|Part Five|
" It's Soo early!!" Whined Naruto, walking into the school with Shikamaru. "Stop complaining Naruto!" Sighed Shikamaru. As they walked down the hallway they saw a group of 3rd year's in a circle, yelling something. "Huh?" Said the blonde, tilting his head to the side. "Hey! What's going on?" Asked Naruto, running up to the group. One of the teens turned around and said, " The Uchiha and some other guy are fighting!" Naruto looked over at Shikamaru. "Great" sighed the Nara thinking:what a drag. Shikamaru and Naruto walked over and pushed their way near the middle of the circle of people. There they saw Sasuke on top of Choji, punching the shit out of him. Shikamaru gasped and basically threw himself onto Sasukes back and pulled him off of Choji. "Choji you alright?!" Asked the brunette, crouching down beside his friend. Choji nodded slightly. "Choji! Why were you and Sasuke fighting?" Naruto asked, also crouching down. " He called me fat...and cause he said that you were a loser and that you're useless." Choji explained, flinching every once and a while when he said certain words. "Let's get you to the nurse." Naruto said, helping Choji up.
(After a Choji went to the nurse)
"I really hate class." Complained Naruto, his hands on the back of his head. Shikamaru watched Naruto out of the corner of his eye. He loved the way Naruto always complains about something. "Welcome! Your late... AGAIN." Said a voice in front of the two teen's. Shikamaru snapped back into reality and looked at Kakashi. " Sorry sensei!" Naruto said, beaming. How could this kid be happy all the time? Thought Shikamaru. *Sigh* " How troublesome." Said the Nara. "Get in class and don't be late again." Kakashi said, his voice a little more serious. The two nodded and walked into class.
"Let's eat!" Said Naruto, skipping outside with a blue bag in his left hand and a water bottle in the other. "Why are you so excited all the time?" Asked Shikamaru, who was beside Naruto. Naruto shrugged while still skipping. Shikamaru sighed and nodded. "HEY Naruto! Hey Shikamaru!" Waved Rock Lee. Naruto waved back and started running over to him. "Naruto! Wait up!!" Yelled Shikamaru, running after the blonde. God I love him. Thought Shikamaru with a smile on his face. "Wha'ca smileing about Shika?" Asked Naruto who was sitting down on the grass, his back against the tree. "Oh nothing." Sighed Shikamaru, who was smileing on the inside.
After school, Naruto decided to walk home by himself. He would of loved to walk with the hot Nara but he wanted some time to think before he got home to his abusive mother. Hope she's alseep so I don't have to worry about getting hit. Thought Naruto, who self-consciously touched the cut in his chest that his mother gave him yesterday for not cleaning his room.
Naruto thought back to what Shika had asked Naruto at lunch today; 'why are you so excited all the time?' And Naruto just shrugged. He didn't really now how or why he's so happy. He should be sad, but he's not. Before he knew it he was in front of his house. He took a deep breath and walked up the steps and into the house. He looked around, hoping to not see his mother. But with his luck he saw her sitting in the gray sofa, drinking whine and watching TV. "Naruto. Come here." She said, not looking away from the TV. Reluctantly he walked over to her and said"yes?". She got up and slapped him in the face. Naruto yelped and fell on the ground, holding his face. "I HATE YOU!" she yelled, kicking him in the face, then in the stomach. Naruto coughed, blood falling out of his mouth. "Mom-*kick- Yelp* Stop i-*slap*-t. Plea-*punch- yell of pain*-se!." Naruto, lay on the wooden floor, coughing. The his mother grabbed a handful of hair and smashed his face on the ground. Naruto screamed in pain, sobbing. His mother smiled and pinned him on the floor and started punching him him even harder in the face.
After a while she got up and grabbed his hair again and dragged him into the basement where she got a wooden plank and beat his head and back with. Then she dropped the plank and walked over to a table where a few knife's were laying. She picked one up and walked back over to the beaten and bloody Naruto. She grabbed his throat and put the blade of the knife on his stomach. She looked him in the eyes and said. "It's all your fault that your father died. You piece of shit!" Then cut his stomach, deep but not to deep. Naruto screamed, tears falling down his face, his eyes wide open. Blood oozed down his stomach and onto the cold floor.
"Go and clean yourself up." His mother said, throw down Narutos Head on the cold hard floor, making Naruto Yelp. He layed there, half alive. After about two hours Naruto finally got up and slowly got up the stairs and clean himself up. He signed and walked into the kitchen and opened a drawer and pulled out a knife, knowing his mother didn't give a fuck if he does it or not he goes into the bathroom and shuts and locks the door, sits on the floor, his back against his bathtub he pulls up his sleeves and takes a deep breath and and closed his eyes. He moved the knife on his left wrist and slowly made deep cuts on his arms. Blood was all over his grey Short's and blue shirt. He sighed and cleaned himself again and took some sleeping pills then went to bed.
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