( 18 | movie night )
DECEMBER 30, 2018
June was more than happy to pick up her friends from LAX and take them around town. Zendaya and Zac planned to stay at a hotel since they'd only be there for a couple days, but every hotel nearby was booked. Eventually, Daya shut off her phone, whining to June about how much money they could save if they just stayed at June's apartment, to which June said, 'of course you guys can stay'.
"Okay, I'm going to go take a shower," Zendaya announced, pulling a towel from the closet in the hallway. Zac was sitting on one of the two stools seated on one side of the counter, barely looking up from his phone as Zendaya spoke.
"Okay, I guess I'll put on a movie," June shrugged, walking on the other side of the counter Zac was at. Zendaya nodded in response and walked off. Zendaya showered quick and June pulled up a random movie on Netflix. Zac fell asleep on the couch while Zendaya and June went to June's room where June let Daya borrow lotion and stuff for her hair since June had hair similar to hers.
"Are you weirded out?" Zendaya asked in a low voice, rubbing lotion on her hands. Her hair was in a towel and she had no makeup, this was a scene June was used to seeing.
"Why would I be?" June lay on her bed, playing with her nails.
Zendaya shrugged. "Don't know. It's just that," she stopped to briefly glance at the door, like Zac might be standing in the doorway, eavesdropping. "He's hanging out in your apartment."
June rolled her eyes. "We're friends now. We've worked out our shit."
"He's sleeping on your couch!"
June sat up, chuckling. "He's my friend!"
Zendaya hesitated. "I love him and all, he just better not break your heart. And vice versa!"
June was quick to come up with a response. "And shouldn't I be saying the same thing to Tom?"
Zendaya stopped rubbing her hands. "Tom?" her eyebrows furrowed. "Why would you?"
"Oh, he's just the guy you're into right now, right?" June's smile slowly faded, unsure why Zendaya looked so confused.
"Didn't Zac tell you?" Zendaya squeaked.
"Tell me what?" June was intrigued.
"I invited Tom, but I also invited his best friend, Jianna," Zendaya took the towel off her head and begun drying her hair with it, using the fabric as a distraction and a reason not to look June in the eye.
June had known from so many years of secret romances and stolen moments from girls she dated what it felt like to be hesitant to open up about those feelings. And who's to say Zendaya was feeling those feelings about this Jianna girl? Only Zendaya would know that.
June nodded. "Okay," was all she said, afraid to say anything else.
"And Tom invited one of our co-stars. You're one hundred percent allowed to tease them about dating and whatnot. Her name's Emma, you're gonna love her," Zendaya rambled.
"Sounds good!" June nodded. "Wait, I hope this isn't a triple date thing."
Zendaya immediately shook her head. "No, no, of course not."
Soon the two girls joined Zac on the couch, eventually settling on watching Creed. Zendaya took the single couch chair while June found a spot next to Zac. She had to place his head on her left thigh, but it was the only comfortable spot in the house. Zac eventually stirred, slowly rising.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty," June teased with a smile on her bare face. "Sleep well?"
Zac nodded. "Where the fuck am I?"
Zendaya laughed. "June's condo, dumbass."
"Oh. What are we watching?" he squinted at the screen.
"Creed. Just started," Zendaya filled him in.
"Creed?" Zac rubbed his right temple.
"Creed," June nodded. "2015. Michael B. Jordan. Sylvester Stallone. Truly iconic."
"Okay, movie nazi. Have you got water?"
"Fridge. Help yourself," June pointed to the fridge across the room. Once Zac got up, June and Zendaya immediately went on to discuss the time Zendaya got to meet Michael B. Jordan for a shoot.
"What's so special about him?" Zac sat back down, draping his right arm on the couch, briefly touching June, but neither one fussed about it.
"Look at him," June pointed to the TV, a shirtless Michael punching away on a bag.
Zac shook his head. "Still don't see it."
"Black don't crack," June sighed, turning her attention back to the TV while Zendaya nodded, looking up from her phone screen. Two seconds later the three burst out laughing.
"What's got you so intrigued over there?" Zac addressed Zendaya and her inability to turn off her phone.
"Yeah, Z. Something wrong?" June asked a little more seriously.
"Chill y'all. Just having a meme face off with Jianna," Zendaya chuckled.
"Ah," Zac nodded, June nodding along like two parents who knew their daughter was lying straight to their face but were going along with the lies anyways.
"Sounds trill," June added before turning up the volume on the movie they'd all eventually fall asleep to.
you cannot tell me these girls are all about to become bffs nuh uh i won't have it
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