( 05 | zendaya plays matchmaker )
June had just finished her chocolate protein shake - or a lame excuse for one - and grabbed her keys and was out the door, throwing her plastic cup away in the process. She was just eager to get to Zendaya's set already, looking forward to eating her snacks and watching her best friend do her thing while she got to relax.
She loved filming, and working on her show, but it was all so tiring and she was already planning her evening ahead of her. Hot bath? Duh. Spaghetti for one person? Of course. The tv in the living room of her apartment playing The Polar Express while she ate her woes away and worked on memorizing more scripts? A normal Friday night for June Martin.
She sat in her car, plugging her phone to the auxiliary cord. She sent Zendaya a quick text, and was happy when she responded almost automatically with the directions to the filming location, and June was well on her way.
After jamming out to NSYNC - way more than she should - the whole car ride to the building she was supposed to pull up at, June was feeling pretty joyful.
She was super glad Zendaya and her were currently filming near close locations. It had been a good month since the girls had seen each other.
She parked her car next to Zendaya's dressing bus and hopped out of her small Audi. She slipped her keys into her handbag before throwing the strap over her shoulder as she walked.
Her phone lit up in her hand - a notification from Zendaya. Come inside, it read. I'm waiting with the gang.
June didn't know who exactly the gang was, but she was excited nonetheless.
"Hey Darnell," June immediately greeted Darnell as she saw him. He returned the favor. "Oh my God June, it's been so long," he opened his arms to hug her. "I know, I'm sorry. I miss teaming up on Z with you," she pouted, Darnell nodding his head.
"I was about to head out - I'm starving since I haven't eaten worth a shit all day. Zendaya is on the other side, over there," Darnell pointed above a wall that was about as tall as June herself. She nodded.
"Okay, thanks," she hugged him again, saying goodbye. "We're in a groupchat for a reason, text me," she playfully slapped him. "I will," was the last thing he said before he disappeared out the door, leaving June alone.
She walked around the wall, which moved in a circular motion. It was pretty dark inside, and she was quick to notice the hoop hanging from the center of the ceiling. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, until she remembered Daya was playing a trapeze artist.
Sure enough, Daya was there, purple costume and all. June almost laughed then and there at the sight of seeing her in the costume, and noted the pink wig.
"Daya!" June chirped, making Zendaya cut a conversation off and turn around. Confusion was written all over her face, until she saw June. Then her smile grew.
"June!" she chirped back, taking two big steps to meet her friend. They hugged tightly, June's face lost in Zendaya's neck as she was a lot shorter than the model.
"I'm so glad you could come! There's someone here I'd like you to meet," she pinched her nose.
June scowled. "Daya, if it's not Hugh Jackman or..." she trailed off, seeing as Zendaya had stepped to the side, allowing June full access to a close up look at Zac Efron in his costume.
Her mouth dropped open in the slightest, just enough to get the air flow going. She'd needed it, seeing as she almost choked on the sight of Zac.
"Wow," he whispered to himself, barely audible, but both girls heard it. A very light pink shade rushed to June's cheeks, and she immediately felt herself get hot. Zac cleared his throat. "Ah, uh, I'm sorry," he took a couple steps forward to meet where Zendaya and June were standing. "It's just that you look so much more beautiful in person," he scratched the back of his neck with his hand. June was definitely hot now if she hadn't already been before.
He stuck out his hand. "Nice to meet you, June," his words rolled off his tongue. She gulped, but he didn't notice. She stuck out her hand to meet his, feeling goosebumps when they touched. "Nice to meet you too, Zac,"
Zendaya cleared her throat. "Alright guys, well I gotta go change for the next scene, which is going to be freaking awesome, so stick around June," she pointed to her friend, earning a chuckle from her. "Zac, keep my girl company and don't let anything bad happen to her," she eyebrow sharpened. June rolled her eyes.
"I wouldn't dream of it," he quipped before she stumbled away to a changing room, leaving the two alone together for the first time.
"Daya tells me you like dogs," he spoke up. She nodded. "Yeah, love them," he nodded at her response.
"Good, there's already another thing we have in common," he chuckled. June smiled, taking it all in.
She was having a real conversation with the man she'd been dreaming about since forever.
yay they met
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