Chapter Thirty-Two: Chases & Crashes
Liam's Pov
That's what had me waking up and that's what I heard when I started regaining my consciousness.
A groan escaped my lips as my eyes slowly fluttered open.
When my eyes were fully opened I had to blink a few times in order to get rid of the blurriness and regain my vision. Once my vision was regained I found myself in the back of a moving truck.
The same truck Porsche and Kinn were in when they were kidnapped.
My hand went up to clutch the side of my head. I had a terrible headache and it wasn't going away.
"What the fuck?" I muttered under my breath.
I found myself sitting on a barrel while one of the men had a gun aimed at my head.
I had to stop myself from taking any action. I can't do anything stupid.
My eyes widened in realization and fear. I quickly turned around, only to relax slightly when I saw Tankhun sitting next to me.
He was also sitting on a barrel. He was unconscious and he had a bruise on the side of his head.
Oh, did I forget to mention that our hands were handcuffed together?
I eyed the man that was aiming his gun at my head before scooting closer to Tankhun.
I hesitantly turned away from the man and used my free to shake him by the shoulder.
"Tankhun, hey, Tankhun. Come on, come on, you've gotta wake up" I begged.
I kept on shaking his shoulder, hoping that he would wake up.
I find it a little hard to believe that he wasn't the first one to wake up. He just got pistol whipped in the face.
Meanwhile, I had my fucking face slammed into the kitchen counter just so that the stupid bastard could knock me out.
By the way, that hurt like a bitch.
Finally, after a few more shakes, Tankhun's eyes snapped open and a gasp erupted from his mouth.
"Oh thank god, you're awake" I sighed in relief.
"Liam? What's going on?" he asked.
He sat up a bit straighter and his eyes widened when we saw that we were no longer at my house.
His eyes wandered behind me and his entire face turned pale at the sight of the masked man pointing a gun at me.
Well, us, but the gun was mainly aimed at my head. But, you get where I'm coming from.
Tankhun's eyes wandered down and they widened at the sight of our hands handcuffed together.
"What the hell? What is this? What's going on?" he hurriedly asked, looking at me with big wide and worried eyes.
I glanced at the man with the gun aimed at us and saw that he was glaring at Tankhun.
I glared back at him before turning back around to Tankhun, placing my hands on his shoulders.
"Tankhun, hey, listen to me. I need you to remain calm-" I started but he cut me off.
"Remain calm?! You want me to remain calm when we've been kidnapped by these maniacs! They're going to kill us!" Tankhun yelled at me.
Well they sure as hell are if he continues with that attitude.
I don't mind his attitude, in fact I like it since that's just who he is and I would never want him to change.
But, the guy with the gun aimed at us is seconds away from actually pulling the trigger.
And I don't fancy dying a second time. Especially when I've got too much on my plate.
I let out a groan before tightening my grip on his shoulders, pulling him closer to me.
"Tankhun, they're not going to kill us, especially given who you are. If they were going to kill us they would've done so back at my house rather than just knocking us out and kidnapping us. Right now, I need you to remain calm and quiet and let me think of a plan to get us out of this. Do you understand?" I asked.
Tankhun looked at me with wide, scared, eyes. Unsure of what to say.
He glanced behind me and gulped at the glare on the man's face, as well as the gun that was in his hand.
He released a shaky breath before turning back to me, slowly nodding his head to tell me that he understood.
I sighed in relief at that and slowly removed my hands from his shoulders.
"Thank you" I muttered.
The man that had the gun aimed at us seemed to have calmed down. I guess because Tankhun was finally quiet, but he still kept the gun aimed at us.
Meaning that if we did something to piss him off or whatever, he was going to pull the trigger.
I used my free hand to run it through my hair, biting my lip as I tried to come up with an escape plan.
I'm going to make sure Tankhun and I get out of this situation alive.
But, what confuses me is, well, this entire situation?
Why the hell did we get kidnapped?
Originally, it was supposed to be Kinn and Porsche. But I should've prevented that from happening because Porsche never went back home and Kinn didn't follow him.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
Let alone to Tankhun and I.
What the hell do they even want with us? What do they want with Tankhun?
Yes, I understand he's the oldest son of Korn, but he's not the mafia leader. Kinn is.
And don't they know that Tankhun isn't involved in the mafia. He literally has no part of it.
More importantly, how the hell did they know that Tankhun left the compound? Were they keeping tabs on him or something?
Not wanting to be left in the dark, I turned over to the man with the gun aimed at us.
"Hey, asshole" I spat at him.
His head snapped in my direction and he raised an eyebrow at me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tankhun giving me a concerned look and I bit the inside of my cheek at that.
"What?" he demanded.
I huffed and rolled my eyes.
"Well aren't you a ray of sunshine" I sarcastically smiled.
"What the fuck do you want, boy?" the man asked, clearly annoyed, raising his voice.
Tankhun flinched while I remained neutral, trying my best not to lunge at the bastard.
"What the hell do you idiots want with us?" I went straight to the point, wanting to get answers.
"Isn't it obvious? We're using you both as leverage" the man replied.
I furrowed my eyebrows together at that. Leverage? Why us?
"Why?" Tankhun shakily asked, struggling to maintain eye contact with the man.
The man turned to him and I swear I could see him grinning, even under his mask.
"Kinn, the mafia boss of the Theerapanyakun family, has made himself enemies and lots of people want to overthrow him. Unfortunately, nobody can beat him or even find him because he's always with bodyguards, always has a weapon or is well hidden" the man explained.
I let out a small breath of relief when he removed the gun from us.
"They almost had him. He was alone, outnumbered, and he would've been taught a lesson. But, two little shits helped him get away and to safety. Two little shits that are now his new bodyguards" the man said.
My eyes widened at that and I swallowed a lump in my throat.
How the fuck does he know about that? I highly doubt that information was revealed on social media.
Tankhun let out a small gasp, his eyes instantly turning over to look at me in concern.
The man chuckled at our reaction as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Originally, we had our eyes set on both bodyguards. But, we turned our attention over to you since you're the main topic. You're the most skilled, you're always by Kinn's side protecting him, and you seem to know more than anyone" the man said.
He walked closer to me and crouched down in front of me.
I could vaguely see Tankhun scooting closer to my side, keeping his eyes on the man that was crouched in front of me.
My heart fluttered at that. Especially since he seemed so worried for my safety.
Even though I'm the bodyguard. Not him.
"So, what? You kidnapped me to piss Kinn off?" I asked in annoyance.
Because that's just stupid. And a waste of my time too.
The man chuckled in amusement, shaking his head.
"Well, you're one of his head bodyguards. You're also known to be the best so far. But, you weren't supposed to be apart of this" the man said.
Uh...what now?
"Kinn may care about his bodyguards, but not as much as he cares about his two brothers. He's very protective over them, even though he's the middle child. And we thought it would be perfect if we used one of them as leverage" the man explained.
I glanced at Tankhun, biting my lip a bit tightly, before turning back to the man.
"Originally, we were going to go after the youngest. Kim. He doesn't live in the compound and he's always alone and rarely has bodyguards with him. We thought it was perfect" the man said.
His eyes wandered over to Tankhun.
"That was until we heard a rumor that the oldest, craziest, Theerapanyakun son had finally left his house and was going outside more often. Something he hasn't done in years" the man grinned.
My face turned pale at that. I turned my head to Tankhun.
The said man was also pale and his eyes were wide in horror.
"At first we thought those were just rumors. But, we started doing a bit of spying and when we learned that it was real and not rumors, we were ecstatic. We started following Tankhun as much as we could. Unfortunately, we weren't able to get him earlier since he was always surrounded by bodyguards. Like those times you all were at the bar" the man explained.
We both let out collective gasps at that.
Holy shit...they really were following us the entire time...
How the hell did none of us realize we were being followed? Are we really that oblivious?
"Fortunately, we got word that he left the compound by himself. That's when we started following his every move. We were going to strike when he came out of the club, but he came out with you. We were certain he was alone, but we were disappointed when we saw that he was with a bodyguard. However, we were certain we could easily get him without you noticing. Which is why we followed you to your house" the man explained.
Tankhun looked down at his shoes, feeling disappointed in his actions.
I was going to use my free hand to rub his shoulder, wanting to give him some comfort, but the man continued talking.
"We waited for a little bit after you guys entered the house. Then we took action. We broke inside and we were going to take Tankhun before you could stop us, but he fought back. He hit two men upside the head with some plates and tried running upstairs but we stopped him. That's when he screamed for help and you came running. We weren't leaving without him and you weren't going to back down until we were dead and he was safe" the man explained.
Despite how I was feeling at the moment, I allowed myself to beam at Tankhun.
I'm glad that he was able to fight back as best as he could. I'm glad he held his own.
It just proves that he isn't a damsel in distress that always needs saving.
"You impressed us, really. You put up a good fight and took down some of our best men. But you were so confident you could take us down alone, that was your first mistake. And that's why you're here now, along with him" the man finished.
I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists at my side.
I opened my mouth to say something when Tankhun beat me to it.
"I don't understand. Why did you take Liam? You were there only for me but you still kidnapped him. Why?" Tankhun asked.
I looked at him in disbelief.
Does he not realize what he's asking?
Did he really want to get kidnapped again, especially alone?
The man chuckled at his question as he slowly stood up.
"Oh trust me, we were gonna leave him. But leaving behind was too much of a risk. Especially when he would've easily gone to the rest of your family and they would've started a search party. We couldn't have that" the man told him.
"Well, you're really stupid if you think that your plan is going to work" I scoffed.
The man turned to me, raising an eyebrow at me in confusion.
"The family is already starting a search party for us. Any second now they're gonna find us and kick your asses the same way I did with your men back at my house" I smugly told him.
Someone has to realize that Tankhun isn't present in the compound.
And they have to be tracking him the same way they track Kinn.
And if that's the case, they should be here any second.
At least, that's what I'm hoping.
The man stared at me for a few seconds before letting out a laugh, a mocking laugh for that matter.
"Who do you think you're fooling, little boy?" the man asked.
I'm sorry, but who the bell is he calling little boy?
I'm a young man and I sure as hell ain't little. And I would prove it by standing up but the man has the gun aimed back at me.
And like I said before, I don't fancy dying.
And I sure as hell ain't going to let Tankhun die.
Tankhun let out an offended noise and opened his mouth, coming to my defense, when we heard gunshots.
The man furrowed his eyebrows tighter while the other men, the ones that were also with us and keeping watch, glanced at each other.
More gunshots could be heard, some of the bullets aiming at the outside of the truck.
The man turned to me and I turned to him, a smug feeling coursing through my body.
"You were saying?" I mockingly asked, tilting my head to the side while grinning at him.
Tankhun glanced at me, a relieved smile appearing on his face, before turning back to the man with a glare settled on his face.
The man glared at me, us, and gritted his teeth in annoyance.
He turned around and started demanding to know what was going on, barking orders at some of the men to check what was happening.
I already know what's happening.
However, given what originally happened in the series, with Kinn and Porsche, I'm worried the same thing that happened to them is gonna happen to Tankhun and I.
I hope things will be different, especially since Kinn and Porsche should be with the rescue team.
More and more gunshots were heard. But the last gunshot caught my attention.
Because once it went off, the truck started going out of control. Meaning the driver was dead thanks to Chan.
The truck jumped a bit, causing Tankhun to yelp in fear as he lunged forward.
"Liam" he clutched onto my arm tightly.
I pressed my lips together and used my free hand to gently pat his head.
"Don't worry, everything is fine" I reassured him.
At least I hope.
However, that died down when two of the men kicked open the door.
Tankhun and I looked up when we felt the breezing cool air hit our faces.
A small smile appeared on my face when I saw the cars.
However, I was confused why there was more than one. In the show it was just one car that had Chan, Arm and the driver.
Ken and Big were also present but they were still knocked down due to the men shooting at them.
Tankhun let out a gasp when he saw the cars that were behind us and the bodyguards that were inside.
I yelped in surprise when he abruptly stood up, bringing me with him since our hands were still handcuffed together.
"Hey! Hey! We're here, we're here! Help us!" Tankhun yelled.
I turned around and my eyes widened when I saw two men aiming their guns at us while the other two were shooting at the cars.
"Get down!" I yelled.
Tankhun did as told just as I grabbed the man by the arm and pulled him closer, using the advantage that I had to knee him in the stomach.
The other man joined in on the fight, aiming his gun at us, and I sprang into action.
You would think that I would struggle to fight considering I was handcuffed to Tankhun.
But, believe it or not, I was doing well.
Especially since I wasn't fighting them alone.
That's right, Tankhun also joined in on the fight.
He kicked the two men in the stomach, causing them to stumble. We both spun around and managed them in their stomachs and they dropped to the ground, their guns dropping once they did.
Another man ran towards us when Tankhun stepped forward, using his free hand to grab him by the collar of his shirt.
My eyes widened slightly when I saw him headbutt him with all his strength before punching him, sending him to the ground with the others.
"You fight like a piece of shit" Tankhun rolled his eyes.
I allowed myself to laugh at that, watching as he walked back over to stand at my side.
We turned and smirked at each other.
Gotta admit, we work well together.
However, we snapped back into reality when we saw the last man running at us, his gun aimed at us as he was dangerously close to pulling the trigger.
Tankhun and I acted fast and we both ran at him, grabbing his gun as we tried ripping it from him.
But he wasn't going to go down that easily.
He held a tight grip on it. Before I knew it the three of us were going around in circles, trying to get the gun for ourselves.
Fortunately, Tankhun and I finally ripped it out of his hands and watched as he stumbled backwards.
I didn't hesitate to aim the gun at him and pulled the trigger. The bullet went through his neck and he started choking just as blood started oozing out from his neck.
We watched as his eyes rolled to the back of his head before he dropped to the ground, watching as more and more blood oozed out.
Tankhun gagged in disgust and looked away. I sighed and dropped the weapon, not wanting to hold it any longer.
Tankhun let out a small laugh before leaning into my side, causing me to blush.
"Oh thank god. It's over" he sighed, a tired smile on his face.
Unfortunately, I knew better.
The second he finished that sentence the truck started going out of control.
We both screamed when the truck started spiraling around, going in tons of circles over and over again.
Tankhun was screaming way too loud that I was certain I wouldn't be able to hear in weeks. But, I'll worry about that later.
I held onto him as tightly as we could. We both tried keeping our balance but it was hard since the truck was out of control.
Considering the damn driver was dead.
I bit back a groan when I slammed into the wall. Tankhun looked at me in concern but I waved him off.
The last thing I need is for him to be concerned about me.
Right now, he's my main priority and I have to keep him safe.
I'm the bodyguard here and as the bodyguard I have to make sure Tankhun is safe.
I snapped back into reality when I felt the truck getting ready to tip over, meaning we were going to crash.
And it sure as hell ain't going to be a pretty crash.
"GET DOWN!" I screamed.
I practically tackled Tankhun to the ground, ignoring the surprised squeal that escaped his lips, and shielded his body with mine.
I felt a few of the barrels hitting my body, nothing I couldn't handle, and heard Tankhun's muffled screams.
The truck tipped over and started rolling around, heading into the woods.
I was so busy protecting Tankhun, making sure nothing hit him, that I didn't notice a barrel flying over to me.
And when I did, it was too late.
The barrel hit me straight in the head, hard, and I could already feel a cut forming and no doubt blood would start to come out.
The impact was too hard that I found myself losing consciousness, again.
The last thing I heard was Tankhun's screaming my name, the concern and fear evident in his tone, he must've saw what happened.
I felt bad that he had to witness that.
No, scratch that, I felt bad that I put him in this type of situation when I promised I would protect him.
I felt ashamed and useless. I'm a terrible person for not keeping that promise.
But, knowing that he was unharmed, knowing that I at least protected him from this, made me smile.
And with that knowledge, I allowed myself to embrace the darkness and lost consciousness.
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