Part Ten
"Good morning Naruto." Shikamaru said, sitting down beside the half awake Blonde. Naruto yawned and looked up at Shikamaru. "Good morning~~" Naruto said, smileing softly. Shikamaru smirked and bent over and kissed Naruto on the lips softly before getting up and walking to the bathroom.
Naruto sighed heavily and sat up, tired as fuck. “ We have school today don't we?" Naruto asked, rubbing his eyes. "Yea. Don't worry you can pick anything you want to wear." The Nara said, sticking his head out of the bathroom. Naruto nodded and got up to get dressed.
"I love you Shika." Naruto-said, his head on Shikamarus shoulder. "I love you too short stuff." Replied Shikamaru, kissing Naruto on the cheek. Naruto giggled and smiled, finally feeling happy for the first time in months.
"Alright class. Your dismissed," Kaskaskia said to his class. "Naruto, please come here." Kakashi said, looking at the blonde hair boy. Naruto's head shot up and quickly walked over his math teacher.
"Yes Kakashi sensei?" Asked Naruto. " How are you doing? You look a lot happier." Asked the silver hair man. "Oh! I'm doing fine! I've been staying with Shika!" Naruto said, beaming. Kakashi smile from under his mask and nodded. "That's good to hear. You go on now, don't want Shikamaru waiting." Said Kakashi. "OH! You're right," Naruto said, rushing to the door. "Also Kashi sensei," Kakashi looked up at the blonde. "Have a great day! Bye and thank you!!" With that, Naruto left. Kakashi had a huge smile on his face. I love that kid.
What were you thinking?!! Thought Shikamaru, hating himself. Why did I do it?!! Shikamaru looked over at the dark hair boy, laying beside him. I can't let Naruto know. Thought the Nara, standing up and, going to the bathroom.
" Hey sexy~." A voice said behinds him. Shikamarus jerked and looked behind him. " Sasuke. This was a mistake." Shikamaru said, turning around, and leaned on the bathroom sink counter. Sasuke smirked. "I'll tell Naruto." He sneered, pinning Shikamaru against the white wall. "Get the fuck off." Shikamaru said calmly, pushing Sasuke off. Sasuke, locked his lip's on Shikamarus and grabbed his ass. 'S-Tomp! Gm-Gmt ouf' mi!" Mumbled Shikamaru, Sasuke, licking Shikamarus teeth for entrance. He refused so Sasuke grabbed shikamarus ass again and stuck his finger in his butt, making Shikamaru open his mouth to sqeal. Sasuke quickly shoved his tongue in his mouth. "G-" Shikamaru was trying to say till Sasuke, banged the Naras head in the wall super Fucking hard. Making Shikamaru go dizzy and passed out.
Shikamaru woke up to seeing him on his bed, only his red boxer's on. He tried to move his hand but it was stuck, he could feel a rope on his hands. He looked up and saw his hands were tied up to the top of the bed. "The hell?" Shikamaru said, struggling to move his hands. "Ah. Your awake. Good." Smiled Sasuke, wearing a black suit. " Untie me. Now!" Shikamaru said, his voice full of anger and fear. Sasuke laughed and shook his head, getting on top of Shikamaru. "Naruto won't be happy when he sees this. Will he?" Sasuke asked, tilting his head. Shikamaru saw he was pulling out his phone. "W-" Then Sasuke shoved a towel in Shikamarus most. "GRMMUGHHFFUBKYWUUUPICFOFSHWIT!!" Shikamaru yelled, his voice muffled. Sasuke laughed and then video chatted Naruto. "Hey! You should come over! I have a special someone here you might want to see~" Sasuke said, smirking evily.
"Who is it?? Can I see??" Naruto curiosily asked. “Sureee~" He laughed, slowly turning the phone around to Shikamaru.
“SHIKA!?! LET HIM GO!" Naruto yelled through the phone, his eyes getting teary. “ Come over and then I'll let him be. BUT the longer you take, the more rougher I get with little Shika here.~~” Sasuke said, looking down at the terrified Shikamaru. “ SHIKA HANG ON I'M COMING!” Yelled Naruto, quickly hanging up.
" Let's play~”
Why today?! Why him.... Why. Naruto thought to himself, sprinting to Sasuke's house. Hurry Naruto!!! Shikas counting on you. A voice said. Naruto spun around swiftly to see Kakashi.
“AH!" Naruto gasped when he saw his teacher. “ I here to help. Now let's go." The older man said. Naruto nodded a d started running.
Sasuke grabbed shikamarus leg's and put them high above his head. "MNO!!" Shikamaru cried out, trying to move. Sasuke slapped his ass again but ten times harder. " NUGHWS!" Yelped the Nara, praying that Naruto hurrys. Sasuke shoved his member inside Shikamaru, making the Nara, yelp, big hot tears, falling down him face. Help me Naruto..
"SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT!!" Naruto, yelled, sprinting while limping. "DAMNIT!!!" He snarled, stumbleing. "Naruto. Calm down!" Kakashi ordered, looking at the frustrated Blonde. If he hadn't tripped over the huge Fucking rock, they could of made it there faster. " We're here!" Naruto said through gritted teeth. They were at a huge house. No NVM a hug mansion. They could here what sounded like Muffled sobs and screams of pain. Followed by a loud slapped nosie and smacking. Naruto's gut twisted. Kakashi felt sick. Naruto ran and kicked the door down.
“ Finally our guest has arrived!" Sasuke said, pulling out of Shikamaru and layed him back on his back. They heard loud footsteps going up stairs and stop. Sasuke slowly got on top of Shikamaru and put the Naras member inside him. "This'll be fun." Smirked Sasuke, riding Shikamaru.
"Hi many stops does this have?" Asked Naruto, his leg bleeding. Kakashi shrugged.
They heard a bed creaking and looked at each other. They both nodded and sprinted up the stairs to a black and white hallway. There were five doors on each side on the hallway. They each checked one out till Kakashi found and balck door with the words " The special room".
" That's the room tats Shikamaru is in." Kakashi whispered to Naruto. Naruto nodded and took a deep breath. He swiftly walked over to the door and kicked it down. It was as if he had a new kind 9f power inside him. His eeys were filled with hate, and revenge. Along with fear.
They saw Sasuke rubbing Shikamarus member and smirking at them. Kakashi wanted to punch that duckbutts smirk off his face and just pound his face in. "Well well. I'm so glad you could make it. Also you brought a friend! How nice." Sasuke said, getting up and put on his pants and a shirt. "Give us Shikamaru." Naruto said, his voice suddenly changed. It wasn't the raspy voice but a deeper, darker voice. " Hmmmm. No."
Naruto had Sasuke on the ground in about five seconds. " Kakashi! Great Shikamaru and grabbed out of here!" Naruto yelled, pinning Sasuke. Kakashi nodded and tan over to the tied up Nara a d grabbed a near by robe and quickly put it on Shikamaru. Then looked over at Naruto and ran downstairs stairs, with Shikamaru in his arms.
" I will like you if you ever touch my Nara again. You understand me Sasuke!?" Naruto said, his blue eyes lit with fury. Sasuke scoffed and nodded. Naruto turned Sasuke over and punched him in the face a few times, leaving his knuckles busted and bleeding. Then he got up and kicked Sasuke in the ribs, and back. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Naruto yelled, kicking harder. Then he grabbed Sasuke up by the shirt and threw him against the wall, punching him even more. After a while, he spit on the beat up Sasuke and left.
"Hey. You okay?" Kakashi asked as Naruto came out side. His eyes widened at the sight of Naruto.
His hands were bloody and busted. He had blood on his shoes and blood on his face. His blue eyes suddenly was a dark black blueish. " I'm fine." Naruto calmly replied, stareing at the weak Nara. " N... Naruto?" Shikamaru asked, looking up. Naruto bent down and hugged him. Then he got up and his Cold eyes glared at Kakashi. Kakashi stiffened at the teens glare. "Let's go." Naruto said, picking up Shikamaru and walked off.
" Hey. Naruto." Shikamaru said, holding Naruto's hand. "Yes?" Naruto said, looking over at his lover. "Why did you protect me from Sasuke five years ago?" He asked, not looking at Naruto. Naruto's eye's widen then closed them, grabbing shikamarus waist, and twisted him around to face him. Naruto opened his eyes and stared deeply into Shikamarus brown eyes. "Because. I love you." Naruto said, leaning down and kissed Shikamaru on the lips, ignoring everyone's stares at giggles. "That transfer student. " Shikamaru said as the kiss ended. "Hm?" Naruto asked. "Oh nothing!" He quickly replied. "I love you."
Yay I'm finally finished!
Hope you enjoyed!
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