Jin says nothing as he drives. And every single sentence Jungkook thinks to start a conversation with seem too stupid and naïve.
He braces a hand on the dash as Jin suddenly pulls over to the side of the road. For a moment, all is silent. Jungkook dares to look at him.
Jin screams. His hits the steering wheel with both hands and screams and screams. He chokes out a sob and thumps his head on the steering wheel.
Jungkook hovers a hand over the shaking back and wonders if it is okay. If Jin wants him here at all.
'Hyung. Tell me how I can help'
He hears Jin's breath hitch. When Jin finally straightens and looks at him, his eyes are shiny with tears.
Jin lunges forward, lips awkwardly catching Jungkook's and pushes him back against the passenger-side door.
Jungkook feels Jin's quick hands pull up his shirt and shivers when he feels Jin's fingers slide over his bare skin.
Jin is kissing him like he's drowning. Like Jungkook is the only thing between him and oblivion. Like maybe Jungkook can save him. It's okay. He can do this, if this is what Jin needs, Jungkook will give him everything.
Jin freezes and draws back.
Jin asks in a whisper and Jungkook realises he'd spoken aloud.
'Everything, hyung'
he promises without feeling any embarrassment.
Jin shifts back even further, and stares at him for a moment before dropping his head into his hands.
Jin scrubs at his face furiously
'I shouldn't do this. Shit. I'm sorry, JK. I didn't-'
Jungkook surges forward into Jin's space.
he whispers fiercely
'Don't take it back'
Jin stares up at him with wide eyes.
'This is what I want. Don't you dare take it back!'
Jin's face eases into a small smile.
'This is not what you want, Jungkook'
Jin tells him gently
Jungkook growls low in his throat, leans in and kisses him. Kisses him like he'd wanted to since that first day, like he'd dreamed for all the days until now. And now he's kissing Jin, who doesn’t push him away but kisses him back. Victory crows at the back of his mind.
'I know what I want, hyung'
He kisses the tip of Jin's nose.
'You're it'
Jin laughs.
'But I'm not ready for this Jungkook not when I'm afraid, not when I don't believe in love anymore after seeing my mother suffering I can't-'
Seokjin hiccups trying to stop the flowing tears
Jungkook looked at Seokjin nervously, he knew Seokjin was not ready for it but despite that he kissed Seokjin, Fuck, he needs to give Seokjin some time
' I-I'm sorry for ki-'
Jungkook stop when Seokjin looks at him and speaks
'Don't-You don't have to apologise Jungkook I need more time can you please give me that?'
Seokjin asked staring at Jungkook
'Of course I can hyung, it's your choice it's okay let's just be friends for now we'll figure this out later'
Jungkook smiled at Seokjin though it sting a little he understood Seokjin's point too and he would be with Seokjin as long as Seokjin would have him
'Yoongi might kill me'
Jungkook grins and runs his fingers through Jin's hair.
'No, he won't'
They end up getting coffee and cake at a tiny Italian café. Jin tells him that it is his favourite, and that the chocolate brownies are to die for.
Jungkook, who prior to this had lumped all chocolate related confectionaries into one indistinguishable pile, discovers that not all chocolate is made equal. And true to Jin’s word, the brownies are definitely better than anything he’d ever tasted in his life.
But mostly, he spends the whole time at the café staring at Jin, unable to believe his reality. Jin comments on it with amusement but Jungkook can’t help it. This is not a place he had thought he’d be. Here, having coffee and cake with the most perfect person he has ever met.
But as much as Jungkook would like to spend the rest of the day with Jin, he doesn’t want to get fired, so they head out after coffee and certainly because it was a bit awkward after Seokjin's idea of some more time.
'Got a new follower, have you?'
A voice calls out. Jungkook feels Jin tense beside him and realises the voice belongs to a man standing casually by the café door.
Dark hair and sharp face, the man looks vaguely familiar but Jungkook cannot place him.
'I wonder every time I see you with a new one, how long it'll last. What’s your name, newbie?' The man directs the question at him.
'Jungkook' he answers
'Who the fuck are you?'
The man smirks
'Amazing. Did you pick this one up from the streets?'
Jungkook bristles. Jin holds on to his hand.
'Leave it, JK. Lucas might try to talk you to death but really, he's harmless.'
The smirk on the man’s-Junki’s-face twists.
'Of course, I don’t have to lift a finger. The company you keep, Seokjin, is doing the job for me'
Lucas retorts and walks off towards a sleek black Ferrari parked outside. When Jungkook looks at Jin, he is taken aback by the distaste on Jin's face.
Jin turns to him.
'He reminds me too much of my father. Has the same fucking ideas. Same fucking tastes.'
Jungkook dares to reach for Jin's hand. Jin looks startles for a moment before breaking into a small smile.
'Let’s get you back before Yoongi decides to hunt me down for stealing you'
A/N- Well-:(
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