4 - Truth
Alex POV
I kept running as fast as I could, until I arrived at Izuku's house. I needed a place to stay and Izuku was my only chance at this point. I walked to the front door and rang the bell
Inko: "I'm coming! *arrives at the door* Who is it?"
Alex: "It's me, Alex."
Inko: " *opens the door* Hey, dear, is everything ok?"
Alex: "Not really...look, I know it's all sudden but...I kinda need a place to stay..."
Inko: "What? What happened, Alex?"
Alex: "I-I can't tell you the details... *starts tearing a bit* I know that this isn't a sufficent answer, but...I-I..."
Inko: "Hey, hey...it's okay, dear. Come in, you can stay for a bit."
Alex: "Thank you..."
After I came inside I saw Izuku and instinctively hugged him. He hugged me back, and after a while we went in his room.
Alex: "Wow...it's practically a sanctuary."
Izuku: "This is so embarrassing!"
Alex: "Hey it's okay: it's just like my room, only.......Flash themed..."
Izuku: "R-Really? It's so cool! Wait, why the pause?"
Alex: "Well...it is complicated..."
Izuku: "Do you wanna talk about it?"
Alex: "O-Okay...but you must promise me that you will never ever tell anybody!"
Izuku: "Okay."
Alex: "Promise."
Izuku: "I promise."
Alex: "Good. You see...don't freak out okay?"
Izuku: "Okay."
Alex: "I discovered that my...father...is the Flash."
Izuku: "..."
Alex: "Ehm...Izu-"
Izuku: "WHAT?!"
Alex: " *covers his mouth* I said don't freak out!"
Inko: "Is everything okay in there?"
Alex: "Yes, Inko, it's okay!"
I started to tell Izuku everything that happened, from the incident with the car to the revelation, when I finished he was speechless.
Izuku: "Wow, I mean...woah..."
Alex: "Yeah..."
Izuku: "Now what will you do? Will you still become a hero?"
Alex: "I don't really know...I just wish that everything was as it always has been..."
*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*
Izuku: "Someone's calling you."
I took the phone and saw that it was Nora.
(Nora...how could you out of everyone?)
I ignored the call, I didn't want to talk to them.
Alex: "Do you know what's the funny part of this story?"
Izuku: "Mhh?"
Alex: "Today's my Birthday, nice present I got huh?"
Izuku: "I'm really sorry, Alex..."
Then I recieved a message, I checked, thinking that it was one of my 'family', but I saw that it was from an unknown number, so I read it
<Greetings, mr. Thawne. Would you like to know more about your father? If that's the case follow this destination, and do it quickly.>
(Thawne...this isn't who I am, right? My father...I don't know if I can trust, but this could be the only chance to know what happened to him...)
Alex: "I have to go."
Izuku: "What?"
Alex: "Look, I just recieved a message with a destination. I think it's about my real father..."
Izuku: "Really? Are you sure you wanna go alone?"
Alex: "Yeah, I have to, but thanks anyway."
Izuku: "Okay. Good luck my friend."
Alex: "Thanks, my friend."
We hugged, then I waved at Inko and, just as I got outside, I started running to the location indicated, until I reached a strange building...
The message showed me that the alarms would go off right after I would get in, so I had to be fast, since there wasn't another way in. I activated my powers and ran inside the building. The map on the message showed a secret passage inside a corridor, but I couldn't find the secret door, so I started touching the wall and suddently it opened. When I got inside it was dark, but as soon as I stepped in more, the lights turned on and I saw
(A/N imagine Cisco is Alex)
Alex: "Woah...what is this place?"
Then I cautiously approached the strange white pillar on the ground, it had a strange grey circle on top of it. I tried to touch it, and then
Blue lights turned on and a strange figure appeared in front of me
???: "Greetings, mr. Thawne, I'm happy you recieved the message."
Alex: "Who...who are you?"
Gideon: "I am Gideon, a virtual A.I. created by Barry Allen."
Alex: "So my step-father hid you too from me..."
Gideon: "Actually mr. Allen doesn't currently know of my existence."
Alex: "Hmpf...it seems that I finally know something he doesn't. Why did you send me the message, Gideon?"
Gideon: "It was a special request from your father."
Alex: "M-My father...?"
Gideon: "Yes, mr. Eobard Thawne."
Alex: "Did you know him?"
Gideon: "Yes, I worked for him before his death."
Alex: "How did he die?"
Gideon: "He died in his last fight against his arch nemesis, the Flash."
Alex: "Did he...k-kill him?"
Gideon: "Not directly, but yes: Barry Allen is responsible for Eobard Thawne's death."
Alex: " *panting from anxiety" Oh...my...God...I can't believe it...oh my God..."
(My fath...Barry...killed my father...he's not just a liar...he's a murderer...I lived my whole life with a murderer...I can't believe this...it cannot be true)
Gideon: "I can see that this revelation deeply hit you. You should know that before his death, your father left a video-message for you, along with two gifts."
Alex: "Can you let me see it?"
Gideon: "Of course, mr. Thawne. Play video record of doctor Wells, 15 January, 2014."
*video starts*
Wells: "Hello, Alexander."
Alex: "D-Dad?"
Eobard: "I'm sure you have a lot of questions now, you're confused, I know. So I thought to make this little video to tell you a few things before my departure. But it's better if I introduce myself first, my name is Eobard Thawne, and I come from the future like your mother, Rose, a newsreporter. I'm currently known by the name of dr. Harrison Wells because *whispers* I'm on a secret mission *stops whispering* . And I think that I'm not going to win this time.
When I met your mother, it was love at first sight, we found eachother. You were born on the 15th of January so...happy birthday! Your mother didn't make it though. I want you to know that it is not your fault, so don't ever think that: sometimes bad things just happen, we can't do much about it. And I want you to know another thing...these two years with you have been the happiest of my entire life."
Alex: " *tears up* D-Dad..."
Eobard: "You brought light in me, and I love you with all my heart. I'm so sorry I won't be able to watch you take your first steps, your first fallen tooth, your first run, and watch you become the great man I know you will be. I hope that you find people you care about, and that care about you. But if it won't be the case, I wish you to find your own path. Do whatever you think it's necessary to accomplish your goals and desires, never let anyone decide for you and be always one, two, ten steps ahead of those who'll try to stop you."
Alexander: "I will, dad."
Eobard: "I told Gideon to send you this message once you reached your 16th birthday, and to celebrate it I got you two presents: you'll find the first one at the right side of the white pillar in front of you."
Then some sort of light blue memory card or USB pen came out, I took it and kept listening
Eobard: "That's a memory unit that contains my memories and concience, so that you'll recieve all the help you can get. If you're wondering where to download it, look at the second gift coming out of the left side of the pillar."
Then a little black case came out. I took it and opened it...inside of it there was a golden ring with a lightning.
Eobard: "Now wear the ring and go near the wall on your left, immediately in front of the entrance. Once you're there touch the wall with the front face of the ring."
I did as dad said, then a secret door opened, and inside...
...a beautiful yellow suit!
Eobard: "Now put the memory unit inside the red circle."
When I did it I heard Gideon's voice
Gideon: "Memory unit downloaded and equipped inside the suit."
Eobard: "Finally, put the ring inside the red circle and retrieve your second present."
Right after the suit disappeared and went inside the golden ring.
Eobard: "From now on, everytime you'll need it, just press the lightning symbol and extend your arm, then run through and you'll wear your suit. When you want to take it off, press again the lightning.
Now remember, son: I love you and I will always be with you, I wish you all the best, be strong.
Run, Alexander, run!"
Gideon: "End of the message."
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