Chapter Ten: Making Deals
Liam's Pov
The next day arrived quicker than I imagined. This shouldn't be possible.
But, then again, I'm inside my favorite bl series so anything is possible.
I honestly did prepare myself for Kinn's arrival, along with a few of his bodyguards.
However, there's no way I'm letting Kinn or any of his bodyguards lay a hand on Porsche and I.
I refuse to get kidnapped and taken to a boat. No way.
I don't fancy jumping off a boat and having to swim back to shore in the cold water.
The only way I can stop that from happening is making sure Porsche doesn't talk.
I have to be the one to talk to Kinn and, hopefully, we can make a deal and everyone is happy.
Just as long as Kinn isn't a stubborn asshole, we're good.
The same goes for Porsche.
I love the guy, but he can be stubborn sometimes.
I wonder if he got his stubbornness from his mother or his father.
Anyway, back to the situation at hand.
Porsche and I had a few hours left before we had to head to Hum's bar, where Kinn and his bodyguards would be waiting for us.
Speaking of Porsche, he was upstairs taking a nap, he said he was going to need it for later.
Chay and I were currently in the kitchen.
He needed help with his history homework and I was more than happy to help him.
Out of all the subjects, history has always been my favorite, it's why I got straight A's throughout highschool and college.
Chay needed help with an essay he had to write and, like I said, I was more than happy to help.
After all, I helped Jack out with his history homework and essays.
I can certainly help my adorable nong with his.
I helped him with the first half of his essay, right now I was watching him complete the rest by himself.
Although I know what's going to happen later today, it doesn't stop me from being nervous.
I hope I can change the outcome because, like I said, I don't fancy getting kidnapped or taken to a boat.
Swimming in the cold water just to head back to shore is anything but fun.
Chay must've sensed something was wrong because he furrowed his eyebrows at me.
"Hia, are you alright?" Chay asked, concerned.
"Yes. I'm fine" I nodded.
"Are you sure? Because you've been bouncing your knee up and down for the past few minutes" Chay frowned.
Ah, yeah, that.
It's always been a habit of mine.
I'm sure it's a habit for everyone.
Normally I'd be able to stop because Jack says something funny to make me laugh or he's hugging me, whispering reassuring things to me.
Unfortunately, Jack isn't here, so I have to deal with this alone.
It sucks...truly, it does...
But I can't do anything even if I wanted to.
"Sorry, nong. Your hia is just worried" I softly smiled.
"How come?" Chay asked, tilting his head to the side.
I cooed at his cuteness and refrained myself from pinching his cheeks.
I'm so blessed to not only have a sassy, confident, playful and caring brother as Porsche, but an adorable little brother as Chay.
"Your hia is just worried about work later today" I simply said.
"Why? Is something bad going to happen?" Chay asked, concerned.
It depends on how you put the situation...
"Nothing bad is going to happen. I'm just not looking forward for more flirting from the women and men that come to the bar" I explained.
I wasn't lying.
It's so damn irritating, especially when they try to touch me flirtatiously.
I swear I had to refrain myself from one annoying dude that put his arm around my waist when I served him his drink.
"Has anyone been bothering you? Harassing you?" Chay asked.
The concern in his tone and the way his adorable eyes widened almost had me fainting.
It should be illegal to be this adorable.
I'm gonna sue. I swear, I will.
"Don't worry, Chay. Nothing bad has happened and nothing bad will happen. I promise" I softly said.
I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest.
"And besides, your hia is strong and he can handle some flirty customers" I grinned.
Chay frowned more before sighing and nodding his head.
"I trust you, hia" Chay nodded.
Oh, Chay...
I cooed and immediately brought him into a hug, one that he immediately returned.
I hope I can keep that promise to him.
Not about the flirty and annoying customers.
I'm talking about preventing the bad things from happening to ensure that everything goes better than how they did in the show.
And to start off, dealing with Kinn later today.
At Hum's Bar
Finally, the time has arrived.
My nervousness is still there, but my confidence is also there and it's overtaking my nervousness.
Kinn might be a mafia boss, but I'm someone that has more knowledge than anyone in this world.
I can use that to my advantage. And you best believe I'll use it wisely.
Porsche and I parked our bikes at the usual spots and I had to bite back a smirk when I saw the guards standing near the entrance.
We took off our helmets and set them down.
Porsche looked confused but quickly waved it off, thinking some rich people were here for a night off.
Well, he's not entirely wrong...
I shook my head and took my phone out, scrolling through my messages to see if Mr. Anurak needed me to come in.
Luckily, there weren't any, so I'm free for today.
I sighed and put my phone back into my pocket, just in time to see Porsche getting off his phone.
"Everything alright?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Yeah. I just called Chay to make sure everything was alright" Porsche said.
"And?" I asked.
"He's fine, just has problems in the bathroom" Porsche cringed when he spoke.
My eyes widened, I completely forgot about this part, before I laughed loudly.
The guards looked at me weirdly while Porsche rolled his eyes and shook his head.
He put his phone away like I did with mine and we both got off our bikes.
But, before we could even head inside, Kong came running outside and he ran towards us.
He was out of breath, glancing back a few times, looking at us in slight worry and fear.
"Porsche, Liam, someone's here for Yok" Kong said.
Porsche narrowed his eyes in confusion and suspicion while I internally smirked.
Porsche glanced at the guards that were waiting outside before turning back to Kong.
"Take that for me, would you?" Porsche asked.
Kong nodded and grabbed his helmet when Porsche handed it to him.
"Come on, Liam. Lets go see what the fuss is about" Porsche said.
"Sure thing" I muttered.
I patted Kong on the shoulder before following Porsche inside.
The second Porsche and I stepped inside the bar, we were greeted by the bodyguards and Kinn, who were all sitting together at the bar.
I know that Kinn is here, but not Porsche, he doesn't see him yet.
The bodyguards turned around, their eyes locking on all of us, their stern expressions never broke.
Porsche looked confused but alert, while I continued to internally smirk.
Finally, Kinn leaned back against his seat, his eyes locking onto mine and Porsche.
Porsche tensed up and immediately put himself in front of me, causing me to smile slightly.
Always so overprotective, huh?
I walked over Porsche and began walking to where Kinn was, Porsche immediately followed behind me.
Not once did I falter when the eyes of the bodyguards followed us as we walked.
Porsche glanced at them a few times, clearly still tense, while I was calm and focused.
"Wow, you're so cute" Yok complimented.
"And so are you" Kinn complimented back.
"Thank you" Yok chuckled.
Finally, we reached Kinn and Yok, who both turned to look at us.
One with a small smirk and another with a huge grin.
"Hey, Porsche, Liam. This is Mr. Kinn. He's interested in becoming our bar's partner" Yok smiled.
That's definitely a lie, but she doesn't need to know that.
"But I'm thinking about convincing him to be another kind of partner" Yok added.
She looked at me when she said that, winking at me while smirking.
I cringed at that, scrunching my nose up in disgust, not bothering to hide it.
Yok and Porsche snorted at my reaction, while Kinn and his bodyguards looked surprised.
Don't get me wrong, Kinn is good looking, but like I said before he's reserved for Porsche.
And I just don't see myself getting in a romantic relationship with him.
"The names are Porsche and Liam?" Kinn asked, getting over his surprise.
"Yes, Porsche and Liam" Yok nodded.
"Oh, good to know. I thought their names were something else, but I guess I was wrong" Kinn nodded.
Not going to lie, I'm curious as to what he thought our names were.
"Porsche and Liam are the top of our list. The customers want them" Yok explained.
Porsche doesn't mind but I do.
Like I said, the flirting and the touches can get annoying, really annoying.
"If it weren't for the customers, I would have them all to myself. But that's not right" Yok grinned.
Kinn laughed at that, sparing us a glance, before looking back at Yok.
"May I have a word with the bar's favorite guys?" Kinn asked.
"Of course" Yok nodded.
She turned to Porsche and I and sent us, mainly me, huge grins.
"Take good care of Mr. Kinn. Especially you, Liam" Yok grinned.
"I swear to god I'll get you back for that" I playfully glare at her.
"Sure you will, honey" Yok gushed.
She patted my cheek before walking away.
When she was gone, hopefully nowhere near here because chaos could happen, Kinn gestured for Porsche and I to get closer.
I immediately did while Porsche did so, ever so hesitantly.
Porsche glanced around at the bar, making sure there weren't too much people, before standing beside me.
"What? You're scared I might hurt the people around you both?" Kinn asked, raising an eyebrow at us.
Honestly. Yes.
"You both think I'm a low-class mafia?" Kinn asked.
Porsche was staring at him, trying to get a better read on him, trying to figure out who he is.
I didn't need to do any of that because I already knew who he was.
Kinn raised an eyebrow when he saw Porsche staring at him, making my brother glare at him.
"What do you want?" I asked.
I broke the staring between the future lovebirds as they both turned to me.
Kinn gestured for me to continue, making me roll my eyes and lean against the bar.
"We beat those thugs up for you, we got you somewhere safe and that was it. So why are you here?" I asked.
"Calm down, both of you. I'm here to relax" Kinn said.
Sure you are, Kinn. Sure you are.
"Yok told me that you two are great bartenders. Make me a drink" Kinn ordered.
"Listen asshole, we're not-" Porsche started, but I cut him off.
"If we make you a drink, you tell us why we're here, right?" I asked.
Porsche looked at me in shock while Kinn smiled and nodded.
I hummed and nodded. I turned around and began walking, making my way behind the bar.
Porsche quickly followed behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Liam, what the hell are you doing?" Porsche asked.
"Porsche, just follow my lead. The faster we make his drink, the faster he tells us why he's here" I said.
Porsche frowned as I rolled my eyes and shoved his hand off of me.
I grabbed the cup along with the items that we needed to make Kinn's drink.
The same drink Porsche made in the show.
Porsche still hadn't moved from his spot, making me sigh as I turned to him, raising an eyebrow.
"Are you gonna help? Or are you gonna stand there like you're constipated?" I mockingly asked.
The bodyguards let out loud snorts, trying to cover them up with coughs.
Kinn didn't bother to hide his amused laugh, looking at me with a grin.
Porsche let out a surprised squeak and glared at me, a glare that I completely ignored as I smiled innocently at him.
Letting out an annoyed huff, he walked towards me and began helping me with the drink.
Within a minute the drink was done. Porsche finished the final touch before handing it to Kinn.
Kinn took a sip of his drink and he let out a hum, nodding his head in approval, his eyes shining ever so slightly.
"Wow. Bitter with a sweet after taste. This is nice" Kinn grinned.
He spared me a glance before locking his eyes with Porsche, staring at him intently.
The tension is real, I'll tell you that.
"Great. You have your drink, now what the hell do you want?" Porsche asked in annoyance.
"I think it's loud here. Let's find a private spot to talk" Kinn suggested, grinning.
Oh hell no.
I refuse to get kidnapped and taken to the boat.
I have to play my cards right in order to prevent that from happening.
"With all due respect, Mr. Kinn. My brother and I don't easily leave with strangers. So, no, we're not going anywhere" I sternly spoke.
Porsche nodded, agreeing with me, turning to glare at Kinn.
Kinn chuckled before sighing, setting his glass down as he leaned closer towards us.
Porsche grabbed my arm and pushed me behind him, the glare never leaving his face.
"Well, that's a shame. This pretty bar might get messy. Don't you think?" Kinn asked, smirking.
Porsche tensed and his breath hitched, having figured out that Kinn and his bodyguards are armed.
And I know that the last thing he wants is for Yok, our workers or the customers getting hurt.
Porsche nearly left the bar, but I stopped him.
I gently pushed him aside as I walked closer to the bar, my eyes never leaving Kinn's.
Slowly, very slowly, I put my hand behind my back and took out the gun I had kept in there.
I aimed it at Kinn's forehead, smirking in satisfaction when his entire expression faltered.
The bodyguards all looked at me in shock, their eyes widening.
Porsche gasped as he looked at me with wide eyes, his jaw dropping to the ground.
"We're not going anywhere with you. This bar will get messy, but not in the way you'd expect" I smirked.
The bodyguards stood up, getting ready to get their guns out, only for Kinn to hold up his hand.
The bodyguards looked at their boss in confusion but Kinn gestured for them to stand down.
Quite hesitantly, they all did as told, but they kept their eyes on me the entire time.
Porsche relaxed slightly when the bodyguards sat back down, but he still remained tense when he saw me still aiming the gun at Kinn.
I'd never shoot Kinn, obviously.
But I want him to know that he's not the only one in charge.
"Where did you get that gun?" Kinn asked in curiosity.
"Check your pocket, pretty boy" I smirked.
Kinn's eyes widened, ever so slightly, as he reached behind his back. When he felt nothing, his eyes locked back onto mine.
"How?" was what he asked.
"I've been pick pocketing for quite a while. All I had to do was get close to you and boom, here we are" I sighed.
Porsche chuckled and grinned at me, clearly proud.
Kinn shook off his shock and looked at me, clearly impressed.
"You're good. I'll give you that" Kinn nodded.
"Don't tell me something I already know, Mr. Kinn" I rolled my eyes.
Porsche snorted in amusement while Kinn shook his head, trying not to be too annoyed.
"Unless you want me to put a bullet through your head, start talking" I demanded.
Kinn stared at me for a few seconds before pressing his lips together, nodding his head.
Hook line and sinker.
His eyes wandered over to Porsche, a hum escaping his lips.
"Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, 23 years old. Former national Taekwondo champion. Also an orphan, who has to be fully responsible for his two brothers. Main job is a top list bartender, shaking fast, treating nicely. Another job as an underground boxer known as The Phoenix" Kinn grinned.
Porsche's eyes widened in disbelief when he heard that.
Kinn chuckled before turning to me.
"Liam Kittisawat, 22 years old. The adopted brother of Porsche and Porchay. Abandoned by biological parents. Also an orphan. You're a top list bartender just like your brother but you also have a second job working as a cleaner at an office" Kinn grinned.
I had to refrain myself from shooting him in the shoulder.
He spoke like he was talking about my real parents when he mentioned the 'abandoning' part.
I hate when people bad mouth my parents. But, obviously, Kinn doesn't know that I'm not really from this world.
Nobody can know and it has to remain like that.
Although, I'm extremely grateful that he doesn't know what I really do for my second job.
No doubt Porsche would've scolded me right then and there.
"Are you done? You literally came here just to tell us our life story?" Porsche asked in annoyance.
I honestly believe he just did that for fun.
It's amusing, truly, but still annoying since we already know our life story.
"Be my bodyguard. Both of you" Kinn said.
Well, that's certainly new.
I thought it would've just been Porsche, but looks like he wants the both of us.
Or, rather, his manipulative father wants the both of us.
"Excuse me?" Porsche asked.
"Be my bodyguards" Kinn repeated.
"And why would we do that? Why the hell would you want us to be your bodyguards?" I asked.
"I know this is shocking, anyone in your positions would've reacted the same way" Kinn said.
He then leaned forward, making me and Porsche back away slightly, but I still kept the gun on him.
"But this job will make you alot more money. For the both of you along with your brother" Kinn finished.
Porsche scoffed and jabbed his finger into Kinn's forehead.
"Listen, asshole. In case you haven't noticed, we're living perfectly fine just the way we are. What? You think your money can buy us? We make enough money as it is, we don't need to become your stupid bodyguards" Porsche angrily spat.
The bodyguards glared at him, for how he touched and spoke to Kinn.
Kinn didn't react, he simply stared at Porsche, a knowing glint in his eyes that almost had me squealing.
Key word, almost.
"Porsche, calm down" I whispered to him.
Porsche, glaring at Kinn one last time, turned to me with furrowed eyebrows.
I gestured for him to let me handle this and he, hesitantly, obeyed.
"Working for someone like you would be dangerous for both of us. Now, I don't care what happens to me, but if something happens to either of my brothers, you and your people will pay" I sternly said.
I slowly lowered the gun, I swear I saw relief flashing in Kinn's eyes.
I put the gun back where it originally was and leaned forward, my eyes never leaving Kinn's.
"Porsche and Porchay mean the world to me. I love them more than anything and I promised to take care of them no matter what. If they die because of this job, I can assure you that your head will be ripped apart before you could even blink" I sneered at him.
Absolute silence took over all of us.
Nobody knew what to say.
The bodyguards all looked at me in shock and...fear, like they hadn't expected me to say any of that.
Honestly, I hadn't expected them to look at me in fear, I'm not that scary.
Kinn looked at me with visible pride, he was clearly impressed. Something that is very rare.
So that clearly had me jumping up and down in joy.
Porsche stared at me with a proud smirk, his arms crossed over his chest.
After all, I spoke with 100% confidence, not once did I show fear or nervousness.
Kinn cleared his throat, leaning back against his seat, picking up his glass.
"You make valid points. However, I can assure you that we will keep your brothers safe. We'd never let either of them get hurt" Kinn calmly said.
He took a sip of his drink, his eyes never leaving ours, as he spoke again.
"We'll keep you three safe. Especially your baby brother" Kinn finished.
When he was fully done with his drink, he set the glass down, placing his hands on top of the bar.
He waited. He waited for us to speak.
He waited for us to say yes. He wanted us to agree.
And while that is going to happen, I also had something in mind.
"We'll agree, on one condition" I spoke.
"Name it" Kinn nodded, looking curious as to what the condition would be.
Porsche looked at me with raised eyebrows, confused yet curious as to what the condition would be.
"If we accept, and where we have to go because we now have to follow you, our little brother tags along with us" I said.
Silence had taken over, once again.
Kinn stared at me with a raised eyebrow while the bodyguards looked at me like I'd grown two heads.
A gasp was heard. I knew right away it was from Porsche.
"What?!" Porsche yelled.
"Brother, be quiet" I sent him a warning glare.
He wanted to object, really wanted to, but faltered as my glare grew a little more deadly and reluctantly backed down.
I nodded before turning back to Kinn.
"I refuse to let my little brother live on his own. He might be turning into a young adult but I don't want him to be alone. I don't trust our useless uncle to sneak back into our home just because we're not there. If we leave for this job, Porchay comes with us" I glared at him.
Crossing my arms over my chest, I narrowed my eyes at him.
"So, Mr. Kinn, if you want my brother and I to be your bodyguards, our little brother has to tag along with us" I kept a stern gaze on my face.
Leaving Chay behind is an absolute no no.
Especially when stupid Arthee could try and get back into the house and hurt Chay.
Kinn stared at me, trying to intimidate me, trying to get me to falter or back down.
But I kept my head high, my eyes never leaving his, not once did my confidence falter.
Fear isn't going to be shown. Especially to him.
Finally, Kinn backed down, releasing a defeated sigh as his eyes met mine again.
"I'll talk to my papa and work something out. But, if he agrees, then we have a deal" Kinn nodded.
A proud and winning smirk appeared on my face and I nodded my head.
"Good. We have a deal" I smiled.
Let this be known to everyone.
Kinn might be the mafia boss, but I'm the boss of everything around here.
And as a boss, I don't plan on backing down anytime soon.
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