Chapter Nine: Year 3 - An Azkaban Escapee and the Hit List
Setta stayed at the Granger residence with Honorata for a few days before the pair of them were Apparated over to the Burrow together by Arthur, with Hermione promising to come at the end of the month for her and Harry's joint thirteenth birthday celebration. Setta settled into the second bed in Ginny's bedroom, pleased that her closest friend, other than Hermione, was doing much better since her trial in the Chamber of Secrets. Setta only mentioned it once, letting Ginny know that she was always there if she needed to talk, but would never force the issue, and, for that, Ginny was thankful.
It was just after Setta arrived that she and Harry had a joint letter from James and, although reluctant, Molly did encourage them to read it.
"Perhaps he has something worthwhile to say," the Weasley matriarch remarked gently. "I know he hasn't been there for you as much as he'd like to be, dears, but maybe that's all about to change in the long run."
Setta blinked, looking up at her. "Did he actually tell you that, Aunt Molly?"
Molly Weasley patiently dragged her fingers through Setta's mane of red hair, in an effort to calm her down, which had always done the trick since she was a child. "He didn't have to tell me anything, love. It's plain to see it in his eyes."
Setta nodded her head, staring across the kitchen table at Harry, who had, by this point, picked up his letter and proceeded to examine it. "What do you think?" she whispered, once Molly had left the kitchen to clean some other part of the house.
Harry shook his head. "I dunno, really," he admitted, shrugging his shoulders. "Like you've said more than once, he's consistently refused to be there for us, and has Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus run around like his bloody lapdogs to do his bidding..."
Setta smirked. "Lap dog and lap wolf more like," she joked.
Harry snickered. "Yeah, good one," he said. "Bet you a Sickle that he's letting us know that he can't make our birthday party?"
Setta raised her eyebrows. "I didn't think of that. Not that it matters, anyway; Uncle Arthur and Aunt Molly always do an excellent job. Not like he'd be missed..."
"So," Harry said, fingering the Potter crest seal, "one Sickle?"
Setta nodded. "All right, you're on," she replied, breaking her own seal, and listening as Harry broke his as well.
Dear Setta,
I hope that your brief foray to the Granger residence was lovely. I'm sure you'll want to return there once your stay at the Burrow is completed, meaning after yours and Harry's thirteenth birthday celebration. I have no qualms about that, if neither Eric or Christina Granger have any issues with it either.
I want to bring to your attention quickly that I must apologize for the fact that I cannot attend yours and Harry's birthday celebration at the end of the month. Sirius and Remus will be in attendance, as they can leave the assignment—your uncle Sirius with me, as my partner in the Aurors, and your uncle Remus in regards to the werewolf regulations. I hope you will thank the two of them adequately for their willingness to sacrifice ample work hours, as well as call in some favors for some Portkeys, in order to attend the party.
I received yours and Harry's end-of-term progress report, as the headmaster cancelled the examinations in light of your journey into the Chamber of Secrets. I know you don't need me to tell you how irresponsible it was, although I'm quite sure both Molly and Arthur are grateful that you saved Ginny's life. The awards of your services to the school have been delivered to the cottage and have been put into your respective bedrooms. As for the progress report, I am sure you don't need me to tell you that I am very pleased that you did so well in your end-of-term lessons.
I have enclosed the latest Gladrag's Catalogue for you to pursue for any articles of clothing and whatnot you would like for your birthday and beyond, as well as a catalogue from The Magical Menagerie if you find Honorata is lacking in anything. The Gringotts account number has been written at the bottom of the page for the order form. Feel free to select anything you like for purchase, as well as something to wear on the day of your celebration.
I hope that you and Harry have a lovely birthday.
James Potter
Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
Setta took out the catalogues and put them aside for Molly to unshrink them later, knowing that she had some parchment, quills, and ink stored in her belongings somewhere. She planned to show the catalogue to Ginny as well, and permit the soon-to-be twelve-year-old witch to pick out something for herself as well, knowing entirely well that her absent father wouldn't mind. She dug into the pocket of her denims and withdrew her wallet, extracting a Sickle from it and sent it rolling across the surface of the table.
"What did he say to you, then?" she asked.
Harry caught the Sickle effortlessly without even looking at it. "See for yourself," he replied, and he and Setta switched letters.
Setta snorted as she read it. "The nerve of him. He used one of those Quick-Quotes Quills to merely copy our letters and replacing our names..."
Harry rolled his eyes. "You're telling me, although I have a catalogue from Quality Quidditch Supplies instead of Gladrag's..."
Setta smirked. "No sense in you not joining in on the fun," she replied. "Once Ginny and I have finished with the catalogue and have picked what we want, you and Ron can have at it."
"Ron will probably want something Quidditch-related instead," Harry admitted.
Setta was pleased when Molly returned shortly thereafter, quickly informing her that their father would not be in attendance at the birthday celebration. Setta got her apologies, as well as her making good use of an Unshrinking Charm, and she took the catalogue to Ginny's bedroom to show off the latest styles of Gladrag's. "Gin," she called, pushing the door open, spotting the only Weasley daughter sitting cross-legged on her bed, reading a Quidditch magazine. "My so-called father delivered the goods," she proclaimed, waving the magazine back and forth.
Ginny's eyes widened as she quickly put her magazine to the side. "Want me to help you pick out something for your birthday?" she asked.
Setta grinned. "Or a whole new wardrobe for next term...for both of us."
Ginny looked shocked. "Your dad would never..."
"Ginny, our father doesn't give a rat's arse about any of it," Setta replied, climbing onto Ginny's bed and opening the catalogue between them. She dug into Ginny's drawers and drew out two inks in different colors—gold and lavender. "Now, which one do you want?"
Summertime continued as it always did, with Charlie even visiting for a day or two, encouraging Harry and Ron to play Quidditch with him. Ginny, Fred, and George joined in on the fun as well, while Setta poured over her various textbooks in the shade of the orchard, watching the games with little enthusiasm. Shaking her head, she wished that her twin thought there was more to life than a silly game, and actually attempt to focus on his studies.
It was on one of these afternoons when Harry was fighting Ginny tooth and nail for the Snitch, while Setta had her nose buried in Extreme Incantations by Violeta Stitch, ostensibly doing her summer assignment of mastering Lumos Maxima, when a pop of Apparition could be heard out in the fields of the Burrow. Looking up from the text, Setta could still hear Harry and Ginny shouting over one another, and her mouth formed a thin line as she saw Sirius and Remus ambling towards them all. Putting a bookmark in her book, as she was really just reviewing at this point, having mastered the spell the week before, she pushed herself to her feet and shaded her eyes as the Auror and the werewolf drew closer.
"And how may we help you this fine summer day?" she asked, greeting her godfathers with no enthusiasm whatsoever, for her childhood days of worshiping them were long gone.
Sirius immediately looked annoyed at her speech, and, instead, looked up towards the sky, likely hoping that Harry would be happier to see him. "All right there, Harry?"
"Your father sent us to check up on you," Remus responded evenly. "Perhaps we could go inside for a cup of tea?"
"Far too hot for tea," Setta snapped back, cradling her book in her arms. "Harry? Do you mind helping me with the mutt and the wolf?"
Harry immediately touched down from the sky, while Sirius rolled his eyes, and Remus did his best not to look hurt. He carried his Nimbus 2000 with pride, although it was beginning to show wear and tear from several games and numerous practices nearly three years running. He put an arm around Setta's shoulders and guided her inside. "Uncle Arthur's at work, Aunt Molly's down in the village at the shops, and Percy's upstairs writing letters to Penelope."
"Poor Hermes must be run ragged by now," Setta said with sympathy, patting Hedwig as they stepped into the kitchen, who cooed at the sight of them. "But he's much too pompous for a grand lady like you, isn't he, girl?"
Harry chuckled at his owl, who fluttered her wings, pleased. "Don't worry, girl. I'll let you out for a hunt later tonight, all right?"
"If we could have that discussion now," Sirius said, his tone an imperious one.
Setta gritted her teeth, wandering into the kitchen and grabbing some glasses, filling three of them with lemonade and one with apple juice. She very much wanted to pour two of the lemonade glasses over Sirius and Remus' heads, but ultimately decided against it, merely leaving them on the table while handing Harry the other one. "I'm sure Aunt Molly won't mind if we use the parlor," she said, turning on her heel and leaving the kitchen.
Harry followed her immediately, hearing Sirius and Remus just behind them, and they entered the parlor quickly. He hastily moved to sit on the love seat with Setta, Honorata curled up between them, purring once she saw them. "How can we help you?" he asked tersely, his tone an impatient one; he wanted to get back to playing Quidditch.
Remus took one of the vacant chairs, holding onto his lemonade. "Why didn't you take a glass for yourself, Setta?" he asked patiently.
Setta wrinkled her nose. "Because I don't like lemonade?" she asked, giving Remus an apoplectic expression. "I've never liked lemon; not in desserts, not in drinks..."
"She only likes lemon flavoring in chicken," Harry said, shaking his head at the werewolf. "Aunt Molly makes the best lemon chicken, you know."
"Yes, I do remember something like that," Remus said softly.
"We've come here to find out why you've only written to your father once this summer," Sirius said, his tone and expression a haughty one. "He was very generous in his birthday gift to you, and we can't see why one thank-you letter was good enough for him."
"Well, he only wrote us once," Setta responded, her tone level as she shrugged her shoulders, momentarily pleased when Honorata stepped into her lap. "Why should we continually put ourselves out there if he can't be bothered to do so?"
Sirius's lips twitched. "That's not the point and you know it!" he sputtered, earning himself a warning hiss from Honorata. "What the bloody hell is wrong with that cat?!"
"That cat is my familiar, and a member of my family," Setta told Sirius firmly, stroking Honorata in an effort to calm her down. "Cats can smell fourteen times better than a human, you know, and she likely senses your Animagus form. Also, she doesn't like you."
Sirius gritted his teeth, growling, "Well, a dogs is ten-thousand to a hundred-thousand times better than a—!"
"Sirius, enough!" Remus said, raising his voice for the first time, his amber eyes flashing dangerously; despite the new moon rising in two days' time, Moony always seemed to lurk just beneath the surface. "That won't help matters."
Sirius leaned back in his chair, crossed his arms and legs, and proceeded to sip at his lemonade, every inch the petulant child.
"We do have some news for the both of you, news that will effect next term, but has nothing to do with your father," Remus continued, watching both Harry and Setta for any forthcoming negative reactions. "The headmaster has consented, due to werewolf relations being at an all-time high, for me to join Hogwarts' staff next year as your new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."
Harry blinked. "Is that even allowed?"
"According to Hogwarts: A History, it is, as long as Remus isn't like Greyback, turning other wixen unmercilessly into werewolves, and is taking his Wolfsbane." Setta raised her eyebrows at her statement as she attempted to figure it out. "Wait a moment... You'll have to take Wolfsbane on the regular, never missing a dose, and likely miss at least one week a month in classes. You'll have to have someone not only to brew it for you, but someone knowledgeable enough to take over your classes during that time."
Harry stiffened. "Oh, no," he moaned.
"Professor Snape has agreed to brew my potion for me, as an addendum to his contractual obligations as Head of Slytherin House and resident potions master," Remus told them. "He will also be taking over my classes during the times where I am indisposed, on the condition that he doesn't go off the assigned curriculum. I've spent the last several weeks perfecting it, and the headmaster approved it just this morning in the July staff meeting. Everything is set, for my classes, at least, come September."
Setta pursed her lips. "You'll have to put an impressive amount of wards on your quarters, come full moon time," she mused.
Remus rolled his shoulders. "I'll be using the Shrieking Shack during those times, and Sirius has been granted special permission by your father to accompany me."
Harry crossed his arms. "Dear old Dad, of course, is too busy for you, is that it?" he asked, his tone sarcastic.
"Don't talk about your father that way!" Sirius snapped.
Honorata, again, hissed in Sirius's direction.
"Let's just hope that Snivellus keeps his hands to himself," Sirius muttered.
Remus grimaced. "Siri, I don't think we need to discuss that," he answered.
"Why?" Sirius asked, his dark eyes gluing onto Remus. "You going soft, Remy?"
"Siri, that's enough," Remus warned.
Sirius scoffed, moving to take another sip of his lemonade. "It shouldn't even matter," he said with a shake of his head. "Snape's a fucking faggot anyway."
Setta's jaw dropped as Sirius's ice within his glass began to shake, tinkling against the sides of his glass. Turning, she saw that Harry was staring at him with such loathing, that she heard the expensive glassware in the china cabinet shaking. That, she realized, was her doing, and she needed to get a grip on things before she lost it like Harry did.
"Shut up!" Harry growled, launching to his feet. "That's a disgusting word!"
Sirius glared at Harry. "Why? It's true."
Harry's eyes narrowed at the man, and his glass systematically shattered, slicing at his palms unmercilessly as the older man cried out. "Fuck you, you arse!" he screamed, before he ran out of the parlor.
Setta slowly got to her feet, holding Honorata securely in her arms. "You are seriously a fucked up little man," she said, her tone dangerous, as she left the room without looking back.
Setta had done her best to talk to Harry in the wake of his upset with Sirius, but he hadn't been willing to discuss it with anyone. On the day of their party, which Setta had told the Weasley matriarch that it would be best if Sirius and Remus didn't attend, they trooped down the stairs for the final reveal of the garden, new outfits in place, doing their best to keep smiling. They began to greet the guests—Bill being a special one, with Charlie being a close second—along with Hermione, Neville, Dean, Seamus, Lavender, Parvati and Padma Patil, Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones, it was a full house at the Burrow.
Hagrid had also come to the festivities, alongside Professors McGonagall and Flitwick, and Madam Pomfrey, who seemed delighted at receiving invitations. Hagrid had a tankard of Butterbeer almost immediately, and would frequently blow his nose into a polka-dotted handkerchief at "how old yer've gotten". The headmaster sent his regrets at not being able to attend, but large boxes from him were put in pride of place upon the gift table. What did leave a sour taste in both Harry and Setta's mouths was the appearance of both Sirius and Remus, who were chatting with Hagrid about something or other.
"I thought you told Aunt Molly we didn't want them here," Harry hissed.
Setta sighed, doing her best to be patient with Harry. "I did tell her," she replied, "but, knowing them, they will say that their rescinded invitations were lost in the owl post."
Harry guided Setta throughout the party, ensuring that they didn't see their godparents overmuch, and, if they did, to have more people in the conversation. "I really hate that they came here today," he muttered.
"Too right, mate," Ron said, nodding in agreement.
"Absolutely despicable what Sirius said," Hermione said, shaking her head. "I didn't know that you were so pro-gay rights, Harry."
"It's not surprising," Setta said quickly, doing her best to keep the spotlight off her twin. "He's always standing up to bullying..."
"And you," Hermione said, squeezing Setta's arm. "I can't thank you enough for what you did to Malfoy last term for me."
Molly fluttered around under the marquee tent, which was striped with scarlet and gold, making sure that everyone had their finger food and drink of choice. She was in her element as official party hostess, knowing that she would have to do the same again for Ginny in a few weeks' time when her turn came. "Shall I bring out the cake now?" she asked.
"Stasis Charms were invented for a reason, Molly," Arthur said with a smile. "It can be something visually to look forward to during dinner."
The cake was truly a sight to behold—one half a Golden Snitch, and the other half a portion of an open book, with Harry and Setta's names on their respective halves. The whole of the party applauded Molly's ingenious baking skills—the Snitch was charmed to spin, while the pages of the book fluttered ever so slightly. There was a special table beside the gift one for the cake to lie upon while they ate dinner—various roasts occupied the larger, rectangular table, along with several kinds of vegetables, breads, potato, and pasta dishes.
Harry and Setta were placed at its head as the dual guests of honor, while Molly and Arthur sat to their right as the hosts. As the seniormost witch in attendance, Aunt Muriel, Molly's great-aunt, sat at the foot of the table, while all the while muttering to herself about how Molly was coming up short by spoiling non-members of the family. The rest of the guests sat where they liked, with Ron and Hermione on Harry and Setta's left, so that they could speak more easily. There was a general hubbub going on as the various platters and dishes were passed around, so that everyone could get a taste of everything.
Molly decided that they should allow their dinner to digest before the cake was consumed, so she suggested that Harry and Setta should open their gifts next. Sirius strode forward automatically and handed a large box to Harry, who glared at him. Nevertheless, feeling everyone's eyes glued onto him, he tore open the packaging, his eyes widening at what lay within. There, within the wrappings, lay an immaculate sight—a Firebolt.
"Blimey!" Ron breathed, practically salivating.
"Want to try it out after?" Harry asked softly.
Ron's eyes widened. "Really, mate?"
Harry nodded. "Sure," he replied, and looked up at Sirius. "Did you get anything for Setta?" he asked him, rather pointedly.
Sirius muttered something under his breath, reaching into his pocket and shoving a smaller box towards Setta. "Here."
Setta straightened up and took the box. "Thank you," she responded, her tone emotionless, and untied the rather pretty-looking ribbon. Inside was a ring, with a large heart-shaped ruby in its center, all within a silver band.
"That's an emergency Portkey that always works," Bill pipped up from where he was sitting. "It also is laced with protective enchantments; I can feel them from here."
"It was buried at the back of the Black vault," Sirius continued, watching as Setta lifted the ring out from the box and put it on, whereupon it re-sized to fit her. "I had the enchantments put in place, and added the Portkey to it. I also made sure the goblins removed any residual dark magic from generations' past."
"It's lovely," Setta said at last. "Thank you."
Most of the other gifts consisted of books or clothing, which Harry and Setta were grateful for, although Ron did get Harry a new broom maintenance kit. Afterwards, Harry let Ron have a go on the Firebolt, while they stood by, observing. They were relieved when neither Sirius or Remus approached them, likely realizing that they needed to give the twins some space after their faux pas the other week.
"Miss Potter," Professor McGonagall said, calling Setta over after all the gifts had been dispersed. "I do have one other thing for you."
"Yes, professor?" Setta asked.
The Head of Gryffindor House smiled. "Your application to take so many classes next term was most impressive. I have written to the Ministry of Magic, and they have approved it, although, I am sure you know, exceptions will have to be made?"
Setta smiled. "Considering that several of the classes take place at the same time?" she asked with a small smile. "Yes, I remember."
"You are taking only one less class than Miss Granger," the woman continued.
"Hermione insists upon giving Divination a try," Setta responded, shaking her head. "Between you and me, I've heard enough about it from Lavender, Parvati, and Padma for the past two years, and I think it's a waste of time."
Professor McGonagall fought to keep herself from laughing aloud. "Thank goodness it's the summer holidays, or I'd be forced to deduct points for cheek," she said, reaching into a pocket of her robes, and drawing out a golden chain, which held a circular pendant, with an hourglass filled with sand in its center. "Do you know what this is, Miss Potter?"
"Yes, professor. It's a Time-Turner," Setta responded.
"Very good," Professor McGonagall responded, handing it over. "I trust you with this implicitly, Miss Potter, as Miss Granger has been trusted with one as well. You must not be seen, of course, and may not discuss it with anyone but your professors, the headmaster, or Miss Granger. Is that understood?"
Setta wetted her lips. "Due to our shared magical core, it will be difficult not to discuss this with Harry," she responded, putting it over her head, alongside her necklace from her mother, but tucking it underneath her dress. "However, I am willing to try."
Professor McGonagall reached out and squeezed Setta's shoulder. "Not to worry, dear. Oh," she went on, pulling back, "I just received the application for admittance to Hogsmeade back from your father last week. Congratulations—both you and Mr. Potter may go."
It was with a lightness that Setta hurried back to Harry's side, watching Ron perform on her twins' new Firebolt.
"I don't know why you have to make such a spectacle of them, Molly," Aunt Muriel said, her words managing to filter through the laughter and right into Harry and Setta's ears.
"That's enough from you," Molly scolded, cleaning up the table.
"They're not Prewett's, or Weasleys," the beastly old woman continued. "They are merely friends of your children. I just don't see why—"
"Arthur and I consider ourselves their uncle and aunt," Molly told her, her voice rising ever so slightly to prove her point. "What with their father leaving them so much..."
"Do you ever wonder why that is?" Muriel asked, always eager for a bit of gossip. "Do you think that there's something wrong with them?"
"That's enough from you," Molly replied stoutly. "There is absolutely nothing wrong with Harry or with Setta. They are powerful, kind, loving, teenage wixen. I see nothing wrong with them, or with celebrating their birthday on the scale that we do."
Muriel tutted, shaking her head. "Of course there wouldn't be anything wrong with James Potter, Pureblood that he is," she continued with a satisfied nod. "It's all to do with the mother."
Molly scoffed, furiously buffing the table. "Lily Potter was an exceptional young witch. I saw nothing wrong with her either."
"Other than the fact that she was a Mudblood?" Muriel snapped, and Molly's eyes shot to hers, anger practically bursting from her.
"Get out of my house," Molly ordered, straight-faced.
Muriel shook her head. "If there's something wrong with the witch, then there's something wrong with—"
Harry and Setta, who had been creeping closer with every condemning word that Muriel spoke, suddenly came upon her then, shaking with anger. "Shut up!" they said to her, the succinctness of their words powerful. "Shut up!"
Muriel gazed at them, all too prepared to fight back. "Let me tell you something about politeness towards your elders," she said, lifting up a finger to jab in their direction, when she suddenly seemed to notice that the phalanx had proceeded to swell.
"Harry... Setta," Molly gasped, watching with wide, shocked eyes.
Muriel proceeded to balloon in size; the swelling, which begun at her hand, slowly made its way up her arm and into her gaunt face, which puffed up rather excitingly. It then made its way down her withering body, to the point where it appeared as if she had stuffed one too many sweets down her out-of-style dress. By this time, the rest of the guests' attention was off Ron and was looking towards the senior member of the Prewett family, with Fred and George nudging each other with glee, as Muriel flew up towards the ceiling of the marquee, bouncing up against the surface with the most unbecoming sounds.
Harry and Setta stepped backwards, and it was almost as if the Red Sea parted, what with the many Weasley guests, as Muriel bounced from the top of the marquee, to its edge, and out from beneath it. She began to demand that someone, anyone, of the of-age wixen get her down, but no one moved to help her as she drifted into the sky. She even made a grab for Ron at one point, but Arthur sensibly told his youngest son to return to the ground, which he did, and returned Harry's Firebolt to him immediately.
In the confusion, Harry and Setta had fled the party, hurrying inside the Burrow and making for Ron and Ginny's rooms respectively. They gathered their belongings, including their gifts as they'd previously been banished to their borrowed bedrooms, and packed their trunks with as much efficiency as they could. Stumbling towards the front door of the Burrow, Setta wandlessly shrunk down Hedwig's cage for Harry, and they could still hear Muriel screaming obscenities towards the two of them, as well as the guests of the party, as they hurried outside and towards the road.
"We'll get the Knight Bus," Setta said breathlessly, tugging her trunk with one hand, and holding onto Honorata tightly with the other. "What did you tell Hedwig?"
"That we were going to the Leaky," Harry responded, lugging his trunk, plus his newly-acquired Firebolt, as fast as he could.
They got to the road and threw up their arms, which is when the dark purple, triple-decker Knight Bus came flying around the corner. Stan Shunpike seemed to recognize them and lugged their trunks up. He gave a rather scathing look at Honorata, but kept quite when Setta gave him two Galleons and told him to keep the change, instead of the twenty-two Sickles they would have owed as two passengers.
"Where you want ta' be goin' then?" Stan wanted to know.
"The Leaky Cauldron," Harry said breathlessly.
Stan informed Ernie, the driver, and then they were off.
Setta and Harry slammed down onto one of the beds, gripping tightly to one of the poles, while their trunks had been levitated to one of the shelves above. No one else was on the Knight Bus at the moment, thankfully, and Stan seemed to be fully absorbed in that days' edition of The Daily Prophet, not even paying attention to them. It was when Harry and Setta caught sight of the paper, however, that the air changed.
"Who is that?" Setta asked, almost without thinking.
"That man," Harry clarified, gesturing towards the front page.
Stan sighed a little impatiently, marking his place with his thumb, but looked at the front page himself. "'O is tha'?" he asked, referring to the rodent-like man with wild eyes frizzy hair on the cover. "Tha's Peter Pettigrew, tha' is."
Setta blinked, vaguely recalling a student that James had mentioned once or twice, alongside Sirius and Remus, with that name. "What do they want with him?"
"'E's escaped Azkaban, and 'is life sentence," Stan informed them, nodding his head. "'E murdered twelve Muggles in plain sight, and tried to fake 'is own death by leavin' a finger behind, but yer father, plus Sirius Black, tracked 'im down."
Harry shivered from beside Setta. "I see..."
"'E was a big supporter of... You-Know-Who," Stan whispered this last bit, almost as if he didn't want to offend Ernie. "Rumor 'as it, 'e's gone to find him."
The bus suddenly lurched to a stop, and Tom from the Leaky Cauldron climbed up the stairs of the bus and smiled at them. "Mr. Potter, Miss Potter, at last," he said, snapping his fingers, which permitted their trunks to glide down from their place and follow him back outside.
Setta hurriedly got to her feet, Harry just behind her, and they walked towards the back entrance of the wizarding inn. A dark corridor awaited them, but Tom ushered them towards the staircase, which they climbed, and towards the first door. The door opened automatically, and a man stood beside the large window.
"As Minister for Magic, I am inclined to inform you that leaving your designated guardians was an irresponsible thing," came a familiar voice, and Cornelius Fudge himself turned around, his eyes warm, but his voice firm. "Not to mention using underage magic, despite the notion that you did so in front of fellow wixen, is in direct violation of Hogwarts cred."
Harry was shoved into a chair by Tom, while Setta sat beside him carefully, stroking at Honorata, while they politely declined nibbles from Tom. Hedwig was on a provided perch, and seemed pleased that they'd joined her.
"Right smart owl you've got there, Mr. Potter," Tom praised. "She arrived here just minutes before you and your sister did."
The minister looked slightly impatient as he ventured towards the desk, signing some paperwork with an impressive-looking purple quill, which reminded Setta uncomfortably of Lockhart. "I, however, would be remiss if I didn't tell you that mistakes can be made. So, no harm done," said the man, smiling. "Pea soup?"
"No, thank you," Setta said quickly.
"Ah, yes. Not fond of peas, are we, Miss Potter?" asked the minister.
Setta grimaced. "Not really, no," she admitted. "Harry, is, however... But..."
"Yes?" the minister asked, looking up.
"We broke the law," Harry said plainly. "How come we're not expelled?"
The minister smiled. "Mr. Potter, if every underage student got expelled for losing their tempers, then there wouldn't be any left in any wizarding school," he said simply. "Between you and me, Muriel Prewett got what she deserved," he went on, tapping the side of his nose. "Now," he continued, stepping away, "during the duration of your stay here, I suggest that the two of you don't wander. In the meantime," he said, gesturing towards two immaculate piles of books, "I took the liberty of obtaining your schoolbooks for the next term."
"Why do you have so many, Setta?" Harry asked. "It's impossible to—"
"Do try the little cafés on the main street," the minister interrupted. "I'm told they have sandwiches and ice creams, perfect for the summertime season."
Setta and Harry said goodbye to the minister and were led upstairs to a lovely suite on the top floor of the inn. It had two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a wonderful parlor. They took a few moments to set their rooms to rights before going into the parlor and looking out the window. It was easy to open up one of the windows and let Hedwig out, and Honorata curled up on one of the chaise lounges and fell asleep.
"You were angry with Sirius," Setta said after a few moments of silence.
Harry sighed. "Yeah..."
Harry sighed, his shoulders deflating. "Because, I... I'm gay," he said at last.
Setta turned towards her twin, noticing the set of his jaw, but also noticing that his eyes were filled with unshed tears. "Please don't think that I'd be against it."
Harry shrugged. "Sirius was..."
Setta turned to face Harry completely and drew him into her arms. "I know that, after some time, you think you know someone, only for them to disappoint you," she said softly. "I won't disappoint you, Harry; not in this. You could be attracted to dirigible plums for all I care! I just want you to be happy."
Harry chuckled, although sobs were still clouding the backs of each laugh. "Thank you," he said softly. "Thank you for not rejecting me."
"I wouldn't; I couldn't," Setta said simply. "You're my brother."
The month of August was taken up with visiting the cafés on Fudge's recommendation, and they did indeed have sandwiches and ice creams that were incredible. Every Sunday, however, Tom would provide them with a lovely roast dinner in their rooms, with Hedwig and Honorata getting some of the best bits. As if he'd heard about Setta's aversion to peas, they were only ever included in Harry's meals, while Setta was given green beans instead.
Arthur Weasley had won the Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw, and surprised the entire family with a trip to Egypt, mostly to see Bill. Harry and Setta sent along their congratulations and, a few days later, Ginny's birthday presents. On the final day of the month, the Weasleys returned from Egypt and met up with Harry and Setta at the Leaky Cauldron, where Hermione's parents dropped her off as well. It was decided that they would spend the night there, do their last-minute shopping, and head to King's Cross together the following morning.
"Do you want to stay in our suite, Hermione?" Setta asked. "The bed is big enough."
Hermione grinned. "Thank you, Setta. It'll save me from getting a room."
"You can stay in my room, Ron," Harry put in quickly. "If you like."
"Thanks, mate," Ron said with a laugh. "Rooming with the twins again is not something I want to do anytime soon."
"I'm going to the menagerie today," Hermione continued, obviously excited. "I've decided it's time to get an owl."
Setta, Harry, and Ron joined Hermione on the trek there, as the latter two still had to purchase their textbooks for term. Upon arrival, however, an orange half-Kneazle made a bit of a mess of things, and launched himself at Hermione. Despite the proprietress telling him not to, Hermione was charmed by Crookshanks, the creatures' name, and purchased him.
"You are absolutely lovely," Setta cooed, and Crookshanks meowed indulgently. "I can't wait to introduce him to Honorata!"
"They'll be the best of friends!" Hermione said with excitement.
"Lovely?!" Ron sneered, shaking his head. "It looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me!" he went on disparagingly.
"That's enough, Ronald!" Hermione scolded. "It's all right, Crookshanks. You just ignore the mean little boy."
They returned to the Leaky Cauldron within a couple of hours, although now Ron was as skeptical as Harry was about the amount of books Hermione had bought.
"It's one more than Setta has," Harry whispered to Ron.
"That's impossible!" Ron sputtered. "Everyone knows that Divination and Ancient Runes are scheduled for—"
Arthur was waiting for them in the dining area of the inn, inadvertently cutting Ron off. "I was wondering if I might have a word with you, Harry, Setta?"
Ron made a face. "But, Dad, we were just going—"
"I know you're excited to see them again, Ron," Arthur told his son patiently. "However, you and Hermione can go upstairs and put your purchases away in the meantime."
"Come on, Ronald," Hermione said, dragging him off, which was no easy feat, as she carried her books in one arm, and Crookshanks in the other.
"Looking forward to another term?" Arthur asked, obviously breaking the ice.
"Yeah, sure," Harry said, smiling.
Setta nodded. "It should be great."
Arthur placed his hands on their respective shoulders, guiding them to a more secluded part of the room, out of earshot of the other guests. "Some within the ministry would strongly discourage me from divulging what I'm about to reveal to you," he began, his tone soft. "But, I think you need to know the facts. The two of you are in danger. Grave danger."
"Danger?" Harry asked quietly.
Setta felt her brow beginning to pucker. "Does this have anything to do with Peter Pettigrew, Uncle Arthur?"
Arthur stared at them silently for a moment, before he asked, "What do you two know about Peter Pettigrew?"
Harry sighed. "Only that he escaped from Azkaban."
Arthur arched an eyebrow. "Do you know why?"
Setta shook her head. "Not entirely, no."
"Thirteen years ago, when you stopped—"
"Voldemort," Harry and Setta said together.
"Don't say his name," Arthur said firmly.
Harry and Setta blinked in surprise at his vehemency. "Sorry," they said softly.
"When you stopped You-Know-Who," Arthur began again, "Pettigrew lost everything. But to this day, he remains a faithful servant. And, in his mind, you are the only thing that stands in the way of You-Know-Who returning to power."
"So, that's why he's escaped from Azkaban?" Harry asked.
Arthur nodded. "To find you," he confirmed.
Setta swallowed. "And kill us."
"Swear to me," Arthur said, all in a rush, as if he was worried someone might interrupt them at any moment, "that whatever you might hear, you won't go looking for Pettigrew."
"Uncle Arthur!" Harry cried out, shaking his head.
"In all seriousness," Setta continued, shocked, "why would we go looking for someone who wants to kill us?"
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