chapter one ;
meaty abs? Spicy
Cas has a break down
𝐈𝐌𝐏 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; there is no spelling mistake for the names. I've decided to use the Norse version of the Mikaelsons (only some!).
Mikael will be Mikel, Niklaus will be Nikolaus, Elijah will be Ejnar which means warrior. This only applies to when they're human so don't worry! Special thank you for marvelously_mundanefor helping me out and giving me courage.
Squinting his eyes, he yawned. He tried to turn over only to be met by a resisting force. Not cool.
He understands the need for cuddles but a guy's gotta breathe Leonardo. Erotic asphyxiation is sexy but time and place.
Internally grumbling about cuddly boyfriends, he opened his mouth, ready to yell, only for it to turn into a low cry. What the fuck. Where did his gorgeous accent go off too?
Trying to blink away his sleepiness, he tried to move his arms-wiggling his body only to be pushed into something hard. Chest? Meaty solid abs? When did Leo have abs? Holy shit, now that's spicy.
Eyes wide the hell awake, he stared at the person holding him. Now, Cas as Ted was a giant of nearly six foot three, so naturally not many people could hold him like a damsel in distress like in the movies. Besides, he loved being a big spoon. A sense of deja vu. He shuddered. The person holding him made a shushing sound and rocked him lightly.
Rocked. Him. Well fuck. He got reincarnated. Again. Ignoring the big person he tried to remember exactly how got here.
Red. Screams. Souless blazing coal like eyes staring. Cas gulped. No need to go down there. Another trauma added to the never ending list.
Now, being reincarnated was not a big deal to Castiel. He has been doing this traumatic stuff when humans were still learning how to light a fire. Which took them years to learn until his brother lost his patience and struck down a tree, scaring the crap out of the still learning monkeys. Talk about impatience.
He stared at the person holding the nugget-sized him. Peeking at him,now he had finally opened his eyes- curiously was a familiar blond man with long hair and a harsh face. Seeing the babe's ocean blue eyes staring at him, the blond man face softened. He brought the babe closer to his chest.
Cas appreciated the cuddle. Hugs and cuddles always is.
"The boy seems to be awake, Esther." The man murmured, taking care not to shout. Cas could appreciate that. He decided on the spot that he will love this new father. Most of his parents in his previous lives screamed bloody murder with their excitement or disgust because he was not what they expected while he was having a existential crisis.
Hey, at least he's not a horse this time! Now that's a nasty surprise.
The Moirai do love to mess up with him. Sadistic goddesses, they are.
"Aye husband. Greetings my boy" Another familiar woman in a loose dress came in out of nowhere, making him startle. He tilted his head, curiosity shone through his eyes. Blonde hair braided with an easy going smile, his new mother looked beautiful.
He's going to have good genes, he can tell. The thought pleased him. He is a vain creature. Before being cursed, he was one of the most beautiful creatures in his home. Reincarnation made him resigned to be a dull bull frog or an pathetic insect. He forced down the memories.
"Nikolaus, I see you're awake at last." She greeted him, her light pale blue eyes glittering with joy. "You had us worried with your fever child."
Sorry new mama, I just came to the party, Cas tried to say. Her worried eyes made him feel bad, which didn't make sense. Still, he tried communicating with her. Instead, babbles filled the air making him sigh in annoyance.
He can't wait to be self-sufficient again. Being a baby sucks.
Esther, no mother picked him up from his father, the blond dude ducking his head in respect. Cas inspected his surroundings with a curious eye, ignoring the couple. Esther patting his behind did make him go red thought, much to his father's amusement.
The walls, maybe the house, seemed to be made with timber, he mused. There was a fireplace, fire going on merrily inside. Few logs were kept aside near them, to be used in the future. A few feet across him, pots were kept organised. Wolf skins resided opposite to the fireplace, two cots near them. Cots which were too small for the adults now conversing with themselves.
Siblings? Ew, he will have to bear snotty kids?
What he won't do to be an only child.
Cas peered at his new father from his mother's neck with fascination after an inspection of his surroundings. The man was smiling slightly, nodding at appropriate times but his eyes were focused on his mother eyes, talking excitedly about something she learned. He's so whipped.
Cas loved his new life so far. Call him paranoid but he liked to know his survival rates. Fighting parents weren't new but he still prefers being born to a couple who won't kill each other for fun. Bad memories.
The lady rocked him slowly, making him yawn again. He forgot how much the mini sized him might need sleep.
He was sure Clotho was laughing at him somewhere. He despised sleep.
"We shall introduce him to the village tomorrow then Esther." His father said after some time. He was still looking at his mother who was smiling adoringly at him. Foreplay, yikes. Not in front of him! "Along with Ejnar and Finn. The boys would love to hear that their brother is in good health for now."
I beg your pardon? Cas would've scoffed if it was possible for him. But again, he lamented, survival rates were low at this time period.
He missed living in the twenty-first century sometimes.
"That is what we shall do then, Mikel." His new mama nodded solemnly, looking pointedly at her husband.
Call him daddy already, Cassy. A voice which suspiciously sounded like Leo breathed. Cas' eyes twitched. Mikel gave a small smirk and turned around, giving them both privacy.
Esther stared at him expectantly after a chuckle at her husband's behavior. Cas frowned.
He nearly forgot about this trauma. Another reason why he hated reincarnation. Atleast as Ted, he had formula even if they tasted horrible. Bottles were dignifying for a mighty being like him.
He'll never get over his embarrassment of being breast fed even after doing it for a million times. Cons of reincarnation.
It was after feeding, burping and a fresh change of clothes, that Cas made the connection. He would've been embarrassed if not for the fact that he was having an internal meltdown.
Mikel was still there-now facing the mother, telling Esther about their other boys, his supposed siblings who were staying at Ayanna's for the day.
Mikel. Ejnar. Finn. Ayanna. After all, what are the odds?He doesn't know any Ejnar! Unwanted memories twisted throughout his mind, making him exhale soundly much to his new mother's worry.
The names brought back memories of Ted's time as a teenager. When he used to shove a pillow at his ears just so he could drown the sounds of drama Leo loved to watch. Back then when they were still friends and not tangled.
You know it could be them, a voice which suspiciously sounded like someone he knew came in. After all, multiverse is quite real, Cassiel. The tone of amusement hit straight into his heart.
Stiffening at the sight of Mikel brushing a strand of hair of his new mum's, he hoped he was wrong. Too close, too close.
He just did not get reincarnated to a tv show. A show he ditched half way through when it became obvious that it was going to be all about Elena and her magical pixie dust which refused to float away. A show which is supposed to be made by humans imagination not real world.
But when had that stopped the higher beings from creating ugly messes.
Cas wiggled earnestly now. Breathing shallowly, he hoped the Moirai weren't that sadistic to him this time.
Whose he kidding. Those goddesses made him a frog before! What's say now?
"Nikolaus!" His mother chastised, struggling to support his head and avoid his kicking limbs. "Odin's sake, what has you so distraught, son?"
Because you should be a fictional character? That you'll kill me and try to annihilate my siblings and I existence?
Ugly fat tears rolled over his face, his emotions totally out of his control.
Nikolaus, Esther, Finn, Mikel- Viking era based on the tattoo of Skolf and Hati chasing the moon and sun on Mikel's arms. Viking names, carvings of Thor's hammer. Coincidences, coincidences, coincidences.
His story will not be a fanfiction story, thank you very much!
"Nikolaus!" His father, Mikel shouted, making him still with fright. He stared at the half worried, half sneering face of Mikel, the future big bad hunter aka his body's stepfather. The man, who's going to abuse the hell out of him in the future.
And he said he'll love him. Cas never would be so lucky to have a peaceful life. Cursed traitors don't deserve any.
He'll be a fuckin Original in the future. Why did he think reincarnation wasn't possible into a fictional world?
Eyes growing misty to the horror of the parents, he screamed, making Mikel go flying towards the door and hit the wall with a loud thud.
He heard the voices calling Mikel, his new mother screaming his name. He heard the sounds of footsteps rushing in, but he didn't pay them any heed.
No control over his body or emotions, he wailed; leaving his poor new mother Esther to try and fail to comfort him.
He did not just get reincarnated as Mr I'm a bigshot- fear me Hybrid pants, did he?
He does not want to be a part in this house of clownery.
Edited ; 31st July, 2021
(happy bd harry potter and Neville longbottom)
I'm very satisfied with the chapter now. Something was bugging me last time (honestly, y will Esther say Earth instead of midgard? 🤦♂️)
I changed the names, personal preference if you'll. It was not accurate in the show (only some!). But I'm not an expert so don't try to eat me whole. Any thoughts? Anything you want to see?
Stay safe and hydrated! ♡
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