chapter two ;
Cruella the witch
Annoyance and a Quest
"GIVE ME THE HONEY, NIKOLAUS," Esther said as she tried to take away the jar from his hands.
"No," Castiel said, and glared at her. Strongest witch be damned, the jar of honey was his.
Finn sniggered in the background, putting up an innocent face when Esther narrowed her eyes at him. Ejnar dozed at his side, unaware of the battle of wits and glares taking place.
After the most embarrassing breakdown he had, Castiel was understandably wary of his parents.
To his surprise, there were no shouts or complaints or any sort of suspicious things. After the hit Mikael got from Castiel's accidental burst of magic, his father had just laughed uproariously and wiggled his fingers at him like it was some big joke. Maybe it was, he wouldn't know.
Castiel wondered if a flying Viking was just an everyday thing. He was in a fictional world, living a fictional life so it won't be much surprising.
Yet, in the dark of the night, he wondered what everyone was up to. He wondered if he were dreaming up something as he watched his brothers carry water from the wells, Castiel dozing on a sling in the back of his mother.
Days passed, but the dream did not end. To say Castiel was freaked out, was an understatement.
He did not understand, he could not wrap his head around his situation.
Maybe Nikolaus was a real person? Someone who remembered about their previous life wrote about their previous life as a tv show but supernatural?
Castiel did not know. Humans were not expertise, even with who he was and the lives he had.
But he intended to find out. One by one, he'll find a way. Starting with the mystery of his parents.
For people who are supposed to hate him in the future, they were certainly happy about his survival.
Weren't Mikael, the mighty Destroyer supposed to hate the ground he was walking on?
Ah pardon, drooling on?
Weirder shit has happened, he concluded. Him being a drool bucket in every 30 years included. Which led to his new pain in the behind.
Esther of Stórmerki Detta and his honey jar.
"No," he repeated, clutching at his jar possessively. "Mine." He glared at her. In that moment he was glad that he ended up as a toddler, and not a newborn.
He could atleast argue with his mother and protest whenever Ejnar tried to tickle his toes. Even if he couldn't string any words together and only one word.
Stupid baby muscles. Never working when he wants to.
Esther sighed. "I've no patience for your stubbornness, Nikolaus, son of Mikel and so lord help me, give me the jar!" She crossed her arms, glaring at him.
That hurt.
He hiccuped, making Finn straighten up. His brother looked at Esther pleading. "Mother," Finn protested, immediately falling silent when Esther stared at him.
Traitorous tears escaped Castiel's glassy eyes—which had been damping since the argument started, and he hiccuped, making Ejnar wake up from his cot.
Finn looked anxious. Ejnar scowled half heartedly, still drowsy.
If he weren't distracted, he would be really flattered. Ever after his supposed fever, his brothers had been tailing him whenever they had free time like ducklings to their mother.
Well, Finn did. Ejnar didn't want to be left alone.
Wailing piteously Cas kept a tight hold over the jar, crying harder when the cruellest witch of all forcefully took away his honey jar, ignoring his pathetic attempts to stand and take the jar back.
No, no, no!" He screamed. "Essy mine!"
Esther flinched at the name but didn't waver from her stance. Castiel didn't notice, the toddler being more focused on why he was crying.
"You shan't fool me with those crocodile tears, Nikolaus. I've seen many more children than you." She huffed, glancing at a cowered Finn hiding with a wide eyed Ejnar.
"Finn!" She barked, making him flinch, "take care of your brothers! I've chores to do."
Esther swept away like a hurricane after that. Cas flexed his tiny hands, still staring at them mournfully.
He knew, he damn knew he shouldn't get this much emotional over a damn jar of honey but tell that to his brain.
Fuck, why he is so sad over a honey jar? It wasn't even sprinkled donuts! He didn't know why he was so upset.
He shook his head. Vicious things, mothers. Stupid emotions.
Damn, Mikel would've given the jar of honey the moment he made hands to it. Castiel was proud to say he got that man wrapped around his tiny fingers.
He flopped back to his cot, plans about a certain jar forming in his head. Ejnar and Finn came to his vision, distracting him. Both looked like puppies with their tails cowed and ears down.
Two cautious pair of eyes met his teary ones, solemnly. "Don't cry Nik," Ejnar started, lisping at the k's. Finn nodded enthusiastically. "I don't think our ears can take any more of your howls." he patted Cas' arms, grimacing with all the seriousness of a four year old.
He squawked in outrage, grinning when Finn pinched Ejnar in retaliation. Ejnar scowled.
Castiel really liked Finn. He didn't care what the future would be like, but Finn defended his ring from Ejnar's greedy paws the day before; it was official. He was Castiel's favourite brother.
"Don't be like that brother! That's mean." Finn scolded, making Ejnar wilt. Castiel blinked. Finn ignored Ejnar's pout and winked at him.
"Fee," he unwillingly cooed. Finn's eyes brightened. Ejnar's face grew thunderous.
Internally Castiel was glad he didn't call Finn 'ninny' like he used to or so he heard. His tongue wasn't used to words yet.
Even if it would've been hilarious. Finn turned nin to ninny. Fee was so much better.
"When father comes, we'll get you that jar of honey little brother. So don't you cry. It'll be our secret. Finn smiled wickedly at Cas and chuffed Ejnar, hopping away from Castiel and chuffed Ejnar, hopping away from Castiel when Ejnar shouted.
"Ejnar don't say you're green with envy just so I'm Nikolaus' favourite?" Finn teased, easily dodging Ejnar's hands. Ejnar turned red.
Cas blinked, again surprised. Well. Here he was, thinking Elijah— no Ejnar was jealous of the new baby.
But then again, that's so typically Elijah. Never making sense.
"Come here brother so I can hit you!" Ejnar yelled, making Finn snigger. He ran in circles, away from Castiel; Ejnar hot on his tails.
"As if you can, little brother!" Finn laughed uproariously. "We both know I'm quicker than you!
Castiel felt warm watching his brothers. Well, he mused, watching Ejnar jumping on Finn's back with a smirk on his baby face. He shuddered.
Maybe siblings weren't that bad at all.
It was a cloudless night. The Moon was bright in the sky, its light giving an ethereal light to the atmosphere. The stars twinkled, like tiny shining diamonds in the sky. Surrounded by dark, towering trees, Niklaus, formerly called Castiel and many more, knew something was not right.
Truly, an understatement of the century.
Lips curling into a sneer, he kicked a poor fellow's skull away from his bare feet. The skull flew, landing somewhere with a soft thud in the eerie silence.
There were bones under his feet and a graveyard across from him. The stones sparkled in the moonlight somehow, giving them a strange hue. The bones were chalk white and red.
Regardless, he was alert. The area was quiet, too quiet.
Castiel has watched enough trashy horror stories to know that the situation was fully blown red taped suspicious.
He was startled when a shiny surface popped up in front of him. Blinking slowly, he stared at the shiny surface.
A mirror, he mused. A glowing mirror.
His amusement faded and watched as the image formed on the mirror with dread and fascination. It was a face he hadn't seen for aeons.
At that moment, he knew he was dreaming. A cruel one, but a dream nonetheless.
Shadows of wings was the first thing he noticed. Enormous wings that gave an impression of unrestrained power. Donned in a purple chiton with red clasps and a bow in his arms, he stared at the twinkling eyes of the dark curly man, so much like the stars he had seen before, mind blank.
It was him. Not Niklaus, not Ted, but him in his own body. Luminous kaleidoscopic eyes met his gaze evenly, a grin slowly forming from those blood red lips.
He stared, captivated. His heart beated furiously.
What you should be, something whispered deep inside him.
But then reality set in. Cursed. Banished.
He flinched at the reminders. The shade in front of him moved.
His shade had outstretched his palms towards him. Castiel eyed the hand warily.
Then he smiled. It wasn't a good smile. "I was wondering when you lot would visit me. But I forgot how much you love the mind games."
The mirror vanished, taking away his thirst of vengeance.
Seconds, minutes ticked by. It made him paranoid. Tense. He breathed heavily.
Dreams were important. It is the frequent line of communication between mortals and celestials.
He furrowed his brows when the hair in his neck stood up.
Maybe it was because of the tombs near him, smooth, white and polished stones with wilted flowers atop— it is a creepy place. Maybe it was because of a sudden presence that wasn't there a minute ago.
He stiffened. Heart beating furiously, he gazed at the single tombstone before him. Theodore 'Ted' Brooklyn, it read in big slanted letters. A bouquet of roses were placed on it, half wilted.
"Do you have something to say," he drawled slowly, "or are you going to hide away, forever. I have things to do." His eyes didn't leave the tombstone. He waited. Two can play a game, he decided.
Stranger or not, games were a talent of his. He can be patient enough to lurk them out.
"Charming as ever, Cassiel." the interloper chuckled behind him. "Yet I do not think you're that busy, being a mortal after all."
Castiel twitched, resisting the urge to sigh. He knew that annoying sass. Of all the people to sneak upon him. "I hate that name," he inhaled noisily. "Mortal life is fleeting, sibling mine. That is why every second counts. Not that you would understand, Achlys, being so much like you."
Boom. Castiel one, Achlys zero.
Oh it was cruel of Achlys. Castiel could feel the illusion basking him in false pretences. In this dream— it was a dream indeed, for Achyls would never be able to visit him while he was mortal, Cas felt whole. He finally felt right in his skin.
The mirror had shown him flashes on his immortal life, before this accursed feeling of hollowness, and pain.
He'll never forgive his sibling for this. To feel so whole and then return to the living, fiercely missing this freedom.
He hates Achlys for this. Goddess of misery indeed.
Castiel stared at one tombstone in particular dully. Near to Theodore's tomb, it was an unassuming thing really. There were no flowers in it unlike Theodore's tomb. Leo McMillan, it read.
No, his heart didn't scream. No.
"Face me then, Eros." Achlys said, as cool as ice. Cas chuckled humorlessly. He did love to get under his sibling's skin. "Let me see my near invincible little brother who could start wars on whim. Don't say being a mortal," her voice went mockingly soft, "made you weak. Face your sister."
He snarled. Slowly, just so he can annoy her, he turned. Purple eyes, fiercer than fires down in the underworld, met his gaze, both threatening and smug.
Dash it all. Elder siblings suck. Especially immortal ones.
"Annoyance," he greeted pleasantly, as if he's discussing the variety of desserts, "It has been sometime. What do you want? " He narrowed his eyes.
Achlys sighed dramatically, playing the role of a disappointed sibling. Castiel resisted the urge to sigh. Dramatics is after all, a genetic trait in their bloodline.
"You still haven't forgotten nor forgiven, Eros. It has been many millennia." Achlys smirked at his scowl. They both knew why he couldn't.
Eros. His original name. Castiel's heartbeat quickened. He hasn't been Eros for a long time.
"I've a task for you." His sibling admitted sheepishly. "One that will free you from your wee curse and relieve a great load of headache and paperwork for me."
The winds howled in the background but Castiel didn't notice. His ears were ringing.
It was too good to be true. Achlys is many things, but a liar is not one of them. That, Cas can trust.
It didn't hurt that paperwork was something he could understand and sympathise with. One bane all celestials fear. Paperwork.
"I'm listening." he said after a while. They both knew he would, no matter what. He was trapped. Achlys eyes widened in triumph. Castiel itched to get away from his sibling. He hated to be manipulated like this.
But what choice did he have? Aeons, he has searched to find a cure to his curse. His endless cycle of reincarnation and sheer misery which was ignored by all except now. He was tired of all the pain, the agony, the powerless feeling.
He wants to be whole. He wants to go home. He wants the hollowness in his chest to go.
Once upon a time, Eros was one of the most powerful in living, now the weakest of all. The irony wasn't lost on him.
"Tell me then." He said, eyes burning. He swallowed the accusations, the pain. They both could hear the question clearly.
Why now?
Achlys didn't flinch. Nor did Castiel expect her to. For death is true, cold and harsh, just like Achlys. As one of the reapers of death and goddess of misery and poisons, she couldn't afford any.
"Be kind to your sister, Eros. And I'll take my time." Her eyes were cold and Castiel resisted the urge to snarl. Bitterness filled him like an old friend. He nodded.
"I want you to kill Silas," Achlys said bluntly. Cas raised his brows.
"What?" He laughed. "He's a fictional character from a show, Achlys!"
Achlys didn't smile nor frown. "You're in the so-called, fictional world, Eros," she said dryly. "Don't forget it. Besides, multiple lives are a thing."
Cas stared at her. "So you're the one who put me in Niklaus' body then," he guessed.
Achlys hummed in agreement and a black
bird— a crow Castiel amended, flew and sat on Achyls shoulder. Her silvery form shuddered, as if she were a ghost that came in contact with a non living thing, and then solidified.
Such dramatic things, immortals. Sometimes Cas feels like a child compared to their melodrama.
"You've more to ask," he sighed. "Tell me then."
"Oh, I've so many brother," she smirked. "For now, I want the doppelganger bloodline to end." She stroked the crow, the bird croaking at her. "Silas and Amara, I want them dead. I want you to stop the breaking of the sire bond between the Mikaelsons and the vampires." She sneered.
"I want those Ancestors' power diminished. The dead are not supposed to have more power than living. " She heaved a sigh, " It's too much paperwork, brother and you know I hate being stuck in a place too long. I'm tired of arrogant ants thinking they can escape me. I'm done with those pale cheap imitations of the judges trying to establish their so-called balance" She scoffed.
"I'll be a vampire in the future. A hybrid," Castiel said mildly. "What about balance then?"
Achlys waved her hands. "The balance will be kept either way. Believe it or not, you wannabe human shaped clones of bats were authorised to come. Terrible paperwork for Andras really." She frowned. "Even if you leeches have no self control. Hybrids are in the plan too so after some drama, everything will be just fine."
He raised a brow but decided not to ask any more. His sister was passionate about her job. " And?" He prompted.
Achlys rolled her eyes. "As a reward your curse of reincarnation will be lifted. You'll be getting your strength as you do your tasks. Erebus and Nyx said so. "
"Mother and Father?" He raised his brows.
Achlys rolled her eyes again. "No our servants, yes you dolt." Castiel huffed lightly.
Achlys rolled her eyes. "You know how Hades is, brother. Our parents wanted you to come home earlier on, but Hades wanted you to have a quest to prove your character has been improved." She teased, her shoulders slumped.
Castiel nodded. He knew this was the only thing close to an apology he'll get from his family.
"So thrice damned right now." He murmured.
"You are twice damned now,'' Achlys corrected. "By the end of the journey, your curse will be lifted completely and you can come home. You've proved yourself with the mirror so twice damned." She smiled softly.
That explained it. Cruel, but so like Hades. He clenched his jaws. He was tired of everything.
"You can't say that." Castiel snarled, and paced. The ground was uneven with bones and it hurt his bare feet but he paid them no mind. "You can't predict the future! How can you be so sure I'll be able to come home? How can I trust your word? When," he mocked softly, "I was abandoned by my family. What say it won't happen again?"
Achlys eyes flashed. "Because I'll make sure that happens!" Achlys thundered. "I know you do not trust us, we're not asking you to. I'm just a messenger from Hades to you, offering you a deal. You can rot or not, I care not." The eerie silence was replaced by moans and shrieks of invisible beings, a scythe glowing behind the celestial. Castiel flinched and stopped pacing.
He tried to call his bow, closing his eyes in grief when he realised he couldn't. He was cursed. The words cut him like a sword and he bowed.
Silence ensued once again. Achlys shimmered, her silvery appearance flickering. Those terrible purple eyes glared at him. "Do you accept or not Cassiel, formerly named Eros, child of Nyx and Erebus?"
Castiel smiled bitterly. "I accept your terms," he snarled. "But if you betray me, you and your constipators know that Achlys, the mouth of Hades, King of the underworld you'll suffer."
Achlys snorted and her bird cackled but Castiel wasn't deterred. He was used to being underestimated.
When the hit comes, none will see it.
"Goodbye then brother. Hope to see you in better circumstances." Castiel scoffed but nodded. Achyls twisted her fingers and disappeared.
Edited ( 23/3/22)
The new gif made me update, tbh. Kudos for all who guessed abt Cas. Ice cream or snacks for all who were so patient with me. No, Eros does not look like Harry Styles, don't ask T. T
In greek mythology is the goddess of misery and poisons. There's also the shield of Hercules named Achlys in Homer. But here, she's also a personification of violent death, a minion of Thanatos and a goddess stated above.
Meaning breath of life. Personification of life. ( i made it up btw )
God of passion and senual love. His Roman version is also called Cupid ( pls not the diaper man in tangled.).
In Revival, he is a primordial, not the son of Aphrodite.
In greek mythology is the god of death and king of the underworld. He's also the big brother of Poseidon & Zeus.
The angel of tears, the angel of temperance, or the angel who presides over the deaths of kings in Bible. The name Castiel is said to be inspired by Cassiel.
Nyx and Erebus.
In greek mythology, Erebus is the personification of the deep darkness and shadows, and is the consort of Nyx. Nyx is personification of night. They're are the parents of Moirai too lmao
Actually Eros is their ( Nyx and Erebus ) brother in greek mytho, but in revival I made Eros, their son.
Stórmerki Detta = Mystic Falls
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