Attack of the Beaver Part II
"Mabel! Did you hear what that old man said?" I said excitedly.
"Aww, donkey shpittle!!" Mabel joked.
"No, the other thing!" I sighed.
"About the monster!" I explained.
"If we can get a picture of it, we'd totally win the contest! And then we could split the prize, fifty-fifty!" I said.
"GASP! THAT'S TWO FIFTIES!" Mabel said in awe.
Slightly guiltily,I asked Mabel to imagine what she could do with 500$.
As before, I had to snap her out of her trance. However, I did some slight musing...we didn't have adventures EVERY day of summer, so I just needed to wait for an opening-and unless I was mistaken, we had a good couple of days before the wax adventure.
Now I just needed to find the perfect time, and then-oh, right, reality. Gross. Snapping my fingers, I got Mabel's attention.
"Dipper, I am one MILLION percent on board with this." Mabel said seriously.
"Change of plans, Grunkle Stan... we're taking this boat and going monster hunting on Scuttlebutt Island!" I said.
"MONSTER HUNT! MONSTER HUNT!" Me and Mabel began cheering, me slightly less enthusiastically, knowing beforehand that the Gobblewonker wasn't gonna meet us anytime soon.
"moNsTer hUnT!! mOnSteR hUn-I'll go now.." McGucket said.
Soos and his decked out boat showed up.
"You dudes say something about a monster hunt?" He asked.
"SOOS!" Mabel exclaimed excitedly.
"Wassup, hambone?" Soos and Mabel did their weird fist bump thing.
"You dudes could totally use my boat for your monster hunt! It's got a steering wheel, chairs, you know, normal boat stuff." Soos smiled.
Grunkle Stan frowned. "Alright alright. Now think carefully. Do you wanna spend all day on some 'epic monster finding adventure', or spend the afternoon learning how to tie knots and skewer worms with your great uncle Stan?" He asked confidently.
Looking at Soos, he did a robot dance. We glanced at Stan in unison as he sniffed his armpit. We looked at Scuttlebutt Island, and, sharing a glance, without further ado, sped off to the spoopy island.
"We made the right choice!" Mabel said happily. Soos replied with a simple, "Yes!!"
As we zoomed towards the ominous island shrouded in mist, I got into the heat of the moment.
"Hoist the anchor! Raise the flag!" Soos pulled up a brick and Mabel flapped a beach towel in the wind.
"We're gonna find that Gobblewonker!!" Mabel yelled.
"We're gonna win that photo contest!!" I replied with gusto.
"Do either of you dudes have sunscreen?" Soos asked.
"Actually, yep!" I readily replied. Sure was handy coming from the future and being prepared, though hopefully it wouldn't mess up the hecking time line...
"So. What's the problem with most monster hunts?" I asked them.
"You're a side character and you die within the first five minutes of the movie. Am I the side character? Do you ever think about stuff like that, dude?" Soos responded.
I decided a little tweaking couldn't hurt anyone... "Valid point, Soos. Anyways, no, there's a different issue. Here, let me demonstrate-Soos, be Bigfoot."
Soos did a little weird walk and posed, slightly cross-eyed.
"Oh look! Bigfoot!" I pointed over dramatically. "Aw, no camera!" I patted down my vest. "Oh wait, here's one!" I held it to my face and.... "Dang, no film! You see? You see what I'm doing here?" I said, with bad acting.
Mabel and Soos nodded.
"That's why I bought 17! Disposable! Cameras! Two on my ankle, three in my jacket, four for each of you, three extras in this bag, and one... under my hat! There's no way we're gonna miss this. Alright everyone, let's test them out. Soos, that's facing the wrong way. Mabel, watch out for that bird and remember to hold on to your cameras!" I was prepared, and disposable or not, these cameras were fairly expensive.
"Thanks, dude!" Soos flipped his camera around and tested it out flawlessly. I smiled.
"Oh! Pelican! Good eye, bro-bro!" Mabel also was able to test it with ease and no cameras were lost.. no harm done!
"Okay, Soos, you can work the steering wheel, Mabel, you get to be lookout, and I'll be captain." I chose my words carefully to hopefully spare some more cameras. Mabel, however, still found it unappealing.
"Why do YOU get to be captain? What about Mabel, huh? Mabel! Mabel! Mabel!"
"Hmm.. what about co-captain?" So far, nothing was really to badly affected, so I was keeping the peace to the best of my extent.
Mabel considered it for a bit, then decided to take what she could get. "Okay!"
"Wait, so, can I be associate co-captain?" Soos asked.
"As co-captain, I fully authorize that request." Mabel said.
"Anyways, as first captain, our first order of business is to lure the monster out with.. this." I pointed at the barrel of fish food.
Soos stared at it for a moment, then asked the question I had been waiting for: "Permission to taste some?"
"Permission.. CO-granted!"
Soos scooped some out with his hand and licked it.
"*cough cough*BLECH! Oh dude, I do NOT know what I expected that to taste like.."
Mabel and I burst out laughing.(Mabel and I, not me and Mabel. Grammar, Stanley!)
"Oh, Soos.." Mabel said as if she was on one of those reality shows and was expecting a laugh track to play.
I looked over the side of the boat and saw Stan paddling to a young couple in the distance.
He had told us all about the encounter, this time stuff is confusing.. anyways, he said something, and then they paddled away indignantly.
I snickered to myself recalling his awful joke.."My ex-wife still misses me...but her aim is gettin' better!!" I muttered to myself under my breath and lightly chuckled.
Soos started shoveling out some of the fish food.
Suddenly, a pelican settled down on the front of the boat. Mabel saw an opportunity and gladly took it.
"Hey! How's it going? It's going awesome! Bow bow buh bow bow!!"Mabel said in a weird voice while playing with the poor thing's beak.
"Mabel, leave that poor, unfortunate soull alone." I said, refraining from bursting out into a musical number.
"Aww, I don't mind none!" Mabel said in her weird voice.
I sighed, but smiled nonetheless at her antics.
"Hey, look!! I'm drinking water!!!" She pulled out a glass of water from who knows where and started chugging.
"Twinkle twinkle little sta...*COUGH HACK BLEH*" Mabel choked on the water and scared the pelican away.
I almost forgot where we were-but luckily didn't. "Hey, aren't you supposed to be part time look out?"
"LOOKOUT!!" She launched a volleyball at me, but I dodged. Ha!
"But seriously, I'm on it." Aaand...cue the crash!! I grabbed a railing and held tight.
We crash landed, making Soos and Mabel stumble.
"WOAH! See? We're here! I'm a lookout genius!!" Mabel exclaimed.
And so it began.
But not really.
And for like the fifth time.
*awkward cough*.
So.... that happened... after I publish this, I'm gonna work on writing a ton of chapters, then publishing them either slowly or all at once, probably the first one.
Sorry again for my slow writing, but hel-school is almost over, so I'll be able to get much more done.
Feedback is still much appreciated, I again apologize and still feel really bad, and...yeah!
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