Chapter Forty-Seven: Planning
Liam's Pov
That's what I was feeling right now and let me tell you why.
Since it was Tankhun and I that were kidnapped and injured, with Tankhun being the one to get shot, we're the ones that have to be in recovery.
Meaning, we need to stay at the compound all day and rest.
Now, that isn't an issue for my boyfriend since he's spent his entire life in the compound.
Me on the other hand, I don't like it.
I don't want to spend my entire time in the compound. I don't want to do nothing.
I get that I need rest after everything that happened but I'm not the one that was shot.
I don't need care 24/7 but Porsche and Chay, along with Kinn and his father, believe otherwise.
Meaning, I am basically on house arrest until I've been fully cleared.
Which sucks because I'm going to be missing out on all the action.
From what Pravat told me there have been gangs that are beginning to rebel because they heard from an unknown source that Tankhun was injured and in recovery.
And they heard that Kinn has been taking care of him while also trying to maintain his mafia duties.
Since he's under stress other gangs have been using that to their advantage and sending their people in our territory.
Kinn, along with Chan, have ordered for some of the bodyguards to go undercover in the casino.
Those include Porsche, Pete, Big and Pravat.
I honestly tried my best to convince Kinn and Chan that I was more than capable of going but they refused.
Porsche even sided with them and said that if I didn't get my ass in bed and rest he would handcuff me to the headboard.
And one thing I've learned is that Porsche is serious when he makes those kinds of threats.
So, while I stayed in my room those four went to the casino to complete their mission.
"Never thought the day would come where I'd be jealous of Pravat" I muttered.
Chay chuckled and closed his book as he looked down at me.
Chay was currently hanging with me in mine and Pravat's room since he finished his homework.
Well, he and Macau finished their homework together since they had been facetiming and decided to work on it together.
Since he was done with homework he decided to come visit me and keep me company.
Which I was grateful for.
Considering Porsche and Pravat were on their mission and Tankhun was in his room sleeping.
I really wanted to see him but I knew I couldn't, not when there's a high chance we could get caught.
And we don't want our relationship to be out in the open. Not yet.
"I know it's not fun staying in your room all day but you need to rest" Chay reminded me.
"I know. I know" I muttered.
"Relax, hia. I'm sure you'll be cleared soon and you'll get back to work soon" Chay smiled.
"I hope so" I sighed.
Chay smiled down at me before leaning down to give my forehead a kiss.
I smiled softly at him and reached my hand up in order to ruffle his hair.
"Want to watch some funny videos I found on YouTube?" Chay asked.
"Do you need to ask twice?" I asked with a grin.
Chay grinned back at me before taking his phone out to find a video for us to watch.
Well, if I can't have my boyfriend at the moment at least I have my adorable little brother with me.
The Next Day
I honestly am not sure if I should feel annoyed or not.
Why do I say this?
Because today is the day Porsche is going to Vegas's place because he requested for him to be his assistant.
Actually, from what Porsche told me, Vegas wanted both of us but since I still needed to recover he asked for just Porsche.
Kinn tried to reject his offer but his father believed it would be the best for Porsche, to have him experience other opportunities, and we all know that Kinn would never go against his father.
So, today is the day that Porsche heads over to the minor family home.
But he won't be going alone, which is a relief.
Pete, Pol and Arm are going with him.
Pravat told me that he was offered to go if he wanted, given he didn't really have any tasks at the moment, but he declined.
So, while those four are going to be at the minor family home I am going to be here.
Which honestly isn't that bad.
Because this means that Pravat, Tankhun and I can start planning our next move.
And we need to do that alone without anyone bothering us.
And since the others are going to be busy, this is our chance.
Right now Pravat and I are sneaking out of our room to head into Tankhun's.
Some of the bodyguards were either on break or training with Chan while Korn is resting in his room.
Kinn is going to be busy with work after Tankhun reassured him that he would be fine and didn't need to constantly look after him.
Chay is with Macau, the two of them made plans to go to the movies after school so there's no need to worry there.
"Are you sure we won't be caught? What if someone comes to check on me?" I asked.
"Relax, nobody is coming to check on you. Korn is asleep and Chan is busy with the others" Pravat said.
"What if they send a doctor to check on me?" I asked.
"They won't. Today the doctors have a day off so you're fine" Pravat reassured me.
I sighed but nodded my head.
The two of us made our way down the hall while glancing around a few times to make sure nobody was near.
It took a while but we finally made it to my boyfriends room.
Pravat glanced around before knocking on the door as quietly as he could.
Not even a second later the door opened to reveal a relieved Tankhun.
"Finally. Come in, come in" Tankhun ushered us inside.
The two of us made our way inside as Tankhun hurriedly shut his door while making sure to lock it.
Pravat made his way to one of the chairs to sit down. I followed after him only for Tankhun to grab my arm and spin me around.
Before I could ever say anything he cupped the sides of my face with his hands before smashing his lips onto mine.
My lips formed into a grin and I didn't hesitate to kiss him back while wrapping my arms around his waist.
We pulled away from the kiss in order to catch our breaths.
When we calmed down we smiled at each other, nothing but adoration in our eyes.
"Oh you don't know how much I've missed you" Tankhun sighed.
"Me too. I hate that we have to be secretive but it's for the best, at least for right now" I softly said.
I want nothing more than to show off my boyfriend to not just everyone in the compound but to the entire world.
But I can't.
We both agreed that our relationship will be kept a secret until we're both ready.
It sucks, yes, but like I said it's for the best.
"We just have to hang in there, honey" Tankhun softly said.
"I know, darling. I know" I nodded.
I leaned in to give his forehead a peck to which my boyfriend smiled at me and I smiled back at him.
We leaned forward, ready to kiss each other once more, when we heard a throat being cleared.
We turned around to see Pravat glaring at us with his arms crossed over his chest.
"You do realize you're not alone, right?" Pravat sarcastically asked.
Oh, right.
We forgot about him.
Well, at least now I know how my parents felt whenever they kissed in front of me and I interrupted them.
Tankhun rolled his eyes while I laughed and shook my head in amusement.
"Alright, lets get down to business" I smiled.
I wrapped my arm around my boyfriends waist and led him over to the couch so we could sit down.
Once we sat down we turned to Pravat, who turned to us, and got right into it
"So, we already know that Tawan is going to appear soon so we have to be ready for that" Tankhun said.
"Agreed. We need to keep our eyes on him 24/7" I nodded.
Pravat nodded as he uncrossed his arms and let them fall to his sides.
"I have to be honest, I never really liked him let alone trusted him when he and Mr. Kinn were together. He gave me a bad vibe" Pravat explained.
"Me neither. But I saw how happy Kinn was with him and I didn't want to ruin it so I didn't say anything" Tankhun sighed.
I leaned in to give him a comforting kiss on the cheek to which he smiled at me.
He was just thinking about his brothers happiness and decided to push away whatever he felt towards Tawan for Kinn's sake.
That's understandable.
After all, I had been in his position before and it was with Jack.
But that's going to be a story for another time.
"Liam, is there anything else you want to tell us? Anything that might be important?" Pravat asked.
I thought about it for a few seconds before answering.
"Well, this isn't really important. Or at least something that will put us in danger. But Kinn and Porsche have feelings for each other and are soon going to be in a relationship, in secret of course" I explained.
I might as well get that out of the way while I still can.
Plus they were bound to find out one way or another.
I looked at Tankhun and Pravat and saw that neither of them were surprised.
Tankhun looked smug while Pravat looked upset.
"Damn" Pravat sighed, running a hand through his hair.
"I knew it. Pay up, asshole" Tankhun grinned, holding his hand out.
Pravat muttered something under his breath before taking out $30 from his pocket and handed it to my boyfriend.
I glanced between in confusion and surprise.
"Mind telling me what that was about?" I asked.
"We started noticing that something was going on between those two for a while now. Pravat thought that they were just hooking up without any attachments while I thought that it was more than that" Tankhun explained.
"So we made a bet. $30 if one of us was right and, as it turns out, Tankhun won" Pravat finished.
"I always knew I would win. It was just obvious" Tankhun grinned.
I laughed in amusement while shaking my head while Pravat rolled his eyes in annoyance.
This reminded me of how Jack and I found out about the bets people made at school to see if we'd ever become a couple.
Apparently, everyone thought that we would be something more because we've known each other since childhood.
And the fact that we were always together and doing everything together.
Honestly, Jack and I were disgusted by those rumors.
We were just best friends, brothers in all but blood, platonic soulmates.
And, no offense to Jack, but he's not really my type.
"Well, besides that, is there anything else we need to know?" Pravat asked.
"Kinn is going to be monitoring Porsche, and the others, during their time with Vegas. He's even going to storm over to the minor family home so he can get them back. And something happens over there that will push Kinn and Porsche together" I explained.
The reminder of what happened when Porsche was over at the minor family home is something I wish I could stop.
But I can't.
One, I can't freaking leave the damn compound since I'm on house arrest until I've been cleared.
Two, it's gonna have to happen in order for Kinn and Porsche to officially become a couple.
"Well, as long as nobody gets hurt or dies that's really all that matters" Pravat said.
"Agreed. So, lets just focus on Tawan and figure out what to do when he arrives" Tankhun said.
I nodded in agreement.
Because the second that rat makes his appearance, trouble is going to rise.
And I won't allow that rat to ruin my brothers happiness or anyone else's for that matter.
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