age of steel ; part one
Chapter Ten: Age of Steel
note: sam's eyes are brown.
BROWN, PUPPY DOG EYES. That's how she'd always described Sam. Soft, gentle, warm eyes and a dimpled smile. Wavy brown hair and big hugs. That's how Claudia would describe Sam.
And looking at the man in front of her, donning a familiar flannel shirt and jeans, that's exactly how she'd describe him now.
Her breath stopped when his voice sounded through the van. The door closed and there were more voices, and someone grabbed her hand. Who was that? She didn't know. She couldn't focus on them.
She could only see Sam, her twin brother. Her very best friend. Her other half. Completely alive, completely fine.
Her hands shook and she could feel pain in one of them, it hurt really badly -- hadn't she broken it? She couldn't remember -- and Sam looked over her face in confusion.
He didn't know why she was crying. How could he? He wasn't dead here. He hadn't given his life for hers and Dean, for the world. He didn't have to make a sacrifice here.
"What are you doing here? You should be at home, resting? Dia, who are these people?"
No one had called her that since Sam. Her breathing came out labored, tears gathering in her eyes and falling down her cheeks.
"Dia, hey," he moved forward now, and she felt the van moving. They were in a van. She'd forgotten. He grabbed her hands, taking them from the other person and she let out a light sob. "What's wrong, Claudia? Why're you crying?"
She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. This wasn't real. It couldn't be. She had to be dreaming. This wasn't real.
She tore her hand from his and pinched her arm. She felt it. But this couldn't be real, could it? She pinched again. And again. And again. He grabbed her hand.
"Dia, hey, shh, stop, don't do that. This is real life. You're in real life, okay. I need you to take deep breaths, okay?" That smile. That soft, sweet, dimpled smile of her sweet brother. He took a deep breath to show her, and let it out slowly. She nodded, doing the same, following his lead. Like she always had.
He'd always been the first to do things. He took their first steps, and she clambered on the floor after him, chasing her brother. He was the one to learn to read first, and liked to read to her when he could. They'd read in the blankets when Dean watched cartoons after the mac and cheese or frozen dinner he'd make. He'd read to her until she learned to read, and she'd start reading to him.
When they went to their first day of school, he'd grabbed her hand and led her into the big, scary building, Dean a few feet ahead of them, smiling encouragingly.
When they went on their first hunt, Sam shot first, smiling at her, and telling her she could do it. He'd salted the body first. She lit the match.
And even now, sat in this van, feeling so strangely out of place from everything else, he was the first to take a breath. He was helping her through this. He would always help her, even if it cost him his life.
After her third breath, focused on nothing but the softness in his chocolate eyes, the small, comforting smile on his lips, looking up at her with nothing but love and adoration. He was the only one in the world, until Castiel, to defend her every decision and stand by her no matter what. They'd hardly ever fought and when they had, they made up swiftly, or couldn't stand to be mad at each other.
It had always been the three of them against the world, and even more so, Sam and Claudia against everyone else.
Noise came back suddenly, taking over her thoughts. She could hear the Doctor's voice, feel his suit pants against her legs, and hear Pete Tyler talking to Mickey, or Ricky, she didn't look up to see which. She could feel the van moving under her and could see her peripherals again, though she didn't take her eyes from Sam.
"You're not my Claudia, are you?" Sam asked quietly, looking over her face. "You're from somewhere else."
Claudia nodded, looking down finally, eyes settling on their hands. He knew. Of course he knew. Just as desperately as she clung to him, willing him to be her Sam, he wasn't. And as much as she looked like his Claudia, she wasn't. But she couldn't bring it in herself to care that much.
He grabbed her face with his hands, stealing her gaze again. "Don't do that," he told her. "Don't block me out, Dia."
She nodded, tears threatening to spill again. Don't block me out. She didn't want to, she hadn't tried to. But it had been so long since she'd felt his presence, seen his face, heard his voice.
"Parallel universe?"
Claudia blinked in surprise and she felt the Doctor stiffen next to her.
"How'd you know that?" The Doctor asked him, a note of suspicion held to his voice.
"Cas talks about them."
Her heart clenched. Cas. They knew him. Had he heard her prayer? Was he still alive?
"Is he--"
"--He's fine," Sam smiled softly, face dropping. "We're all fine. But I get the feeling we're not where you're from, huh?"
Claudia shrugged, trying to avoid his eyes.
"Hey," he brushed his thumbs along her chin. "Stop that, we'll talk about what happened and I'll tell you it wasn't your fault, because whatever happened, it wasn't."
"Sorry," Ricky spoke up, looking between Claudia and Sam with a bewildered expression. Sam's hands dropped from her face and she noticed everyone from Sam's universe was giving them a strange look. "You're from -- you're from what?"
"Oh," Claudia narrowed her eyes. "Too much to explain, ask Sam after we leave."
Sam caught her eyes again and seemed to be telling her something with them. She knew that look, she'd only grown up with and seen it half a million times.
"I'm fine, Sammy."
He smiled again, sitting back on the van seat opposite her.
"What is that thing?" Ricky asked after Claudia had calmed down. She felt a tad embarrassed by her outburst, but another look at Sam had her feeling better. There was nothing to be embarrassed about. Her brother was alive and she was seeing him for the first time in a parallel universe since his incredibly traumatic death.
"Little bit of technology from my home," the Doctor answered, looking at the crystal.
"It's stopped glowing. Has it run out?" Mickey asked.
"It's on a revitalizing loop. It'll charge back up in about four hours," he leaned to Claudia. "Then we can go home," he whispered. A sinking feeling settled in her stomach, watching Sam's eyebrows tug together.
Back to a place without Sam.
"So we don't have a weapon anymore?" Ricky asked.
"Yeah, we've got weapons," the blonde man said. "Might not work on those metal things but they're good enough for men like him."
"Leave him alone!" Rose shouted. "What's he done wrong?"
"Oh, you know, just laid a trap that's wiped out the government and left Lumic in charge," the blonde one said.
"If I was part of all that, do you think I'd leave my wife inside?"
"Maybe your plan went wrong. Still gives us the right to execute you, though," Ricky said harshly, glaring at Pete.
"Hey, guys, stop, we're not executing anybody," Sam interjected. "That makes us just as bad as Lumic."
The Doctor glanced at Sam in surprise, as though not expecting that response, then said his own piece. "Talk about executions, you'll make me your enemy. And take some really good advice, you don't want to do that."
Sam smiled, exchanging an unbelieved look with Claudia, nodding to the Doctor. She nodded with a small smirk and a shrug. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the Doctor again, lips quirking down, nodding impressively.
"What was that?" Rose asked her from next to Pete, looking between her and Sam.
"Twin thing," they answered simultaneously, similar smiles on their faces. Claudia's heart felt like it would burst. He was so similar to her Sam. He was almost the same. They could still read each other's faces and practically the other's thoughts, and they could talk in unison -- maybe this world wasn't so bad.
The smile fell from her lips. But she couldn't stay here. She didn't belong here. Sam had his own Claudia, and she had her own Sam. And Cas. And Dean, and probably Mary and John, too. She had her own life and a full family. She didn't fit here.
"All the same," Ricky glared at Pete. "We have evidence that says Pete Tyler's been working for the Lumic since 20.5."
"Is that true?" Claudia heard Rose ask her father.
"Tell 'em, Mrs. M," Ricky said loudly to the driver, an older woman with a heavy accent.
"We've got a government mole who feeds us information," she explained to the group.
Claudia kept her eyes on Sam, her limbs heavy and eyelids weighted. She felt exhausted, like she'd just run a marathon. She knew it was the heavy emotional toll that now taxed her brain on seeing her twin brother very much alive.
"Lumic's private files, his South American operations, the lot. Secret broadcasts twice a week."
"Broadcasts from Gemini?" Pete asked.
Claudia smiled bitterly. He was the mole, of course he was.
"And how do you know that?" Ricky snarked.
"I'm Gemini! That's me!"
"Yeah, well, you would say that," Ricky glared at him. Sam sighed.
"It makes sense," he spoke up, looking at Pete warily before his eyes met Ricky's. "Gemini knows more information than anyone, who else has that information but Lumic's inner circle?"
"Then why leak his name?" The blonde one asked. Claudia opened her mouth to ask his name, but thought better of it. There would be a time and place.
"Why not?" Sam shrugged. "If he leaked everyone but his, that would look fairly suspicious and put a target on his back."
"Alright, prove it," Ricky sneered.
"Encrypted wavelength 657 using binary 9," Pete responded quickly, scowling at Ricky.
Claudia's lips quirked downwards and her eyebrows raised. Sam held up a hand as if to say 'I told you so.' Ricky rolled his eyes.
"That's the only reason I was working for Lumic," Pete continued, "to get information. I thought I was broadcasting to the security services. What do I get? Scooby Doo and his gang. They've even got the van."
Claudia snorted at the insult, thinking of Dean's adoration for the show. He'd be honored to be compared to it. Another frown tugged at her lips and her stomach somersaulted. Was he alive?
"Not exactly," Sam smiled at Pete, trying to ease the tension. He'd always been good at that. Her heart tugged at his soothing voice, wishing she could take him with her everywhere, he was an even better talker than the Doctor. "My dad's in the CIA, we've been looking into this since Lumic first started making noise. America's coming, just biding our time."
"Dad's in the CIA?" Claudia asked with wide eyes, surprised by his words.
Sam nodded seriously, winking subtly at her. A small smile pulled at her mouth and she nodded to herself. Of course. CIA. They were hunters, through and through. She wondered how different this world was to her own, if her father was still alive. Her mind kept leering back to Dean. Was he? Was she? Where were they? Why was it just Sam here?
Pete's attitude appeased slightly. "Even still, we need help in Britain. Thought I'd be reaching out to someone and now I'm with a couple of nobody's."
"No, no, no," Mickey spoke up. "The Preachers know what they're doing. Ricky said he's London's most wanted."
Sam snorted, covering his mouth with a closed fist. He cleared his throat, looking around the van at everyone, his eyes settling on Claudia. He shook his head a fraction and she smirked. Of course he wasn't. He was Mickey's parallel self, he couldn't be that threatening.
"Yeah, that's not exactly..." Ricky glanced at Sam, shooting him a sour look.
"Not exactly what?" Mickey asked innocently.
"I'm London's most wanted for parking tickets."
Claudia burst into laughter, for the first time in what felt like days, looking between Ricky and Mickey with a wide grin. Ricky shot her a dark glare but Sam chuckled along with her. Finding her laughter contagious, the Doctor fought a smirk and even Rose's lips quirked up.
"Great," Pete breathed out.
"I'm sorry, Ricky," Claudia said seriously, sobering up. "I'm sure you were really telling the government off. You park where you want!"
"Hey, they were deliberate!" Ricky defended. "I was fighting the system. Park anywhere, that's me."
This only made Claudia laugh more and her heart soared at hearing Sam's laugh again. Tears welled in her eyes again and the laughing ceased a moment later, smile falling from her lips. That laugh, she'd nearly forgotten it. The way it sounded through a room, deep from his chest, lit up his entire face -- she'd forgotten her brother's laugh.
Hearing it again brought forth a rush of emotions. She felt hot suddenly, too hot, the van probably lacked a central cooling system, and her hands were clamming up with cold sweat. She wiped them on her legs, but it didn't do much, just making her more sticky.
As if sensing her panic, the Doctor grabbed her hand and stopped her, keeping their fingers intertwined. He squeezed once, calming her, centering her. She'd almost forgotten she was with him, that he was her friend.
Her head tilted a fraction as she looked at him, eyes scanning his face. He didn't look at her, instead speaking with Ricky.
"Good policy," he smirked, "I do much the same."
Finally, his eyes glanced down at her and he gave her the smallest of smiles, but it was all the reassurance she needed. With his hand entangled in hers, she felt like she could take this day on.
She could face Sam, as confusing and surreal as it was. Her head was fuzzy and she wanted to sleep, but Claudia knew that the Doctor had faith in her -- why else would he be clutching her hand, looking at her the way that he was? -- and she knew she had to put on her brave face.
Claudia could deal with her own emotions later, that's what the Doctor did. She could cry and scream and cling to her brother before they left, but for now, they had the Cybermen mess to deal with and he needed her head clear.
Taking a deep breath, she stared into his chestnut and honey eyes, mixed together in a warm, soothing dark brown. Her breath calmed slightly and he squeezed her hand once more, that same, small smile on his soft features, before turning his head to everyone else.
Claudia watched him a moment later before looking away, eyes catching Sam's, which were looking between the pair, narrowed in curiosity and confusion.
"I'm the Doctor, by the way, if anyone's interested."
"And I'm Rose," her blonde friend nodded at the group, offering her hand in a small wave. "Hello."
"Even better," Pete mumbled. "That's the name of my dog."
Claudia snorted, thinking back to Rose's face when they found out who she was in this universe. Her heart ached for that, before she'd found Sam, before she'd met the Cybermen.
A part of her was happy to be near Sam again. Overjoyed, euphoric, even. It was the first breath of fresh air she'd taken since his death, her head had finally emerged from the waters of her own grief.
But another part of her ached for the knowing he was gone, the missing him, as it was far easier to mourn him than to face the fact that he was here: alive, happy in another universe with another her.
Claudia wished she could take him with her, they would travel the stars together and she wouldn't be as alone.
But that would never happen, this she knew. Sam was loyal, the most loyal, loving person she'd ever known. He would never leave Dean, or his Claudia, or even their Dad if he could help it.
No matter how much he understood this version of herself.
"Still," Peter continued, shaking her from her reverie. "At least I've got the catering staff on my side."
"I knew you weren't a traitor," Rose said quietly to her dad. Claudia could've hit the young woman on the back of her head. Unlike Sam, who was familiar with any and all things supernatural, paranormal, or science fiction, Pete had just lost his wife and didn't believe in any of that.
The last thing he needed was a strange young woman with the same name as his dog telling him she believed in him.
"Why's that, then?" Pete asked.
Rose looked to the Doctor but he gave her a meaningful look and she smiled at Pete warily. "I just did."
"Good one," Claudia mumbled.
"They took my wife," Pete said after a moment, looking at Rose in a moment of vulnerability.
"She might still be alive," Rose tried, searching his face.
"That's even worse 'cause that's what Lumic does. He takes the living and he turns them into those machines."
"Cybermen," the Doctor corrected, his voice low and hard. The one he used for enemies. Claudia glanced up at him curiously. She wondered how he knew about them, why he felt such a vehement hatred for them. Had he encountered them before? Had Rose? "They're called Cybermen."
"And I'd take those Ear Pods off if I were you," he continued, letting go of her hand, holding it in front of Pete. He took the Ear Pods and pulled out his sonic, clicking it on to scan them. "You never know, Lumic could be listening. But he's over-reached himself. He's still just a businessman. He's assassinated the President," the words fell from his mouth viciously and Claudia perked up, eager to get on with the fight.
She hated wallowing in pity and sadness, she'd prefer to take on monsters -- real or human -- any day. It seemed that was the direction they were heading in, and she could practically see the gears in the Doctor's head turning as he formulated a plan.
"All we need to do is get to the city and inform the authorities," the Doctor continued, turning and speaking clearly to Ricky and his friend. "Because I promise you this ends tonight."
Sam raised his eyebrows at the Doctor's speech, looking over at Claudia with a small smile. She shrugged and he let out a light chuckle.
"What's going on?" Mrs. Moore asked as they exited the van.
Claudia left last, following Sam, who stopped, throwing an arm over her shoulders and pressing a gentle kiss to her temple, ruffling her hair playfully. She shrugged him off with a wide grin, though loved feeling his warmth near hers. Like a piece of her that died with him was back to life, leaving her more rejuvenated than she had been in over a year.
She reached up to her ponytail, pulling out the hair tie and redoing it, her mood dampening when they joined the rest of the group.
Dozens of people marched across the streets of London, seemingly devoid of any thought or emotion.
"It's the Ear Pods," the Doctor walked closer to them. "Lumic's taking control."
"Can't we just, I don't know, take them off?" Rose asked, walking towards a man and reaching her hands up to their ear pieces.
"Don't," the Doctor pulled her back swiftly, "it'll cause a brainstorm."
He looked between the groups of walking bodies, an aghast look on his face. "The human race," the Doctor said through gritted teeth. "For such an intelligent lot, you aren't half susceptible. Give anyone a chance to take control and you submit."
Sam snorted. "Yeah, welcome to my life," he joked to Claudia, who smiled half-heartedly at him.
"Sometimes I think you like it," the Doctor looked pointedly at Rose, shaking his head. "Easy life."
"Easier than mine, that's for sure," Claudia mumbled. "I almost prefer the ignorance," she looked at a younger woman, with similar features to her own. The Doctor glanced at her, watching for a moment, but said nothing in response.
"Hey," Ricky's friend whisper-shouted to them from a fence line. "Come and see."
"What is his name?" Claudia asked Sam, pointing at the man. "If he said it, I didn't catch it."
Sam grinned. "Some things never change, that's Jake, he's a lot more tame than Ricky," his voice lowered. "He's got a bad temper, I'd steer clear if I were you."
Claudia nodded, eyes finding Mickey, who ran towards the pair like an eager puppy. She couldn't imagine him seriously angry, other than perhaps the snide comment he'd made earlier that day.
"Noted," she agreed, both of them catching up with the rest of the group.
They all peered from behind a wall, watching as rows of Cybermen turned and marched with the controlled humans.
"Where are they all going?" Rose asked.
"I don't know," the Doctor answered with a frown. "Lumic must have a base of operations."
"That's what I'm here to see," Sam agreed, his face serious now. It was a familiar look on him, more so than the smiles and laughs he'd been doing with her all night. This was more like her Sam, stoic, calm, ready for battle.
"Battersea," Pete answered immediately. "That's where he was building his prototypes."
"Why's he doing it?" Rose asked. Claudia nodded, agreeing with her question. Why hurt millions of people in such a horrific manner?
"He's dying," Pete answered.
"Boo-hoo," Claudia muttered, rolling her eyes. If Sam had to die, so did a greedy old man.
"This all started out as a way of prolonging life, keeping the brain alive," Pete informed them. "At any cost."
"Thing is," Rose frowned. "I've seen Cybermen before, haven't I?" She asked the Doctor. "The head, those handle shapes, in Van Statten's Museum."
Claudia had no idea what Van Statten's Museum was, but she presumed it was something entirely too alien for her to have discovered prior to the Doctor.
"Oh, there are Cybermen in our universe," the Doctor explained. Pete, Jake, and Rickey appeared to be confused by the Doctor's words, despite Claudia and Sam talking of a parallel universe previously. "They started on an ordinary world just like this, then swarmed across the galaxy. This lot are a parallel version. They're starting from scratch here on Earth."
"What the hell are you two on about?"
Claudia rolled her eyes. "Parallel universe. Get with it, dude."
Sam smiled at words, slapping her arm gently. "Be nice, Claudia."
She shrugged. "Maybe he should use his brain a wee little bit," she used a faux British accent at the end and Sam smirked.
Rose shot her a light glare and Pete blinked. "Hold on, stop, a what?"
"Never mind, that," Ricky stood, turning around with a scowl. "Come on, we need to get out of the city." He turned to everyone else, Jake beside him. "Okay, split up. Mrs. Moore, you look after that lot."
Claudia looked around at the 'lot,' a smirk on her face. They sure were a strange-looking bunch.
"Sam, you watch over Mrs. Moore, and everyone else, because you're a better shot than her."
Sam nodded, appearing to be amused by taking orders from Ricky. Claudia shook her head to herself. Some things never change.
"Jake, distract them, go right, I'll go left. We'll meet back at Bridge Street. Move." Without another word, Ricky and Jake split in opposite directions and Mickey turned to Rose.
"I'm going with him," he said, leaving little room for opposition, pressing a brief kiss to her lips and turning off to run after Ricky.
"Come on," Mrs. Moore said. "Let's go."
The remaining six broke into a run down the streets, but were intercepted by Cybermen.
"Back!" The Doctor shouted, pointing to an alleyway, grabbing Claudia's hand and tugging her along at the head of the group. They ran down the alley and took a harsh left, and the Doctor swerved around a trash bin, stopping and moving them both around it, hiding them behind the trash. Sam and Rose followed quickly behind, with Pete and Mrs. Moore in the rear.
They all clambered quietly and quickly behind the trash, leaning up against the back wall of a bar, a mattress tucked against Sam's head. The garbage bins barely covered them all and Sam moved slightly in front of Rose and Mrs. Moore, hiding their figures with his own.
Claudia's heart raced as the Cybermen marched closer to their hiding spot, terrified they'd spot his large, gawky figure and kill him. She moved to jump in front of him, but the Doctor held her tightly to him, both arms around her waist, now.
"Don't even think about it," he whispered in her ear lowly, his voice full of something she couldn't place. She moved against him, but stopped at his next words. "If you don't draw attention, they can't see us. If you're not going to be quiet for me, then stop moving to keep your brother safe."
She did as told, falling back against him, realizing she was practically on top of him now, her back against his chest. She didn't comment on it, too busy watching her brother with wide, fearful eyes. She couldn't let this version of Sam be taken too.
A terrified expression overtook her face as she tried to keep her breathing under control. She could feel the Doctor's hands around her waist, holding her to him. Claudia knew he was right, he was being smart. But smart didn't play into the Winchester's thought process.
It was always jump first, ask questions later. Sacrifice yourself for each other. That was what they'd always done, and she didn't want to let Sam do it for people he hardly knew, and her, again.
Not again.
She felt the Doctor's hot breath on her neck and knew he could feel her heartbeat. Claudia moved her hands to where his own were and clung to them tightly, surely cutting off circulation. He held on just as tightly, knowing why she needed him. Understanding.
When she had the time, she'd think back on this moment, surely, and think of the calmness in his thinking, the rationality of it all. The understanding of her scars and trauma, holding her and cradling her despite it all, keeping her secure in his arms. She didn't know how he knew what to do in this moment, and frankly, she didn't quite care. But she was so grateful he did. He could almost read her thoughts, predict her emotions, and she felt indebted to him, to his discernment and perception.
The Cybermen marched onwards, stopping just in front of the trash bins. She could see Sam's shoe poking out from behind the bins and felt herself stop breathing. The Doctor moved one hand from her grasp and aimed the sonic at the Cybermen, flicking it and sending them on their way.
Rose stood first, when the Cybermen made it halfway down the street, removing her hand from Pete's, who was next to the Doctor, shooting Sam a grateful look. He smiled kindly and Mrs. Moore stood next, followed by Pete.
Claudia took a moment to catch her breath and the Doctor helped her stand, his hand still encircled in her own.
"We're fine," he whispered in her ear. "Your brother is fine, look, see," she glanced over, finding him watching the Cybermen in interest as they turned a corner down the street.
"Go," the Doctor whispered to Mrs. Moore, who led the group out from behind the trash bins.
The Doctor kept his grip on Claudia's hand and she appreciated it immensely, breaking into a run next to him as they ran back down the street from where they'd came.
Claudia pulled Sam into a tight hug when they finally reached Bridge Street. He laughed lightly, holding her gently, patting her back.
"Woah," he gasped. He moved to pull back but she squeezed him further, just needing him to hug her, to prove that he was alive.
She needed him to be alive. Even if it wasn't her Sam. Just for a moment, just a brief, pitiful moment, he needed to be alive.
He hugged her back, though not as tight, and pulled away a moment later, resting his hands on her shoulders.
"Hey," he looked into her eyes. Those damned puppy dog eyes. "I'm okay, alright, Dia? I'm fine. I'm fine. Look at me," she nodded, trying to focus on her breathing. "I'm fine. Healthy as a horse."
She snorted. "That's such a weird metaphor."
"Well, it's true," he shrugged. "Horses are relatively healthy when left alone, it's humans that cause them pain and suffering."
Her face softened at his words, watching him spout facts about something entirely too random. Oh, Sammy.
"Yeah?" He asked with furrowed brows.
"You said 'oh, Sammy,'" he smiled, looking over her face. "What happened to --"
"--I ran past the river!" Jake panted out as he approached the group. Claudia had momentarily forgotten where she was. "You should've seen it. The whole city's on the march. Hundreds of Cybermen, all down the Thames."
Another figure turned the corner and raced down the street towards them and Jake's face broke into a grin. "Here he is." Mickey's -- or Ricky's, Claudia couldn't tell in this light -- came into view and Jake's smile fell.
"Which one are you?" He asked.
"I'm sorry," One of them said, and Claudia's heart grew heavy. She hoped it wasn't Mickey. As much as he annoyed her, she hoped it wasn't Mickey. "The Cybermen, he couldn't..."
"Are you Ricky?"
Mickey didn't respond.
"Are you Ricky?"
"Mickey, that's you, isn't it?" Rose asked quietly, a scared look in her eyes.
There was a pause, and then --
Rose didn't hesitate, rushing and pulling Mickey into a tight hug. Claudia watched Jake's face, the shock, anger, then sadness that tore through his hard charade, pulling tears into his eyes.
"He tried," Mickey explained. "He was running. There were too many of them."
"Shut it," Jake tried to distance himself from Mickey, and Claudia's heart went to him. She didn't know the extent of Jake's relationship with Ricky, but it was obvious they were close. She knew what that pain felt like and her eyebrows furrowed in pity.
"There was nothing I could do," Mickey tried again.
"I said just shut it!" Jake said coldly, turning to Mickey with a harsh glare. "Don't even talk about him. You're nothing, you are." He turned from Mickey then, the familiar harsh look in his eyes that Claudia had become far too accustomed to. "Nothing."
Those words. Claudia glanced at Sam, her eyes falling over his saddened expression. Dean had said the same thing after Sam fell into the pit, angry and blaming her. They simultaneously blamed each other and themselves, taking their anger and hatred for the situation; Michael, Lucifer, Sam's sacrifice, Cas's death, all out on each other.
Claudia watched this Sam for a moment, noting the glazed over eyes. She wondered if this Sam knew Ricky well, or perhaps he hadn't lost anyone before. She felt distant from him then, like a wall had formed between them.
Watching Jake explode at Ricky, she felt a longing for Dean. Just as she mourned her twin brother, he mourned his baby brother, one of the children he'd practically raised, being a better father than their own.
She looked down, making a note to try and see him after they got back to their universe. She owed him that.
"We can mourn him when London is safe," the Doctor pointed out, his voice gentle. "For now, we move on."
As they reached Battersea, they stood atop a hill just over a large lake where the factory pushed dark steam into the air, the air thick with a burning smell and what sounded like thunder echoed over the grounds. But they all knew it wasn't thunder.
It was the marching of Cybermen, the steamrolling of the factory, the machinery slicing through the pieces of human beings and making them into something else entirely.
"The whole of London's been sealed off," the Doctor explained, Rose at his side, Claudia at his other, Sam next to her. "And the entire population's been taken inside that place. To be converted."
"We've got to get in there and shut it down," Rose spoke up.
"Couldn't agree more," Sam and Claudia said at the same time, exchanging a small smile.
"How do we do that?" Mickey asked.
"Oh," the Doctor sucked in a breath, "I'll think of something. I always do, right?" He winked at Claudia who rolled her eyes.
"No comment," she smirked.
"You're just making this up as you go along," Mickey pointed out.
"Yep," the Doctor said, dragging the word out. "But I do it brilliantly."
They turned to a small picnic table and each took a seat at it or stood near it as Mrs. Moore pulled out her computer. Sam did the same and Claudia felt that familiar fondness. The small things, it seemed, were so similar to her Sam.
"That's a schematic of the old factory," Mrs. Moore explained.
"And these," Sam turned his laptop around so they could all see it. "Are the cooling tunnels underneath the plant."
"I was getting to that," Mrs. Moore raised an eyebrow.
He shrugged with a cheeky smile that seemed completely out of place on Sam's face. "I got there first." He turned to everyone else. "Point is, they're big enough to walk through."
"We go under then up into the control center," the Doctor nodded, his glasses on his face. Claudia hadn't noticed him put them on, but she smiled at the focused look on his face.
"There's another way in," Pete spoke up for the first time in what seemed like forever. "Through the front door."
"Nope," Claudia shook her head. "I am not doing that."
Sam smiled over at her. "Yeah, that's more Dean's forte, isn't it?"
Claudia's face brightened a fraction at his name, and nodded. "Shoot first, ask questions later."
"Well, I'm going. If they've taken Jackie for upgrading, that's how she'll get in."
"We can't just go strolling up," Jake cut in furiously, shaking his head.
"Well, we could," Mrs. Moore pointed out, pulling Ear Pods out of her pocket. "With these. Fake Ear Pods. Dead, no signal."
Claudia shivered. "Mm, yeah, not putting that in my head. Dead or not, I don't need to think about -- yeugh," she stuck out her tongue in mild disgust and Sam laughed, the Doctor glancing over at her. He looked between her and Sam for a moment, reading the pair, before looking back at Mrs. Moore.
"Put them on," Mrs. Moore said with a smile towards Claudia, "the Cybermen would mistake you for one of the crowd."
"Then that's my job," Pete declared.
"You'll have to show no emotion," the Doctor pointed out. "None at all. Any sign of emotion would give you away."
"How many of those have you got?" Rose asked Mrs. Moore.
"Just two sets."
Rose reached out and grabbed a pair from her. "Okay." She looked up at Pete. "If that's the best way of finding Jackie, then I'm coming with you."
"Why does she matter to you?" Pete asked her in confusion.
"Ah," Sam let out a small noise. "It's clicking now." Claudia glanced at him, but he was focused on Rose and Pete, seemingly making the connection.
"We haven't got time," Rose looked at the Doctor. "Doctor, I'm going with him and that's that."
"No stopping you, is there?"
"Nope," she shook her head.
"Tell you what," the Doctor started. "We can attack the Ear Pods at the same time. Give people their minds back so they don't walk into that place like sheep. Jakey-Boy," he grabbed his attention, jogging up to the top of the hill.
They spoke for a few seconds, but Claudia couldn't make it out over Sam's phone ringing. He looked down for a second, eyebrows furrowed, before picking it up.
"Hey. Yeah. Yeah, I'm about to -- Dad, no, Dad, listen, you can't --- the city's on lockdown, I couldn't leave if I wanted -- no, don't put Dean on the -- hey, Dean, Claudia." An annoyed look crossed his face. "Why am I on speaker?"
He glanced at Claudia, who's face fell watching him speak to the family he loved. The one she didn't belong in. The one with the other Claudia.
"Yeah, I'll -- I'll, yes -- okay, okay, yes, sir, okay. Take care of Jess, okay? Bye, Dean."
He hung up the phone a moment later and came back to her with a light shrug. "Sorry, I'm sure you know how they all are. They're wondering why it's taking so long, they usually go with me, but Claudia, well, you, I guess, you're in labor, and they didn't have a chance to fly over and --"
"--I'm what?" Claudia asked breathlessly.
"In labor."
Her heart fell. Labor. She looked down, tears threatening to fall again. "Who's the --"
A shaky breath fell from her lips again and she shook her head. How cruel and unfair her world was. She looked up at Sam, feeling, truly, for the first time, as though she were in the presence of a stranger.
He looked like her Sam, talked like her Sam, but this was not her Sam.
She loved him more than life itself and he was here, in front of her, but at the same time, he was a stranger, a ghost of her Sam. The more open he became, the more he smiled, and joked, and spoke of his life, she knew, deep down, she could feel it: this was not her Sam.
Her Sam, albeit strong and selfless and loyal, was broken and traumatized and serious. This version of him felt like a poor copy, where everything was correct except the things that mattered.
The ring on his left hand, that she'd only just noticed as he lifted his hand to hold the phone -- signifying he'd married someone, most likely Jess, after hearing her name on the phone -- meant he was happy.
Her heart ached for her Sam, the one who never got a chance to be happy. Who sacrificed his life for the human race and would never be thanked for it. Her Sam, who lost the love of his life in the same cruel, twisted way they'd lost their mother.
This Sam's eyes were full of life, they were bright and twinkled like stars, but her Sam's eyes were hollow, and morose, but lit up when they cracked a case, or joked around at a diner, or pranked Dean while he slept. Those rare, cherished moments that she held close to her heart, even now -- she wondered if they existed in this universe.
Of course, this Sam loved his Claudia. They were twins, but she wondered if it was the same unbreakable, detrimental bond she had with her Sam. The sacrificial, existential, profound love that circled the three Winchester siblings in a sense that was understood by no one else.
Her Sam and her Dean had lost everyone. She'd lost everyone. It was the three of them, always. But this Sam, with his high-strung shoulders and shorter hair, and cleaned boots; she didn't even have to ask him, she knew. He hadn't lost anyone. Or, if he had, it was years ago.
His father hadn't sold his soul for Dean, then told him and Claudia to kill Sam if he lost his way. This Sam's Dean hadn't sold his soul for him, gone to hell for months, and brought back a rebellious angel who fell in love with his younger sister.
This Sam hadn't saved Claudia from a vengeful vampire when they were fourteen, this Sam hadn't died, been brought back, only to become Lucifer's vessel and sacrifice himself to Hell to save all of humanity.
No, this Sam wasn't her Sam, no matter how desperately she wanted him to be.
"Mrs. Moore, would you care to accompany me into the cooling tunnels?" The Doctor's voice brought her back to the current situation. Sam watched her in worry and her cheeks felt wet -- had she been crying? -- she wiped them quickly, turning away from him.
"How could I refuse an offer of cooling tunnels?"
"We attack on three sides," the Doctor pulled off his glasses, tucking them away. "Above, between, below. We get to the control center, we stop the conversion machines. Claudia, Sam, would you prefer to go with Jake or myself and Mrs. Moore?"
"I'll go to the tunnels," Claudia said quietly.
"I'll go too," Sam nodded. "Trusting you, Jake," he said pointedly, looking at the man.
"No need, I'll end this."
"What about me?" Mickey asked suddenly. They all turned to look at him.
"Mickey," the Doctor narrowed his eyes. "You can, um..."
"What?" Mickey scoffed. "Stay out of trouble? Be the tin dog?" At the Doctor's look, he shook his head. "No, those days are over. I'm going with Jake."
"I don't need you, idiot," Jake protested.
"I'm not an idiot! You got that? I'm offering to help."
"Whatever," Jake shook his head, storming off.
Mickey looked at Rose once before turning and walking after him.
"Mickey," the Doctor called out. Mickey turned, a surprised look on his face. "Good luck."
"Yeah. You, too." He looked to Rose. "Rose, I'll see you later."
"Yeah, you'd better," she remarked.
"If we survive this, I'll see you back at the TARDIS," the Doctor told him.
Mickey nodded, waiting a moment, before breaking into a smile. "That's a promise."
As Mickey left, the Doctor pulled Rose into a hug, both of them grinning sheepishly. Claudia watched Mickey eye them for a moment, a sad look on his face, before leaving down the hill.
She sighed, shaking her head as Rose turned to her after she and the Doctor pulled apart.
"You be safe," she told Claudia. "No self-sacrificing, got it?" Claudia nodded, touched by Rose's words. "Claudia," she said sternly, giving her a look.
Claudia nodded, holding her hands in surrender. "More importantly, you be safe," she pulled Rose into a tight hug, feeling nothing but respect for the young girl. She was willing to walk into an impossible scenario to help her father save her mother. "The Doctor needs you," she whispered in Rose's ear. "Don't leave him, got it?"
Rose nodded as they pulled back and she took a deep breath. "Got it."
Rose and Pete waved their goodbyes to the other four before moving down the hill in the opposite direction of Mickey and Jake, heading towards the factory.
The Doctor gestured to Mrs. Moore. "After you," he smiled.
She nodded, taking the lead as Sam followed close behind, seemingly understanding Claudia's mentality.
The Doctor fell into step next to her. "You alright?" He asked gently.
Claudia tensed, biting on her cheek. She didn't know how to answer that question. Was she alright? Her parallel universe self was pregnant with her parallel dead boyfriend's child, in labor, and her dead twin brother's parallel self was very much alive, so alive, in fact, that he didn't even feel like her twin brother's self. She sighed, shaking her head and picking up the pace.
She wouldn't answer that question. She couldn't.
For now, they had a factory to destroy, and she couldn't focus on anything else but that. Not right now.
but of course, a conversation will be had and i will be sad. many things to come, but i managed to get an update for this chapter before it gets too late! hopefully you all enjoyed:) i was worried about writing sam's character right, but he IS the parallel version, so think a much more light-hearted, smiley, dorky version of the Sammy we all know and love. poor claudia, she really can't catch a break. i responded to a comment as well, but fun fact for those curious, it was supposed to be Cas, not Sam that she saw in this universe! literally up until i began writing this chapter, and then it just made infinitely more sense for it to be sam. <3 - osw
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