Chapter 9: From Now On
Chapter 9: From Now On
I've been in the hospital for three days, Anna and Kristoff come to visit and keep me updated on what's going on outside in the world. The circus has burned to the ground, our home was gone. P.T. And Jenny Lind had kissed on stage which left his family to leave him. I haven't seen him in the hospital to visit Jack yet but honestly I don't know if I could see him right now, I almost wanted to blame him for this when really, it was the drunks that started the firer and hurt Jack. But it was also my fault, I shouldn't have left Jack. I should of stayed by his side.
I tighten my grip on Jack's hand, tear filling my eyes seeing Jack like this. His face was still covered in ash, his arm was burnt and so was a little of his chest. But even with the burns and ash, he was still so handsome. "What if we... Rewrite the stars." I whisper as I pull his hand closer to me. "Nothing can keep us apart, you are the one who I was meant to find." I cried as I lower my head to his hand, "I'm so sorry Jack. I'm so sorry." I cried as I let the tears fall. I feel a hand on my shoulder making me look up almost surprised and pissed to see P.T. "What are you doing here?" I hissed making him step back a bit.
"I just came to see my brother and... To say sorry." He says making me raise an eyebrow. "You want to apologize? Do you even know why?" I ask still upset with him. I see him take a deep breath as he pulls up a chair next to me and looks at Jack. "I shouldn't of left, I left Jack, my girls and you guys. My second family to defend for yourselves when really, I should of been there to fight with you." He says as I take my free hand. "You are my prize find Elsa. A girl like you is hard to find, and you found something that I sadly lost." He says as we look at Jack, "I lost my love and my children. But you, you still have Jack." He says making me laugh a little, "How do you know that?" I say.
"How do I know what?" He ask raising an eyebrow. "How do you know that you lost them?" I ask as I look at the table next to Jack hoping P.T.'s eyes will follow. They did and they saw what I saw, a picture of P.T. And his girls. "Where..." "Anna brought it, it was a picture she found that the fire didn't take." The picture was burn around the edges and it was worn out but you could still the family. P.T. Lets go of my hand and walks over to the picture. He picks up the picture and holds it close before he starts to laugh a little, "It's funny, I drank champagne with kings and queens and the politicians praised my name."
He looks over at me as I nod. "For years and years, I chased their cheers. I always thought I need that. I thought I need that crazy speed of always needing more." He says as he looks at the picture again, "But when I stop and see my girls, I remember who all this was for." P.T. Grins as he puts the picture down and walks over to me. "From now on, these eyes will not be blinded by the light." He says as he starts to walk to me he was almost singing making me smile. "For now on, what's waiting till tomorrow starts tonight. It's starts tonight!" He sings louder making me laugh as I give a cheer getting in the same mood as he is.
As P.T. Stops in front of me, he puts his hand out in front of me. I look at it and at him. "Come on Elsa, just one dance." He says. I look at Jack to see his chest still moving, I was scare to let go of him but at the same time, maybe a dance wouldn't hurt. I turn back to P.T. And grabs his hand as he spins me around. I started to laugh as I thought back when Jack when we danced in the center stage. It was one of the happiest moments of my life being with Jack. As P.T. Did his last spin with me he let go of my hand as we both panting. "I have to go." He says as he grabs his jacket and looks back at me. "Elsa."
I look at P.T. To see that spark that I saw when I first meet him was back in his eyes. "We will come back home soon. We'll be home again." P.T. Says as he walks out the door leaving Jack and I alone. I sat back down and grab Jack's hand again. I started to rub my thumb on the top of his hand. "Jack, please come back to me. If you come back, I promise I'll give you what you want. I will give you my heart, my soul, everything that you wanted." I start to cry again, "Let this promise in me start, like an anthem in my heart." I whisper as I place my head on the bed, "From now on..." I say and I let the tears fall, I couldn't stop.
That's when I felt something move in my hand making me move hand head up and gasp.
I had a dream, a life were I was rich and famous. That my plays made money and everyone love them. That my brother ran the circle and everyone was happy, except me. Something was missing in my life, I wanted to share this life with someone. And that's when I saw a face with electric blue eyes and white as snow hair and red kissable lips. It was Elsa, she was everything. She was everything I've wanted, why have fame and fortune if I have no one to share it with? Jack, please come back to me. If you come back, I promise I'll give you what you want. I will give you my heart, my soul, everything that you wanted. I knew that voice, it was Elsa. She was with me, she wanted me.
Let this promise in me start, like an anthem in my heart. Elsa, I want you. From now on... Is the last thing I heard as I feel my eyes open and I see that I'm in the hospital, my body hurt and I felt weak. But I felt something soft in my hand as I look down to see Elsa next to me crying her head down. I put a smile on my lips as I move my hand a little, enough for her to look up at me and see me looking at her. I see her gasp as I squeeze her hand. "You're here." I whisper before she could say anything to me. Elsa a happy chuckle, "I never left." she says as she moves over to me and grabs my face giving me a kiss.
I left my arm even though it hurt like hell and put my hand on her neck, holding her close. This is all I ever wanted, this is all I ever need was to have her next to me. As she pulls back and places her forehead on mine, I close my eyes. "I love you." I hear her whisper making me open my eyes to see her eyes closed but a smile on her lips. I closed my eyes again and smile back,
"I love you too."
Hey guys! So this lovely story is coming to a close soon sadly but don't worry! I have another idea for a Jelsa story and I'm also working on a non Jelsa story! I'm still debating if I want to put my non Jelsa story on here or not. Let me know what you guys think! Also let me know what you think about this chapter! I love to hear form you guys! As always, sorry for my grammar and spelling and I'll see you guys in the next update!
~Kitty Kat
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