Chapter Nineteen: Fun Time Out
Liam's Pov
I was desperately trying not to laugh at the others but it was completely hard when they looked like they were questioning their life choices.
Their faces nearly made me snort like a pig.
We all stayed up late watching series with Tankhun and it's fair to say everyone was sleepy.
Arm was cleaning his glasses and Pol was trying not to fall asleep on the chair he was sitting on.
Porsche and Pete had also joined us last night and they were currently trying not to fall asleep on the couch.
Pravat was resting his head on my shoulder, clearly tired himself.
"Liam, my nong, how the hell are you not tired?" Porsche asked in disbelief.
"I'd love an answer for that too. The rest of us are exhausted" Pete sighed.
The others nodded in agreement, looking at me in disbelief.
I let an amused smile appear on my face as I shook my heads at them.
"Oh come on, guys. Last night was pretty fun" I chuckled.
"Fun? We've been watching series all day and night. It's insane" Pravat shook his head.
"See. This is why you and Porsche are better off with Mr. Kinn" Pete added.
Porsche groaned but didn't complain.
I honestly think he's regretting calling Kinn an asshole, or eyebrows, considering what we've been through with Tankhun.
I obviously don't mind, but Porsche is a different story.
"I agree with Liam. It's kinda fun, actually" Pol yawned, shrugging his shoulders.
"See, he gets it" I smiled.
Honestly I'm glad to be here because I get to spend a little more time with Tankhun.
Yes, I love being Kinn's bodyguard, but I like Tankhun more considering he's more fun and less serious.
And when he does get serious it's scary, but at the same time, very hot.
"Hey guys" Tankhun's voice can be heard.
Everyone was quick to stand up while I calmly stood up, the smile still present on my face.
Tankhun gave everyone a deadpan stare, especially when they bowed at him, showing their respect.
His eyes landed on mine and I smiled at him before bowing myself.
I looked up and saw him sending me the tiniest smile before it quickly went away.
"Ok, ok, sit down. All of you, sit" Tankhun demanded.
Everyone obeyed and sat back down, happy that they didn't have to stand.
Pravat and I sat down on the couch that was located across the other couch Porsche and Pete were sitting on.
However, to my surprise, Tankhun didn't sit between Porsche in Pete.
He walked over to Pravat and I and sat between us.
Actually, let me rephrase that.
He sent a, not so, discreet glare to Pravat and practically shoved him a little farther from me before sitting down.
"Are you done lingering?" Tankhun asked, looking at everyone.
Everyone glanced at each other, unsure of what to say.
Tankhun rolled his eyes before surprising me, and everyone else, by tossing his legs over my lap.
I let an 'oof' before quickly catching them as I looked at the eldest Theerapanyakun with a raised eyebrow.
Almost everyone, especially Porsche, was looking at him that way.
Uh...why did Tankhun just do that?
More importantly, why did he put both legs on my lap instead of one?
Tankhun realized what he had done and almost, the key word is almost, looked embarrassed.
"Uh, sorry. Did I surprise you with the unexpected gesture?" Tankhun asked, looking and sounding worried.
Everyone looked at me, almost as if they were expecting me to say yes.
I glanced at everyone before letting out a chuckle as I looked back at Tankhun.
"Don't worry. Mr. Tankhun. I'm alright. Just give me a warning next time" I smiled.
"No problem" Tankhun smiled back at me.
I ignored the looks of disbelief I was getting from the other guards, especially my brother.
Honestly I'm just surprised I haven't fainted because of what happened.
I'm honestly honored to be in the position I am now. Truly, I am.
"Now. I want to continue watching the series" Tankhun announced.
Everyone bit their lips, trying not to groan in annoyance, while some just sighed.
I wasn't against the idea. I honestly had no problem going back to Tankhun's room to watch the series with him.
If it's anything like last night, count me in.
"Come on, aren't you bored?" Porsche asked.
Tankhun frowned and looked over at him, raising an eyebrow.
All the bodyguards put their attention onto my brother, curious as to what he was going to suggest.
"There are so many things out there to do" Porsche slowly smiled.
But that smile quickly disappeared when Tankhun shot him a glare and raised his hand in the air.
"Out there? I'm not going anywhere unless it's necessary" Tankhun shook his head.
Porsche looked upset but he wasn't giving up that easily.
He sat up straighter on the couch, placing his hands onto his lap.
"But, if you come with me, you will be thrilled" my brother threw him a happy grin.
Tankhun didn't glare at him nor scowl at him. His face turned blank and a frown appeared on his face.
"Well, you and your brother have never been kidnapped like I was" Tankhun softly said.
Porsche frowned at that while Pete, Pravat, Pol and Arm looked at their boss with sad eyes.
I had to refrain myself from wrapping him in a tight hug, never wanting to let him go.
I hate that this precious soul had to go through something like that. I hate that he went through all that trauma.
"What are you afraid of, Mr. Tankhun?" I softly asked.
Tankhun's eyes widened slightly and he looked at me with surprised eyes.
My heart broke at that. It seems like nobody has ever asked him that before.
"You've got me, my brother, Pete, Pravat, Arm and Pol" Porsche added.
The said bodyguards all smiled softly at him while nodding their heads.
"And that matter has passed a long time ago. Who would dare do anything to you?" Porsche asked.
I swear to god if anyone, and I mean anyone, tries to hurt Tankhun I'll kill them with zero hesitation.
Nobody will ever lay a hand on him. Not on my watch.
Porsche leaned forward, making eye contact with Tankhun, sending him a reassuring look.
"Trust me" Porsche smiled.
And here comes what I've been waiting, and expecting, for...
Tankhun, still not removing his legs from my lap, looked over at Porsche with a deadpan expression.
"Trust you? You, Porsche? You're insane if you think I'm going to trust you" Tankhun scoffed.
Porsche looked offended by that while the others looked confused.
"I heard that you got drunk on your first job. You didn't pay attention and Liam got hurt because he was prortecting Kinn, alone" Tankhun glared at him.
My eyes widened in surprise by his anger as he spoke.
Not only that, but I swear I heard some...protectiveness as well.
Why does he care that much about me when I'm simply just a bodyguard?
Porsche blushed slightly in embarrassment, but he also looked down in shame at the reminder of that night.
Pete frowned and patted his best friend on the shoulder, trying to comfort him.
While I sighed and sent my brother a small sad smile.
I keep on telling him that what happened that night wasn't his fault and there's no reason for him to be blaming himself. But, he's too stubborn and firmly believes that what happened is on him.
I sent my brother a 'let me handle this' look and he nodded.
I placed my hand on Tankhun's shoulder, causing the said man to look at me.
"Mr. Tankhun, do you at least trust me?" I asked.
Tankhun pressed his lips together and placed his hands onto his lap.
"Believe it or not, I do trust you. After all, you kept my brother safe" Tankhun softly said.
"If you trust me, then please give us a chance to take you outside and take you somewhere fun. You deserve to let loose and have fun, not stay here all the time" I softly said.
I squeezed his shoulder, hoping to give him more reassurance.
"We will keep you safe. I will keep you safe. I give you my word" I confidently spoke.
And I spoke nothing but the truth.
Tankhun stared at me, trying to see if I was lying to him.
But, I wasn't, and to prove it to him I kept my head held high but a soft smile was plastered was on my face.
Finally, he made his decision when he let out a defeated sigh and nodded.
"Alright. I guess I could give it a try" Tankhun slowly nodded.
I smiled at him and nodded, clearly happy that he accepted.
I looked at the others and saw Arm, Pol and Pete staring at me with wide eyes. They were clearly surprised.
While Porsche and Pravat were grinning at me while sending me thumbs up.
I rolled my eyes but chuckled in amusement.
At Hum's Bar
After convincing Tankhun to go out we all got changed into regular clothes before leaving the compound.
It took us a while but we finally made it to Hum's bar and we were incredibly happy.
Well, not me.
I tried to convince Porsche to let us take Tankhun somewhere else, like the cafe or the beach, but he said that Hum's bar was a better option.
I mean, I don't disagree, but I would've preferred if Tankhun went somewhere he was comfortable.
And when Porsche announced we were going to a bar, he was nowhere near comfortable.
He looked scared, really scared, even if he tried to play it off as being annoyed.
When we entered the place music was being played and lots of people were dancing.
Pol, Arm and Pravat were staring at the place in awe while Porsche was grinning.
I would have the same reaction as my brother if I wasn't constantly glancing at Tankhun.
Tankhun stayed by my side the entire time. He was literally clinging onto my arm like it was his lifeline.
He would literally grip onto my arm tighter if anyone got near him.
His flinching broke my heart. He really was scared.
I let out a soft sigh and gently patted his hand.
"Mr. Tankhun, don't worry. Remember, as long as I'm here, you're not going to get hurt" I whispered.
Tankhun, after glancing around the room another time, he looked at me with worried eyes.
"I told you, I trust you. But that's not going to stop me from being alert" Tankhun said.
I guess I can understand that.
But it does warm my heart that he trusts me. It makes me happy.
Porsche was dancing to the music while Pol, Pravat and Arm were alert the entire time as they scanned the room.
We lead the others over to the bar area and I sat Tankhun down on one of the stools.
He still held a tight grip on my arm, refusing to let me go as he continued scanning the place.
"Mr. Tankhun, relax. I promise, nobody is going to hurt you. Alright?" I softly smiled.
Tankhun simply huffed and looked away, his hand never leaving my arm.
Porsche nodded and patted his shoulder before looking around, trying to find Yok.
"Hey, where's Yok?" Porsche asked one of our previous workers.
All of a sudden Yok appeared from behind the bar, an orange slice in her mouth as she grinned at us.
Tankhun screamed at the sudden action and practically threw himself into my arms, catching me off guard.
Pol had also screamed and threw himself into Arm, who blushed at the action but caught and held him.
Pravat started laughing alongside Porsche. They were clearly enjoying themselves.
"Shit, that scared me" Pol breathed out, still not letting go of Arm.
I simply let out an exasperated sigh and patted Tankhun on the head.
Tankhun calmed down, barely, and removed his face from my chest but his arms never left my waist.
When I realized that they had been there the entire time I blushed bright red, for whatever reason.
Yok cackled before releasing the orange and throwing it into the bin as she beamed at Porsche and I.
"Porsche, Liam, come on now. I've missed you, my babies" Yok happily grinned.
She held both her hands out, causing Porsche and I to chuckle.
I gently pushed Tankhun away before I grabbed Yok's hand as Porsche grabbed her other hand.
We placed gentle kisses on top of her hands as we smiled warmly at her.
"You both have brought so many people" Yok smiled, looking at the others.
I opened my mouth to say something, only to yelp in surprise when Tankhun grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
"Come on, Liam. I'm going home and you're coming with me" Tankhun scowled.
Porsche's eyes widened and he was quick to push him back onto the stool.
"Calm down, Mr. Tankhun. Please, take a seat" Porsche begged.
Tankhun gritted his teeth, hesitantly removing his hand from my arm, as he looked at Yok.
"Take a look, I think she's a freak" Tankhun scoffed.
Yok's eyes widened before a glare appeared on her face.
"Excuse me?" Yok asked, placing her hands onto her hips.
"Oh dear god" I muttered.
Porsche's eyes widened as he gestured for me to follow his lead as we both tried to calm down Yok.
Trust me, Yok is scary when she's angry.
"You are a freak too. I mean, look at your outfit!" Yok angrily spat.
"Excuse me! If you want to talk about outfits-" Tankhun started but I cut him off.
"Everyone just calm the fuck down, please!" I let out an exasperated and frustrated yell.
This caught all their attention as they all flinched, especially Yok, but managed to quiet down.
I let out a breath of air before turning to Yok. I gestured for her to lean closer and she did just that.
"This is a VIP customer. This is Kinn's brother" I whispered.
"Yeah,and he's a little off" Porsche added.
I smacked his arm for that and he winced and sent me a small glare.
"Oh" Yok hummed, nodding her head.
"Look, please make sure he has a fun time today. He deserves it, trust me" I whispered.
With that, I placed a kiss to my palm and patted Yok on the cheek before taking a few steps back.
"How about we start off with some drinks? Sound good?" I asked.
Pol, Pravat, Arm and Porsche nodded while Tankhun sighed and simply shrugged.
I gestured for Yok to make us some drinks and she smiled before walking off to do just that.
We waited for the drinks and just decided to pass the time by talking to each other, cracking a few jokes then and there.
Arm, Pol and Porsche were talking while Pravat, Tankhun and I were talking.
Finally, after waiting for what felt like hours, Yok came back with our drinks.
"Alright, I've got three whiskeys for you boys!" Yok yelled out, grinning widely.
All of us, not including Tankhun, screamed out in joy as we thanked Yok when she handed us our glass.
We all clapped our glasses together, Tankhun only did it because I asked him to, before gulping down on our drinks.
However, I didn't get the chance to at least sip on mine.
"Liam!" two familiar voices yelled out to me.
My eyes widened, the guys turned to me in confusion, and I spun around.
Sami and Sarla were by the entrance. Sami was wearing a white crop top, black jeans and black boots. Sarla was wearing a blue crop top, black shirt and black flats.
I'm going to assume they were on a date, considering their lips were slightly swollen and their cheeks were red.
But, they also look like they were in a hurry.
"Sami! Sarla!" I yelled.
Their heads snapped towards my direction and I saw them breathing out in relief.
I set my glass down and ran towards them and they did the same with me. We met in the middle and engulfed each other in a tight hug.
God, I've missed them so much.
I can't remember the last time I've seen them ever since I started working as a bodyguard.
And I can't message or call them due to the fact that I left my phone at my old house.
We held onto each other for a little longer before finally pulling away.
"Oh, it's so good to see you guys" I smiled.
"It's good to see you too, Liam" Sami smiled.
"But, we're gonna have to catch up later, we're here to get you so we can leave" Sarla said.
"Why? What's wrong?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, all of us thought we had the day off since nothing was booked for today. But, at the last minute, Mr. Anurak called us and told us we all had to come in. Apparently some asshole booked a last minute bachelor party at the club and requires drinks as well as strippers" Sarla explained.
"Meaning we all have to be there, in like ten minutes, or we might get punished" Sami finished.
Oh you've gotta be kidding me...
This is definitely one of the downsides of being a stripper is the one I dislike the most...
"And Mr. Anurak tried calling you but you didn't answer so we just told him that we'd pick you up" Sami said.
"Yeah, I'll explain that later, but are you serious? He needs us there now?" I asked.
"Yes, he does. Meaning we have to go, now" Sarla said.
"What about the others?" I asked.
"Ram and Dan are already there. Arak picked up Emma and Champ and then us. We came here to get you" Sarla explained.
I bit the inside of my cheek, having a debate in my head.
I looked at the others and saw that they were staring at our interaction the entire time.
There was a mixture of confusion, interest and...I don't know why...but jealousy too...
"Alright, look, just wait for me outside. I have to come up with some lie in order to get out of this, but I'll be out soon" I explained.
"Don't take too long, we really can't be late" Sami frowned.
"I promise it'll only take a minute" I reassured her.
Sami sighed before nodding her head.
Sarla nodded as well before grabbing Sami's hand and led her outside, no doubt to where the others were.
I sighed and ran my hand through my hair before walking back over to the others.
"Hey, was that Sami and Sarla, your co-workers from your other job?" Porsche asked.
"Yeah, that's them. And speaking of my other job, I've gotta get going" I revealed.
"WHAT!?" Taknhun screamed.
Everyone flinched and covered their eyes while I ran a hand down my face.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Tankhun, but I have to go to my other job. My boss needs me right now and if I'm not there soon, I could lose my job" I explained.
"Who cares?" Tankhun scoffed.
"I care, that's why I have to go" I frowned.
"You don't need another job when you've already got this one. Just don't go or go and tell your boss you'll quit. Problem solved" Tankhun shrugged.
Does he hear himself right now?
He's literally telling, no, demanding, that I quit my other job.
Yes, he makes good points, considering I'm a bodyguard for his brother and make alot more money and have to deal with more important (and dangerous) things.
But, there's no way I'm going to quit, I refuse.
I love my job at the club and I'm not just going to abandon it like that.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Tankhun, but that's not an option" I said.
"Yes, it is" Tankhun said, looking at me like I'd grown two heads.
"Actually, no, it's not. His other job is important to him and he's not going to let it go that easily" Porsche added.
Thank you, brother of mine.
"Hush, nobody was speaking to you" Tankhun scowled in irritation.
Porsche shot him an offended glare, so did Yok.
Guess she was still mad at him for calling her a freak, huh...?
"Mr. Tankhun, please calm down" Arm softly said.
Tankhun glared at him before turning to me, crossing his arms over his chest.
He raised an eyebrow at me, waiting for me to respond, wanting me to obey him and quit my job.
I swear to god...
Relax, Liam. Just relax...
"Mr. Tankhun, with all due respect, you aren't the boss of me when I'm not working or when I'm outside the compound. And you sure as hell can't force me to quit my job. With that being said, have a good time" I gritted my teeth.
Not waiting for him, or anyone to respond, I turned around and stormed out of the bar.
As soon as I was outside, sighing as the wind hit my face, I spotted Arak's car nearby.
I sighed and walked towards his car. I got into the back, where the girls and Champ were.
Sami was sitting on Sarla's lap, giving me space in the back to sit.
"Sorry, guys. I just had to deal with something, but it's all good" I sighed.
"Are you sure? Because you look ready to kick something" Emma raised an eyebrow at me.
"Or someone" Arak added.
They might be my friends but I was so close to snapping at them.
Luckily, Sarla came to my rescue.
"Look, we can talk more later, so please just hurry so we can get in for work before Mr. Anurak decides to fire us" Sarla rolled her eyes.
Arak spared her a glance before huffing as he started the car.
Sighing, I leaned back against the seat, closing my eyes as the tiredness started getting to me.
Today was definitely something, that's for sure.
And for some reason, Tankhun is starting to interest me more and more...
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