seen stumbling towards the bathroom, looking like a complete mess. He shoved the bathroom door open and rushed inside.
Two men wearing all black, as well as black masks, are seen going into the bathroom.
Not even a second later the same men walked out of the bathroom. They had covered Porsche's head with a bag and tied his arms and were dragging him away.
Anger washed through Kinn's eyes as he gritted his teeth, trying his best to control himself.
He doesn't understand why he's so worried about Porsche. He doesn't understand why he's so protective of Porsche. He doesn't understand why he's feeling this way.
What has Porsche done to make him feel this way?
Something that he hasn't felt after his last relationship...
Everyone had seen Kinn's reaction but, wisely, didn't comment on it.
Big, however, had to force himself not to frown at his bosses action and swallow down his jealousy.
Everyone turned their attention back to the security footage as Arm fast forwarded the video before stopping.
Liam is then shown running down the hallway, searching every corner before he finally spots the men's bathroom.
He shoves the door open and rushes inside. Not even a minute later he rushes outside, a panicked look on his face.
"He looks so worried" Ken frowned as he spoke.
Pravat glared at him and let out a scoff, causing all eyes to turn to him.
"His brother was drugged and kidnapped, anyone in his position would've reacted the same way" Pravat said.
Ken frowned but simply nodded, not really knowing what else to say.
Especially when he knew that Pravat was right.
Liam glanced down the hallway and bit his lip.
He began muttering something under his breath, urgency and anxiety washing through his eyes.
It was almost as if he were urging himself to remember something. Something important that's supposed to help him.
He, once again, muttered something under his breath before realization struck him and he took off running
"What the hell is he saying?" Pete asked, frowning.
"I don't know. The cameras don't record sound, only the visuals" Arm told him.
"And I'm pretty sure none of us can read lips, so that's also out of the question" Big rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"Be quiet and go to the cameras on the 30th floor" Kinn angrily snapped.
Almost immediately, the chattering stopped.
Arm let out a sigh before doing as told, not wanting to anger his boss anymore.
Especially when he was still angry over a gun being aimed at him, again, being threatened and having his his dead mother being mentioned.
The cameras are now shown on the 30th floor. The others see the men, that had taken Porsche from the bathroom, guarding the hotel door.
The camera pans to the hallway where we see Liam running down the second he stepped out of the elevator.
Liam had stopped and quickly hid himself behind the wall when he saw the men guarding the door to the room his brother was in.
The others watched Liam bit his lip as he tried coming up with a plan.
They watched as his eyes wandered down to his necklace. He muttered something under his breath before taking his necklace off.
Liam took a few deep breaths and threw the necklace, still making sure he was well hidden, and watched as it hit the floor.
Chan allowed a faint smile to appear on his face and he nodded in approval.
Liam wasn't reckless and didn't fight them off once he saw them. He formed a plan in order to distract them so that they were caught off guard and he had the advantage.
Not bad. Not bad.
The men heard the noise due to the necklace and walked away from the door and towards it.
One of the men had crouched down and held the necklace in his hands, narrowing his eyes at it.
"Idiots" Pravat muttered.
He couldn't believe those idiots fell for something like that. They're probably newbies or just poorly trained.
Pete let out a small snort of amusement and agreement before returning his attention over to the footage.
Liam took off running and turned the man that was standing around and punched him in the face, sending him to the ground.
The second man yelled something at him and tried hitting him, but Liam was faster and stronger.
A fight between the three of them broke out but, of course, Liam was more skilled than those idiots and easily won.
Ken and Big smirked, feeling really proud of Liam.
Almost like two brothers proud of their little brother rather than best friends proud of their other friend.
Chan himself had smirked. Almost like a father feeling really proud of his son.
After he took down the men he grabbed his necklace and put it back on before rushing to the room.
He tried opening the door only to realize it was locked. He started yelling and pounded on the door, trying to get it to open.
He let out a frustrated groan before using all his strength to kick the door open, laughing in delight when it worked.
"Well, damn" Pravat whistled, crossing his arms over his chest.
Everyone else was either shocked by what they saw or a little scared.
They had to admit that Liam was scary when it came to Porsche being in danger.
Something they would definitely have to take note of for future reference.
The video ended with Liam rushing inside the room. Arm paused it since they already knew what happened after.
"None of this makes sense to me. Why would anyone drug Porsche?" Pete couldn't help but ask.
Why was Porsche targeted when him and Liam have only been working here for a short period of time?
Why was Porsche the only one drugged and not Liam?
"What I don't understand is how did Liam know where to go?" Arm frowned, pinching his eyebrows together.
"That's what I want to know too" Big nodded.
There's no way Liam knew where to go without looking at the cameras.
There's no way Liam knew where Porsche was being taken to without the help of Arm, who was the expert for these things.
Something doesn't add up and it has everyone, at least the ones present in the CCTV room, on edge.
How did Liam know all of the information way before they did?
Silence took over the room as everyone was deep in their own thoughts.
The silence was broken by Kinn, who let out a frustrated sigh and ran his hand through his hair.
"Listen, lets just figure this out tomorrow. It's late and we all need to get some rest" Kinn said.
Everyone grumbled under their breaths but, nevertheless, nodded in agreement.
Chan dismissed the others, who bowed to him and Kinn and said goodnight, before leaving to head to their respective rooms.
When they were gone, Chan turned to look at Kinn, who had his eyes glued to the computers.
"Boss is going to want a report in the morning. And he's going to ask where Porsche and Liam are when he realizes they aren't present" Chan told him.
Kinn frowned at that, realizing that Chan has a point.
He would have to explain everything, literally everything, to his papa so that he understands what happened.
He can only hope he's persuasive enough so that his papa doesn't punish either of the Kittisawat brothers.
The thought of Porsche getting punished for something that wasn't his fault makes him want to curl up in a ball and die.
And, well, just because he's pissed off at Liam doesn't mean he wants him getting punished either.
The mafia man simply hummed while nodding his head, tearing his eyes away from the computers.
"Let me deal with papa tomorrow. I know what I'm going to tell him" Kinn replied.
Chan simply nodded and bowed.
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