(19 | the fourth wall )
DECEMBER 31, 2017
June never had a problem with drugs, but she knew Zac once did. Which is why she promised herself she'd look after him the entire night. Every time she was stressed, she'd reach her hand into her backpack and squeeze her stress ball.
"Hey," Zendaya put her hand over June's as it was clutching said stress ball. "There's nothing to worry about. If anything, I should be squeezing that thing." June chuckled as she tossed Zendaya the ball, the tall girl immediately squishing it.
"We just gotta remember it's just a party," June zipped up her backpack and swung it over her shoulders. She was that person who brought the cute little backpack everywhere she went, it was like her signature trademark. "Parties aren't supposed to be stressful."
"You're right," Zendaya took a deep breath. "It's time we boss up," she unzipped June's backpack a little to slip in the stress ball. "There's no need to worry."
"How do I look?" Zac joined the conversation, coming out of the guest room wearing black pants and a nice black button up shirt. Zac took the guest room while Daya bunked with June, as always.
"Snazzy," Zendaya hopped up on a barstool, crossing her legs when she sat. She was dressed in a long red dress with see-through sleeves and a slit on the skirt part, along with white heels and a white headband pushing back baby hairs that weren't tucked in her bun. June was wearing a black pencil skirt, a white blouse tucked into it, black heels and a red bow tied into her low ponytail. Class was written all over the three, despite the fact that at least one of them would be throwing up later on that night.
"What she said," June licked her red lipstick coated lips.
Zac chuckled, playing with the ends of his sleeves. "Thanks. You two don't look too bad either."
The doorbell rang, making Zendaya jump, but it was the perfect interruption to June and Zac's almost awkward encounter. "I'll get it," June put her hand up, helping Zendaya's nerves. She walked over and opened the door with ease, Zac watching her every swift move.
"Ew," June sighed as she opened the door, her smile dropping. Of course, she was an actress, so she was only playing around, which only made the scene funnier. "It's grandma Holland, and he's brought a girl on each arm."
"At least I have the option of having girls on my arm," Tom Holland rolled his eyes. He was holding hands with his best friend, Jianna and with his best friend and maybe-something-more, Emma Brooke.
"Emma, Jianna," June changed her tone of voice and looked to each of the girls, also dressed up. "Nice to see you guys again, come on in."
Jianna walked in first, letting go of Tom's hand first to hug June and walk inside, almost immediately stopping in her tracks. "No one told me fucking Troy Bolton was here."
"Shit, really?" Emma let go of Tom too, ultimately pushing him aside and moving past June to see the man for herself. "Wow, you don't see this every day," Emma shook her head and chuckled.
"Hey, nice to meet you," Zac shook Jianna's hand before Emma's, June standing off to the side, laughing.
"Nice to see you again!" Emma almost immediately hugged June after. "It's been so long!"
"I know! I've missed you! This is way overdue!" June said.
"Hey." Jianna was next to hug June before making her way to a very happy Zendaya. June watched with a knowing smile but immediately tried to hide it. "Alright, let's get going! Everybody out of Casa la June Martin!"
THE PARTY WAS amazing, as every Los Angeles one was. Music was blasting, the hottest tracks from 2017 of course, and everyone had a red solo cup. June wasn't as worried as she was when she left the house, that's for sure. She was having a good time dancing and talking to friends.
"When are you going to ask her out?" Tom startled Zac as the smaller walked up next to him with a beer, knocking Zac out of his daydream.
"When are you going to ask out the redhead?" Zac bit back, raising his own solo cup to his lips without looking away from the girl dancing with Zendaya on the other side of the room.
"Emma?" Tom nervously laughed. "That's my co-star and my friend, so never."
"I didn't ask what she was to you, although it's obvious it's more." Zac turned to Tom once he saw a guy walking around with a camera, obviously recording.
Tom was quick to retort. "That's funny, priceless actually, coming from you."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Look at you, mate!" Tom exclaimed, drawing attention from people nearby for a second before he continued. "You're drooling over her, staring at her from across the room like she's the last piece of chicken on the plate. It's disgusting actually."
Zac was quiet for a moment. "I can't have her."
"Of course you can. And actually, you already do."
"What do you mean?"
Tom put a hand on Zac's shoulder. "You're just one of those couples. Like even when you're not a couple. You'll always be a couple."
Zac hummed. "Maybe you're right, Holland."
"I need the bathroom!" Jianna told Zendaya.
Zendaya nodded, then looked at June. "I'm going to walk this newbie to the bathroom!" she rolled her eyes softly.
June laughed. "Okay, be safe!" June and Emma continued to dance. "So, Emma, you and Tom." she teased once they were alone.
Emma blushed slightly. "What about it?"
June sighed. "Come on, he's been eye-fucking you all night! I wear glasses, but even that I could see clearly." she grabbed Emma's hands and they swayed to the beat of the music.
"Can we like talk about this later? I don't want anyone to hear what's coming out of your mouth right now." Emma pleaded.
"Is it so hard to accept that someone might like you?" June said. When Emma didn't answer, her mouth dropped open. "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry."
Emma shook her head. "No, you're fine. I mean, it's believable with some people, but why would Tom Holland of all people like me? This isn't fanfiction."
June shrugged. "You never know, some lonely girl might've come up with us as original characters for a fan fiction she wrote when she was bored and we're just living in an alternate universe. None of this could be real." she sighed as she spun Emma around.
"Now you have me confused, worried and second-guessing everything." the redhead said and June laughed.
"Oops!" another girl dancing bumped into the girls. "Sorry." she lingered.
"You're fine," Emma muttered and they started dancing again, but it wasn't long before the girl knocked into them again. "Are you drunk or something?"
The girl obviously was. She also had a red solo cup and she smelled of overpriced perfume along with vodka. She giggled. "Maybe a little. I'm Bella."
June rolled her eyes. "You've got to be kidding me. Leave us alone, Bella."
"Oh hey, June!" Bella laughed. "I was just trying to have some fun."
"Do me a favour and go crash someone else's night. You're really good at that, go do that over there." June pointed to the other side of the room.
Bella pouted and started touching June's arms. "Oh come on, I'm just here to have some fun. Remember all the fun we had?"
June refused to look at her, or anyone around her, in the eyes. "No, go away," she muttered and tried pushing her off of her, but her nails were digging into her forearms at this point.
"I can't hear you, June."
"I said go away," June said in a shaky voice.
Bella giggled. "Are you deaf or something?" Emma pushed Bella's shoulder. "She said go away and leave her alone."
"How about you go mind your own business?" Bella let go of one of June's arms and pushed Emma back.
"You just made it my business," Emma said through gritted teeth, pushing her back even harder. June didn't want them to fight, but it seemed she was paralyzed. Her feet were glued to the floor and her mouth was wired closed. She had physically shut down.
"You think you're tough shit." Bella pushed her with both hands, leaving June alone completely.
"At least I don't look like shit." Emma pushed her red hair behind her. Bella pushed her once more, knowing that's all it would take for Emma to snap. Emma punched her square in the jaw, and almost everyone in the room was paying attention now.
"Alright," Tom came and pulled Emma's arm slightly. "Let's get you out of here."
"Are you just going to let your friend--" Bella started.
"She said to leave her alone." Zac took a large step so he was standing directly in front of June. Bella shook her head, yelled a couple curse words at Zac and then left. "Are you okay? Sorry, I didn't show up sooner," he asked June as soon as he was sure Bella had left the room.
June nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."
Ultimately, Jianna, Zendaya, June, Zac, Emma and Tom had all left the party early, agreeing to watch fireworks from a park nearby. It had been a rough year, but they were all sure they would get through the next one. How could they not? They had each other.
not the tomdaya you asked for
but the tomdaya you're gonna get
btw idc if no one reads this but i
have to finish this book. i can't just
leave shit discontinued anymore
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