( 06 | am i dreaming )
To say June was in shock, was a huge understatement.
She was about to watch her best friend perform trapeze stunts along with um - freaking Zac Efron. Not to mention Hugh Jackman was wandering around somewhere. June was definitely ecstatic.
She'd watched Zendaya body slam herself into Zac multiple times, but hey, she wasn't judging. She'd never be able to do the stuff Zendaya was doing.
"Excuse me, do I know you?" an accented voice cut June out of her thoughts. She'd been chewing on a granola bar one of the kind hands on set gave to her - and of course she didn't let him leave without having a wonderful conversation with him first about their lives and she thanked him and wished him happy holidays - so she looked up to meet the face of the accent with a mouth full of oatmeal and chocolate chips, and the cutest wide eyes.
June Martin was in a room with not one, but two of her celebrity crushes - the third was Leonardo Dicaprio or course.
But Zac Efron and Hugh Jackman? Her heart was about to jump out of her chest.
"Oh my God," she mumbled, mouth still full of food, making Hugh cock his head to the side a bit, still trying to decipher just who the brunette was. She looked down at her shirt, brushing away crumbs to find the name tag that was given that read, 'visitor! here with zendaya!'. It was rather adorable.
She pulled it up to show Hugh as she finished chewing on the food in her mouth. He squinted his eyes and leaned forward to read the paper badge, throwing his eyebrows up and shrugging when he figured it out.
"Awesome," he said, looking around the set once to see if he could find Zendaya anyways. His attention quickly returned back to June when he realized he didn't introduce himself.
"Oh, I'm Hugh Jackman," he smiled and outstretched his arm. June gulped. "I'm June Martin," she shook his hand and tried her best to give a normal smile, one that didn't say, 'Hi Hugh, I'm currently dying on the inside!'.
Another person cut into the conversation then. "Jackman, are you making moves on my girl? I called dibs," Zac pointed to himself, throwing his hips to the side in a sassy manner. Hugh blinked a couple times. "Dibs? What are you, twelve?" Hugh took a step toward Zac. June was confused.
"Yeah, on a scale of one to ten, and clearly she knows that," Zac motions his hand towards June.
Both men look at the girl. She licks her lips, hoping there's food on her face to distract her from the two men fighting. There was nothing, except two actors staring at her. "Love, I think you're going to have to choose," Hugh told her. "Excuse me?" she asked. "Yeah," Zac looked at Hugh, then at June, taking steps toward her. "You're going to have to choose between us,"
June blinked. "Am I dreaming?"
The boys shook their head no.
June blinked again. "Did Daya put you up to this?"
The boys shared a look, then chuckled. "Yeah she did," Zac admitted. June shook her head. "I was totally going to choose Hugh,"
Hugh laughed loudly in Zac's face. "Hah!"
"Can someone find Daya because we've got a scene to film!" Zac ignored his defeat and shouted, walking around in a circle, making stage hands nearby laugh, since they'd heard the whole conversation.
"Hey, I'm here!" Daya came out from the other side of the cement ring, dressed in a white top with red lacing and her hair messy and curly. Everyone stared, because even though she was meant to look horrible, she still looked amazing. June wished she could pull off every look Zendaya could.
Zac took steps back towards June. "This is what we wanted to show you. That it's possible to rewrite the stars,"
anyways, hope you
enjoyed june's fangirl
attack bc thats the dream
&& should i make zac a lil
bit younger than his real age?
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