I woke up to feel my body being wrapped up in a threadbare blanket. "Stay quiet child. I will not kill you. Hopefully, someone will find you in the woods and take you in." Lillith hissed as she put me in a basket. I made not one sound as my basket was lifted and jostled around.
Soon, Lillith set the basket down. "Goodbye child. Hopefully you live. But if not, well, I really wouldn't care either way." The women then walked away.
I shivered helplessly for what seemed like hours. During this time, I thought about everything.
'Is this how I die? I'm not even a day old.' I thought back to earlier. I found the memory cyrstal clear. 'Do I have an eidetic memory? This may come in handy.' I thought before hearing heavy footsteps. Seconds after, I heard sniffing sounds and then a startled voice. "A human child? You barely look a day old! Poor dear, but don't you worry, you shall be my child now." A deep, yet gentle voice said, as my basket was lifted up. I cracked open my eyes to see a whitish purple dragon.
'Well then. This works too.'
Timeskip 2 years
"Lucinda! Come here!" Makina's loud voice bellowed across the clearing. My head shot up from where I was playing with a small animal. Joy flooding my eyes, I jumped up and ran to Makina.
"Yessss, Ma?" I drawled out. Makina chuckled before adapting her serious dragon face.
"I want to teach you my magic." I was silently surprised.
'That would mean I would have dragon slaying magic!' I thought. 'Should I?... Yes. I will not hold anyone back in this life. I will be the one to protect everyone this time around!' I faced my adoptive mother with determined eyes.
"Makina, if I learn your magic, will I be able to protect my loved ones?" I asked. Makina seemed shocked that I would ask that, but still, she replied,
"Yes. What's the point of magic to begin with, if you can't use it to protect your friends?"
Her words vibrated through me. Those words, are the exact same words I said when I was trying to save Loke.
I grinned. "Then I'll learn your magic!"
Makina grinned. "Okay! Now, I must warn you, I have to preform a spell so that you can use my magic. It will hurt a lot."
I grinned in anticipation. "M'kay Ma! Let's do it!" Makina laughed.
"Okay very well then. Brace yourself, my girl, this is most likely going to be the most painful thing you will ever endure." Makina started chanting.
Soon a magic circle was beneath me. Sparks of pain climbed up my body, building up until I could no longer contain my screams of pain. It circulated through my body, pausing for long periods of time at my ears, eyes, nose, mouth, my insides and my skin. It was as if everything was being reinforced with....something. In my gut, I could feel my already huge magic containers expand even more.
All in all, it was painful.
So much so, I didn't notice when the magic circle disappeared and Makina picked me up, as sparks of pain were still striking my body.
When I woke up, I saw everything through new eyes. I could see the smallest details, I could smell the slightest odor, and I could hear the slightest shift in movement. It was amazing!
"Lucinda dear, let's get you cleaned up." Makina said in amusement.
I quickly scrambled to my feet and followed Makina to the nearby river. Without hesitation, I stripped off my clothes and hopped into the cold water. Makina kept an eye on me as I efficiently scrubbed my body.
After a few minutes, something in the water caught my attention. 'Those look...familiar.' Swiftly, I swam to the shining objects and picked them up. I gasped. 'These!... Celestial....Gate Keys! All of my keys! Even Aquarius! Demon, God, angel, Bronze, Zodiac, portal, and storage keys. They're all there!' I was in complete shock.
I quickly climbed out and ran to Makina, still very much naked. "Ma, Ma! Look what I found!" Makina did a double take.
"Where did you find those?!" Makina exclaimed in shock as she gave me the towel hanging on her claw. Carefully, I set down the keys and took the towel as I answered.
"In the river! They looked really shiney, so I picked them up. What are they, Ma?" I asked as I pulled on my rough, tan dress.
"Lucinda dear, these are Celestial Gate Keys. They've been lost for ages, it was thought that Celestial magic would remain lost. This magic was, is, very powerful, Celestial magic is the origin of all magic, including mine. Spirits are inside of each key you have to summon them." I lit up at the thought of summoning my friends again.
"How can I summon them?" Makina didn't seem shocked, instead she seemed to examine me.
"You already have a lot of magic in you that seems stable. I don't see why not! Okay, from what I've been told the incantation is, 'I am linked to the path to the World of Celestial Spirits, now! O spirit, answer my call and pass through the gate!'" I pretended to digest the information before picking up a very familiar gold key.
"I am linked to the path to the World of Celestial Spirits, now! O spirit, answer my call and pass through the gate! Open! Gate of the Water Bearer! Aquarius!" I chanted as I swiped the key through the water.
The sound of a door bell rang out, followed by the bright flash of a golden light. A familiar voice rang out before the light faded.
"It's been a while since I've been summoned," the light faded to reveal a blue haired mermaid. "So. Who's my new 'master'?" I was quiet for a moment before stepping forward.
"Hello, Miss! I'm the one who summoned you, but I'm not your master." Aquarius looked at me in surprise.
"A brat? How old are you, squirt?!" I gave her a close eyed smile.
"I'm two years old, ma'am." Aquaruus looked so done with everything, but when she looked at me, her gaze became fond.
"Squirt, am I your first summon?" I nodded.
"Then I'll give you some books to study on Celestial customs. What other keys do you have?" Aquarius asked.
Grinning, I gently grabbed the other keys and, with difficulty, held them up to see. "Ah, do you think there is a book on all of these?" Aquarius was gaping.
"I-I'm sure there is. Anyways squirt, where are your parents?"
"Right here." Makina said.
Aquarius pulled me behind her and readied her urn. "A dragon?!"
In a panic, I stepped in between Aquarius and Makina. "Wait! Please don't hurt Ma! Ma is very kind to me, so please don't hurt her! She even offered to train me!" I cried as I stood in front of Aquarius with my slightly shaking body.
"Hmff. Fine. But if that dragon gets to train you so do we. Once you finish making all your contracts, you'll start with me."
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