Boys(?) Days Out
Another day in school had just ended. Takuji was ready to walk home until his cellphone rang. It was a message from Riku. She said she couldn't go home together for today. Club activities she said. Putting a small smile, Takuji replied the message and asked about Asuka. Just after he sent the message,
"Taku! Let's go home!" A girly voice filled the classroom along with the sound of footsteps. It was Asuka. He decided to come to Takuji's class instead of waiting for him.
"Oh, Asuka. I just got the message from Riku. I was asking where were you, but you came here."
"Ehehe, I can't wait to go home together with Taku. It's been quite a while." Asuka smiled. His smile made Takuji a bit nervous. But immediately shrugged it off. The boys in the classroom sent daggering glares toward Takuji out of jealousy.
"Yeah, true. Do you mind if we go shopping for a bit?" asked Takuji while walking out the classroom alongside Asuka. Asuka shook his head.
"No problem, that way I can spend more time with you until we get home."
"Okay. Come then."
Both of them went to the school parking lot to pick Takuji's bicycle. After 10 minutes of walking, they finally arrived at the shopping district.
"What are you going to buy, Taku?" asked Asuka curious.
"Just some groceries. Mom is going home a bit late. And I want to buy new manga and game." Answered Takuji casually.
"Ah, I see. Now that you said that, what kind of mangas and games are you interested in, Taku?"
"Those usual shonen mangas and adventure games. You know 'Tree of Yggdrasil'? It's a new manga, but the plot interests me. So I'm buying that."
"Ahaha, that's so like you Taku. Riku also likes that kind of stuffs. But recently she starts reading light novels."
"Oh really? I should ask her next time. I'm kinda interested to buy one, but I'm more of a manga guy."
They went to supermarket first to buy the groceries. Takuji bought some ingredients for curry and some toiletries too. Since they were in supermarket, Asuka also bought some. Apparently his shampoo ran out this morning. Takuji noticed that Asuka's hair was more like a girl hair instead of boys.
"Hey, Asuka. What shampoo are you using?"
"Just curious though. In my house, everyone used different shampoo type and brand. Are you also like that?"
"Oh, I'm using this 'Strawfreezy'. It smells really good, and the 'cool' is really nice. Here, you can smell it." Asuka suddenly let Takuji smelled his hair. Takuji was a bit surprised and as much as he want to smell it, they were in the public and people might misunderstood him as a pervert with smell fetish. Fortunately, Asuka realized what he had just said, and turned his back with a tinge of blush.
"Sorry, Taku. I didn't mean that. Hehe" Asuka said that while still having an embarrassed face. Takuji let out a small cough and tried to sweep off the awkwardness.
"It's cool. Just don't do it when we were in public okay?"
"Then, it's fine if it just the two of us?" whispered Asuka. Takuji noticed.
"Oh! Ah, nothing. C'mon, let's pay for these and go buy your manga and game." Frantically, Asuka tried to make Takuji hurried his shopping.
"Hey, slow down!". They paid for their respective stuffs. And the cashier unknowingly asked if Asuka and Takuji were dating, since it was a rare sight seeing a teenage couple buying groceries together. Asuka blushed and speechless. Takuji told the cashier that they were not, and they were just friends buying things for their respective needs. The cashier didn't buy it.
"Man, what's up with that lady? So what if we went together? Doesn't really matter, right Asuka?" While still irritated being looked as a couple, Takuji complained while pushing his bike. Asuka trailed behind slowly.
"! Ah! I know that Taku is a good-looking guy, but I'm a guy too! Haah, I expected too much that nobody would mistake me as a girl."
"Well, why don't you stop wearing girls uniform? I mean, you can just ask the school to give you a new uniform." Suggested Takuji while slowing down so Asuka could catch up.
"Hmm, I want to, but at the same time I feel uncomfortable when I'm not wearing girls clothes. Aah, dilemma!" Takuji could only sympathized with his friend. Not long after that, they arrived at the store.
"We're here!"
Both of them enter the store and were welcomed by the owner, Ujitora Rikado.
"Ooh, it's Taku-kun! Looking great in high school uniform, sonny!" Praised the old man while checking out Takuji. And his eyes laid on the girl(?) next to Takuji. "My, my. Just starting high school, and you already got a beautiful girlfriend. Ah, kids these days." Sighed Ujitora happily. Takuji immediately corrected him.
"No no no! This person is just a friend. And he is a guy!"
"Yes, Taku's right! My name is Asuka Nishikawa. I know I'm wearing a female school uniform, but really I'm a guy!" Asuka also tried to tell Ujitora, but he still didn't believe.
"Prove it"
"Well, I need a proof. If you really are a guy, you need to prove it." Demanded Ujitora while crossing his arms.
"What do we do, Taku?"
"I already told you. What else do you need to believe what we said?"
"You don't mind showing me what under that skirt right?"
"Kyaa! No! Please not that!" Asuka clutched his skirt tightly.
"You know, you really are a pervert. Honestly, why would want to see a guy's panties?"
"But you want me to believe you're a guy right? C'mon just a peek." With a perverted look on his face, Ujitora tried to approach Asuka until Takuji stepped in to shield Asuka.
"That's enough. You stop, or I'm leaving. And I will tell everyone that you tried to harass a female student." Threatened Takuji with a serious look on his face. Ujitora and Asuka a bit surprised by Takuji, but Ujitora suddenly laughed. This confused the two friends.
"Oh boy, look at you. Immediately jump in to protect your friend. Don't worry, I believe you. I just want to tease you a bit. Sorry Asuka-chan." Said Ujitora casually. Takuji could only facepalmed and Asuka giggled a bit.
"Sorry for taking up your time. Here's your game and manga. And Asuka-chan, how about you? Do you want to pre-order some mangas or games? I can help." Offered Ujitora while handing the bag containing Takuji's game and manga. Asuka frantically flail his hands.
"Oh, um, it's alright! I'm not really fond of this kind of stuff. Not that I hate it, but not really interested."
"How about give this thing a try?" Ujitora scanned through the bookshelf behind the cashier and gave a manga.
"Is this? 'Miracle Sweetheart Daisuki'?" Asuka said it with amazement all over his face.
"Yes, this is the original manga series. Apparently due to the release of the anime remake, they decided to rerelease it."
"Hee, how do you know about this Asuka?" asked Takuji.
"My cousin watched the anime few days ago in my house. It was so cool! The main character is so cute! The fighting scenes are surprisingly good for a magical girl anime." Asuka eyes were sparkling and he clasped his hands together in admiration.
"Hahaha, I guess you should give this series a shot. I have plenty more if you're interested Asuka-chan." Ujitora gave the manga to Asuka.
"Okay, I think. How much is it, Mr. Shopkeeper?"
"My name is Ujitora. Call me Tora-jiji or Uji. And as a special treat, first time is free for Asuka-chan. So keep it okay?"
"Eh? Really? But I suppose to pay for this right?" Asuka felt bad because he received a free manga.
"Like I said, if you like it and want to buy the next volumes, you can pay starting from that. Just think this one as a gift from me." Convinced Ujitora while rejecting Asuka's offer to pay.
"Just take it Asuka. This old man is quite stubborn you know."
"Haha, you know me Taku-kun!". After chatting for a bit, they left the store and walked home. They finally reached the intersection where they part ways.
"Then, I'll see you tomorrow Asuka. Take care on the way home."
"Um, you too Taku. I had fun today. Thanks for asking me out today."
"I'm the one who supposed to say that. I never hang out with just you. So this is the first time I go out with a friend." Said Takuji while scratching his cheek. Asuka blushed a bit after hearing that, but he was happy that he was the first person.
"Ehehe, I'm happy to hear that. Let's go out again someday, and let's bring Riku along."
"That would be great. Kay, bye man." Takuji turned his way to his house and walked away. Asuka nodded and waved his hand.
"Bye bye!"
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