Chapter Eleven: A Talk With Brothers
Nobody's Pov
Jack sighed as he leaned his back against his seat in the car.
He hated what him and his best friend are about to do, but he couldn't really object.
After all, Liam is a stubborn little shit.
Their free period had ended but instead of going to their next class, they managed to sneak past the school security guard and left the school.
Jack is alot of things, but he's never really considered himself to be a bad boy.
And he's never been one to skip school.
His parents have always told him that school is always important and that he should never miss out on it.
So, why is he skipping school when he shouldn't be?
Oh, because his best idiot best friend practically threatened him into doing it.
Liam can be sweet and innocent, at times, but he's mostly sassy, sarcastic, smart and evil.
He's evil because he doesn't understand how scary he can be at times.
Not to mention the blackmail he uses on people is impressive. He holds lots of power just for that.
Although, Jack hates that he's been blackmailed into this.
Liam glances at his best friend and rolled his eyes, already knowing the looks on his face.
"Come on, Jackie! Lighten up!" Liam yelled.
Jack rolled his eyes and turned towards his best friend.
"I can't lighten up when we're literally ditching school" Jack glared at his best friend.
"Oh come on, it's not really ditching if school is nearly over" Liam rolled his eyes.
"Nearly over?! We legit have four more hours before school is over for the day!" Jack yelled in disbelief.
"Oh come on? Do you really want to spend the rest of the day at school instead of having fun?" Liam asked in disbelief.
"I'm pretty sure the purpose of school is to have an education" Jack huffed.
Liam huffed and took out the car keys from his pants pocket.
"You're a party pooper" Liam said.
Jack glared at him and smacked him upside the head, earning a yelp from him.
"I'm not a party pooper. I just value my education and my life" Jack argued.
"Oh come on, break the rules for once in your life. Skipping school is not a crime" Liam argued back.
"It will be when my mom finds out and beats my ass. You know how she is" Jack gritted his teeth.
There's only two people that scare Jack.
Liam and his mom.
His mom because she gave birth to him, raised him and did everything for him while growing up.
She loves him and he loves her, but the second he disobeys her or talks back to her, he's dead within a heartbeat.
Liam...there's not much to explain for him.
Especially when his best friend is an angel on the outside but the devil both inside and outside.
"Oh come on, Mrs. Baker isn't going to find out. Just as long as you keep your mouth shut, we'll be fine" Liam said.
"That's easy for you to say. You've been lying since you were five" Jack sarcastically said.
"Got that right" Liam proudly smirked.
Jack couldn't help but snort.
Liam is exactly like his father, Lincoln Santiago.
He mostly has his mother's features but his personality is all his father, that's for sure.
"Look, Jack, I know you hate skipping school and breaking the rules, but please do this for me. Just this once" Liam softly said.
Jack frowned, turning his head around to face his best friend.
"Can you at least tell me why we're doing this in the first place? You've never wanted to skip school before" Jack asked.
Liam sighed as he looked down at his hands.
"I just want to do something fun. It's only been a week since everything happened and I just feel dull. I just want to be happy again. And, well, I thought skipping school would be help" Liam explained.
During his explanation, Jack couldn't help but frown.
His eyes softened and he let out a soft sigh, realization coursing through him.
Liam is doing this not only because he wants to do something fun, but he's still mourning the death of his parents.
It's only been a week since the deaths of Stella and Lincoln Santiago and Liam misses them more than anything and Jack can't blame him.
His parents were the best parents to Liam, they loved him and supported him in everything and now they're gone.
After their death and the funeral Liam hasn't really been himself.
Jack can tell. After all, he's his best friend, his brother and platonic soulmate.
He knows that he'll get in trouble for ditching school, they both would, but right now he couldn't bring himself to care.
He wants his best friend to smile and laugh again. No more fake being fine, fake smiles or fake laughs.
He wants genuine smiles and laughs and if this is the way to get that, he'll gladly do it.
"Alright, buddy. Let's do it" Jack softly said.
"Really?" Liam asked, his eyes shining brightly.
"Just put in the address of wherever you want to go and I'll get us there soon" Jack grinned.
Liam, for the first time in a while, let out a loud and happy squeal before throwing himself into Jack's arms.
Jack let out a groan before hugging him back.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best!" Liam yelled, beaming in delight.
Jack smiled softly and leaned down to place a gentle kiss to his head.
"Remember what I told you? I'd do anything for you and I meant that" Jack softly said.
And when he makes a promise, especially to Liam, he keeps it.
Flashback Ends
Liam's Pov
That memory always holds a special place in my heart.
Jack knew that he would get in trouble for ditching school, we both would, but at the end of the day he agreed to tag along.
He knew that I wasn't the same after what happened to my parents and all I wanted was to try and let loose and have fun again.
Jack wanted to see me smile and laugh again. No fakes, real genuine smiles and laughs.
Yes, we ended up getting grounded for three weeks, but it was honestly worth it.
Because that day actually got me smiling and laughing again, something I had trouble with after the death of my parents.
Jack has always been looking out for me and I'll always be grateful for that.
Now, it's time for me to follow in his footsteps and be there for Porsche and Chay.
Which is why I need them to understand why this is the best situation for the three of us.
After everything that went down with Kinn and his bodyguards back at the bar, I've been less tense and more calm.
Kinn told me that he would talk to his father when he returns home and see if he'll allow Chay to tag along with us.
I gave him my number and told him to call me when his father gave him his answer.
After we shook hands, sealing the deal, him and his bodyguards left.
Porsche was, still is, upset at my decision but I have no regrets.
Chay doesn't deserve to be left in the dark and he sure as hell doesn't deserve to be left alone.
I love that Porsche is overprotective of both of us and just wants us to be safe, but lying and leaving our little brother alone isn't the way to do it.
Which is why when Kinn and his bodyguards were really gone, we went straight home to tell Chay the news.
Right now the three of us sat on the floor of the living room.
Porsche and I explained everything to Chay. From when we helped Kinn in the alleyway to now.
To say he was feeling many emotions would be an understatement.
"Wait. So, you're telling me that you two helped Mr. Kinn, a mafia boss, by beating up some thugs that tried to kill him and today he showed up at your job and demanded you be his bodyguards?" Chay asked.
"Yes" Porsche deadpanned.
"And you agreed, only if I can tag along with you?" Chay asked, looking at me.
"Yes" I nodded.
Chay stared at us, blinking a few times, trying to process everything that was being said.
"You're not shitting with me, right?" Chay asked.
"Language!" Porsche scolded.
Chay rolled his eyes while I snorted and shook my head.
"No, Chay. We're not shitting with you. I promise" I said.
"Wait, is that why you came home late that day you guys helped Kinn?" Chay asked.
"Yeah. I took him somewhere safe and left after that. I didn't go home right away and just decided to get some pizza" I shrugged.
Chay sighed before running a hand through his hair.
This is obviously alot for him to process and I can't blame him if he gets mad or something.
"Why didn't you guys tell me?" Chay asked.
"We didn't tell you because it didn't seem important. We thought that after helping the asshole he'd leave us alone" Porsche sighed.
Trust me, the way we took down those thugs, no way Kinn or his father would leave us alone.
For different reasons.
Kinn because he's feeling something for Porsche, which is love, but he doesn't know it yet. And neither does Porsche.
And his father won't leave us alone because he plans to use us as pawns for his stupid game of chess.
I'm definitely not going to let that happen.
Especially with all the knowledge I know.
"And yet, here we are" Chay sarcastically said.
"We didn't know he'd show up at Hum's bar. Hell, we didn't even know he knew about our job. He was just there when we arrived and so were his stupid bodyguards" Porsche huffed.
Chay sighed as he turned to look at me.
"Why did you agree to be his bodyguard?" Chay asked.
"More importantly, why did you tell him you wanted Chay to come with us?" Porsche asked.
I sighed and leaned back slightly, shoving my hands into my pockets.
"Because people like Kinn won't leave us alone, let alone take no for an answer. He saw how Porsche and I fought off those thugs, he obviously sees that we're skilled and that's the type of bodyguard he wants" I explained.
Not to mention I want to be able to get into the house, or compound, so I can meet the other characters.
I want to meet Arm, Pol, Pete, Big, Chan and everyone else.
I want Porsche and Kinn to fall in love like they're supposed to, but without the trauma.
That's where I'll have to intervene, just not now.
And more importantly, I need to be inside the damn compound in order to rescue Nampheung and get her out.
I hate that I can't get her out now, but the time will come, very soon.
"It doesn't matter. We're not going to accept his offer no matter what his father says" Porsche scoffed.
"Hia..." I trailed off.
"No, Liam. Don't you understand the trouble we'll get into when joining the mafia life? Do you really want to live a life like that?" Porsche asked.
"I understand the dangers, believe me, I do. But, hia, do you really want to continue living like this?" I asked.
"As far as I'm concerned we're living just fine ever since we kicked out our uncle and you got yourself a second job" Porsche argued.
"But that still won't be enough. Chay's tuition fees might be paid but what happens when he gets into college? That's going to be even harder and you know it. And what about food and water and clothes? Huh?" I argued back.
"I'll get another job like you" Porsche weakly said.
I shook my head in exasperation.
Porsche opened his mouth to say something when Chay spoke first.
"Hia..." Chay trailed off, his eyes meeting mine.
"Yes, nong?" I asked.
"If Mr. Kinn calls or texts you and tells you that his father is letting me tag along, tell him I agree and that we'll be there first thing tomorrow morning" Chay said.
That certainly wasn't what I was expecting...
I honestly believed that Chay would be against the idea, scared of associating with the mafia and beg me to decline to the offer.
Yet, here is, telling me to agree to Kinn's offer and that he'll tag along with Porsche and I.
"Chay!" Porsche yelled, looking shocked.
"Hia!" Chay yelled back, looking a little annoyed.
I snorted slightly at that, he's sassy alright.
"Chay, do you realize what we'll be getting ourselves into if we involve ourselves with the mafia?" Porsche asked.
"I do, trust me. But Liam's right" Chay spoke.
"I'm known to always be right" I grinned proudly.
I yelped in surprise when Porsche smacked me upside the head, causing me to glare at him.
Porsche glared back at me while Chay sighed and rolled his eyes in exasperation.
"As I was saying, we can't keep living like this. My tuition fees might be paid but when I get into college it'll get worse. College is more expensive and we also have food, water and clothes to think about" Chay explained.
"I-" Porsche started but was cut off.
"Hia, I know you want us to be safe and I'm touched that you're always looking out for us" Chay softly said.
He scooted closer to his side and gently took his hand into his.
"But, you have to understand that our lives have to change, and maybe this job won't be so bad" Chay softly said.
Oh, if only he knew...
"But we need to start thinking about ourselves as well as our future. The three of us need to start fresh" Chay finished.
Indeed we do.
Joining the Theerapanyakun family is the best way to get this fresh start.
Porsche stared at our little brother, trying his best to contain his tears, not wanting to show his weakness.
He gently squeezed Chay's hand before turning to me.
"What about our house? Are we just going to abandon it?" Porsche asked.
"I'd never abandon this house. It's the only thing we have left of our parents" I softly said.
"So what do we do?" Porsche asked.
"We can as Tem and Jom if they would be willing to live here, looking after our home while we're gone" I suggested.
Tem and Jom are great and trustworthy friends of ours, so of course I'd trust them to look after our home.
Porsche seemed to think about it, almost agreeing to the idea, before sighing.
"Are you two absolutely sure you want to do this? It's going to be different than what we're normal used to" Porsche asked.
Chay softly smiled at him and nodded.
"I'm ready for whatever new challenges we have to face in our life" Chay softly said.
I nodded and scooted closer to my brothers, placing my hands on top of theirs.
"Besides, we could use some action and suspense in our lives, don't you think?" I jokingly asked.
The earned two amused laughs as they both fondly shook their heads at me.
Finally, Porsche accepted defeat and let out a sigh, his lips forming a small smile.
"Alright. It looks like we're really doing this" Porsche softly said.
"Yes, we are" Chay frowned, looking slightly nervous.
I sighed and wrapped my arms around both of their shoulders, causing them to look at me.
"No matter what happens, no matter what we go through, let's promise to always be there for each other. Always" I confidently spoke.
"Agreed" Porsche nodded, smiling.
"Deal" Chay grinned, beaming in delight.
The three of us laughed, sharing smiles with each other before engulfing each other in a nice brother hug.
This is it...this is really it...
I'm ready to protect my brothers from everything and everyone bad.
I'm ready to start my plan to ensure they get their happy endings.
Nothing nor nobody is going to stop me from achieving that goal.
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