Chapter Forty-Six: More Information
Liam's Pov
Pravat, Tankhun and I made our way into the living room.
Ruby left the room as well since it was clear her mother needed some alone time in order to continue what she was doing.
She asked us if we wanted some coffee and we told her yes and she went into the kitchen.
Tankhun and I sat down on the couch together while Pravat sat on the chair across from us.
"Alright, what do you guys want to know first?" I asked.
"We want to know why Vegas is trying to take Kinn down" Pravat said.
Tankhun nodded, "yeah. I mean, I know those two don't like each other but why would Vegas want to take down my brother? And why is he using Tawan for it?".
I pressed my lips together and looked down at my hands.
I really don't want to tell them but I know I have to.
I hate that Vegas is just doing all of this because of his father. I hate that he just wants his fathers approval.
I hate that Vegas can't just live the life he wants. I hate that he can't run the mafia the way he wants without his father berating him on everything that he does.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Tankhun placing his hand on top of mine.
I looked at him and saw him looking at me in concern.
"Babe, if you don't want to tell us you don't have to" Tankhun softly said.
"Yeah. We don't mind waiting until you're ready" Pravat nodded.
I faintly smiled at that before shaking my head.
"It's fine, after all I promised I would tell you guys everything. I'm just worried about how you're going to take it" I sighed.
I don't want either of them, especially Tankhun, going off to kill Kan.
I don't want him dead. Not yet. And if anyone is going to kill him I want to be the one to do it.
But I want them to know, I want them to understand why Vegas is doing this and why he acts the way he does.
"The reason Vegas is even doing this is because of his father" I revealed.
I looked at them and saw confusion washing over them.
"Vegas is doing this because of Mr. Kan? Why?" Pravat asked, tilting his head.
"Yeah, why?" Tankhun asked.
I pressed my lips together and felt myself hesitating.
I then felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Ruby standing behind me, having come into the kitchen with our cups of coffee along with some snacks.
She was smiling comfortingly and encouragingly at me.
I offered her a small smile and a nod before turning back to Tankhun and Pravat.
I took a deep breath before opening my mouth to speak.
"Kan has always been a shitty father towards Vegas and Macau. But he's mainly worse to Vegas. He berates him on everything he does, he compares him to Kinn and always tells him that no matter what he does Kinn will always be better than him and..." I trailed off.
I took another deep breath, trying to keep my anger in check, before speaking.
"He's an abusive asshole that likes to hit Vegas whenever he wants, especially if Vegas does something he deems as wrong" I finished.
I wanted to see their reactions to what I just said.
But I didn't.
Not yet.
Not when I need to tell them everything so that way everything about why Vegas is doing all of this is clear.
"Kan gave Vegas orders to watch over Porsche and I and Vegas agreed. He's going to watch over us and try and get close to us to gather as much information as he can. He wants to use us, mainly Porsche, as leverage against Kinn in order to take him down. And Tawan is part of the plan since he was Kinn's lover" I explained.
I ran a hand through my hair before continuing.
"Vegas is doing all of this for his father. He has this whole freaking plan to take down Kinn because he wants to prove to his father that he's better than him. He wants to make his father proud. But another part of him is doing this because he has always been jealous of Kinn for being better at him in everything, for always being praised and for getting everything handed to him on a silver platter" I finished.
There might be some people that hate Vegas because of everything he has done.
And, don't get me wrong, I did too at some point.
And it's understandable given what he did.
But something that we have to understand is that Vegas is just a broken soul.
His entire childhood was based on abuse and neglect. He never once received any type of love or affection from his father.
The same can be said for Macau.
The difference is that Vegas has it harder than his little brother because he's the leader, the heir of the minor family, meaning Kan expects a ton from him.
All the pressure, all the stress, and everything else he has to deal with isn't easy.
The only freaking reason he acts the way he does is because of his freaking father.
His father turned him into this.
As a sigh escaped my lips I looked at Pravat and Tankhun to see their reactions.
Pravat was staring at me with wide eyes, as if he couldn't believe everything that was just said.
Tankhun was in the same boat as him, his eyes showing nothing but shock and horror.
Which I don't blame him considering he never expected something like this.
"It all makes sense now" Tankhun breathed out.
I raised an eyebrow at him as did Pravat and Ruby.
"What do you mean?" Ruby asked, confused.
"I remember one time Vegas and uncle Kan had come over for a visit. Uncle Kan and papa were talking and so were Vegas and Kinn. I was just watching them when I noticed a bruise on Vegas's cheek, a nasty one. I walked up to Vegas when Kinn left to use the bathroom and asked him about it. He looked nervous, something I had never seen before, and he told me that he got into a fight with some guy. I didn't believe him but I didn't want to pry so I just let it go" Tankhun explained.
My boyfriend clasped his hands together and I could see tears beginning to build up in his eyes.
"I should've known that it had something to do with uncle Kan. Especially when Vegas glanced in his direction when he told me the fake story about his bruise" Tankhun sighed.
He let out a laugh before grabbing something and throwing it to the wall angrily.
Pravat, Ruby and I flinched at that since it was unexpected.
Tankhun then buried his face into his hands and let out a loud yell.
Pravat and Ruby stared at him in worry while I sighed and stared at him in understanding and sadness.
I know why he feels this way.
He's guilty.
Because he never knew about this, him nor his brothers knew about this, because he was oblivious to everything.
He's never gotten along with Vegas and he's always judged him just because of the way he acts, especially towards Kinn.
But now he knows the truth about why Vegas acts the way he does.
He knows the truth about what goes on in the minor family.
And he blames himself for not being there for Vegas and Macau.
I scooted closer to my boyfriend and wrapped my arms around him, resting my cheek on his shoulder.
"Darling, don't blame yourself. This isn't your fault. You didn't know" I whispered.
Tankhun sighed and removed his hands from his face and looked at me.
I frowned at the tears sliding down his cheeks and gently wiped them away.
Tankhun allowed a faint smile to appear on his face because of that but it quickly went away.
"I knew my uncle was a terrible person but I thought he was a good father. Or at the very least a decent father" Tankhun frowned.
I refrained myself from laughing at that.
"Please, Kan is nothing but a piece of shit" I rolled my eyes.
"Amen" Pravat and Ruby said in unison.
The two of them looked at each other, clearly surprised, before looking away.
A blush covered both of their faces but Pravat had a small grin on his face.
Yeah, I'll definitely have to talk to both of them later.
I felt a hand on top of mine and looked to see Tankhun.
"Thank you for telling us the truth. As hard as it was, we needed to know. I needed to know" Tankhun softly said.
I smiled softly at him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders.
I leaned in to kiss him softly on the cheek.
"Of course, darling" I nodded.
Tankhun smiled at me before wincing as he looked at Ruby.
"Sorry for throwing whatever I did. If it broke I promise to pay for it" Tankhun said.
Ruby laughed and shook her head at him.
"No worries, it wasn't anything important and it didn't break. You're fine" Ruby reassured him.
Tankhun nodded his head and offered her a small smile.
I smiled at my friend and my boyfriend before clasping my hands together, gaining all of their attention.
"Well, now that that's out of the way. The four of us need to start planning" I reminded them.
Their eyes widened in realization.
"I agree. We need to start preparing for that rat's arrival" Pravat nodded.
The three of us looked at him with raised eyebrows.
"The rat? Really" Ruby asked in amusement.
"Well, yeah. What else are we going to call him?" Pravat asked, shrugging his shoulders.
We looked at each other and just shrugged our shoulders since we couldn't come up with anything.
And we had to agree that calling Tawan the rat is the right thing.
It's just what he is.
Especially since he did nothing but cause problems when he arrived.
"Either way, we have to start preparing for his arrival. Especially if he's going to try and make the others see Porsche as a traitor" Tankhun said.
"Well lets share whatever ideas we have so we can put our plan into motion" I sternly said.
The others nodded.
And just like that we were sharing the ideas we had that could help put our plan into motion.
After all, we have to be ready.
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