Chapter Three: Liam Kittisawat
Liam's Pov
I honestly never expected myself to die at such a young age. Let alone due to a car accident.
Come on, dying in a car accident is very common.
If I had to die, I expected myself to die in a heroic way.
Like, being a stubborn and brave dumbass by saving someone that was trapped inside a burning building, or jumping in front of a bullet to save a police officer.
Jack has always told me that I'm reckless and always think about everyone else rather than myself.
Not just him.
Jack's parents have always told me the same thing. The same goes with my parents.
Well, mainly from my mom.
I remember when I was 14, I went to the supermarket with my mom to collect a few things for dinner.
Three robbers had entered the place and started shooting, people were screaming and running for their lives.
Mom had called the cops once the shooting happened and tried dragging me away, trying to get us somewhere safe.
But I urged her to get out of here, wanting her to be safe, before I ran at two of the robbers.
I'll admit, they were strong, they managed to land a few hits on me.
But, thanks to dad training me on a daily basis, I took the three off the robbers down.
It was amusing because they had guns but never once used it on me.
Those cocky shits believed they could take me down.
The looks on their faces when I managed to take them down will forever life rent free in my head.
And while I was praised by the cops and a few other people, my mom had smacked me upside the head and scolded me.
She scolded me the entire ride home.
Yes, she was proud of me, but she was also angry and scared.
"God, you really are your father's son. You're just as stubborn and stupidly brave as him"
I couldn't really argue with her on that because dad and I were similar in many ways.
Dad found out what happened because he watched the news that day.
I swear to god my cheeks hurt from smiling because dad was so proud of me for what I did. He threw so many compliments and praises at me.
Unfortunately, we both did receive an earful from my mom, and slaps to the head as well.
But, I do understand why my mom reacted the way she did.
She's always been protective of me since the day I was born.
Actually, both of my parents have been protective of me.
I'm their only son, their pride and joy, and they wanted me to live a life where nothing bad would ever happen to me.
They love me and I love them. They're my parents for god sakes.
Even after they died I knew they would want me to continue living my life, wanting me to be safe.
Well, most of the time I was safe, but the other time I was safe.
I have Jack and his parents to thank for that.
It just sucks that I died...I'll never get to see them again...
I'll never get to buy Mr and Mrs. Baker a trip to Las Vegas for taking me in after my parents died.
I'll never get to set Jack up on a blind date, hoping to help him find the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend.
And I'll never find a boyfriend...I'll never get to fall in love, marry my lover or have kids...
But, on the bright side, I'll be reunited with my parents.
I can see it now...
My eyes open and the first thing I see are fluffy clouds, my clothes are all white along with my shoes.
I wander around heaven before appearing in a beautiful flower field and I see the two people I've longed to see ever since I lost them.
My parents...
I imagine my mom in a white dress and shoes, looking beautiful as ever. And dad wearing a white tuxedo and shoes, looking handsome as ever.
I get my good looks from both my parents.
I imagine running to them, embracing them, crying as they both embrace me and let me cry while whisper reassuring things to me.
I can see it now, it's...
"Hia! Hia, wake up! Please!" a soft voice yelled at me.
I immediately snapped out of my thoughts the second I heard that voice yelling at me.
Who's calling out to me? More importantly, why are they calling me Hia?
"Hia! Please wake up! You're scaring me" the soft voice said.
Why does that voice sound familiar...?
And why the hell are they speaking in what sounds like...Thai...?
I'm so damn lucky Mrs. Baker made Jack and I take those Thai classes. Otherwise, I would've understood nothing.
"Please, Hia! If you don't wake up, I'll call the ambulance!" the soft voice begged.
Ok, I don't know who the hell is speaking to me, but they sound worried.
And I hate making people worried, even if I don't know who this stranger is.
My eyes slowly fluttered open, a groan of pain escaped my lips and I found myself holding the side of my head.
I had a massive headache, but other than that, I felt strangely fine.
Almost as if I didn't get into a terrible car accident.
"Hia! Oh thank god, you're finally awake!" the stranger yelled, relief shown in their tone.
My vision was blurry but I could see someone hovering over me, their face still unclear to me.
"W..what happened?" I groggily asked.
I tried sitting up, but the stranger placed their hands on my shoulders, keeping me in place.
"No, hia. You need to rest, you hit your head pretty bad" the stranger said.
My head...
Well, obviously I hit my head, the stupid seat belt of mine got loose and I ended up banging my head.
But why the hell does my body feel fine?
I should be feeling like shit after what I went through.
So, why do I feel fine? Why doesn't my body feel sore or whatever?
I tried looking at the stranger that had talked to me, but my vision was blurry.
I blinked a few times, trying to regain my vision, wanting to see who the stranger was.
Finally, my vision cleared up and the stranger's face was now clear to me.
And I swear to god I nearly choked on my own damn spit.
Oh my god...
It's Barcode Tinnasit Isarapongporn.
Aka, the actor that plays Porchay in Kinnporsche.
What is he doing here?
Did he kidnap me or something?
No! Liam, why would you even think something like that?
Barcode is too precious and innocent to kidnap anyone, he's just like his character Porchay.
But, is it possible that he found me after I blacked out?
Did him and the rest of the cast members come to America for a visit and that's how he was able to find me?
"Barcode" my stupid ass ended up breathing out.
Barcode furrowed his eyebrows together, clear concern shown in his eyes.
"Hia, did you hit your head too hard? Do I need to take you to a hospital?" Barcode asked.
"Barcode, forgive my rudeness, but where am I? Why am I here? Did you-" I started, only for him to cut me off.
"Hia, why are you calling me Barcode. It's me, Porchay, your little brother", Porchay, frowned.
Uh...say what now?!
Why the hell is he saying his name is Porchay?
As far as I'm concerned, Porchay is just a character, Barcode is a real person and an actor.
"What?!" I yelled.
I quickly shot up from the couch, catching him off guard, and stared at him with wide eyes.
I tore my eyes away from him and began looking around, trying to see if this is some sort of prank, that the company 'Be On Cloud' is just trying to mess with me.
Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.
Why do I say this?
Because there are no fucking cameras in sight and none of the staff members were here either.
And the fact that the living room looked so damn realistic made me feel lightheaded.
What the hell is going on?!
What is all of this?!
I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I swallowed thickly and turned around and saw Porchay looking at me in concern.
"Hia, you're scaring me? Please tell me you're just messing with me" Porchay begged.
Tears were gathering in the corner of his eyes, ready to slide down his cheeks at any moment.
My eyes softened and a frown appeared on my face.
I don't know what the hell was going on, but one thing for sure is that I hate seeing this adorable bean in front of me cry.
I slowly wrapped my arms around him and brought him into a hug.
"Shhh, don't cry nong. Hia's just messing with you. Hia is sorry" I softly whispered.
I honestly have no idea why the fuck I'm comforting this stranger.
I barely know him. I only woke up and found myself here and he just so happened to be here too.
I don't know what's going on...
But I won't let this adorable bean cry because of me. I refuse.
Porchay sniffled and wrapped his arms around me, burying his face into my shoulder, sniffling.
I buried my face into his head and breathed in his scent, sighing softly, before placing a kiss to his head.
After about a minute we pulled away from the hug.
I gently, and hesitantly, cupped the sides of Porchay's face and wiped his tears away with my fingers.
"Feel better, nong?" I softly asked.
"I feel better, hia" Porchay shyly nodded.
Well, that's a relief.
Then again, I've always been great at comforting others, so there really wasn't any need for me to worry.
Jack...on the other hand, that would've been a struggle.
Jack isn't the best at comforting others. He only comforts his parents and me. Nobody else.
I cleared my throat, deciding to focus on the important matter, and removed my hands from Porchay's face.
"Now, nong, can you please explain to me what happened?" I asked.
That alone earned a raised eyebrow from said nong.
"Hia, do you really not remember?" Porchay asked, confused.
"N-No, not really" I shrugged helplessly.
I literally remember getting into a terrible car accident and dying straight after.
Next thing I know, I wake up here.
"Well, you were helping me with a math problem when I started to get thirsty. I was going to go downstairs to get some juice but you told me to stay put while you went to go get me some juice. I heard your scream and rushed to see what happened. You had tripped over our uncle's books and fell down the stairs. You hit your head really bad and passed out" Porchay explained.
How the fuck...?
That's...that's not possible...
That can't be possible, there's just no way.
"Hia, are you alright? Your face is pale" Porchay asked in worry.
I swallowed a lump in my throat and quickly plastered on a fake smile, not wanting to worry him.
"Perfectly alright, my dear nong. Your hia is just trying to regain his memories that occurred before" I explained.
Porchay opened his mouth to speak when I beat him to it.
"Just so that my memory isn't fuzzy, can you tell me everything about me?" I asked.
I'm might be stupid for asking that, but I want to know what my role is here.
Because if I'm somehow inside Kinnporsche, my favorite series, I need as much information as I can gather.
"Well, you're Liam Kittisawat, you're my hia. You and Porsche are my hia's. Actually, you're not related to Porsche and I by blood, but nevertheless we still love you" Porchay explained.
I choked on my spot, again.
My name is Liam Kittisawat and Porsche and Porchay are my adopted brothers...?
Are you serious right now...?
"I'm adopted. Since when?" I asked.
"I don't remember much, I was a baby after all. However, from what hia has told me, our parents adopted you when they found you on our doorstep" Porchay explained. I was basically abandoned as a baby.
Good to know. Good to know.
I smiled tightly at him before nodding my head.
"Well, uh, thank you my dear nong" I said.
I stood up from the couch and looked down at him.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to use the restroom" I smiled.
I turned around and practically sped walked to the stairs to head upstairs.
Thank god I watched this series so many times, I know where exactly which room is located.
Once I made it to the bathroom I ran inside and locked the door, not wanting my newfound little brother to come in.
I rushed towards the toilet and crouched down, letting out everything that I had been holding.
After that was done, I flushed the toilet and made my way towards the sink.
I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed in relief when I saw that I was still me, nothing changed.
Other than the fact that my name is Liam Kittisawat and I'm the adopted brother or Porsche and Porchay.
Oh, and lets no forget...
Dropping my face into my hands, I let out a loud groan, kicking at the cabinet underneath.
What sort of witchcraft is this?
I'm not going crazy, because last I checked, I should've died in that fucking car crash.
And even if I didn't, I should've woken up in a hospital.
I should be getting engulfed in a hug by Jack and his parents and getting scolded at the same time.
So, why the fuck am I inside Kinnporsche the series?
"This isn't real. This isn't real" I muttered.
I removed my face from my hands and stared at myself in the mirror, a frown evident on my face.
Ok...let's see if I got this all cleared up...
I somehow woke up, alive and sort of healthy, inside my favorite series.
My newfound adorable little brother, Porchay, told me that I supposedly fell down the stairs, hit my head and blacked out.
My name is Liam Kittisawat and I was adopted by Porsche and Porchay's parents after being left on their doorstep.
Please tell me that that's all correct so I know I'm not going insane?!
"God, I wish Jack was here" I muttered. best friend, my brother in all but blood, my platonic soulmate.
Yeah, he can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but he's my everything and the one person that has always been there for me.
I wish he was here, he would comfort me and help me calm down.
Unfortunately, he's not here...
I sighed and took out my necklace that was hidden underneath my shirt.
(The key is Liam's & the heart is Jack's)
A soft smile appeared on my face as I gently played with it.
I remember the day Jack bought us these friendship necklaces.
We made a promise that no matter what happens, we'll always be best friends, brothers and platonic soulmates.
My necklace is the key while his is the heart.
I was worried that I lost it in the crash but thank god I didn't.
Thank god I still have it with me even though I'm not in my world anymore.
Oh, right, I forgot I'm inside my favorite series.
Wait...hold on...
The knowledge soon dawned on me and realization spread through my body.
I quickly looked around and, to my surprise, there was a phone lying on the ground.
I bent down and picked it up and turned it on.
Luckily it had no password (remind me to fix that later) so I was able to get in easily.
And it had to be mine because the lock screen was a picture of Porsche and Porchay hugging each other.
I quickly checked the calendar and I gaped at the screen.
There's only a few weeks left before Porsche and Kinn meet each other...
That means that the action hasn't started yet...
Alright, look, as weird as it is that I've somehow been reborn into my favorite series this might actually be a good thing.
Maybe I'm getting a second chance.
Not just for myself, but for my newfound family as well.
I can change so many things. I can stop all the bad and traumatizing stuff from happening.
I can get my favorite ships together the right way instead of anything bad happening to either of the parties.
cough* Kinnporsche and Vegaspete *cough.
And I can save so many people from dying.
Well, only the good ones, that ones that are my favorite characters and the ones that deserve to live.
The bad ones, the assholes, they can rot in hell.
I don't care what the reason is for me ending up here, but I really don't care.
I'm given the chance to change things, I won't stop until I change things, and for the better.
I won't stop until my brothers and my new friends get their happy endings.
I'm going to rewrite the story...
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