Chapter Forty-Three: Sneaking Out
Liam's Pov
The next day came around longer than I expected.
And nothing really changed either.
As expected, Kinn had work to deal with for basically the entire day while Porsche and the others were off training.
With the exception of Pol and Arm.
They were under orders to guard Tankhun and make sure he doesn't go out and he doesn't hurt himself.
Not only that but he's scheduled to go to the infirmary every hour so that the doctor can check on his wound.
Tankhun was definitely annoyed by that and I don't blame him.
However, what annoyed me was the fact that Pravat was under words to guard me as well and make sure I didn't do anything stupid.
Porsche gave him that order.
And to make sure he would listen he had Kinn order him as well.
And, no surprise, Kinn agreed.
So, I basically wasn't able to do anything too extreme.
I couldn't train since Porsche wants my bruises to heal and once they are completely healed and gone then I can train.
The only thing I could really do is target practice.
But I can only do it if Pravat is there with me either watching me or helping me.
I hated it but I knew better than to argue with not only Porsche but Kinn since he, sadly, is still my boss.
At least there weren't any missions that the bodyguards had to attend. I seriously would've screamed if I wasn't allowed to go.
The day went by really quickly, which I'm grateful for, and before I knew it everyone was done doing what they were doing and were off to their rooms to get some sleep.
Well, that's what the others are going to be doing.
Pravat and I, along with Tankhun, aren't going to be staying.
As soon as everyone is in their rooms, asleep, we're sneaking out so we can drive over to Ruby's place.
Her mother has news on Nampheung and I need to know if there's been any progress.
Pravat and Tankhun want to be there to know what the news is.
Not to mention Tankhun wants to meet her, in person, and learn more about her.
Right now, I was lying in bed as Porsche and Chay sat on my bed.
Chay was reading to me one of his favorite books while Porsche was running his fingers through my hair.
I was content, of course, with having my brothers here.
But some bittersweet memories resurfaced because of their actions.
I remember when I was a kid I would always have nightmares and because of it I would have trouble falling asleep.
I also remember my parents coming into my room and helping me feel safe and comfortable.
Mom would sit next to me with her arms around me protectively and run her fingers through my hair. While dad would sit on a chair near my bed and pick one of my favorite books to read to me.
It always worked because I would fall asleep within seconds and I'd never have anymore nightmares.
Memories like those always brings a smile to my face but it also makes me miss my parents more.
Pravat was already in his bed and he was reading a book, something his dad always brought over for him.
When the clock reached ten that's when Chay left since he had school the next day.
We hugged and he bid Pravat and I goodnight before leaving.
Porsche left a few minutes after Chay had left. He kissed my forehead and bid me goodnight.
He waved at Pravat and bid him goodnight before leaving to tuck Chay into bed before he'd head into his and Pete's room to get some sleep as well.
Once the door closed Pravat and I looked at each other.
"Ready?" he asked.
"Ready" I nodded.
He nodded and set his book down before getting out of bed.
I did the same and quickly grabbed the clothes I set out for myself before beginning to change.
Pravat grabbed the clothes he set out for himself before heading into our bathroom to change.
We're gonna wait it out for a few minutes, wanting to make sure that everyone was asleep, before leaving our room to get Tankhun.
That way the three of us can get out of here without getting caught and we'd be on the road.
After I was done changing I made sure I had my phone with me and made sure that my bag was filled with the things I had put inside of it.
After a few more minutes had passed it was time.
Pravat opened the door as quietly as he could before the two of us peeked outside and glanced down the hallways.
After making sure it was clear we walked out of our room and after quietly closing the door, making sure it was locked, before quietly walking at a fast pace.
"You have everything, right?" I quietly asked my friend.
"Yeah, I do. What about you?" Pravat asked.
"I'm good too" I nodded.
The two of us continued walking, making sure to stay alert just in case, as we swiftly made our way to where Tankhun's room was located.
When we got there Pravat and I stood together before I quietly knocked on my boyfriends door.
Only a second passed before the door opened and Tankhun stepped outside.
To our surprise he was wearing simple clothes.
Just a white shirt, black jeans and black sneakers.
"Hey, you guys" Tankhun greeted us with a smile.
"Woah, Mr. Tankhun. I didn't know you were capable of wearing clothes that aren't your normal style" Pravat teasingly grinned.
I laughed slightly at that while Tankhun huffed.
"First of all, drop the Mr and just call me by my name. Second of all, I'm very much capable of wearing other clothing styles. Thank you very much" Tankhun rolled his eyes.
Pravat laughed before raising his hands in surrender.
I shook my head in amusement before moving closer to my boyfriend.
I wrapped my arm around his waist, pulling him closer, and he looked at me.
"Ignore my idiot friend. You look great in whatever you wear, darling" I told him with a smile.
"Thank you, babe" Tankhun smiled as he pecked me on the lips.
I smiled at that while ignoring Pravat's fake gagging.
I shook my head and focused at the task at hand, getting out of here.
"Come on, we need to leave before we get caught" I told them.
They both nodded in agreement and Tankhun quietly closed his door and made sure to lock it.
With a nod of his head the three of us began walking as we quietly made our way downstairs.
"So, where are we heading?" Pravat quietly asked.
"Well, I thought it would be easy for us to just leave through the front door but that's not going to be possible" Tankhun said.
I frowned at that and asked, "why?".
"Apparently my father had more guards stationed at the front door during night" Tankhun said.
"What? Why would he do that? He's never had guards stationed at night before" Pravat asked, confused.
"I don't know. All he told Kinn and I was that he's adding more security and being more alert because he believes things are changing" Tankhun explained.
He then looked at me.
"Which isn't too far from the truth when you think about it" my boyfriend finished.
My eyebrows furrowed at that before realization and fear coursed through me.
"Shit, do you think there's a possibility that he knows Nampheung is missing?" I asked.
"Well, considering he was the one that imprisoned her in the first place I say it's very likely" Pravat sarcastically smiled.
Tankhun and I shot him a glare.
Pravat winced when I slapped him upside the head.
"I'm being serious" I told him.
Tankhun sighed before speaking, "I believe he does know she's missing. Like Pravat said, he's the reason she was imprisoned in the first place. No doubt he would often check on her just to make sure nothing has changed and that she hasn't tried escaping. Now with her gone, it makes sense he's more alert and more suspicious.
I pressed my lips together at that and turned my head slightly away.
I should've known that there would be some consequences with my actions.
Starting with getting Nampheung out of here.
With her gone and with Korn knowing of her disappearance he's going to be more alert and more suspicious.
And I have no doubt he's going to be doing some snooping to try and find her.
Or, worse, try and find out who took her in the first place.
And if he learns that it was me, if he somehow finds out about my secret, I'm a dead man.
I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders and a kiss being planted onto my cheek. I turned to see Tankhun.
"I know what you're thinking and I want you to stop. No matter what happens I will not let anyone, let alone my father, get their hands on you. I promise" Tanhun sternly said.
He was genuine with his words, of course.
Because of that I allowed myself to smile and nod my head at him in gratitude.
"So, what do we do now?" Pravat asked.
"We can go through the exit that's located in the kitchen. That's where I go whenever I can't sleep and need some fresh air" Tankhun said.
"Just as long as nobody is there, we should be good" I said.
Pravat seemed to think about it before nodding his head.
Tankhun nodded before gesturing for us to follow him and we did just that.
Once we were downstairs we quietly made our way into the kitchen as we made sure that we hadn't passed by anyone or that nobody had passed by us.
As we made our way into the kitchen we scanned the area before following Tankhun as he lead us to the exit.
He rushed towards the door and took out a key from his pocket.
"A key?" I quietly asked.
Tankhun sighed before inserting the key into the keyhole as he began unlocking the door.
"My father likes to keep this door closed just in case but he doesn't know I had a spare key for it made a while ago. That's how I'm able to head outside at night for fresh air and get in without any issues" Tankhun explained.
I was surprised at that but also impressed.
I looked over at Pravat and saw that he was in the same boat as me.
We're learning a bit more about my boyfriend.
Finally, he got the door unlocked and pushed it open as quietly as he could to avoid making any noise.
He made Pravat and I go out first and we hurriedly did just that.
Once he stepped outside he quietly closed the door and locked it as he put the key back into his pocket.
"Alright, come on. Where's the car parked?" Tankhun asked.
"Please tell me you didn't park it in the front of the compound" Pravat said, looking at me with worried eyes.
I shot him an offended look.
"I'm not an idiot. Of course I didn't, I actually parked it not too far from here" I told him.
"Well less talking and more walking. Come on" Tankhun huffed.
I nodded before grabbing onto his hand and pulling him with me as I began walking.
Pravat followed behind us, occasionally glancing around to make sure nobody was nearby.
We finally made it to the car and I took the keys out and unlocked it.
"Get in" I told the guys.
They nodded and got in with Pravat in the back while my boyfriend got into the passengers seat.
I quickly got into the drivers seat and closed my door before locking the car overall.
"Ready?" I asked the two of them.
"Ready" Tankhun and Pravat replied at the same time.
I nodded and I took a deep breath, trying to control my racing heartbeat, before starting the car.
In just a minute I was driving and just like that we were off.
Time to get our asses to Ruby's house and see just what progress Nampheung has made.
Hey guys, I hope you all liked todays chapter!
Now, as I stated before that this book is going to be focused on Liam and Tankhun and not Kinnporsche since they are the main couples.
Meaning I won't be doing some of the episodes as I am focusing on not only my main couple but Liam and his plans.
Along with a few other things.
But, you all know Liam and Tankhun's relationship is going to be kept a secret.
It won't be a secret for a while. They're going to be found out soon.
Are you all ready for what will happen when they get found out?
With that being said, have a great day and see you in the next chapter. Bye!
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