8 - So the hunt begins
Nora POV
(A month has passed since the last time I saw Alex...and I can't get off of my mind what he told me...)
Flashback ends
(Why...why...why I couldn't see it...how did I never noticed? He...he loves me? B-But why? I never did anything for him, nor was I sincere with him...why does he love me? Does he still love me?...no...he must hate me now. It's all my fault...)
It was a week before the entrance exam and I still couldn't concentrate on the training. I couldn't stop thinking about the expressions on my family's faces, especially my father's one. He was devastated, and since then he kept running around the city, hoping to find him...but nothing...and I couldn't help dad...
(After our last encounter I don't have the courage to look for him myself: I'm afraid of what I could find, of what he could say to me...enough. I must focus on passing the exam, for him, for Alex)
(A month has passed since my last encounter with Nora, and I still can't take her off of my head. I love her...and I hate her...I don't know how is it possible, but I do. I want to make her pay for what she's done to me, I want to make her feel the pain I felt when I discovered that she betrayed me...and I hate Midoriya too. He waited for the right moment to take her away from me...he planned this from the right start...how blind have I been! He was never my friend...he was just a warm waiting for me to leave the apple on the ground, and when I did he quickly crawled to her, faster than my running...he won't outrun me another time. I will make sure to take everything he cares about from him, but first...I want to scare him...
I passed this month training with my father. I've never been so strong and fast.
And now...
I will slowly take my sweet revenge...)
That night I wore my suit and ran to Midoriya's place. Then I saw him through the window of his room. I couldn't stand that stupid smile of his!
(So you want to be a hero that always smiles, huh Midoriya? Well...let's see how you smile now!)
I ran and phased trough the wall of his room and started running around him, shutting the door in the meantime.
(A/N imagine here is Midoriya being threatened, of course he doesn't have a gun. Read down here what happens)
I threw every All Might action figure on the ground, destroying a few. I ripped every single All Might poster. I completely wrecked his room moving like a tornado of red lightnings and, finally, I stuck a knife on the wall, making it hold a photo of his dearest mommy, while writing a sentence over it
<Stay away from Nora>
Then I stopped for a second, for him to see me, then ran out of the room, crashing the window.
Once I was at my home, I took off my cowl and opened my hand, making my father's hologram appear.
Eobard: "Well son, not bad. I'm sure you scared him properly. But what are you planning?"
R/A: "Oh, something very special..."
Timeskip, the entrance exam
Nora POV
(The day has finally come, I'm about to attend my exam. This could be my finish line...or the start of my race. I really hoped to be able to attend it with Midoriya, but I think he's avoiding me...I wonder why...maybe he didn't get over the fact that I said 'no' to him...but I have a feeling that there's more...)
Then I saw him almost falling, I was going to run to him, but a brown haired girl made him float in the air. After that Midoriya saw her and was so embarassed
(Uhh huu~ nice catch Midoriya~)
Then I walked in and they made us seat in a great hall, while Present Mic described to all of us the details of the exam
Everyone: "..."
(Ok, I feel guilty now.)
Present Mic: "What a hard audience today...anyways, here's the details of the entrance exam. There will be three types of robots, that represent three types of enemies, that will give you 1, 2 or 3 points. Destroy as much of them as you can to get points..."
While Present Mic was explaining everything, Midoriya was of course mumbling. I don't like him romantically, but everytime he does it he is so cute! I hope it goes well with the brunette girl he met outside.
???: "Excuse me, mr.?"
A blue haired guy stood up
Present Mic: "Yes, what's your question boy?"
???: "You said that there are three robots, but there are actually four of them. If this is a mistake I am very disappointed from U.A., one of the most prestigious hero schools there is! And you..."
Then he turned towards Midoriya
???: "Stop with your mumbling, it's distracting everyone from hearing the presentation! If you are not willing to take all of this seriously, then you should leave right now!"
(Ok, that's enough)
Nora: "Hey, Glasses, would you shut up! You're not even in U.A. and you already started to criticize a pro hero? Who do you think you are?! And, by the way, you're the only one pissed off by my mumbling friend, who earned his place here with immense struggles, so shut up and don't interrupt, it's rude!"
The guy was speechless, finally! He just sat down in shame, realizing I was right.
Present Mic: "...Ooookay well, let's get back to the exam. I didn't mention the fourth robot because it isn't a target, he doesn't give you any points, so just ignore him. Now go to the gates and get ready to smash some robots! OOOOHHH YEEEEEEEAAAAHHH!"
After the presentation I headed to my gate, that was the same as Midoriya's. I expected him to at least look at me when I defended him, and I hoped to show him that I still cared for him despite saying 'no' to him...but nothing.
(What is wrong with him? Is there really something bigger than that? But what could it be? Anyways I can't think about Midoriya or anything else right now.
Focus Nora...focus...stay calm and do your best...it's just robots, so stay calm)
Present Mic: "GOOO!...What? In real life there's no countdown, so RUUUNN!"
Meanwhile, on top of one of the buildings, a figure dressed in a black coat stood watching
R/A: "So it begins, let me see what you're made of...Nora."
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